July New Moon: Focus On Family

Published: Tue, 07/09/13

July 2013 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #189
"As I share my abundance with others, more and more comes my way."


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Hello Everyone,
I hope that your summer is off to a great start and that you had some holiday time to celebrate July 4th. Click the link below to listen to a fun audio postcard that my daughter prepared for NH Public Radio. The July new moon was Monday, July 8th. There is still time to set your intentions and reap the benefits.

This newsletter is short on purpose. It's time to spend more time outside and enjoy the summer.

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages. I'm teaching full time for SNHU this summer and scheduling feng shui appointments as time permits.

Enjoy July!


Rattling in the Summer Solstice
My husband, daughter and I had the pleasure of attending a fire ceremony on the Summer Solstice, hosted by Carol Young, one of my former feng shui students and graduates. It was a beautiful evening in the NH mountains. Listen to NH Public Radio's audio post card that my daughter prepared. It's a nice recap. Some of you know Carol. Contact her if you'd like to attend a future Fire Ceremony.

July New Moon: Focus on Family 

New moons are about new beginnings. Each month we have an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with the energies that influence us each day. The July 8 new moon fell in the sign of Cancer. Although you are reading this after the new moon this month, you can still reap some benefits by attending to your Family gua.  This is the left center area of your home and workplace.

This is a favorable time to strengthen your physical, emotional and financial foundations. You might reflect on your family circumstances to identify and release any lingering or unresolved childhood issues or relationships that you would like to shift or improve. Look for evidence in your home that supports the very things you'd like to change. This might manifest as family photos that you never liked or ones that were taken under tense or adverse circumstances, heirlooms you never cared for, dead or waning plants and flowers, paper piles that have long been ignored, collections of clutter, overstuffed closets or bookcases, broken or worn out windows, leaky plumbing, electrical problems, or any areas of low, stuck energy.

July is a good month to revitalize the Family area of your house, every room in your house, as well as your yard. What is happening in the left center area of your yard or land? Is any maintenance in order? From a feng shui perspective, Family is a "Wood" area and the color is spring green. Think tree energy. Picture a gorgeous tree in full bloom with deep roots. Enhancements for this area include:

Flowers, plants,
Floral fabrics and designs
Spring green, blue
Wooden things
Water feature
Happy family, ancestor photos
Things reminding you of good health
Tall rectangular shapes
Free flowing, wavy shapes
Stripes, columns

Have fun re-energizing your Family gua this month. Tune in to the results of your intentions beginning with the July 22 full moon.

If you want a head start for August, begin to clean and revitalize your Children and Joy gua, the right center side of your space.

A Bit About Our Times ... Mercury Retrograde Through July 20
The planet Mercury went retrograde June 26th and continues through July 20th. Mercury is the planet that rules communications. As Mercury appears to back up in the sky, communications easily get confused and mixed up. We typically experience more mechanical breakdowns as well. Take extra care and allow more room in your schedule. This is a perfect time for summer vacation and to re-do, re-consider, repair, review, and re-work many things. Wait until July 22 to purchase electronics or sign contracts. You can make things easy on yourself and experience fewer obstacles by allowing more leeway in your schedule. Be proactive. Take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle and you'll have an easier time.

Star of David ... A Rare Occurrence
on July 29 
Madeline Gerwick tells us that we'll experience a rare planetary formation know as a Star of David on Monday, July 29th. This is formed by two interlocking grand trines (triangles) that form a 6-pointed star in outer space. Such periods are excellent starting something new, signing contracts, distributing information and products, and promotions. It's an excellent time to begin a new direction in your life as well. Since this falls under a third quarter moon, you'll need to put these activities into motion before then. Make a note to use this date well.
Environmental Toxins, Bees, and Your Health 
Lynne McTaggart's blog about pesticides being identified as the culprit behind the collapse of bee colonies is worth reading. This is another reason to support your local farmers and purchase organic foods, grass fed beef, free range chickens, and chemical free products. If you use Roundup or chemical-based cleaning products, it's time to select alternatives. Personally I think it's much easier to live with a few weeds and less than perfect lawns. Our product choices do matter.

Consultations and Related Services

July Newsletter Special:
45 Minute Consultations

via Telephone or Web: $45.00  

(Mention the July Newsletter to receive the reduced rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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