Spotlight on Opportunities and Career

Published: Tue, 04/02/13

April Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #91
"As within, so without. As I truly feel abundance, I experience abundance."


365 Affirmations


Upcoming Events

April 9th, 2013
Eight Keys to the Ultimately Prosperous Business

8 session Tele-course begins.
8:00 - 9:15pm EST

From your telephone.
This program will be recorded.



Dorm Room Feng Shui for the college student in your life!

Dorm Room Feng Shui  
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.


Favorite Astrology Perspectives

Other Links of Interest

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Hello Everyone,
Although the calendar says its spring, winter's extended stay in New England and much of the country is beginning to take its toll as we yearn to be outside in warmer weather. This month's stories, tips and links may capture your interest as we wait for spring to emerge. April is an excellent month to focus on ourselves and our spaces. Less is more.

Madeline Gerwick and I will be teaching Eight Keys to the Ultimately Prosperous Business Tele-course beginning Tuesday, April 9th at 8:00pm Eastern time. I highly recommend this course if you are feeling stuck and wish to change your patterns by applying energetic techniques. This course is for everyone, not just for those in business.

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

Enjoy April!


April 10th New Moon in Aries: Spotlight on Opportunities and Career

We have a new moon in the sign of Aries on Wednesday, April 10th. The Aries new moon ushers in a period where the focus is on you, your physical appearance, your opportunities, personal freedom, and your passions. The corresponding area of your house is the Career gua. This is the front center of your home, every room in your home, your land and your office or place or business. 

Aries, the first house in the zodiac, represents a time of new beginnings. Correlating nicely with spring, it is a time of emergence after the slower and darker months of winter. Our instinct is to start something new. We may feel more spontaneity, enthusiasm, impulse and courage.

The Career sector of your home is about your Life Path and the opportunities that come your way. To attract more opportunities and/or the right opportunities, refresh the center front of your home and every room in your home prior to April 10th. Set an intention for your life path or Career when the new moon arrives, meditate on it, and then observe what happens and participate in its unfolding beginning with the April 25th full moon and lunar eclipse. 

In many homes the front door is located in the Career gua. This is quite nice since from a feng shui perspective the front door is the most important area in our homes. It is known as the mouth of chi. The condition of your front door heavily influences the quality of energy that enters your home. Refreshing and energizing a centrally located front door also energizes your career and the opportunities that come your way. This is an excellent month to refresh your front door and surrounding area.

The Career gua is energized by the Water element. From a feng shui perspective Water is represented by glass, mirrors, reflective surfaces, black and dark blue, wavy, swirling shapes. A ship or pictures of lakes, harbors, or ocean views make a nice enhancement in this area.

What is in the front center of your home and what can you do to bring new energy and new opportunities your way?

If you are looking for a new job, read my article "Nine Tips for Finding the Perfect Job" in the March 2013 newsletter.

Feeling Stuck or Left Behind? Release Your Self-Sabotaging Patterns

I am hearing from, and about, people being stuck in longstanding patterns and situations that are frustrating, uncomfortable, and less than they desire. Some of the people in these situations are very aware of energy and have been working hard to change their situations, without tangible progress or in some cases, with setbacks. Other people are not aware and/or don't have a clue about how their actions influence their circumstances. Self sabotage is the common denominator in both ends of this spectrum. Self sabotage happens when we get in our own way and stop the flow of progress. Self sabotage includes: lack of clarity about what you really want, holding or expressing self limiting beliefs, feeling that you don't deserve what you want, negative or self defeating self talk, paralysis and inaction, overlooking blessings that have come your way, pushing things away (For instance: "No, You shouldn't have ...!") lack of appreciation or gratitude, complaining about your situation, gossiping about others, and more.

Your personal energy is always aligned with what is happening in your life. So, if life is not going the way you want, you must raise your personal frequency or vibration to become a match for what you want. Feng Shui can assist with this. Don't you always feel better when your space feels great? When you feel good, situations on that same energy wave will begin to show up. Your job is to get out of your own way and allow them in.

Specific actions you can take to raise the vibration of your space include:

  • Add a fresh plant or vase of flowers for an instant and affordable shift.
  • Clear away clutter (anything you don't us or love)
  • Fix anything/everything that is broken
  • Make sure all plumbing and electric is working well!
  • Clear clogged drains, eliminate drips
  • Replace burnt out light bulbs
  • Wash your windows to assist with clear vision
  • Vacuum and dust ... including all corners
  • Clean and reorganize closets
  • Eliminate paper piles
  • Replace old and dated things with something current and inspiring
  • Make seasonal adjustments ... lighten up for spring
  • Refresh your front entrance; Make sure all doors work properly and open fully
  • Open your windows, let fresh air invigorate your space
  • Add vibrant color ... napkins, a tablecloth, pillows, linens, inspiring art
  • Place a bowl of colorful fresh fruit in a central location
  • Play beautiful music
  • Hang a crystal or wind chime with intention

 If you have time, give your home a good old-fashioned, thorough spring cleaning and notice how things shift for you.

WiFi and Schools ... Take Note If You Have School-Age Children
We live in a wireless world. The dilemma is that we do not know the true impact of this technology on our health and that of our children. Children are more vulnerable because their bodies are smaller and the electromagnetic fields penetrate their brains more easily and more deeply. If the information about WiFi in schools is accurate, children are being exposed to unprecedented levels of microwave radiation every school day. As a result, an entire generation of children could grow up while we learn more about what is really happening.

Fortunately, the WiFi issue in public schools is gaining momentum. In recent days I received two significant posts from EM Facts Consultancy related to WiFi in the Los Angeles school system. The first is about a letter from the American Academy of Environmental Medicine to the Los Angeles Unified School District about the proposal to install Wi-Fi in Los Angeles schools. In short, the letter states that "the WiFi systems in schools are typically hundreds of times more powerful than the home consumer systems you may be familiar with. They are also dozens of times more powerful than the cafe and restaurant systems you may have been exposed to. The WiFi systems in schools are necessarily more powerful than any microwave communication systems in any other setting because they are required to run hundreds of computers simultaneously. They are also exposing children ‐ the most vulnerable to microwave radiation ‐ to extended periods all day, for their entire childhood. This is an unprecedented exposure with unknown outcome on the health and reproductive potential of a generation." Read the post here.

The second is about a resolution the LA Teacher's Union passed to ensure safety from wireless technology. The United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), representing over 40,000 teachers and other workers in LAUSD, passed the following motion by a sweeping majority: "that UTLA will abide by current National NEA Policy for Environmentally Safe Schools which states that all employees and stakeholders should be informed when there are changes in their exposure to environmental hazards including electromagnetic radiation and that all stakeholders and the public should be notified of any actual and potential hazards. UTLA will advocate for technological solutions that maintain technology upgrades while not increasing employees exposure to electromagnetic radiation." Read the post here.
Disconnect ... Recommended Movie Opening April 12th
Shortly after I had I finished writing about wireless in schools, a related post from Arianna Huffington, President and Editor-in-Chief at The Huffington Post Media Group, came to me. On March 27, Huffington published a review of Disconnect, a new movie that is opening on April 12. Read her review if you are on LinkedIn

The bottom line is that it is time to unplug from our 24/7 dependence on technology and reconnect with ourselves and those we care about. From a feng shui perspective, we have long recommended that you make your bedroom a sanctuary, in part, by removing TVs and omitting all electronics. The healthy home movement (bau-biologie) goes further by recommending that you also shut off all wireless routers before sleeping as well as the electrical circuits in your bedroom. Cell phones for children under 16 are not recommended, yet so many children not only have one, they carry it in their pocket while being turned on. 

Evidence is mounting that overuse of social technology is contributing to higher levels of social isolation, changing brain patterns (and not for the better), a decline in overall health and well-being, and now our capacity to connect with each other. In other words, we may think we are more connected than ever before, but we are actually moving further apart.

This movie has a message that is worth our attention and discussion. It's on my list to see.

Two Links That May Be of Interest:

Here is a link to the film Finding Joe  that is available for free on You Tube. This is worth watching, particularly if you would like to shift your life. It runs 1 hour 20 minutes. It is about Joseph Campbell's work and the theme of the "Heroes Journey" ... a process that each of us goes through as we live our lives. It is well worth your time. 

Here's a link to an excellent New York Time column about how Less is More :  It is possible for each of us to create fundamental shifts to improve the quality our lives. It's a matter of taking charge and making it happen through whatever way works best for you.

Feng Shui Interview Series
Brenni Larson has a three month project underway where she is interviewing 24 leading feng shui experts about various topics and feng shui practices. You can listen live or listen to the replay within 48 hours, for free. I have learned from many of these teachers over the years. I highly recommend this series, if you would like to expand your feng shui knowledge.

The interviews include conversations with Karen Kingston, Karen Rauch Carter, Terah Collins, Stephanie McWilliams, Carol Hyder, Carol Assa, Elliot Tanzer, Peggy Nederlof, Ann Bingley Gallops, Candace Vorhaus, R.D. Chin, Maureen Calamia, Werner Brandmaier, Marise Hamm, Mary Jane Kasliner, Melanie Ferreira, Eric Dowsett, Carol Olmstead, LuAnn Cibik, Katherine Metz, James Jay, Yasha Jampolsky, Mary Shurtleff, and Lois Kramer Perez.

Consultations and Related Services

April Newsletter Special:
1 Hour Career Consultations $75.00  

(Mention the April Newsletter to receive the reduced rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.