January Feng Shui News

Published: Sun, 12/31/17

January 2018 Newsletter​​​​​​​
In This Issue 
  • Your Feng Shui Forecast for January
  • Winter Reflections
  • Waking Up in 5D: The Heart Leads the Way
  • Home Feng Shui Tip
  • Business Feng Shui Tip​​​​​​​
  • Prosperity Affirmation
  • Two Free Gifts!
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Happy New Year! It seems that 2018 arrived quickly. Snow is deep is NH’s Mt. Washington Valley and it’s a bit cold. It’s also gorgeous here. As I drove around a few days after a recent storm, the ice-covered trees were sparkling in the sunlight. It was awe-inspiring. Although it’s cold and snowy, I love and appreciate winter. It’s a season to slowdown, go inward, reflect on your life and decide how and what you want to shift.

Even if you’re in a warmer climate, you can also slow down and reflect during winter. Paying attention to nature and living in cycle with the seasons can help you to live a healthy and vibrant life.

January is a month to focus on your Fame gua (due to the new moon in Capricorn), the center back of your space. Many important health matters are energetically linked to this area. You might reflect on the relationship between your space and your health this month.

Enjoy January!


Your January Feng Shui Forecast
  • Jan 1: Full moon
  • Jan 16: New Moon (Capricorn) … Fame Gua
  • Jan 31: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse

January begins and ends with a full moon this year. The January 1 full moon is a super moon, where the moon is close to the earth, so it appears larger than usual. It’s also known as a Wolf Moon. The January 31 full moon is a blue moon because it’s the second new moon of the month. We also have a Lunar Eclipse with the January 31 full moon...

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Winter Reflections
Winter is a season for personal reflection and growth. Nature pauses as animals hibernate and plants rest. Stillness takes over. It’s a time for humans to follow nature’s lead and to slow down, observe what’s happening, rest and reflect too. Things do not stop during winter. Rather, roots grow deeper and strength develops...
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Waking Up in 5D: The Heart Leads the Way

Maureen St. Germain’s new book, Waking Up in 5D, provides guidance for living well in our current times. Reading this book is a great way to begin 2018 on a new note.

Allowing your heart to lead the way goes well with this month’s focus on the Fame gua and heart energy. In recent years science had provided compelling evidence of how your heart leads your brain and your feelings drive your thoughts....


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Home Feng Shui Tip: Keep a Clear Path
Cozy coffee and fireplace

It’s winter. It’s time to make sure you maintain a clear and open path to your front door. A blocked path is an obstacle that prevents a free flow of energy. By March you might be experiencing “cabin fever” and feel like you need a break.

I’ve had a few clients over the years with snow-packed paths and blocked front doors during the winter months. They were experiencing low energy, depression, and business slowdowns. As soon as they cleared the snow and opened the pathways, the chi flowed again, and things improved.

If you can’t maintain a clear path by yourself, hire someone to do it for you. Doing so will help your health, your energy level and your disposition.

Personally, I enjoy going outside after a snowstorm and clearing the paths to our doors. It’s energizing and refreshing.

Business Feng Shui Tip: Energize Your Fame Gua
Broken Mouse

Energize the center back of your space, the Fame gua, to bring more attention to your business. This area is energized by the Fire element. You might add something red, a green plant or live tree, an item that reflects your business or customers, a light, electronics, pictures of customers or clients, images or items that reflect your business. This is an important space that can help you and your business become more visible.

If you have any clutter, remove it! Clutter holds you back and stops you in your tracks. Are the windows dirty? If so, wash them or have them cleaned. Dirty windows contribute to cloudy or foggy thinking and outlooks. Is anything broken? If so, remove it or have it repaired. Such items hold you and your business back.

Audit the Fame areas of your work spaces, the center back of each room, and make sure they are in the best shape possible.


Prosperity Affirmation
From Peg's 365 Affirmations For Prosperity.  Buy Your Copy and get inspiration for every day of the year! 
Two Free Gifts for January!

I have two gifts for you this month!

2018 Flying Stars Update Download

First is my 2018 Flying Stars update. Click here download the Influences and Adjustments for this year.

Contact me (email: peg@fengshuiconnections.com) if you would like me to customize this for your home or workplace.

Unravel 2018 Planner

Second is Unravel 2018 … If you missed it above, here’s a link to Susannah Conway’s annual planner. This is a thoughtful guide to help you focus your intentions and energy for 2018.

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information
  • Life Coaching
  • I Ching Readings
  • Feng Shui Consultations
  • Office Feng Shui Consultation
  • Fashion Feng Shui Consultations
  • Business Feng Shui Consultations
  • Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
  • Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
  • Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
A Presentation, Workshop, or Class
I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.
Upcoming Schedule

I’ll be out of the country and away from email from January 10 – February 10. Chinese New Year is February 16, 2018. It’ll be the year of the Yang Earth Dog. February 4th is the day to do your annual adjustments, if you know what to do. If not, contact me for an annual update after February 10th. I’ll be doing mine then also.

Email peg@fengshuiconnections.com, or call or text for an onsite, phone or Zoom appointment: 603 867-4347.

Click Here for a text-only version of the newsletter
Thank you for reading!  Please pass along to anyone who might like to read this as well.

Peg Donahue
Feng Shui Connections
(603) 867-4347​​​​​​​