June Feng Shui News

Published: Fri, 06/02/17

June 2017 Newsletter​​​​​​​
In This Issue 
  • Your Feng Shui Forecast for June
  • Celebrate Summer Solstice
  • Home Tip: Feng Shui Prep for Father's Day
  • Office Tip: Remove Negative Items to Boost Business
  • Craftsman-Style Masterpiece: The Gamble House
  • Are Biogeometry Signatures the Answer to EMF's?
  • Prosperity Affirmation
  • June Special: 30% Bagua Map Placement
  • Ask a Question . . . Get an Answer!
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I love this time of year! Summer unofficially started with Memorial Day weekend, the days are continuing to get longer, it feels great to spend more and more time outdoors.

If you have something important to do, June is a good month to get it done. The energies will be a bit more challenging during July and August. In August, we have a lunar eclipse on August 7 followed by a total solar eclipse on August 21.

The August 21 eclipse will be seen across the entire USA for the first time in 99 years. On June 21, the Summer Solstice, NASA has a two-hour, nationally televised, live event scheduled to learn more about the eclipse (https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/save-date-june-21-2017). Fourteen states will experience two minutes of darkness during the middle of the day and all states will experience some darkness.

Enjoy June. Happy Father’s Day to every Dad!

Your June Feng Shui Forecast
Find out how to set intentions for the upcoming moon cycle & Mercury going direct.
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Home Tip: Feng Shui Prep for Father's Day
Prepare your home to make the create energy for his holiday.
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Celebrate Summer Solstice
From a feng shui perspective, the season of summer correlates with the Fame gua.  Learn how to enhance this part of your life. 
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Office Tip: Remove Negative Items
To strengthen your business, remove items from your office or business environment that do not reinforce your business in a positive manner...
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Craftsman-Style Masterpiece: The Gamble House
I was able to visit this historical landmark on a recent trip to Pasadena.  Come along for the tour of this wonderful home!
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Are Biogeometry Signatures the Answer to EMF's?
Biogeometry provides a way to harmonize your cellular energy as well as your environment using the subtle energy of geometric shapes that are worn as jewelry and/or via small geometric objects placed in your living or working space. ​​​​​​​
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Prosperity Affirmation
From Peg's 365 Affirmations For Prosperity.  Buy Your Copy and get inspiration for every day of the year! 
June Special: Place the Bagua on Your Floor Plan

Are you unsure with how to apply feng shui to your home or workspace or do you have a unique floor plan or plot plan that doesn’t easily fit into the feng shui bagua? People are often stumped when it comes to placing the feng shui bagua. If you’re among them, this month’s special can help. Send your floor plan along via email (peg@fengshuiconnections.com) and Peg Donahue will lay the bagua and explain it to you. This could be an easy way to help you move along the feng shui track.

June special: $60.00

(Mention the June Newsletter to receive this special.)

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information
  • Life Coaching
  • I Ching Readings
  • Feng Shui Consultations
  • Office Feng Shui Consultation
  • Fashion Feng Shui Consultations
  • Business Feng Shui Consultations
  • Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
  • Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
  • Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
A Presentation, Workshop, or Class
I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.
Ask a Question . . . Get an Answer!

Questions you might ask this month:

  • What are the most effective ways to energize my Helpful People gua?
  • My Helpful People gua is missing! What do I do? (Send a floor plan.)
  • I don’t know what to do. I lack answers. How can feng shui help?
  • How do the Helpful People and Prosperity areas influence each other?
  • What’s “Dad” got to do with how things unfold in my life?

For feng shui tips, send along a photo and a brief explanation of the problem or what you’d like to shift or change. Peg will email you suggestions. $45.00 for one room or area; $60.00 for two. Email your photo to peg@fengshuiconnections.com. She’ll verify receipt, provide tips and send an invoice for online payment. Include your phone number if you’d prefer to chat by phone for up to 20 minutes.

Upcoming Events

No events are scheduled for the summer months.​​​​​​​
Appointments Available at Just Naturals
If you’d like to meet with Peg onsite at Just Naturals, Bedford, NH, email, call or text Peg for an appointment: (603) 867-4347.
Click Here for a text-only version of the newsletter
Thank you for reading!  Please pass along to anyone who might like to read this as well.

Peg Donahue
Feng Shui Connections