July Feng Shui News

Published: Sat, 07/01/17

July 2017 Newsletter​​​​​​​
In This Issue 
  • Your Feng Shui Forecast for July
  • The Feng Shui Bagua Map Made Easy
  • Home Tip: House Numbers
  • Office Tip: Study a Photo
  • Feng Shui for Your Front Door
  • Overwhelmed?  Read this!
  • Prosperity Affirmation
  • July Special: Emotional Freedom & Healing Session
  • Ask a Question . . . Get an Answer!
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as far as possible.

​​​​​​​Click Here for a text-only version of the newsletter 


It's summer! This is a time to bring more fun, spontaneity, whimsy and joy to your life.

Doing so actually helps you to manifest whatever you’re focusing on. So, make sure that you’re focusing on what you want (vs. what you don’t want).

I hear and see many people fretting about what’s wrong, gossiping or spreading stories of other people’s faults or problems, taking things personally and then being frustrated or angry about situations in their lives and much more. Then they say that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work because they’re not getting what they want. What they don’t realize is that they’re experiencing more of what they’re focused on. The Law of Attraction works quite well. Your experiences are always on the same wave length as the energy you’re emitting via your feelings, thoughts and actions. If what’s showing up is not what you want, change your feelings and thoughts while also improving the energy of your space.

Summer is meant to be fun. Enjoy July.


Your July Feng Shui Forecast
The June 23 new moon in Cancer aligned with the Family area of your home and workspaces, the center-left sectors...
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Home Tip: Place House Numbers Going Up
Placement of your house number on your house or property is a feng shui detail that’s easily overlooked....
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The Feng Shui Bagua Map Made Easy
Understanding the bagua in relation to your home or office can provide you an important and valuable means to adjust your space to enhance your life....
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Office Tip: Study a Photo of your Office
Sometimes it’s easier and more effective to see things in photos that you overlook with your own eyes...
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Feng Shui For Your Front Door: 9 Important Tips
From a feng shui perspective, your front door is the most important area of your home or business...
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Are You Overwhelmed?  Read This!
On a recent day when I was fully immersed in my upcoming move, the perfect Abraham-Hicks quote showed up in my email. It said that “overwhelm is a sign that you’re not ready to receive what you’ve asked for!”...
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Prosperity Affirmation
From Peg's 365 Affirmations For Prosperity.  Buy Your Copy and get inspiration for every day of the year! 
July Special: Release Stuck Emotions with an Emotional Freedom & Healing Session

Emotional Freedom and Healing (EF&H) is a very effective process that releases emotions that are deeply held or entrenched at the cellular level. The process is a combination of tapping acupressure points while repeating release statements, deep breathing and expressing positive affirmations. Peg facilitates the process via telephone and taps right along with you. The process takes about an hour and many clients report profound shifts.

Recently Peg heard from a client about steps she’s taking to heal a brain injury that’s been with her since childhood, more than 40 years. Her mom indicated that her

daughter’s healing progress accelerated after her daughter did an EF&H session with Peg about 18 months ago to release her fear and resistance to healing.

Click here to learn more about EF&H

July special: Save $50 … pay $130.00 vs. $180.00 for a personalized session. Recordings on a series of topics are available through Polaris Business Guides at a lower rate of $25 and $35 per topic.  Click here to learn more

(Mention the July Newsletter to receive this special.)

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information
  • Life Coaching
  • I Ching Readings
  • Feng Shui Consultations
  • Office Feng Shui Consultation
  • Fashion Feng Shui Consultations
  • Business Feng Shui Consultations
  • Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
  • Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
  • Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
A Presentation, Workshop, or Class
I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.
Ask a Question . . . Get an Answer!

Questions you might ask this month:

  • How can I bring more spontaneity and whimsy into my life?
  • How do the Family and Children’s guas influence each other?
  • My Children’s gua is blocked! What can I do? (Send a floor plan.)
  • I’m overwhelmed. How can feng shui help?

For feng shui tips, send along a photo and a brief explanation of the problem or what you’d like to shift or change. Peg will email you suggestions. $45.00 for one room or area; $60.00 for two. Email your photo to peg@fengshuiconnections.com. She’ll verify receipt, provide tips and send an invoice for online payment. Include your phone number if you’d prefer to chat by phone for up to 20 minutes.

Upcoming Events

No events are scheduled for the summer months.​​​​​​​
Appointments Available at Just Naturals
If you’d like to meet with Peg onsite at Just Naturals, Bedford, NH, email, call or text Peg for an appointment: (603) 867-4347.
Click Here for a text-only version of the newsletter
Thank you for reading!  Please pass along to anyone who might like to read this as well.

Peg Donahue
Feng Shui Connections
(603) 867-4347​​​​​​​