October News: Tune-Up Relationships!

Published: Mon, 10/03/16

2016 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #275:
“I tap into my heart space today and see beauty and abundance throughout my world.”​​​​​​​

Do you know of someone living in a college dorm or a small space? Dorm Room Feng Shui can help to create an environment that supports their success and aspirations.
Dorm Room Feng Shui  
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Akashic Record Readings:

Favorite Astrology Perspectives

Other Links of Interest
Hello Everyone,
September flew by for me! Did it for you, too? During September I spent one week in New Foundland, Canada and the next week in Hollywood, CA. What a contrast. The trips got me thinking about how the chi of your location influences your experiences. I included a reflection in this newsletter.

October is a great month to shift between your inner world and outer environment. The balance between day and night tipped in favor of shorter days and longer nights beginning with the autumn equinox. Yin energy will continue to deepen each day until it peaks at the Winter Solstice, as yang energy wanes. This is part of the ebb and flow of life and our natural cycles. You may find that you need more sleep, compared to the summer months.

As the shorter, cooler days set in, you’ll likely be spending more time indoors. Thus, it’s a great time to give more attention to your home and workspace. Outside in the garden, the best time plant your bulbs for spring bloom is during the third quarter moon (Oct 21-29). Since this is the most yin time of the month, the roots will have a better chance of getting established.

October may also be a chaotic and unpredictable month. You can proceed though the month with more ease and joy if you ground your energy, focus on the end result that you want, and take action towards your goals without allowing your energy to be depleted by things you can’t change.

Enjoy October!

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
This Month: Strengthen Relationships & Partnerships
From a feng shui perspective, October is a month to bring more balance and harmony to your life through more joyful relationships and partnerships. As you place positive emphasis on this topic, you influence those around you. This is why I often say that the “work” is always on yourself. As you strengthen your chi and that of your environment, you are making the world a better place.

This cycle was ushered in with the September 30th new moon in Libra. It peaks with the October 16 full moon. New moons are times to seed a new intention. When the full moon emerges two weeks later, look for evidence of your intentions and efforts taking shape. They’ll be there.

The Partnership area of your space is the back right corner as you visualize a grid of nine blocks (or a tic tac toe board) over your space. This is the back right corner of your land, your home, every room in your home, as well as your office, business, or place of employment. The size and shape will vary according to each particular space.

Everything in feng shui relates to the balance of the five elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. The Partnership area is an “Earth” segment. Thus, it is “fed” or strengthened by Fire energy, depleted by Metal, extinguished by Water, and controlled (or managed) by Wood. What does all this mean? It means that everything in your environment relates, in one way or another, to everything else. The size, shape, color, condition, quality, etc. all matter and have an influence on your life. Each object in your space also matters, as everything contains chi or energy. The object itself contains a history or imprint of energy, and this influences your experiences.

Unbalanced Earth energy may manifest as being stuck or overly supporting and nurturing (smothering). Extremes are uncomfortable. To adjust your space, remove some clutter – it’s stuck energy. It shows up in multiple ways, including piles of things, items that are no longer used or cared for, things that are broken, never used or never loved, excess items (clothes, books, paper, kitchen-ware, furniture, etc.).

A deep fall cleaning is also a great way to shift energy. This month, deep clean the back right areas of your spaces, in particular. Moving 27 items that haven’t been touched in a while is a feng shui technique. As you remove clutter, dust and vacuum, wash the windows, and refresh the space, it’s easy to shift at least 27 items.

It's easier to enhance a space after it's be de-cluttered and refreshed. If you haven't done so, fully shift from summer into fall and yes, winter, by making your spaces more cozy and comfortable. It's that time of year.
Ask a Question/
Get an Answer!
Would you like some personalized feng shui tips to strengthen the Relationship and Partnership gua in your house or any room in your house or workspace? If so, send along a photo and a brief explanation of the situation you’d like to shift or change. I’ll email you some suggestions and tips ($45.00 for one room or area; $60.00 for two). Include your phone number if you’d prefer to chat by phone for up to 15 minutes.
My Eclipse Event … The Power of Thought!
Eclipses are periods of significant shifts and change (endings and beginnings), particularly if they align with important areas in your astrology chart (which it did) and full moons are periods when things come to light.

This certainly happened for me with the September 16th full moon and lunar eclipse. Since Mercury was also retrograde, re-visioning an old situation was a part of this.

My eclipse event was the complete crash of the hard drive on my computer, along with the failure of a back-up drive, on the night of the eclipse. Ugh! Although this is a temporary setback, it’s also a blessing in disguise.

I’m in a period of re-sizing my life and releasing what I no longer need. I say re-sizing because my goal is to expand – my work, influence, leisure, travel and more. I’ve been clear about this for a bit and now the process is accelerating.

The eclipse preceded my trip to Hollywood and the launch of a new Brian Tracy book, Success Manifesto, that I contributed to, along with Madeline Gerwick and several others. For me, the loss of my computer’s hard drive is about quickly releasing the past and taking things to new levels as I move ahead.

Earlier this year I set an intention to have a new computer by my September trip. I was a little slow making this happen, so more powerful forces took over! I now have a fresh start, including no electronic clutter to sort through. I don’t have to figure out what to save or to discard. I’ve also been freed of time it would have taken to re-sort and reorganize. This fresh start also coincides with a fresh new decade for me.

Thoughts are powerful. I was clear about what I wanted and now things are rearranging themselves for this to happen. The pattern for moving ahead in a new way has been present. I wasn’t sure how it would manifest … now I know.

I encourage you to notice the patterns in your own life and to connect the dots. As you become clear about what you want, activities, resources, and support services will open to you to make things happen. When you realize this and take action accordingly, amazing things can happen.

Contact Peg if you'd like guidance to clarify your dreams and goals or for support to take action. 
A Bit About Our Times
October has the potential to be a tumultuous month this year. The public is angry, the financial markets are challenged, and people may be trying to do too much at one time. This leads to frustration and accidents.

Being aware of this ahead of time can help you to move through these cycles more easily. Rather than be angry or frustrated, look for a deeper meaning as situations unfold for you. When the hard drive on my computer stopped working, I could have let it stop me in my tracks. I didn’t. It’s just a bump in the road. Rather than putting my energy into being upset about something I can’t change, I chose to place my energy on moving forward and being very clear about the direction I’m headed.

My computer was rebuilt while I was traveling and a computer forensic company is helping me to recover the documents and files that I want to carry forward. I can leave all the rest behind.

Cycles are just that. They ebb and flow. Although October is likely to be a volatile month in the outside world, your inner world can be different. If you do get caught up in events or find yourself frustrated, know that things will get better. They have to. It’s the way the world works. There's a time for everything. When I’m frustrated I find that a good night’s sleep makes a big difference. The next day I wonder how I ever felt the way I did.

You can help shift the cycles by working with your inner and outer environments. Three ways to do this are to:
  1. maintain a positive framework
  2. eliminate clutter in your space/ life, and
  3. meditate daily.
Professor Lin Yun used to say that if you meditate you don’t have to do anything else. As you visualize the end result you want, things fall into place. You’ll also bring more beauty and joy into your life and the lives of those around you.
How Chi Influences You
Feng shui is all about chi … the chi (or energy) of your outer environment and how it influences your inner environment and what happens in your life. It is a continual dance of yin (inner) and yang (outer) energy.

During September I spent a week’s vacation in eastern New Foundland … St John’s, Trinity and the Burin Peninsula, followed by a three-day “Thought Leader Summit" for experts, writers, and speakers in Hollywood (Los Angeles), CA. What a contrast in environments!

New Foundland is a great place to go if you’d like to experience simplicity, tranquility and natural beauty. The jagged coastline is stunning. We found the people to be quite content with their lives and wanting for nothing. It was fun to see a series of “Tidy Town” Awards as we drove from one community to another. It turns out to be a beautification award that’s based on an Irish program. Communities are categorized by size and compete accordingly for this annual award. Homes and properties were neat, clean, and free of clutter and debris. It’s quite picturesque.

Los Angeles, on the other hand, brought much contrast. Flying in, I could a full expanse of concrete and the “built” environment framed by a thick cloud of hazy smog. The shuttle ride from the airport to Hollywood was filled with many sights … visible wealth to living on sidewalks with tents and cardboard boxes for shelter. It was a reminder of how fast things can change. New Foundland’s “Tidy Town” signs were quickly replaced by a flashing neon “LA LA Land” sign directly across from my hotel, the with the “Museum of Broken Relationships” on the next corner.  Really!

What are some of the qualities of chi in your daily environment? Do they support or enhance your life and well-being? If not, what can you do to change them?
I've teamed up with Karen Girardo to create the Just Natural Living Healing Arts Center.

Located within: 
Just Naturals
176 S. River Rd.
Bedford, NH 

you'll find a group of holistic practitioners who are dedicated to your overall well-being. Services include:
  • Feng Shui
  • Energy Clearing & Healing
  • Skin and Body Care
  • Holisitc Nutrition
  • Natural Cosmetics
  • Life Coaching
  • And More!
We're planning a special introductory event for Thursday, Oct. 27th from 4:00 - 7:30pm. I'll post more information as we get closer. 

II'm planning to be onsite at Just Naturals at least two Thursdays each month. If you'd like to meet with me (for any of the services I provide), just let me know. I'd be delighted to meet you there.

Success Manifesto...
Over the last 7 months, I’ve been working on a book with some of the leading professionals from all around the world — including my colleague Madeline Gerwick and the legendary Brian Tracy! In the process of writing this book, we all agreed to reveal our top strategies for success that consistently allow us to improve our health, wealth and success. Our book, Success Manifesto, launched on September 19th. I contributed a chapter called “Optimize Your Office for Success and Prosperity” and Madeline submitted a chapter about using Good Timing for Business.

If you'd like a personalized copy of the book, let me know. I'll have some on hand soon. I'll also be adding a link for an e-version to my website soon.

It's been a fun project.

Thrive Market
Are you familiar with Thrive Market? If not, check it out! If you like to purchase healthy, natural, or organic products online, Thrive Market is a great way to do it. I am finding the prices lower than Amazon Prime, even when you include shipping. Also, when you order $49 or more, shipping is free.
Thrive Market is a membership community that uses the power of direct buying to deliver the world’s best healthy food and natural products to our members at wholesale prices, and to sponsor free memberships for low-income American families. They are committed to sustainability as well as social justice. What a great mission!
October Newsletter Special:
Relationship Gua Updates and/or
Release Frustration and Anger

20% off …

Feng Shui "Partnership" Consultations
Custom Emotional Freedom & Healing
Tapping Sessions via Phone
Recording also provided.

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information.

 Please contact Peg if you are interested in:

Dream Coaching
I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Office Feng Shui Consultation
Fashion Feng Shui Consultations
Business Feng Shui Consultations
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
 Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

Peg works onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.