November News: A Month for Fortunate Blessings

Published: Tue, 11/01/16

2016 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #305:
“As I joyfully go about my day, I easily attract greater prosperity and abundance.”​​​​​​​

Do you know of someone living in a college dorm or a small space? Dorm Room Feng Shui can help to create an environment that supports their success and aspirations.
Dorm Room Feng Shui  
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Akashic Record Readings:

Favorite Astrology Perspectives

Other Links of Interest
After a few warm days last week, I had an early morning drive from NH’s Mt. Washington Valley to the southern part of the state. In a flash it was clear that November was on its way. Overnight the deep yellow, gold and orange colors quickly shifted to shades of brown, with thick layers of leaves covering the earth. A low fog filled the meadows with a mist. It was so beautiful! It was also a reminder of the shorter and cooler days to come.

The seasonal shifts remind us of the cycles of nature and the ebb and flow of life. As we head deeper into fall, Thanksgiving provides the opportunity to pause and appreciate our bounty and the colors of the harvest. The outer yang energy continues to wane in favor of a focus on deeper yin, internal energy.

Early this month give some attention to your Wealth area, the back left corner of your house. It aligns with the October 30th new moon. This is the area that is also known as “Fortunate Blessings.” After the middle of the month, switch your attention to the Knowledge gua which is the front left corner. This area aligns with the Nov 29th new moon. I’ll write more about the Knowledge area next month.

In the meantime, move your clocks back one hour the weekend of November 5th.

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the month.

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
Do You Have a Gratitude Journal?
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Taking a day and holiday weekend to focus on giving thanks and expressing appreciation for all of your blessings is a gift in and of itself. For me, Thanksgiving is a time to slow down, take a day to cook a delicious meal, spend time with some of my favorite people, be fully present and just relax.

A worthwhile action item this month is to write in a Gratitude Journal daily. Writing statements of thanks for at least five items (experiences, people, etc.) is a highly effective way to bring blessings to yourself. Write for longer periods when you have time. Reflecting on your blessings also brings you into alignment with your Prosperity gua the feng shui area to work with the early part of this month.

The energy of the Prosperity gua (which is also known as “Fortunate Blessings”), is actually about recognizing your blessings first and then giving thanks. When you do this, you’re likely to draw more blessings and prosperity to yourself. If, on the other hand, you skip over what you have and focus on what you lack, you actually draw more of that to yourself.

The reason for this is that you strengthen or empower whatever you focus on. It’s simple to say and sometimes a challenge to implement, particularly if you’re experiencing more of what you don’t want, never wanted, or never anticipated. If you find yourself in a funk, with things not going your way, accept it rather than fight it. Then get clear about how you’d like to replace it … what you’d like to take its place. It might take some time to do this. Allow the process to unfold as there are probably some lessons there for you.

If the holidays tend to be highly stressful for you, give some thought to ways that you can simplify the process or do things differently. It might be asking for help, getting more done ahead of time, omitting complex dishes, making fewer commitments, only spending time with people you enjoy, you name it. If you could change one thing to make your Thanksgiving more enjoyable, what would you do? Then write statements of gratitude about your desires, just as if they are happening. This is a very powerful process.

A Gratitude Journal is a wonderful tool to explore your feelings about gratitude and appreciation and to recognize your blessings as well. This can be any notebook or journal. It doesn’t matter. What does matter it that you take time to express your blessings and appreciation. Set an intention to write daily this month. Keep your journal handy, along with a pen or pencil, and then do it. By the end of the month I think you’ll be delighted you did.
This Month: Focus on Fortunate Blessings and Prosperity
The October 30th new moon in Scorpio set the pace for November. Scorpio rules power and transformation and new moons are about new beginnings. How synchronous that this aligns with our upcoming election as well. Things that are in the shadows will be brought out into the open. This is a very good month to move beyond your blockages to manifest your intentions. Are you ready?

From a feng shui perspective, the new moon in Scorpio aligns with the Prosperity or Wealth gua. This also relates to fortunate blessings in your life. I recommend setting an intention this week for blessings you’d like to manifest. Then activate your Wealth gua: the back left corner of your house and every room in your house, when you divide your space in to a grid of nine spaces. This applies to your land and work space too.

Your actions and intentions will culminate with the November 14th full moon. Full moons are the height of energy for the month. They bring things to light.

From a Five element perspective, the Prosperity gua relates to Wood energy. This means that Wood energy (think: plants, trees, greenery, flowers, vertical stripes, the color green) enlivens and strengthens Prosperity. Wood is strengthened by Water, managed/kept in check by Fire, depleted by Earth and Metal. Balance is important. Consider the drought we’re experiencing in New England. A lack of sufficient rain this year has drained our aquifers and parched our land, leaving the plants and trees quite dry. We need lots of rain and snow to feed the plants and trees and to also replenish our wells and reservoirs.

This month, deep clean the back left areas of your spaces, in particular. A solid fall cleaning is a great way to shift energy. Remember to remove all clutter and refresh your space prior to doing any feng shui enhancements. If your prosperity area has any problems with plumbing or electric, make plans for the repairs. Plumbing and electric problems are associated with patterns of drained health and wealth. Otherwise, you are giving more power to low-level chi.

Here are nine simple ways to enhance your Prosperity gua:
  1. Wash your windows.
  2. Add a vase of fresh flowers.
  3. Include a little green, red, purple or gold.
  4. Bring in a beautiful, leafy green plant.
  5. Strategically place a mirror and have it reflect something beautiful.
  6. Hang a multi-faceted crystal on a 9-inch increment of red string.
  7. Light up the back left corner of the back left room in your house.
  8. Add a water feature or an image flowing water or “virtual” water.
  9. Hang a photo or picture that reminds you of prosperity. For example, in offices, an image of a city rich in vitality and financial success works well: NYC, Hong Kong, London, etc.

My office is located in the back left corner of my house. Two weeks ago a scheduled ceiling repair prompted me to empty and clean my entire office. It was so timely! I vacuumed deep in to the corners (high and low), washed the curtains and windows, thinned out excess paper (particularly my file drawers) and books, removed some knick knacks and washed the glass covering my pictures in frames, among other things. I was happy to get this done early. When I put everything back together it felt like a new space. The chi definitely shifted.
Nov. 29th New Moon
The November 29th new moon falls in Sagittarius. The corresponding area in your home is the Knowledge gua: the front left corner of your house and every room in your house. If you have time after the November 14th full-moon, give some attention to this area.  Loosen up clogged areas, clear clutter, remove or fix anything that’s broken … you know the routine. The Knowledge gua is associated with the Earth element. Too much Earth results in stuck energy. It can have a smothering effect too. I’ll write about how to bring this into balance next month.
Ask a Question...Get an Answer
If you’d like some feng shui tips to strengthen your Wealth gua in your house or any room in your house, send along a photo and a brief explanation of the problem or what you’d like to shift or change. I’ll email you some suggestions and tips. $45.00 for one room or area; $60.00 for two. Email your photo to I’ll verify receipt, provide tips and send an invoice for online payment. Include your phone number if you’d prefer to chat buy phone for up to 15 minutes.
A Bit About Our Times
October was a challenging month for many people. Excluding Election Day, November should be a bit better. Some astrology cycles suggest that we’re likely to begin to see a better use of power and also a more stable growth economy. Wouldn’t this be nice? You can do your part by continuing to focus on what you really want (vs. what you don’t want), taking positive steps to live in joy every day, omitting gossip and/or the repetition of  negative stories. Just think how times would shift if everyone shared at least one positive story with one or more people every day.
A Process for Personal Empowerment
During October I spoke about Personal Empowerment at four events. Here is a nine point summary that you can print, clip and carry with you:

A Process for Personal Empowerment
CBA: Clarity, Believe, Allow
  1. Be clear about what you want.
  2. Use positive, present tense language. (I AM)
  3. Believe you can have it.
  4. Release doubt, negative language, gossip, etc.
  5. Take inspired action. Create a supportive environment.
  6. Let go of time; allow results to come to you.
  7. Be open to new possibilities. Suspend all disbelief. What you “ask for” may show up differently.
  8. Find something to be happy about every day!
  9. 68 Second Exercise: Visualize your desired end result in four 17-second increments.

Trauma Without Tears
Eric Dowsett, one of my early “clearing” teachers sent a video a few days ago that I think you might also find helpful. He calls it Trauma Without Tears. The video runs about 27 minutes, during which he explains a lot about clearing energy and what types of things come up to be cleared. Take a look. The day I checked it out I was planning to watch it later. Once I started watching it, I was drawn in and decided to watch the full video right away. I’m glad I did. It’s easy to say “I’ll watch it later and then never get back to it. I found this video to be a very good summary of “what” and “why” I and others clear negative energy and blockages. Energy clearing is a gentle way to release patterns and blockages that are holding you back or hindering your progress.
Learn About Your Electric Meter
More and more people are realizing that they are sensitive to the automated meters and smart meters that the electric companies have been installing. In NH we have automated meters with no opt out. It’s very disappointing. These meters send out a high frequency pulse every 10-20 seconds. A “Smart Meter Guard” decreases the intensity of the pulses but does not omit them. Here’s a link to a blog that might interest you. It has an excellent video about three types of electric meters.

Analog .. the original type and safest
AMR .. Automated meters that were installed in NH last year
AMI … Smart Meters

Take Back your Power is an excellent resource for credible information about “smart” meters. Also, here’s another short video that may interest you that also talks about the nerve-disrupting frequencies coming from “smart” meters. 

I’ll be onsite at the Just Naturals Healing Arts Center, located inside Just Naturals, Bedford, NH, two Thursdays most months. Contact me if you’d like to get on my schedule for an appointment. During November, I’ll be onsite on Thursday, November 17th. Onsite services include: Feng Shui Consultations, Fashion Feng Shui Consultations, Emotional Freedom & Healing Tapping Release sessions, Personal Clearing sessions, I Ching readings and Coaching. I’ll also be happy to provide a complimentary 15 minute consultation on a topic of your choice.
November Newsletter Special:

In gratitude and appreciation for your business:
20% Off
A feng shui consultation or coaching session
onsite or remote.

(Mention the November Newsletter to receive this rate.)

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information.

Dream Coaching
I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Office Feng Shui Consultation
Fashion Feng Shui Consultations
Business Feng Shui Consultations
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
 Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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