July News: Step Into Your Vision

Published: Tue, 06/28/16

2016 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #181:
“Today I lovingly share my abundance and joy with others.”

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Hello Everyone,

Summer is in full swing! Take time this month to have some fun and to spend time with family and friends. We also have some wonderful momentum for making progress towards your goals. Blocked patterns from the past few months are ending. You may notice that you’re ready to move forward as well. You can do both … let go of what’s not working and have some fun.  It would be very nice synchronicity and align with the times.

Enjoy July!

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
July 4th New Moon: Vision and Family Connections
We have a new moon in Cancer on July 4th, our nation’s birthday. New moons are about a new vision and new beginnings. July 4th is a synchronous day to bring yourself into alignment with your dreams. What would you like to “birth” this month?

The Monday, July 4th new moon is in the sign of Cancer. The corresponding area to energize in your home is the Family gua. This is the left center area of your home and workplace when you divide your space into a grid of nine areas, similar to a tic-tac-toe board. It’s an ideal area to energize this month if you’d like deepen family connections or relationships.

Assess the left center area of home, every room in your home, your yard, as well as your work environment, for evidence of energy that may be blocking your progress or limiting your dreams and intentions. This may include:
  • Clutter
  • Paper piles
  • Accumulated Dust
  • Windows that need cleaning
  • Things that don’t bring you joy
  • Items that are broken or in disrepair
  • Items that you haven’t touched in a long time
Unwanted gifts or other unsolicited items from family members, unflattering photos, heirlooms that you never cared for or you no longer want, dead or overgrow plants and gardens, overstuffed closets and bookcases, tabletops with little or no clear space, broken or worn windows, plumbing or electrical problems, areas where ants, wasps or rodents gather, are also low or stuck energy. You’ll benefit from giving these some attention.

Stuck energy slows you down and limits your progress, in spite of your best intentions. Thinking positive thoughts can help you to manifest your dreams. Clutter hinders progress. It’s similar to taking one step forward (positive thoughts) and two steps back (clutter). One of the most effective things you can do to get things moving along is to eliminate, or at least reduce, clutter.

From a feng shui perspective, the Family area is related to the Wood element. Visualize “tree” energy: tall trees, vertical stripes, and a spring green or vibrant green color. Picture a commanding tree in full bloom with deep roots. After you’ve eliminated clutter, enhancements for the Family area include:

Flowers, plants,
Stripes, columns
Spring green, blue
Floral fabrics and designs
Happy family, ancestor photos
Symbols of vibrant health
Water feature, Bird Bath
Free flowing, wavy shapes
Tall rectangular shapes

Give the left-center area of your home and yard a thorough cleaning or a refresher early this month. If you don’t get it done before the holiday, do it after. Taking some action is better than none. Repair, remove, recycle, or toss out anything that is broken, remove cobwebs, wash your windows and curtains, thin out excess paper and magazines.

Observe the flow of energy. Lighter décor, fabrics and colors re perfect for summer. They contribute to a more cheerful environment. Re-arranging furniture shifts and revitalizes energy too. Outside, clear debris and reduce overcrowding by thinning out excess plants and trimming trees that may be in this sector.

As you enliven your Family gua prior, visualize the end results you’d like to experience. Be open to how things are likely to unfold and happen. This will help you to empower your dreams while withdrawing energy from fear or what you don’t want. You can tune into the results beginning with the July 19th full moon. Remember: new moons are about new beginnings and full moons are about bringing your vision to light.

Contact me if you’d like a feng shui consultation for your Family gua.  I would be happy to help you with this onsite or via phone.
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It Works!
I’m applying Marie Kondo’s “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” to my home and life. Kondo says to take about six months and go through everything in your home, category by category. Begin with clothes. Books come next. Paper is third. Save miscellany, or everything else, for last. She provides a list to go from top to bottom.  As you evaluate what you’ll keep vs. let go, ask yourself: “Does this bring me joy?” A significant part of the process is touching everything.

This past month my husband and I did “clothes.” I did mine first. I gathered all of my clothes into one area and went through them one by one. This included taking winter clothes out of attic storage and going through our coat closet as well. To my delight, I completed the process in about four hours. This also included packing them for a donation. It was a great use of a cool, wet Sunday afternoon. With some nice synchronicity, my donation was picked up a few days later. It was so easy!

Last week, I assisted my husband with his clothes. After gathering all of his clothes in one area, the sorting process took less than an hour. As he decided what to keep, I quickly whisked away everything he no longer wanted. No questions asked or judgments made. The sorting and packing for a donation pickup took another hour or two. Today I dropped off six 30 gallon bags of clothing at a local donation center, rather than wait for a mid-July pickup.

This process is very freeing. In addition to having a lot of room in our closets, with a few exceptions we will wear all the clothes we chose to keep. The exceptions are some clothes that bring us joy because they are happy reminders of past events. We may not wear them again but they evoke great memories when we see or touch them. They are “keepers.”

As I assisted my husband, I realized that the value of working with someone else unblocks stuck energy and speeds up the process! For the investment of one hour (two hours counting each of us), his closet and dressers drawers now have lots of room.  Going forward we merely need to maintain things. Since we’re focused on only adding things that bring us joy, this will be easy to do.

Contact me if you’d like some help dislodging blockages in your space or your life (thoughts and feelings). We’ll explore the best way to proceed. A Fashion Feng Shui assessment, combined with a closet clearing, could be very liberating for you. It would be well worth the investment of a few hours of time. This summer is a great time to move forward. Are you ready? If not, what’s stopping you?
Thoughts Create Things!
Britain’s recent majority vote to leave the European Union (EU) has me reflecting on the power of our thoughts. Weeks and days prior to the vote a focus on “Brexit,” short for “British Exit,” led discussions and dominated foreign news. Would Britain stay with the EU or leave?

Although the vote was close, Brexit, won out. Would momentum have shifted if those who desired to remain with the EU had a stronger, catchy word or phrase? Maybe. We’ll never know for sure.

This is an important reminder of how the power of thought influences outcomes. The strongest energy takes hold, even if it is not what you really want. We experience the result of our focus and our thoughts. 

One supermarket chain in our area has signs asking shoppers “Did you remember your reusable shopping bags?” while other stores tell you “Don’t forget your shopping bags!” Who do you think has the stronger results? I bet that both results are equally strong. The first store would have more people bringing bags while the other stores provide more bags to shoppers. The emphasis on “forget” empowers “forget.” Do you see the difference?

What do really want and how do you express it? Language influences outcomes. You’ll see (and hear) examples of this daily when you tune in and pay attention. Practice stating what you really want while withdrawing energy, language, and focus from what you don’t want. They are opposite ends of the same stick. The tipping point is 3:1. Three times as much focus on what you want will shift the end result. Brexit can serve as a reminder … the British exit that won out.
Schedule Summer Consultations by July 15th!
If turns out that I haven’t changed my consultation rates in over 15 years, so I’ll be making some adjustments this summer. I continually advance my skills, knowledge, training, and value, with a focus on providing a deeper impact in less time.

If you’d like a consultation or any clearing or coaching sessions this summer, I encourage you to contact me. We’ll discuss the best approach for you. If you get on my schedule by July 15 you’ll receive my lower current rate, even if your consultation or service is after that date. If you are a current coaching client or I’m doing monthly work with you, your lower rate will continue.
Release Entrenched Family Patterns
We know that thoughts create things and that feelings drive your thoughts. Science has also shown us that your feelings (heart-energy) lead to your thought patterns (brain “neural net” connections).

Entrenched family and ancestral patterns are a part of this. Many of these patterns reside in your subconscious at the cellular level, passed from generation to generation, and are accepted as truth about the way things are. They are truth. They’re your truth. They’re not everybody’s truth.

Sometimes even the “truth” varies significantly with a family. I know it does in mine. Coming from a family of nine kids, my life experiences are vastly different from those of some of my siblings. Your experience in life has a lot to do with your perspective and your perspective is rooted in “your truth.” The good news is that you can release the patterns and blockages that you no longer want to continue.

If you’re ready to release family patterns that are holding you back or limiting your success, check out my Emotional Freedom and Healing (EF&H) Release for Ancestral Patterns on the Polaris Business Guides website. This is a wonderful accompaniment to clearing clutter from your Family guas this month.

If you’d like a custom release, contact me. I’d be happy to do one for you. You would receive a recording as well so that you can repeat the process whenever you want, helping you to release entrenched patterns and issues layer by layer.

Here’s what one client had to say about an EF&H Release:

“Just wanted to share an experience I had yesterday. I had an “aha” moment in the middle of the day to make a list of what I needed to clutter clear, room by room. When I got to my downstairs office (which is the worst & which I want to convert to a guest bedroom), I looked at it with “new eyes” for the first time. I didn’t have that visceral, gut-clenching reaction that I usually do when walking into that room! And I was able to break it down into segments (eg. I’ll just clear the bookshelf one day, just the CDs/DVDs another day, just the desk another, etc) and when I did this, I felt so much better. It didn’t feel overwhelming anymore – it felt completely achievable, almost as if my fear of starting had been blocking my real vision of seeing it for the way it was. I also feel so much “lighter” and that I am able to throw out all the accumulated papers/files (that I haven’t looked at in the past 3 years) much more easily. It doesn’t seem like the monster I’d envisioned! So thank you, thank you, thank you!!!” R.A.

The Loess Plateau...Land Reform in China

Check out this video that Dr. Mercola brought to our attention about a remarkable Chinese land reform project. Over a 15 year period, the Loess Plateau was transformed from a barren wasteland to a rich, fertile area. The project moved people from poverty to prosperity. If it can happen in China, it can happen anywhere.

An important reminder in this story is the importance of living in harmony with nature. When we take care of our environment, nature will respond in kind and take care of us. We have to do our part though.
July Newsletter Special:

Fashion Feng Shui Consultation and Closet Clearing

$375.00 for up to 3 hours onsite. Save $75!

 (Mention the July Newsletter to receive this rate.)

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information.

 Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Ideal Job Coaching
Feng Shui Consultations
Office Feng Shui Consultation
Fashion Feng Shui Consultations
Business Feng Shui Consultations
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
 Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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