August News: It's Time to Play

Published: Wed, 07/27/16

2016 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #205:
“Today I am at peace knowing that my prosperity ebbs and flows according to my energy.”

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Hello Everyone,

It seems like summer just began and now we're headed into August. I’m sending this newsletter a few days early so that you can prep for the August 2nd new moon, if you like to do this. After that, take some time to play and enjoy the month. August is meant for this!

If you have trouble sleeping, light pollution may be part of the problem. Read below for some information that may help you.

We have a Solar Eclipse on September 1st. I’ll do my best to send the September newsletter early too, so that you can learn more about this. In the meantime, focus on what you want to create for yourself and take some inspired action to make it happen. Vacation time and bringing more fun into your life is actually one of the most effective ways to bring in positive shifts and new solutions.

Enjoy August.

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
August 2nd New Moon in Leo: Time to Have Fun!
We begin August with a new moon in playful Leo on Tuesday, August 2nd. New moons are about new beginnings. If you’d like to bring more fun and enjoyment to your life, this is the week to set an intention and take action to do so! By mid-August you might begin to see exactly how to do this for yourself, as the full moon shines on August 18th. Set your intention with the new moon and then watch as things come to light with full moon.

The area of your home and business to adjust this month is the Children, Creativity, and Joy gua. This is the right center sector when you divide your space into a grid of nine areas, similar to a tic-tac-toe board. It lies opposite the Family gua, the area you may have energized during July.

The playful energy of Leo and Children, Creativity, and Joy is about lightening up and taking a more whimsical approach. In your physical space, this means removing clutter and things that no longer (or never did!) bring you joy. As you do this, the natural essence and beauty of your space emerges.

The same is true of people. As you release your attachments to your thoughts, stories, and emotions that represent what you don’t want, particularly negativity and fear, you create space for more positive and joyful circumstances to surface.

Consider how you and your spaces mirror each other. If you feel blocked, look for areas that are also blocked in your home, yard, or business. Taking action to clear a space, removing clutter or excess, can have a profound effect. It may be months or longer before you realize this and connect the dots.

Last month my husband and I cleared a large storage closet that was stuffed with items we no longer cared for … things we no longer needed and that had also been long ignored. As soon as we emptied the closet new ideas for using the space emerged … an idea that had never occurred to us. Empty space does just that … it enables new ideas and solutions to flow more easily.

It also helped that we did the clearing and sorting during a 3rd quarter moon. This is an ideal time to remove clutter. You’re more apt to let go of things during this cycle than at other times of the month. We’re in such a cycle this week: from July 26 until the new moon emerges on August 2. Let go of some excess now and then focus on having some fun for the month of August. It’s OK if you don’t get it all done. Getting started is good enough.

Look around your home or office, and particularly the right center area (your Children, Creativity and Joy gua), for things that you no longer identify with, items you don’t use, and everything that doesn’t bring you joy. As I wrote this, I realized that I actually did this a few days ago. I gathered up books that no longer interest us and donated three bags to our local used book store. Two more bags followed the next day.

As I was working in one area of my house, I was drawn to another area … which turns out to be in the Children, Creativity and Joy gua. More books will continue to move along soon. After clothes, thinning out books is the second stage of the Marie Kondo approach that I wrote about last month.
We also had some home maintenance done in our Children’s gua recently. It was something that hadn’t even been on our “radar.” An idea came to my husband about who could do the work for us, he arranged for it, and within days the project was complete. We’re heading into the August new moon with some nice accomplishments behind us.

What can you do to support shifts in your life as you move into August?
The Children, Creativity, and Joy Gua
A “gua” is a sector or area of your space. From a feng shui perspective, each area is also energized and influenced by one of the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water). The Children, Creativity and Joy area (right center) is a “Metal” area from a feng shui perspective. You can enhance this area using any metals (gold, silver, brass, aluminum, etc.), white, gray, and pastel colors, round and oval shapes, things made from petroleum (plastics) and substances dug from deep within the ground (gemstones, big rocks and boulders), whimsical things, and colorful flowers.

Metal element is an “organizing” element. Attributes include clarity, precision, organization, order and focus. When Metal is balanced, it’s easy to identify patterns, solve puzzles, and tidy things up. Communication is also more precise and clear. If Metal energy is lacking, it may be hard to focus. You might also feel that you lack purpose. Too much Metal manifests as compulsive behavior, criticism, judgments, perfectionism, sarcasm, and indifference.

If Metal is out of balance you might feel anxious and unsettled. From a health perspective, the Metal element is also associated with the lungs, large intestine, and skin. If you have any problems or imbalances in the areas, adjusting and balancing your Children, Creativity and Joy gua may also improve your health. Sometimes an answer to a long standing issue emerges as a result.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short phone session may get things moving along for you.
Continuing the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up!
Now that my husband and I have thinned out our clothes, we’re moving on to releasing books. This is the second stage of Marie Kondo’s method that I wrote about last month. We’re avid readers and we’ve accumulated many books over the years.

Simultaneously, we’re “re-sizing” our lives and home, with a focus on retaining things that bring us joy. Asking the question: “Does this bring me joy?” turns out to a significant.

As I was sorting books, two boxes of books arrived in the mail from a friend. It turns out that they’re books that are helpful to me at this time. I fit them easily on a bookshelf that I had just cleared. They’re also taking up less space than I anticipated, which is quite nice.

Reducing books doesn’t mean we’ll stop reading. It leads to less maintenance, since all of our possessions require care and maintenance, to some degree. It also creates space for new books and new adventures to arrive!

What are you ready to release, change or shift in order to bring something new into your life?
Is Too Much Light Keeping You Up at Night?
The health impact of high intensity LED lights and blue light from computer screens, TVs, and other devices has caught the attention of the AMA (American Medical Association), as unintended consequences are emerging. These lights emit more blue rays (which also appear white) than are good for you, particularly if you're exposed late at night.

The blue rays suppress the hormone melatonin which you need to sleep. Under normal circumstances, your pineal gland creates melatonin beginning around 9 or 10 pm making you sleepy. Melatonin then drops off when the sun rises. Melatonin production is suppressed when you are exposed to bright white streetlights, bright headlights, or late nights on computers and electronic devices. The blue rays, which often occur as bright white light, throw off your body clock.

It’s caught the attention of the AMA because melatonin deficiency leads to inflammation, a weakened immune system and a higher risk of cancer. More and more eye strain and headaches are now being associated with long hours at a computer screen.

Practical solutions include getting off the computer by 8:00 pm and installing room darkening shades in your bedroom. If you're on the computer a lot, you might try UVEX Safety glasses that block the blue light (Model S1933X). They are amber colored glasses. I ordered a pair (for less than $10.00 including shipping) and I’ve been trying them out in recent days. I’m also making it a habit to reduce my evening computer time.

F.lux software is an additional solution for your computer and smartphone.  It’s blue light-blocking software that you can install for free. I’m going to try it this month. F.lux software adjusts the light of your computer screen according to the time of day. It makes it brighter during the day, adjusting down (pulling out the blue rays) as the day moves on.

Another intended consequence of our technological progress is the effect the bright lights have on nature … animals and plants. We’re exposing our pets to our indoor lighting and pets and wild animals to the outdoor lighting. Trees and flowers are impacted as well.

Good or bad, nature will adapt and evolve as it has done for millions of years. As we learn to take better care of ourselves and make healthier choices, we could also be helping our pets, the environment, and Mother Earth.
Travel Ideas...Botanical Gardens
Gardens have a magical way of connecting with our deep inner spirit. They bring joy and beauty, can elevate your mood, provide wonderful spaces for contemplation, provide solace within otherwise busy settings, and much more. When we travel, we often seek out a botanical garden in each area. It’s a great way to learn about native plants and species. If you’re traveling this summer, or anytime, here are some botanical gardens you might like to check out (maybe you’ve been to some too!):

August Newsletter Special:

Are You Feeling Unsettled? 
Clarify Your Purpose and Bring More Meaning to Your Life 

Get Started with ½ hour by Phone: $45.00

 (Mention the August Newsletter to receive this rate.)

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information.

 Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Ideal Job Coaching
Feng Shui Consultations
Office Feng Shui Consultation
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Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
 Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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