May News: Clear and Activate Your Wealth Sectors

Published: Sun, 05/01/16

2016 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #176:
“Today I see my best qualities mirrored back to me through others.”
Mirroring Best Qualities

Do you know of someone living in a college dorm or a small space? Dorm Room Feng Shui can help to create an environment that supports their success and aspirations.
Dorm Room Feng Shui  
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Recorded Programs
Emotional Freedom & Healing Releases for: Hotlink for EF&H Description
Akashic Record Readings:

Favorite Astrology Perspectives

Other Links of Interest

Hello Everyone,

May is one of my favorite months. The days are getting longer and warmer and many flowers and trees are blooming, filling our landscape with vibrant color. The birds and woodland critters are quite active too. Early mornings we are treated to beautiful cardinals enjoying our backyard trees and deer in the woods. We’ve also been listening to an owl hooting each evening. It’s a great month to spend more time with the outside world.

I like to clear clutter before summer sets in and many easy ways have been appearing. A local charity recently picked up some donations we set aside. Last Saturday morning we dropped off old paint and toxins at a collection center. In a few weeks our town has a free “shed-it” day, so we’re setting aside excess paper. Local collection days provide great incentive and opportunities. 

Our Mercury and Mars retrograde cycles will support your clearing efforts this month. Mercury retrograde cycles are terrific for removing what you don’t need. Mars retrograde is the time to prepare your strategic plan for the next two years. As you clear space, more prosperity and blessings will flow to you, along with new ideas and opportunities. Tune in and pay attention.

You can balance your spring cleaning by spending some time outside enjoying your natural surroundings. It does wonders for your soul.

Enjoy May!

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
May 6th New Moon: Activate Your Wealth Gua
Our May new moon in the sign of Taurus, arrives early on Friday, May 6th. It correlates with your Wealth gua. This is the back left corner of your land, your house and every room in your house when you divide your space into a grid of nine like a tic-tac-toe board. As this new moon approaches, clear out as much excess as you can and give thanks and appreciation for your blessings, abundance and prosperity. Visualize your talents and abilities generating income for you, while doing meaningful work that brings you joy. A clean and clear space will assist energy channels to open up, enabling even more blessings and abundance to flow your way.

Begin by giving the back left corner of each space a deep spring cleaning. Repair, remove or toss out anything that is broken, remove cobwebs, vacuum deep into the corners, wash your windows and curtains, thin out excess paper, magazines, contents of file drawers that are no longer needed, and books you’re not likely to read again. If you have an office or computer in this area, pay extra attention. Electronic clutter accumulates quickly and is easy to overlook.  Thin out your electronic files, before they slow your down or bring your system to a halt.

In my house a basement sump pump and bulk head, my office, and our master bath are located in the Wealth area. Each spring I uplift the energy in these spaces. Prior to May 6th I will vacuum our bulkhead and sump pump corner. I also plan to spring clean my office and wash the windows. As synchronicity would have it, my carpets are being cleaned on May 6th. This is certainly good timing.

I keep a beautiful potted plant in the Wealth comer of my desk along with amethyst and citrine crystals and a treasure box filled with gold, frankincense and myrrh. My Vision Board is also within view of my desk. This is on my list to update soon. A feng shui flute, positioned at the Wealth angle, hangs on a wall behind me, providing strength and support. A beautiful perennial garden outside my window completes a “missing area” in Wealth.

Enhancements for the Wealth and Prosperity area include: fresh flowers or green plants; the colors purple, red, green or gold; amethyst, malachite or citrine crystals; a wind chime or an object that introduces movement; anything that reminds you or prosperity or blessings; a treasure box; moving water or virtual water; a water image; a Vision Board.

Have fun energizing your Wealth area. Then tune into the results beginning with the May 6th new moon. The corresponding full moon, where the rising energy culminates, is May 21st.

For a sample bagua, scroll down the Q&A page on the Feng Shui Connections website.

Contact me if you’d like a feng shui consultation for your Wealth gua.  I would be happy to help you with this in a 20 minute phone consultation. Photos and a floor plan are helpful.
A Bit About Our Times: Five Retrograde Planets
5 Retrograde planets means it's time to slow down.
As we begin May, five planets are retrograde. It is a period to reconsider, rethink, and redo things. This is a good month to ground, center, and focus your energy and yourself. It would be great to implement a daily meditation or spiritual practice, if you don’t have one. 

Here’s a quick synopsis of each planet, with a bit detail more about Mercury and Mars.

Mercury: Slow down and pay attention to communications. Cut your schedule in half to allow time for the unexpected. (Until May 22)

Mars: Prepare your personal and professional strategy for the next 2 years. Avoid being pulled into other people’s drama. (Until June 29)

Jupiter: Reconsider opportunities related to publishing, promotions, legal issues, and health. This cycle is also about more money, good luck, and good fortune. (Until May 9th)

Pluto: Reconsider, rethink and reflect on the proper use of power. Something may need to be transmuted or transformed, particularly as it relates to your role within your relationships. (Until Sept. 26th)

Saturn: Redefine, repair, reconstruct structures and processes. This is also about your obligations and promises … you may be ready to bring some to an end. (Until Aug.13th)

Mercury, the planet that rules communications, including technology, went retrograde April 28th and continues through May 22nd. Mercury appears to back up or go retrograde about three to four times each year, for about three weeks each cycle.  During these periods, communications easily get confused and mixed up. These are periods to lighten your schedule, avoid signing contracts, and avoid buying electronics or technology tools. Take extra care and allow more room in your schedule.

Mercury Retrograde is an excellent cycle to re-do, re-consider, repair, review and re-work many things. It is not a favorable period to purchase electronics or technology, make deals, or sign contracts. If you do, don’t be surprised if you make changes or adjustments beginning May 23rd, when any misunderstanding or confusion is likely to clear up. You can make things easy on yourself and experience fewer obstacles by allowing more leeway in your schedule and delaying big purchases.

According to Madeline Gerwick, because Mercury is retrograde in Taurus this month, this cycle is also associated with rethinking your security and financial needs, your values, and what you want to do with your time, money, and energy. Be proactive. Take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle.

The remaining Mercury Retrograde cycles for 2016 are:
August 30th through September 22nd, and
December 19th into January 2017.

Mars is also retrograde until June 29th. This cycle occurs for 10-12 weeks every two years. It is meant for strategic planning. It is common for business to be a bit slower than usual. You may also feel that you are all over the place and don’t know what to do. This is a time to think ahead for the next two years, clarify your desires, and focus your attention. What would you like to happen on a personal and professional level? Do your planning now. July will be a great time to move forward and launch new plans and initiatives. Note: We have a high growth cycle April 26th until May 10th, which peaks on May 3. You might discover some nice opportunities to include in your strategic plan.

Do you give the idea of bringing more JOY into your life more lip- service (or none at all) than action? If so, use the Mars Retrograde cycle to shift this pattern. You don’t need to struggle. It’s an outdated approach. Write a strategic plan to release these patterns. You will struggle though, if you believe you have too. Alternatively, say “yes” to what you really want and you’ll discover ways to let it in. Make joy a daily priority and use it to connect to your inner voice as you create a new vision for yourself. This will make a big difference in your life. I guarantee it.

Mark your calendar and plan ahead. Contact me if you’d like a consultation to make the best use of this cycle that comes around every two years.
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release Technique
Deeply entrenched emotional patterns are surfacing for many people. It’s the times we are in. If you don’t release the emotions, the patterns tend to repeat themselves. Do you ever notice this? Something that you thought you dealt with years ago pops up again. Or patterns that you saw with your parents are now a part of you. Layoffs, challenging bosses, uninspiring work, or continual run-ins with family or friends can be a part of this. Repeat patterns with properties can be a part of it too. The good news is that you can clear these troublesome energies and blockages once and for all.

The Emotional Freedom and Healing Technique (EF&H) is a very effective way to release deeply held emotional patterns embedded in your cells. Some of these could be long-standing patterns that your parents and grandparents also had, such as “money doesn’t come easy” or “I have to work hard to be successful.” They could also be patterns as a result of trauma (such as being fired or rejected), feeling that you don’t deserve things to be easy, that you are not smart enough, or worthy, and much more. If you find it hard to be happy and live a joyful life, releasing the blockages will open your energy to new opportunities and possibilities.

The Emotional Freedom and Healing (EF&H) is a very gentle and effective process to release deeply held beliefs and emotions from your body. Similar to the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), EF&H involves a combination of tapping acupressure points, repeating affirmations and breathing deeply to release fears and limiting beliefs. Once the limiting belief or emotion surfaces and you release it, it is gone forever. If the patterns have been building for years or even lifetimes, you may have layer upon layer that needs to be released. You can do these sessions for any issue and as many times as is comfortable for you.

Some of the patterns that can be released using EF&H include sadness, grief, fear, shame, blame, guilt, lack of trust, anxiety, anger, overwhelm, and frustration. The process takes about an hour and is done over the telephone. A recording is also provided so that you can repeat the session at any time for additional support.

May is a great month to release these patterns. Doing so could make the Mars and Mercury retrograde cycles go easier for you. To assist in this process, I’m offering $25.00 off tapping sessions during May. Contact me if you would like to schedule a session or you would like to learn more.
EF&H Testimonials
Here is a testimonial for EF&H from Maureen St. Germain, Transformational Enterprises, that demonstrate the power and effectiveness of EF&H. 

EF&H Clears Blockages to Selling a House

Dear Peg,

My husband and I used everything in the book, astrological timing, meditation, intentions, vision board, clearing, feng shui, you name it. I’m an expert in the field, I should know.

All seemed to move us closer to the right opportunity to sell his financially underwater home. We had a great realtor, a solid buyer, a good attorney but the bank wouldn’t budge. 

Within 48 hours of the EF&H session you did with him, on his issues around ownership of the house he built we received word that the bank was willing to do the deal.

When we got word, I got a clear message to ask my husband, what ONE thing did you do - that changed all this? And then I saw his worksheet he had created for working with you on his desk!

All the other parts were already in place - to move forward quickly! …

Thank you! We are so excited. I’m so grateful for your work in the Emotion Freedom and Healing technique.

Maureen J St Germain, Transformational Enterprises, Inc.

Lumber Liquidators' Toxic Flooring
About a year ago we learned that some wood laminate flooring manufactured in China and sold through Lumber Liquidators exceeded the lawful limit of cancer-causing formaldehyde. Similar products sold through Home Depot and Lowe’s were fine. The good news is that Lumber Liquidators no longer sells the products. The bad news is that if you have any in your home, the air should be tested and the flooring replaced if it continues to off-gas unlawful levels of formaldehyde. When this flooring was sold, it was labeled as being CARB Compliant under CA law. The truth is that the labels were false. The formaldehyde levels tested were three times higher than the law allows.

Here’s a recent story from Dr. Mercola about this topic as well. It contains a lot of worthwhile information if toxic flooring concerns you.

If you have flooring from Lumber Liquidators, you can get a free Air Quality test kit from Lumber Liquidators.

Watch this 60 Minutes report to learn more. It runs about 15 minutes, including a short update at the end.
What is Your Positivity Ratio? Find Out!

Barbara Fredrickson’s research shows that having a positive attitude and outlook on life helps you to live a happier and healthier life. Positive people develop stronger resilience which enables you bounce back from adversity more quickly and more easily. Fredrickson writes about this in her book: Positivity

According to Fredrickson, the Positivity Ratio is 3:1. This means that we need to have three times as many positive experiences and feelings, compared to negative ones each day. It turns out that 80% of American’s fall short of this. Are you among them? I am on some days.

You can take a 2 minute Positivity test and get your ratio. You can also track your ratio over time. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a 3:1 Positivity Ratio most days each week? If you track this, the goal would be to have no more than 10 days under a 3:1 ratio for every 30 days you meet the goal.

Positivity can help you to live a more vibrant and flourishing life. Fredrickson has “discovered that experiencing positive emotions broadens people's minds and builds their resourcefulness in ways that help them become more resilient to adversity and effortlessly achieve what they once could only imagine. With Positivity, you’ll learn to see new possibilities, bounce back from setbacks, connect with others, and become the best version of yourself.” *

Given the stress-filled lives many people lead, increasing your positivity ratio could have some worthy benefits.

Lead Contamination, John Oliver, and Sesame Street
An old story is new again. The water problem in Flint MI reminds us that lead contamination remains very much alive. Although banned from household paint in the USA since 1978, and banned in Europe since early in the 20th century, not enough has been done to eliminate the problem. Low levels of lead depress children’s neurological functions, IQ, motor skills. Toxicity has been linked to poor academic performance, behavioral problems, and criminal activity. It is reported that every dollar invested in lead cleanup would return a minimum of $17 in benefits. It seems like a no-brainer, yet it still persists as a problem. In Washington, some politicians have claimed outrage at the situation in Flint while simultaneously voting to cut funding for abatement of the lead issue. Absurd but true.

Here’s an 18 minute video of a recent John Oliver program about this issue, where he also revisits Sesame Street who was educating kids about lead 20 years ago.

Upcoming Programs …
Buddha from Shanghai Museum
Mark Your Calendars for Just Naturals Girls’ Nights Out: Thursday: June 9

Stop in to Just Naturals in Bedford, NH for an evening of fun, pampering, and relaxation. Peg will be doing complimentary I Ching readings.

This is the last one of the season. New events will be announced in the fall.
Just Naturals, 
176 S. River Road, Bedford, NH
Time: 4:00 – 7:30pm 

Phone: 603-606-1345
May Newsletter Special:

Emotional Freedom & Healing Releases
via Phone (includes a recording)

$125.00 (Save $25!)

 (Mention the May Newsletter to receive this rate.)

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information.

 Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Fashion Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings 
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.