April News: It's Time to Prepare Your Two-Year Strategic Plan!

Published: Fri, 04/01/16

2016 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #91:
“The buds of the trees in spring are a glorious reminder of the abundance of nature.”

Do you know of someone living in a college dorm or a small space? Dorm Room Feng Shui can help to create an environment that supports their success and aspirations.
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Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

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Hello Everyone,

After a mild winter, April has arrived quickly. My spring bulbs are weeks ahead of their typical schedule. It’ll be nice to see the flowers soon.
I’m hearing from people that because we really didn’t have any snow days this winter, we need to take a break from work soon! If you feel this way, you’re in luck. A bi-annual strategic planning cycle (Mars Retrograde) arrives on April 17th and lasts until June 29th. This period is meant for strategic planning, for both business and your personal life. Business usually slows down a bit so that we can take a break to do thinking and planning for the next two years. Use this period well.

We have some excellent days for getting a lot done through April 15th. After that, be patient. Aligning with good timing and working with universal energies, rather than against them, will serve you well.

Enjoy April!

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
April 7th New Moon and Your Career
The April 7th new Moon in Aries correlates to the Career gua. This is the center front of your home, every room in your home, and your land. New moons are about new beginnings. Aries, the first house in the zodiac, also represents a time of new beginnings and spring, a season for new growth. It would be helpful to set a specific career (or work) related intention prior to April 7th and then watch to see how this begins to unfold and manifest beginning with the April 21st full moon.

The Career sector relates to your Life Path and the opportunities that come your way. To attract more opportunities and/or the right opportunities, refresh the center front of your home and every room in your home prior to April 7th. Set an intention for your life path or Career when the new moon arrives on April 7th. Meditate on it and then observe what happens; participate in its unfolding beginning with the April 21st full moon.

Based on the Five Element cycle, the Career gua is energized by Water and strengthened by Metal. Water is represented by glass, mirrors, reflective surfaces, black and dark blue, wavy, and swirling shapes. A water scene, a ship or pictures of lakes, harbors, or ocean views make a nice enhancement in this area. Metal is represented by white and light pastel shades, circular shapes, and all metal such as gold, silver, aluminum, bronze, brass, etc.

In many homes the front door is located in the Career gua. This is quite synchronous since the front door is the most important area in our homes. It is known as the mouth of chi. The condition of your front door heavily influences the quality of energy that enters your home. Refreshing and energizing a centrally located front door also energizes your career and the opportunities that come your way.

This could be a good month to give your front door a fresh coat of paint. If you have a center front door with a lot of glass, painting it white, silver, or gray could empower it for your career even more. Although red is a powerful feng shui color, it works great for some front doors and not so well for others.

Another enhancement is refreshing the path leading to your front door. I like to plant bulbs in the fall to energize the path to my front door each spring. Waking up a garden in this area, adding fresh mulch, along with some fresh seasonal plants or shrubs are very good ways to bring fresh chi to your front door and to your career (for center front doors).

For a sample bagua, scroll down the Q&A page on the Feng Shui Connections website.

Contact me if you’d like to know about the most supportive colors for your front door. I can help you with this in a 20 minute phone consultation with a photo of your front door and the facing direction.
Beautiful Gardens
Around the World
Beautiful Garden
Do you need a touch of spring and some inspiration to enhance your garden this year? Regardless of size, a garden can bring a lot of Joy, and sometimes with very little effort. Check out this set of 50 slides of beautiful gardens around the world. How many have you visited?
Spring Forward by Dressing Your Authentic Self
As part of your spring cleaning process, it would be great to clear out all clothes that you no longer wear, you no longer love, you have never loved, or clothes in which you do not feel your best. This is a very empowering process. We are in a very supportive cycle (third quarter moon) to get this done prior to the new moon on April 7th. You may find that it is easy to release such items now. All of your possessions contain your energy and those of events that took place when you wore them.

Some people are afraid that if they let go of items they no longer love, that they won’t have anything left to wear. Does this sound like you? If so, begin by only wearing clothes you love. Set aside the rest … in boxes, bags, whatever works for you. Don’t give them away yet, but don’t wear them either. By removing them from your closet, you are creating room for the right clothes to come to you. When you wear the clothes you really like, chances are similar items will come your way.

Would you like to accelerate this process and dress your authentic self? If so, contact me for a Fashion Feng Shui Consultation. In the space of a few hours, you can make some very empowering shifts.

Take a Precautionary Approach With Your Wireless Devices
Everywhere I go I see young children playing with wireless electronic devices such as tablets, iPads, mobile devices, and cell phones. Schools in the USA continue to go wireless, while in Europe the opposite has been accelerating over the past five years, including the removal of WiFi from day care centers. Simultaneously more and more information is emerging about the dangers of exposure for young children, in particular.

If you are a parent or grandparent (or another influential person) of young children who are “playing” with such devices, my suggestion is that you learn about the risks to brain and cognitive development and do what you can to limit children’s exposure. Take a precautionary approach. Turn off WiFi at night and don’t let children play with high frequency wireless devices such as smart phones and tablets until we are assured of their health safety.

We seem to accept our societal decline in health and well-being as normal. ADHD, ADD, huge surges in mental health imbalances, various cancers, and aging-related issues, the opioid problem. We are using record volumes of drugs to dull and cover up our problems, while also replacing body parts at an increasing rate (knees and hips, in particular) rather than eliminate the source. For me the sources come down to two primary categories: food and environment.

If we band together and clean up the sources, I bet people would begin to thrive in ways we haven’t seen in years. Actions we can take: eat fresh, organic food; spend more time moving and being outside; sleep in dark, quiet spaces; engage kids with non-electronic creative activities. Read more and write more, the old-fashioned way, with paper books, pen, and paper. It turns out that our brains build more receptors this way too!

Here’s a recent informative link about electronics and kids brains.
A Bit About Our Times...
Mercury Retrograde begins April 28th and continues through May 22. Pay particular attention to details beginning April 14th. The two weeks prior to Mercury Retrograde are when an increase in errors is likely to happen.

A more important cycle this month is Mars Retrograde, which runs April 17th until June 29th. In business, this is a period when activity slows down because you are meant to do strategic planning for the next two years. This is an excellent cycle to prepare a personal strategic plan too. Rather than begin new projects during this cycle, it would be better to wait until July. It might seem like a long time away. It is actually a short period compared to back-tracking and fixing errors or re-initiating activities that were poorly timed.

I recommend that you make JOY a priority in life via your strategic plans, both personal and professional. Let go of struggle and self-sacrifice by releasing what is not working. Although still real for many people, this approach is outdated. Instead, say “yes” to what you really want and find ways to discover joy in all that you do, even the smallest things and activities. Make joy a daily priority and use it to connect to your inner voice as you create a new vision for yourself. This will make a big difference in your life. I guarantee it.

Contact me if you’d like a consultation to make the best use of this cycle that comes around every two years.
2017 Good Timing Guide
You can pre-order a 2017 Good Timing Guide from Polaris Business Guides through April 8th. This is the best price you’ll get all year. It is worth ordering ahead of time. When you do, you also help Madeline Gerwick to get it published. I also recommend that you subscribe to the newsletter too. You’ll receive an update every two weeks, along with a detailed quarterly perspective about upcoming patterns, to help you plan ahead.

If you haven’t seen Madeline’s series of seven short “Mindshift” videos, check them out too. In seven minute segments you’ll learn about key aspects of good timing.
Quick Phone or Email Consultations
Lots of things are being stirred up for people this year. We have the challenging #2 Flying Star in the Center of your homes and spaces, we’ve had two eclipses in the past month, and now we are heading into Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde cycles. February was a very good month for taking important action and July is the next one.

You can come into alignment by clearing negative emotions and deeply help patterns (including ancestral patterns) through an Emotional Freedom & Healing tapping session, or a remote Personal Energy Clearing or a remote Space Clearing (for your home or business).

Topics for clearings might include include:

  • Money and Prosperity Blocks
  • Career & Job Changes
  • Relationship Shifts
  • Buying/Selling Real Estate
  • Strengthening Family Ties

You can get answers to these questions quickly without the need for a full consultation via phone or email. Sending along a photo of the particular area or even a short video that you take with your phone is a great way to show what the space currently looks like. Fee: $3.00 per minute with a $45 minimum. With recording for phone consultations, add $5.00. Send an email or give me a call to schedule or for further information.

Recent Testimonial
Here’s what one client had to say about a recent remote space clearing …

Space Clearing Eliminates Footsteps!

“Thank you for this summary.  I haven't felt anything but positive vibes after the clearing and that's a good thing.   My mom takes care of my children at home during the day and she said she used to feel someone following her around and used to hear steps.  She says she hasn't felt that this week so that's good.”  

-T. S., March 23, 2016, CA

If your home or office could use an energy clearing to remove unsettling negative emotions, patterns, blockages, or more, contact me.

Upcoming Programs …
Buddha from Shanghai Museum
Mark Your Calendars for Just Naturals Girls’ Nights Out: Thursdays: Apr 21, June 9

Stop in to Just Naturals in Bedford, NH for an evening of fun, pampering, and relaxation.

Peg will be doing complimentary I Ching readings. 

Just Naturals, 
176 S. River Road, Bedford, NH
Time: 4:00 – 7:30pm 

Phone: 603-606-1345
April Newsletter Special:

Consultations/Coaching to Align
Your Home or Office with
Your Goals, Motives, and Desires

via Phone, Web or Email
30 mins for $75.00 (Save $15!)

 (Mention the April Newsletter to receive this rate.)

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information.

 Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Fashion Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings 
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.