March News: Eclipse Season ... Are Shifts in Sight for You?

Published: Tue, 03/01/16

2016 Newsletter

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Hello Everyone,

We have been blessed with a mild winter in New England so far. Wouldn’t it be nice for it to continue through March? After being teased with Spring, I’m ready for it to fully emerge.

We are in eclipse season this month. Some of you may be experiencing big shifts as a result.
Tune into yourself and be clear about what you really want. Things are happening fast these days … you think it and soon enough you get evidence of it happening. 

I included a variety of topics this month. If you have a particular topic you would like to hear more about, let me know.

Enjoy March! 

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
We Are in Eclipse Season
We are in eclipse season; it is a period of major changes. Eclipses happen in pairs, six months apart. Each pair is a new moon solar eclipse followed two weeks later by a full moon lunar eclipse. The issues stirred up by an eclipse come into range about 30 days before each eclipse and can last up to 30 days after each eclipse. Thus, we have a 60 day range. An eclipse affects you if a planet or a sensitive point in your chart falls within 3-4 degrees of the eclipse.

The March 8 solar eclipse falls in the sign of Pisces at 18 degrees 56 minutes. If Pisces in your chart is at 15-23 degrees in Pisces or Virgo, major issues, events or topics may emerge for you. Solar Eclipse-related events can occur between February 8th and April 8th. 

The March 23rd Lunar eclipse is the second half of this pair. This eclipse falls in Libra at 3 degrees 17 minutes. If Libra or Aries in your chart is at 0-8 degrees, then this eclipse impacts you and events in your life. Lunar Eclipse-related events can occur between February 23rd and April 23rd. 

The primary meaning of the March eclipses is associated with endings or separations, particularly in relationships. This can occur in many ways. For example, my daughter is moving into her first apartment in March. The solar eclipse affects physical energy and vitality in my chart (Sun and Mars) and the lunar eclipse affects the area of expansion (Jupiter) in my daughter’s chart. I will be careful not to get worn down helping her to move and get started. 

The secondary meaning of the March 8th Solar Eclipse is related to the transferring of higher wisdom and knowledge. You may be the teacher or the student. It's a good time to listen to your inner guidance and higher wisdom.
The secondary meaning of the March 23rd Lunar Eclipse relates to being with people of like mind, similar beliefs, values, and feelings. This can be a very creative cycle.

The March 8 Solar Eclipse will be visible over parts of SE Asia, where it will be March 9.

March 8 New Moon and Solar Eclipse 
The March 8 new Moon and Solar Eclipse in Pisces correlates to the Center/Health gua of your home and every room in your home. As I indicate each month, new moons are about new  beginnings. It is a good month to set an intention for your health that will begin to manifest with the full moon on March 23, as well as the beginning of spring.

Pisces is a water sign that calls us to explore the deeper side of life, our dreams, and our authentic selves. This can be an inspirational time to help you better understand your deep inner thoughts and feelings.
In the Flying Star feng shui system, the Center of your home also holds the energy of the #2 star of health/sickness. This is timely synchronicity this month. Given the placement in the Flying Star system, it is best to keep the center of your home relatively quiet this year. If the center of your home is cluttered or has a lot of stuck energy, I would gradually de-clutter and then re-energize this area. 

Omit as much red as you can in the Center of your home this year. It stirs up trouble with the #2 star. Instead, place extra metal in the Center of your home to weaken the negative effects of this energy.

Hanging a set of 6 coins, a singing bowl, metal décor and other metal items is very  supportive. Although I would avoid wind chimes (because they activate energy), periodically you might ring a bell or play a singing bowl to disperse negative energy.

Even though you may not be making a lot of changes or enhancements to the Center of your home, do tune in to the energy of health and overall well-being. As we approach the March 8th eclipse and new moon:

  • Envision your goals
  • Focus on your authentic self
  • Dream big and imagine what is possible
  • Explore whatever is deep within your heart

The March 8th eclipse is about endings, completions, and letting go. In addition to bidding goodbye to winter, what health challenges are you ready to bring to an end or resolve once and for all? As we let go of the old, something new will take its place. Wouldn’t it be nice to experience renewed stamina and long term vibrant health? What obstacles can you remove or move beyond so that this can happen for you?

Take time for self-introspection and sense life’s meaning from deep within. You may find yourself on a path to discover more meaning in your life and your relationships, find ways to heal long standing issues, become inspired to do something completely new or open your heart to that which you truly desire. Allow the possibility that things can shift in magical ways.

Then tune in to the March 23rd full moon and Lunar Eclipse, paying attention to how the thoughts you have rooted are beginning to take shape … just in time for the full emergence of spring.

For a sample bagua, scroll down the Q&A page on the Feng Shui Connections website.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you.
Messy Kitchens and Overeating
It’s time to clean the kitchen! A recently published study in Environment and Behavior indicates that cluttered and chaotic environments increase stress and higher levels of stress lead to consuming more calories. 

Here’s a synopsis from Science Daily:

"Conducted at the Cornell Food and Brand Lab and published in Environment and Behavior, the study shows that cluttered kitchens are caloric kitchens. When stressed out females were asked to wait for another person in a messy kitchen -- with newspapers on the table, dishes in the sink, and the phone ringing -- they ate twice as many cookies compared to women in the same kitchen when it was organized and quiet. In total they ate 65 more calories more in 10 minutes time.

"Being in a chaotic environment and feeling out of control is bad for diets. It seems to lead people to think, 'Everything else is out of control, so why shouldn't I be?'" says lead author Lenny Vartanian, PhD., now Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of New South Wales in Australia. "I suspect the same would hold with males," he adds.

"Half of the 101 females participating in the study waited in a cluttered kitchen with scattered piles of papers and dirty dishes, while the other half waited in an organized kitchen. Both kitchens had bowls of cookies, crackers, and carrots. Prior to entering the room, however, some of the participants were asked to write about a time when their life was out of control and others were asked to write of a time when they were in control. The latter group entered the cluttered room feeling in control and ate about 100 fewer calories than those who felt out of control before entering.

"Although meditation, as a way of feeling in control, might be one way to resist kitchen snacking for some, it's probably easier just to keep our kitchens picked up and cleaned up," said coauthor Brian Wansink, Director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab and author of Slim by Design.

NPR also posted a perspective on a recent Morning Edition program.

I tidy up my kitchen every night before heading to bed. I learned the hard way many years ago. It was the holidays and I was constructing a gingerbread house. We had previous plans, so I decided I would leave everything as it was and do the cleanup when I returned or the next morning. It was a snowy evening. While we were gone, the storm intensified and we lost power for three days. I did not like returning to a messy kitchen. It was even worse having to wait three days to wash the dishes. Ugh! I learned a big lesson in cleaning up before I head out. You never know what is going to happen.

How to Tie a Scarf
Scarfs are a nice enhancement for many outfits in any season. Here’s a fun Eileen Fischer video that 
may interest you about many creative ways to tie a scarf. You may need to slow it down and actually watch it a few times as you practice. 

I recently added Fashion Feng Shui® services to my portfolio. Fashion Feng Shui® provides a unique way of analyzing one’s energy and intentions in order to help you embrace your authentic nature and put your best self forward. Using this approach, your energy and intention are assessed and your features evaluated using feng shui’s Five Element framework of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. You learn how to dress with Intention.

Contact me if you would like some help this spring putting your best self forward, or thinning out a closet of clothes you don’t wear.
Take a Precautionary Approach With Your Wireless Devices
Here is a link to an article containing three well-done interviews with leading proponents of taking a precautionary approach with cell phones and wireless technology use with children, particularly in schools. 
​Do you know that smart phones should never be held closer than one inch from your body when they are turned on? It’s true. It’s is the small print of our product manuals which few people ever read.  A February 6th TEDX Talk by Jeromy Johnson in Berkeley on this subject was recently posted. This is just the tip of the iceberg as people begin waking up to what is happening.

Johnson’s health declined while working in a high tech environment. His symptoms included  insomnia, headaches, tinnitus/ringing in the ears, fatigue, cognitive disturbance, irritability and stress. After some investigation, he learned that he was sleeping over a bank of wireless smart meters that were installed below his bedroom in San Francisco. He talks about how we can develop technology that is much safer for humanity, as well as solutions we can take until then. It’s the precautionary approach:

  • Text or use your smart phone in speaker mode
  • If you carry it in your pocket, put it on airplane mode
  • If you use it as an alarm clock, put it in airplane mode
  • Limit the exposure of young children to wireless
  • Keep babies away from wireless devices, particularly wireless baby monitors
  • Put a Smart Meter guard over your Smart Meter
  • Put your wireless router in a Router Guard
  • Turn off WiFi before sleeping
This technology is not going away. Nor do we want it to. It is time for business to take the lead and produce products that are safe for humans and animals. We have the technology to do this and it can be very profitable for companies to do so.
Announcing: Quick Phone
or Email Consultations

Eclipses and a change in season can stir up many things! If you would like some help making sense of what is happening in your life and you would like to explore your best options for solutions, a short consultation by phone or email may help you out.

Perhaps you are experiencing endings (Career & Job Changes, Relationship Shifts, Moving) but you are not sure where to begin again?

  • Do you desire a change in your relationship, but your partner does not?
  • Are you sensing it is time to leave your job, yet you don’t feel ready?
  • Do you have a feng shui question that you’d like answered for any area of your home, your office or workspace, possibly a property you are purchasing or more?
  • Perhaps you’d like clarification about the Bagua or the Flying Star System?
  • Are you confused or conflicted about anything you have read or wanted to try but aren’t sure about?
  • Maybe you’d like a specific cure or adjustment to help resolve a problem or shift energy.
  • Selling your home, but it’s not moving along? A quick call might be just the solution to get things moving along.
You can get answers to these questions quickly without the need for a full consultation via phone or email. Sending along a photo of the particular area or even a short video that you take with your phone is a great way to show what the space currently looks like.

Fee: $3.00 per minute with a $45 minimum. With recording for phone consultations, add $5.00.
Send an email or give me a call to schedule or for further information.

Read More
All Days Are
NOT Created Equal!​
Madeline Gerwick has a series of seven short videos to help you understand when and how to 
use Good Timing in your life. Check them out!

Look for “Madeline Gerwick’s Mindshifts” on the lower right side of the Polaris Business Guides home page.

Read More
Upcoming Programs …
Buddha from Shanghai Museum
Mark Your Calendars for Just Naturals Girls’ Nights Out: Thursdays: Apr 14, June 9

Stop in to Just Naturals in Bedford, NH for an evening of fun, pampering, and relaxation.

Peg will be doing complimentary I Ching readings. 

Just Naturals, 
176 S. River Road, Bedford, NH
Time: 4:00 – 7:30pm 

Phone: 603-606-1345
March Newsletter Special: 
via Phone, Web or Email

30 mins for $75.00 (Save $15!)
 (Mention the March Newsletter to receive this rate.)

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information.

 Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Fashion Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings 
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.