A Month of Enrichment

Published: Fri, 10/30/15

November 2015 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #301:
“My generosity of heart, mind and spirit returns to me multi-fold today.”
365 Affirmations For Prosperity

Do you know of someone leaving soon to live in a college dorm or a small space? Dorm Room Feng Shui can help to create an environment that supports their success and aspirations.
Dorm Room Feng Shui  
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Recorded Programs
Emotional Freedom & Healing Releases for: Hotlink for EF&H Description

Favorite Astrology Perspectives

Other Links of Interest

Hello Everyone,

Happy Halloween weekend! November follows quickly on Sunday.

We’ll move deeper into fall this month, accompanied by our return to standard time early Sunday morning. Remember to change your clocks. Even though we “gain” an hour, each year it takes me several days to adjust to the change in light and time.

Thanksgiving is a perfect time to remember the strength and power of gratitude in our daily blessings. If you have strayed from this practice, it’s worth returning.

We have some wonderful and expansive money cycles this month. Tap into them and see what unfolds for you. We are lucky to live in such an abundant universe

Also, if you are planting bulbs to bloom next spring, the best time is any day prior to the Nov 11th new moon.

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy November.

Contact me if you would like help to develop your plan for 2015, create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.​

November 11th New Moon: Activate Your Wealth Corners!
New moons are about new beginnings. Since the moon also influences your emotional energy and patterns, we have an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with the energies of the moon each month. The Wednesday, November 11th new moon is in the sign of Scorpio.

The corresponding area to energize is Wealth and Abundance. This Prosperity area is the back left corner of your land, your house, and every room in your house, when you divide your space into a grid of nine (like a tic-tac-toe board). These areas also correlate to your business or work space as well.  The Prosperity area relates to the flow of blessings, abundance, and prosperity in your life, including the flow of money. The back left corners of your home or workspace are the ideal areas to refresh and activate this month. As you do this and when you are done, visualize the end result of your view or perspective of wealth, abundance, and prosperity. It is different for each one of us.

Prosperity is about fortunate blessings, vitality, growth and abundance. In the Chinese Five Element system, the Prosperity gua relates to Wood energy as represented by plants and trees. Wood is strengthened by Water and depleted by Fire. Wood helps to balance excess Earth and is controlled by Metal. Nature is a wonderful teacher and is all about balance. In recent years the Earth has experienced some tumultuous weather patterns, particularly fierce storms, drought, and wild fires.

Rain and water help plants and trees to grow and flourish. A wildfire depletes an area instantly. In a barren setting, trees and plants are most welcome whereas when there are too many, Metal axes and blades cut them down and thin them out. When this doesn’t happen, nature runs its course and Fire becomes the natural equalizer or balancer. The process is cyclical.

Fortunately the most recent hurricane (an over-abundance of wind and water!), Patricia, did not hit landfall in highly populated areas in western Mexico. Although it was a huge storm, its impact was lighter than anticipated. This is a blessing.

From a feng shui perspective, blues, greens, some purple or a little bit of red (also gold) are supportive colors for Prosperity sectors. The rooms do not have to be painted in these colors. Green plants, fresh flowers and flowing water are welcome additions. Placing pictures or arranging symbols that represent supportive energies, such as a photo or a gorgeous tree or a beautiful waterfall, is also quite helpful. A little goes a long way. What is most important is your attention and focus. Your space is a visual reflection of your inner self.

I recommend that you place something that conjures up feelings or images of treasure, wealth or abundance in your Wealth gua. It should be something that you love, or that you feel great about or is very meaningful to you. All of your possessions hold energy and that energy spreads throughout your space, connecting you to events and people … past, present and even future.

My office is in the Wealth gua of my home. In the Wealth corner of my office I have a gorgeous skyline photo of NYC and the East River at night. In the opposite corner, I have a gorgeous photo of a waterfall flowing towards me from a trip to PA many years ago. Both photos were taken by my husband, who is a photographer. I also have a beautiful water color painting by Tom Rebek, a gifted and award-winning artist , along with a feng shui flute hung in the wealth position, a set of 10 Coins hanging behind my desk, and a small set of fu dogs on my desk. (Contact me if you would like more information about these special cures). On my desk, I have a beautiful green plant in the Wealth corner, along with a “treasure box” that contains gold, frankincense and myrhh.

Before enhancing your Wealth gua, give it a good cleaning and remove all clutter, anything you don’t identify with or things that no longer represent who you are and where you are headed. This is an ideal time of year to wash your windows and curtains and vacuum deep into the corners, removing stagnant energy. Clean windows will help you develop a clearer vision. I’ll be giving my office a deep, semi-annual cleaning prior to November 11.

Hips, thighs, and legs are the body parts we associate with the Prosperity gua. I see a connection with this in my practice. Some people having hip or knee replacements also struggle with abundance issues or lack of cash flow. As result they strengthen and reinforce the lack of what they truly want to experience. If you identify with any aspect of this, one way to begin to turn this around is to recognize and acknowledge the significant prosperity and many blessings that already flow throughout your life. View what you have through a different lens and a new angle. Your current situation is the starting point for where you are headed. If your experience is the opposite of what you want, you can change it by altering your perspective. Focus on the end result of what you want. Let go of how and when it will happen. Then pay attention to the small signs that emerge to signal that a transformation is underway.

Refresh and revitalize the back left corner of your home, office or business prior to November 11th. Set clear intentions for amazing blessings to come your way. Tune in to everything that happens and pay attention to how you open to increased prosperity and abundance. Notice what unfolds for you beginning with the November 27th full moon.  Giving thanks, in advance, is a great technique as well.

For a sample bagua, scroll down the Q&A page on the Feng Shui Connections website.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along.

Tap Into Our Favorable Money Cycles
October and November have very favorable astrology patterns for money growth this year. These patterns include Jupiter trine Pluto, Venus conjunct Jupiter, and Venus trine Pluto. Jupiter is a planet of expansion and Venus is related to money (and also love!). Combine these with the November 11 new moon in Scorpio and we have some of the best opportunities and wonderful cosmic support to take fortunate actions that have the potential to yield a lot of money and growth. Release clutter and stagnant energy, reinvigorate your Wealth gua, visualize the end result you would love to experience as you take inspired action, and notice what unfolds for you.
Remember to Give Thanks!
Expressing genuine gratitude is one of the most powerful actions you can take to help get things moving along in a favorable direction. What better month to begin a gratitude journal or renew your practice if you have wavered a bit. I recommend that each of us take time this month to express gratitude for at least five things every day? For years I have heard that this is also a practice endorsed by Oprah.

I find writing to be a highly effective tool. Also, it takes about 30 days to change a habit or to create a new one. If you write in a gratitude journal each day this month, it might become a life-long habit. Your statements can be very simple, such as: “Thank you for this gorgeous day.” Giving thanks in advance works quite well too. We are always (and only) in the present. We are never in “yesterday” nor ever in “tomorrow.” Yet, how often does our attention wander to the past and future? Giving thanks in advance is very powerful.

I find that a focus on “I am” is also effective. For example: “I am so grateful for my loving family and our expressions of kindness, compassion, and generosity toward all.” If this is not your experience and you would like it happen, giving thanks in advance of it happening can pave the way. You can use this method for any intention you have.

If you genuinely gratitude each day this month, I guarantee that you will be delighted with the results, as long as you tune in and notice what shows up.

Is Worry Overpowering Your Feng Shui Adjustments?
Mirror Cure
Periodically I hear from clients and readers that they have made quite a few adjustments, yet nothing is happening. They get frustrated and conclude feng shui does not work.

Feng Shui is about energy and the quality of energy matters. Feng Shui is always in motion but it does not make things happen. It can help you align the energy of your space and ultimately yourself with the vibrational frequency of your desire.

Our alignment with universal energies directs what is happening. If you are focused on what is NOT happening, that is what you are empowering and actually attracting. It is a delicate balance … wanting something but not having it and experiencing what it would be like to have it before it actually arrives. Doing the latter and actually being in the feeling mode of the end result of your desires every day is what will help to experience the results you seek.

Feng shui adjustments can enhance the energy of your space. Another very important part is you aligning your inner energy so that you/your body are also in vibrational frequency with your desire. This is actually where the most work is for each of us. The physical changes in our space are the easy part. The mental, emotional, and spiritual changes within oneself is where the real work is, and it is different for each of us because each individual walks a unique path. Only you know how you are feeling.

If what you’ve been doing is not working, it may be time to change things up a bit. If you’d like some suggestions about what to do, contact me. I will do my best to help you get things moving in a direction that works for you. What matters the most is a sincere approach and a willingness to do your inner work.

A personal clearing or Emotional Freedom & Healing tapping session could help remove stuck patterns and shift your personal energy. I do private sessions and I also have some recordings. To help focus on prosperity this month, you can download one of my “Release Blockages to Prosperity” recordings from Polaris Business Guides for $25.00. Doing this session one or more times may help entrenched patterns.  Here is a link.

I would also be happy to do a customized, private session with you. Contact me if you are interested.
On Care For Our Common Home
A few weeks ago I read Pope Francis’s Encyclical letter that was published in June (2015). An encyclical letter is a “circular” letter to the bishops of the church. This particular letter received a lot of publicity because it is focused on something near and dear to many us, our care of the earth and for each other. It is written in an easy to read style and it is not religious in nature. This “letter” is available as a short book (128 pages).

Pope Francis is a making a global impact. This particular message is about how each of us has a responsibility to take care of the earth in everything we do. He challenges our current political and economic systems, as well as our lifestyle of consumerism. We can all pitch in and do our part, which varies for each one of us. Eliminating apathy (or “it’s not my problem”) and beginning to care is a great first step. Stopping the reckless pursuit of corporate profits is another. The “power of the purse” is strong and the average person can make a big difference by making conscious purchases. This might include:

  • Reducing waste and clutter at home,
  • Passing along what you don’t use or need to others
  • Purchasing higher quality products made from sustainable raw materials
  • Reducing, repairing, and reusing more things rather than tossing them out
  • Purchasing fewer overall but higher quality products
  • Purchasing organic and sustainable food, rather than cheap “fake” or low nutritional food
Caring for the earth includes:

  • Building sustainably
  • Using more solar and wind power vs. fossil fuels
  • Planning sustainable and responsible communities
  • Retaining more open land to minimize erosion
  • Having abundant natural beauty for everyone to appreciate

I am very pleased with how well the Pope’s message fits with our efforts to uplift the chi of environments through feng shui. By creating healthy, sustainable, uncluttered living and work spaces, we are contributing to a positive shift toward the common good for all. This is a good thing and we can all do our part!

I encourage you to read the letter, if you are so inclined. It is a positive and uplifting message that goes well beyond the Catholic Church. I am grateful to my sister, Maureen, for bringing this to my attention.

After I wrote this article I heard that outdoor retailer REI is canceling Black Friday this year, giving employees the day off, and encouraging everyone to get outside. Other retailers are deciding not to open on Thanksgiving. This is a big shift! Maybe more businesses will follow the trend and new habits will emerge.
Roof Tiles From Plastic Bottles
Here’s a trend that goes along with the Pope’s message: roof tiles created from plastic water bottle waste for affordable housing!

Donald Thomson, a Canadian-born builder and entrepreneur, launched a company in Costa Rica this year where he is converting reclaimed plastic water bottles into roofing tiles. He is taking the waste from one industry to create value for another. This is a positive innovation that contributes to a circular economy.

I think we will continue to see more and more innovative ideas contributing to a better world. We are also seeing an upward trend where sustainable products and companies are making money. This is attractive to investors, who used to shun sustainable companies in favor of businesses that could produce the highest profits regardless of the harm done to the environment or the low wages paid to employees. It’s time to stop turning a blind eye. Each of us needs to step up and do our part in whatever way makes sense. The upcoming holiday season is a great time to put responsible choices into action.
Wayne Dyer Free Video Series
Hay House is offering a FREE Wayne Dyer video program about manifesting your soul’s purpose. This video series is well worth your time in 16 minute increments. Dyer, who recently passed away at age 75, is one of our great spiritual teachers.

The first video is about awakening to the divine intelligence within and tuning into our “interior invisible intelligence.” He speaks of a beautiful clay pot that would not exist without the empty space and how similar each of us is to that clay pot. Similar to oneself, there is also an infinite invisible intelligence in our physical spaces and out in nature. This is the energy that we tap into through the practice of feng shui and other energy work. The divine spirit is around us all the time. Can you hear it calling? As you connect with your inner and outer divine intelligence you may find your life unfolding in amazing and unexpected ways.
Upcoming Programs…
Wednesday, November 18th : Girls Night Out
Stop in to Just Naturals in Bedford, NH for an evening of fun, pampering, and relaxation. I will be traveling, so I will not be available for my complimentary I Ching readings.  You can contact me for one via phone though.

Just Naturals, 
176 S. River Road, Bedford, NH
Time: 4:00 – 7:30pm
Phone: 603-606-1345
Consultations and Related Services:

Remove Blockages to Prosperity via a
custom Emotional Freedom & Healing telephone tapping session

($125.00! Save $25 this month. Mention the November Newsletter.)

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information.

 Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings 
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 
I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.