Make Time to Clear Your Space

Published: Thu, 10/01/15

October 2015 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #273:
“As my heart bubbles with joy and love my circle of prosperity grows wider.”
365 Affirmations

Do you know of someone leaving soon to live in a college dorm or a small space? Dorm Room Feng Shui can help to create an environment that supports their success and aspirations.
Dorm Room Feng Shui  
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Recorded Programs
Emotional Freedom & Healing Releases for: Hotlink for EF&H Description

Favorite Astrology Perspectives

Other Links of Interest

Hello Everyone,

Did you view the Full moon Eclipse Sunday evening? What a treat to see! This eclipse season is bringing a lot of change for people on multiple levels. Take note of what’s been in store for you while you focus on where you’d like to head.

October is an excellent month to place your attention indoors after spending as much time as possible enjoying the summer months. Rather than clean and rearrange what you have, it would be ideal to do some thinning and clutter clearing. We all have clutter, to some degree. If you haven’t seen them, take a look at Stephanie Bennett Vogt’s short video series on space clearing. A link is below.

After a turbulent September, we have some very supportive energy for “Good Results” from Columbus Day through the end of the year. It would be great for each of us to take advantage of these positive cycles and make progress towards meaningful goals. Remember, you space is a reflection of your inner self, so progress that you make to create living and working spaces that truly support you can make a big difference in the outcomes you experience.

Also, if you are planting bulbs to bloom next spring, the best time is after the full moon: Oct. 1 to Oct. 12th or Oct. 29th – Nov 10th.

Enjoy October!

Contact me if you would like help to develop your plan for 2015, create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.​

October 12th New Moon: What You Focus On, Matters!
New moons are about new beginnings. Since the moon also influences your emotional energy and patterns, we have an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with the energies of the moon each month.

The Monday, October 12th new moon is in the sign of Libra. The corresponding area to energize is the Relationship or Partnership gua of your home or work space. This is the back right area of your land, your house, and every room in your house, when you divide your space into a grid of nine (like a tic-tac-toe board). These areas also correlate to your business or work space as well.

This new moon provides an opportunity to re-balance and/or strengthen personal, romantic (including marriage), or business partnerships. It is also a supportive cycle to end relationships that are not working or to set intentions to attract the right partner if you would like to do so.

Be clear about the qualities, traits and attributes that you desire in a partner. What you focus on matters and manifests. If you focus on what you do not want, you will get more of it. Your interactions with others are a manifestation of your deep, inner self, as our relationships often mirror what is stirring within each of us. When you are comfortable within yourself, your relationships with others are likely to be satisfying. If you wrestle internally, external relationships will be strained, difficult, or challenging.

The intentions you initiate with the October new moon can have long lasting results. What is it you truly desire? The shifts underway may involve ending some relationships in order to move forward with others for which you are now ready or ones that will expand your soul and life experience.

In the feng shui bagua, the Relationship or Partnership area is the most yin or feminine area. It is associated with the energy of receptivity, caring and nurturing, mothering, and forgiveness. If the relationships in your life need attention and you would like a shift, work with this sector. This is also an excellent area to work with if you have unfinished business with your mother or you would like to strengthen your relationship with her. If you are harboring judgment, resentment, grudges, cleaning, clearing and adjusting the Relationship area of your space may help get the energy moving forward.

Refresh and activate the energy in this part of your home or business prior to Monday, October 12th. This can be as simple as dusting and vacuuming or as thorough as a deep fall cleaning. It is an ideal time to remove clutter or items that have been sitting around gathering dust as well as those that have low energy. Take a look. You will find them.

Then set a related intention, such as having your deepest desires mirrored in positive and affirming ways through your Relationships with others. For instance, if you desire more clarity, you will begin to encounter lots of clarity from others. If you yearn to develop self-love or self-respect, others will shower you with love and respect. If you yearn for inner strength and willpower, those most important to you will embrace and support your needs, even when it is not comfortable. When you look at the mirror provided by others, what is revealed to you?

You can also strengthen your inner vision by working with the diagonally opposite area, the Knowledge and Wisdom gua. This is the front left corner of every space. Doing so may provide you a deeper perspective about yourself and empower you to take action.

In the Chinese Five Element system, the Relationship and Knowledge guas relate to Earth energy. The Earth element is associated with your stomach, spleen and internal organs. Earth is symbolized by yellow, brown and the fall color palette, square shapes, pottery, brick, earthen ware and anything made from earthy materials. Earth is strengthened by Fire, controlled by Wood, depleted by Metal, and muddied by Water.

What are some of the changes you can make to the Partnership area of your home this month? I recently cleared and refreshed my garage, which is in the Partnership area. I will also clear and refresh the back right areas of each room in my house, and weed my herb garden, located behind my garage. I like to do these activities each fall, which is perfect timing. As I work with each area, I’ll activate or remove anything that’s been sitting around untouched for a long period of time, vacuum the corners high and low, wash windows and lamps, and replace burnt out light bulbs, among other things.

In addition to Fall being the perfect time to give your space a thorough clearing, the two weeks after each full moon (and prior to each new moon) are supportive periods to release clutter and anything that no longer works for you. This month, this period is October 1 -11th … so get started soon!

Adjust and activate the Partnerships areas of your home of office as we approach Columbus Day weekend. It is a good way to align with the Mercury Retrograde cycle too (which completes October 10th).

Be honest with yourself and set clear intentions. Then notice what unfolds for you beginning with the October 27th full moon, just in time for Halloween.
For a sample bagua, scroll down the Q&A page on the Feng Shui Connections website.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you. See the end of this newsletter for a special single question service that might work for you too.
Mercury Retrograde, Post-Full Moon … Perfect Time to Clear Excess Stuff
Have you been experiencing things breaking down, messages getting mixed up, people being more frustrated and a higher occurrence of accidents? The planet Mercury might have something to do with it, as Mercury rules communications, which also includes contracts, technology and electronics. Mercury went retrograde on September 17th and the cycle continues through October 9th. Allow a few days to let things turn around before moving forward again on October 11th.

Mercury Retrograde periods an excellent cycle to re-assess or re-evaluate, re-do, re-consider, repair, review and re-work many things. Perfect activities for this month as you lighten your space. They are not favorable periods to purchase electronics, make deals, or sign contracts. If you do, don’t be surprised if you make changes or adjustments after Mercury turns direct, when the misunderstandings and confusion begin to clear up. You can make things easy on yourself and experience fewer obstacles by allowing more leeway in your schedule and delaying big purchases. Be proactive. Take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle.

A bonus is that the first 10 days of October follow the full-moon eclipse. You’ll have a lot of energetic support to accompany the physical clearing of your space..   
Clear Your Space; Clear Your Self
I love synchronicity! Stephanie Bennett Vogt, a space clearing expert, teacher and author of Your Spacious Self and A Year to Clear is in the process of releasing four short videos about clearing that I think you may find highly motivational. It is a perfect fit for this month’s theme of clearing. They are being released over a period of days as I write this newsletter. In the first video she provides some very effective tips for reducing overwhelm. The second video is about reducing stuck energy. I am looking forward to videos three and four: Getting Spacious and Transforming Inside and Out. I’m sure they will be as worthwhile as the first two. The videos are FREE and run about eight minutes. I am finding that the videos take a few minutes to load, so be patient. The message is worthwhile.

Learn more.
Feng Shui for Geeks: Ultra-Efficient Homes
This Politico story of affordable, ultra-efficient housing in Portland, OR, may interest you. It is very encouraging to see a shift toward healthy and efficient homes that cover a wide range of affordability and design options. The homes featured in Portland are cool in the summer without air conditioning and warm in the winter while using little fuel. Read more.

Upcoming Programs
Thursday, October 22nd: Girls Night Out
Stop in to Just Naturals in Bedford, NH for an evening of fun, pampering, and relaxation. I will be doing complimentary I Ching readings.

Just Naturals, 
176 S. River Road, Bedford, NH
Time: 4:00 – 7:30pm
Phone: 603-606-1345

ImageThursday October 1st – Saturday, October 3rd Fashion Feng Shui … Andrea Dupont will be leading Fashion Feng Shui training program in Portsmouth, NH. Fashion Feng Shui is a very fun and transformative program. You can join the program for one day or for the full 3 day Facilitator Training.

Portsmouth is a great little Seacoast City with much to offer. To Register or for more information on this fabulous event go to  
Save $30.00 on a Remote Space Clearing
($150.00 rather than $180.00;
Mention the October Newsletter.)

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information.

 Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings 
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 
I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.