Joyous Simplicity

Published: Tue, 12/01/15

December 2015 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #334:
“Blessings come to me more easily when I go with the flow.”​
365 Affirmations For Prosperity

Do you know of someone leaving soon to live in a college dorm or a small space? Dorm Room Feng Shui can help to create an environment that supports their success and aspirations.
Dorm Room Feng Shui  
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Recorded Programs
Emotional Freedom & Healing Releases for: Hotlink for EF&H Description

Favorite Astrology Perspectives

Other Links of Interest

Hello Everyone,
December is a joyous month. Given the state of world affairs, know that the more you are in joy, the more you are actually contribute to making the world a better place. I encourage you to find something to be happy about every day. As you do so, you help yourself and those around you. Uplifting your surroundings is a great way to raise your spirit.

If the holidays tend to stress you out, change your approach. After all, if you continue to do the same things, you are likely to get the same result. The bottom line: keep things simple and do what you love. Let go of others’ expectations of you and live from your heart.

Years ago I learned that we can only give to others what we have cultivated within ourselves. Serving and giving to others, when you feel depleted, is counter-productive. If you cultivate a happy heart and a generous spirit, you can do wonders.

Joy to you this month and season!

Contact me if you would like help to develop your plan for 2015, create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.​
Prosperity and Abundant Blessings
If you activated your Wealth corners last month, tune in and notice what is unfolding for you. The full moon associated with this was the day before Thanksgiving. I was in Maine for the holiday and the moon was a beauty over the ocean! For several days it rose big and beautiful as a gorgeous harvest moon. How timely! Prosperity is primarily about abundant blessings. Money is just one aspect of this. As you genuinely express gratitude for your blessings and are generous with others, abundant blessings flow. The more you give, the more you get. It is a continuous cycle. December is a fun month to experience this and to be in the flow of giving and receiving.

December 11th New Moon: Knowledge and Wisdom
The Knowledge and Wisdom gua is the spot to re-energize in your home and workspace prior to the December 11th new moon in Sagittarius. This is the front left area of your land, home, each room home and your workspace as well, when you divide your space into a grid of nine (like a tic-tac-toe board). New moons are about new beginnings. Since the moon also influences your emotional energy and patterns, each new moon presents an opportunity to bring yourself and your space into alignment each month so that you can “go with the flow.”

The Knowledge and Wisdom area relates to knowing yourself at a deep level. Energizing this area activates self-introspection, intuition, broadening your mind and developing higher wisdom.  Whereas the Knowledge gua is about how we relate to ourselves, the opposite area (back right corner), the Relationship gua, is equally important. It is about how we relate to others. Together, the Knowledge and Relationship sectors represent the yin and yang or inner and outer aspects of relationships. Knowing yourself on a very deep level supports being in successful and loving relationships with others. The Sagittarius moon is associated with learning, teaching, publishing and international travel. It is a nice combination.

Prior to December 11th, refresh the front left area of your home and workspace. Begin by identifying things that you don’t need or use and fix or remove everything that is broken or in disrepair. These items have low level energy that depletes you and your space. Give the area a thorough vacuuming and dusting, particularly deep into the corners. Rearranging things for the holidays is an easy way to uplift the energy of any area without it feeling like extra work.

Health-wise, the Knowledge area is associated with your shoulders, back and hands. If you have chronic back pain, shoulder problems or any issues with your hands, adjust your Knowledge gua. This area of your home is associated with the Earth element in the Chinese Five Element system. Earth is strengthened by Fire, weakened by Metal, chopped by Wood and muddied by Water energy. Each area needs to have some of the Five Elements. Balance always depends on the space and is seldom equal amounts of each element.

Earth is a grounding, stabilizing and nurturing energy. When floods occur, sandbags and earth are placed to hold back the water. Rain and water help plants and trees to grow and flourish. A wildfire can deplete a wooded area in an instant. Fire turns everything in sight to ash, creating earth and space for new and continued cycles of growth. The soft earth holds the seeds of new growth. It also provides nutrients. The earth hardens the deeper you go. This compression results in layers of hard rock and precious metal, which eventually liquefies and emerges as lava. Nature provides a deeper understanding of all that is occurring throughout life. The process is cyclical. The goal is balance and harmony.

Enhancements for the Knowledge area include: the colors blue, green or black; square shapes, mountain images, pottery and earthenware, natural crystals, shells, and books. You might “fire up” this area by adding a little red or pink, some lights or candles, pictures or people or animals, and triangular shapes. A Christmas tree and other seasonal decorations are perfect this month as many of them bring in Earth and Fire energy.

Slow down, pause, and tune into the ideas and inspirations that are coming your way. Allow the process of refreshing your space to stimulate you. Notice what is showing up for you and give some thought to where you are headed. Visualize how you’d like to bring 2015 to a close and move into 2016. As you focus on the end result, circumstances and situations will begin to mysteriously shift and align themselves.  Adjust your space, set your intentions, and the tune in to see how they begin to unfold beginning with the Christmas full moon on December 25th.

For a sample bagua, scroll down the Q&A page on the Feng Shui Connections website.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you.  
Simplicity is in Vogue
David Brooks, a New York Times journalist, recently wrote an opinion column titled The Evolution of Simplicity. It is worth reading. He compares and contrasts today’s movements with those of the past and how each movement has been about envisioning a better life. During Puritan times, simplicity was about getting closer to God. Today’s movements are tied to our complex lifestyles and a desire to generate more peace and tranquility in our lives.

Sometimes the process involves buying more things to help you reduce, organize, and ultimately, simplify. He wisely tells us “Early in life you choose your identity by getting things. But later in an affluent life you discover or update your identity by throwing away what is no longer useful, true and beautiful.” Do you identify with this? I do! I have felt this way for years.

Less is more these days. The less you have to maintain, the more time you have to put towards people you enjoy spending time with and activities you enjoy doing. He concludes by saying: “In a world of rampant materialism and manifold opportunities, many people these days are apparently learning who they are by choosing what they can do without.” As we move into 2016, what would you like to do without and who would you like to become? We’ll talk more about this next month.
Decoration Tips for
Stress-Less Holidays
Many people get caught up in the frenzy of the holidays and lose sight of what they are really all about. Planning and taking a few steps to ease or eliminate stress can make a big difference. Here are some tips to consider:

Tip #1: Enhance your space with beautiful red poinsettias, Christmas trees, stars, things that shine and dazzle, fresh greens and plants, lights, the color red and triangular shapes.

Enhancements always come after the basic of cleaning and clutter clearing. If you augment a chaotic, stuck or cluttered area you are strengthening that quality of energy. As you shift your space and lighten it up, you shift obstacles and remove blockages. Doing this before adding any holiday decorations will bring more ease and flow to your life. I guarantee it.

Tip #2: Tuck away your usual décor and decorations in your holiday boxes and return them when you put the holidays away for another year. Rather than simply add decorations to your space, replacing some of your everyday furnishings with your favorite holiday collections will create a calmer and more festive atmosphere.

Tip #3: Reassess every item as you decorate for the holidays. Thin out what no longer works for you. Recycles or toss out what is broken, consider passing along some favorite heirlooms to family members and give away anything and everything that no longer brings you joy. Many of us have more than we need or can use. Make this a year-long project by reassessing each holiday as it comes along. By the end of the year your holiday décor will be thinned out and re-energized.
Best Colors for Front Doors
A question came in via Facebook about the best colors for front doors. Since many people wonder about this, I thought I would share the answer this month. Your front door is the most important aspect of your home as it represents the “mouth of chi.” The quality, condition, and color of your front door influences the energy that comes to your home.

​Front door colors should support the facing direction of your door as you stand at the door and face out. Thus, supportive colors are those colors associated with the element related to the direction or the element that strengthens the related element and direction of your door.

Facing Direction
Strengthening Element
Supportive Colors
Black, Deep Blues, White, Gray, Gold, Pastels
Yellow, Brown, Red, Maroon, also Slate Blue
Green, Black, Deep Blues
Green, Black, Deep Blues
Red, Maroon, Green
Yellow, Brown, Red, Maroon
White, Gray, Gold, Pastels, Yellow, Brown
White, Gray, Gold, Pastels, Yellow, Brown
My front door faces NE and is red. As you can see from the chart, red is not the best “feng shui” color for all front doors. If your front door color does not correspond to the above table, don’t worry, particularly if things are going well for you. If there is nothing wrong. There is no need to fix it. The saying: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” applies well to feng shui. There may be mitigating circumstances that may dictate a different color. If you want to change your door color, painting it a supportive color might be a nice change of pace.

Check Out This Holistic Ecohouse
I listened to a great presentation by Thomas Aksnes of Holistic Ecohouse at a recent conference. This is a Norwegian company whose vision is to build healthy and sustainable homes and workplaces (particularly health centers) that support the occupant’s mental and physical health. Incorporating the principles of sacred geometry and healthy building materials are part of this. Learn more about this company and their vision. Some of the best innovations related to health and well-being begin in Europe and later migrate to the USA. If you are building a house in the near future, you might leverage some of the concepts.
Alternate Universes...Really?
Have you ever considered alternate or parallel universes?  Or that all time past, present and future is actually happening simultaneously? It can be mind-blowing. Now, scientists are exploring the possibility of alternate universes and reporting about it. Check it out here
2016 Good Timing Guide Sale Until December 3rd!
As many of you know, I am an avid user of Madeline Gerwick’s Annual Good Timing Guide. I have been using it for over ten years and I find that it is a great tool for taking full advantage of “Good Results” days and maneuvering around “Timeout” periods and days that are not ideal for making purchases, signing contracts, meeting with clients, and more.

Madeline is celebrating 20 years in business and there are a few days remaining for her Anniversary Sale. Check out the Good Timing Guide discounts if you are interested. She is also offering discounts on Prosperity programs and Emotional Freedom and Healing Releases. Check them all out in her online store.  
Nine Star Ki Analysis for December
Aroon Ajmera is doing a great job picking up where Jon Sandifer left off with Nine Star Ki astrology. He provides an analysis each month and sends a link via email. Check out his summary for December

I provide Nine Star Ki profile with each feng shui consultation. If you’ve done a consult with me, you’ll find your profile in the red information folder I left with you (or files I provided you online). If you are new to this system, you can order a profile from my website (scroll to end of Services page) or contact me directly. Each profile is $45. I’ll provide you with a summary of the system, your individual profile and your “progressions” for the next nine years. 

Consultations and Related Services:

Release Anger via a custom
Emotional Freedom & Healing telephone tapping session
($125.00! Save $25 this month.
Mention the December Newsletter.)

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information.

 Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings 
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 
I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.