Take Good Care of Your SELF This Month

Published: Fri, 09/04/15

September 2015 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #252:
“My happiness opens me to increased prosperity and abundance.”
365 Affirmations

Do you know of someone leaving soon to live in a college dorm or a small space? Dorm Room Feng Shui can help to create an environment that supports their success and aspirations.
Dorm Room Feng Shui  
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Recorded Programs
Emotional Freedom & Healing Releases for: Hotlink for EF&H Description

Favorite Astrology Perspectives

Other Links of Interest

Hello Everyone,

Labor Day weekend is here, along with a bittersweet, unofficial, end to summer. As much as I would love to see summer linger a bit longer, it is time to step into fall. September’s warm days and cool nights are quite welcome.

We continue to have easy access to an abundance of fresh, local produce and the change in light is a gentle reminder to begin our inward shift toward shorter days and longer nights. All cycles and seasons have an ebb and flow. Late summer days can be glorious.

This month, we have a solar eclipse on September 13th, followed by Mercury Retrograde beginning September 17th and a lunar eclipse on the 27th.

It’s a very good month for deep self-care and to remove clutter or things you no longer use. Doing so helps you gain clarity on who you really are and what you really want. The energy of our inner and outer spaces is entwined. As you do your “work”, wonderful paths are likely to unfold for you.

Enjoy September!

Contact me if you would like help to develop your plan for 2015, create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.​

September 13th New Moon and Solar Eclipse: Focus on Your Well-Being
September is an active month energetically. We have an important new moon and solar eclipse in the sign of Virgo on Sunday, September 13th. New moons are about new beginnings. Since the moon also influences your emotional energy and patterns, this is an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with the energies of the cosmos each month.

The corresponding area to energize is the Center of your home or work space. This is a perfect opportunity to “center” and ground your energy as we head into post-summer activities. The intentions you set will begin to take shape around the full moon two weeks later.

The Center of your space is associated with balance, overall health, and well-being. Prior to September 13th, clear and refresh this area of your home and workspace.  You can do this for your land and gardens as well.

Then, early on Sunday, September 13th (or within 24 hours, before or after), set clear intentions for whatever you wish to happen. Tune in beginning with the September 27th full moon and lunar eclipse and notice how things are shifting.

Be sure to pay attention to the small details. Overlooking these in lieu of the final outcome sometimes sets you back because it takes a period of focused energy to make monumental shifts.

Celebrating a series of small, incremental wins helps to set the stage for even bigger gains. Before you know it, your primary intentions will gain enough momentum and show up in ways that you recognize.

When the moon is in Virgo, it is a good time to:
  • Eat healthy food
  • Get enough sleep
  • Organize your work space
  • Clean the center of your home
  • Weed, trim your gardens
  • Focus on health and well-being
  • Cleanse your body; clear your space
  • Be more efficient: exercise, reorganize
  • Apply for jobs; go on interviews; begin work training
  • Improve, refine, and adjust what is important to you
One action you can take each month is to add an image, picture, or symbol that represents the outcome of your intention, to the specific gua or area. Since the Center Gua relates to the Earth element, this month it could be a symbol that represents a balanced life, a picture of vibrant health, a beautiful scene, a bowl of seasonal fruit or vegetables, well-manicured gardens. My gardens overflow with Black-Eyed Susans at this time of year; I’ll place a beautiful vase of them in the Center of my home to celebrate the season.

What are some of the changes you can make in the Center of your home to support changes or shifts that you would like to experience in your life?

For a sample bagua, scroll down the Q&A page on the Feng Shui Connections website.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you. (email Hotlink to peg@fengshuiconnections.com)  See the end of this newsletter for a special single question service that might work for you too. 
A Quiet Zone … Really?
These days it is a challenge to find any space that is free of WiFi and our digital devices. It turns out that we have one though, west of Washington, D.C., in W. VA, thanks to the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT). It has a surface area of 2.3 acres and it is taller than the Statue of Liberty. Even though this community of 8,000 has no mobile phones, baby monitors, microwave ovens, or wireless doorbells, they do have broadband access, a radio station, and a unique quality of life. Check out this BBC News Article to learn more about it. Maybe there are some ways we could restore some balance and return some of the nicer aspects of our pre-digital lives while letting go of the aspects that are most harmful.   
Integrating Art into Life
Art is way of tapping into deeper and more creative expressions of self. It is meant to be enjoyed and it does not have to be relegated to walls and museums.

Many thanks to Thomas Rebek for introducing  me to a series of gorgeous stairs around the globe.

Take a look at the photos of 17 sets of amazing stairs.  What a fun way to jazz up otherwise mundane areas, while expressing some of the unique qualities of each location.

These stairs definitely raise the chi and contribute to a higher quality of life in each area.
Decorative Solar Panels?
Here’s a novel creation: colorful solar panels that may also cancel noise! A Dutch company is testing these on a Dutch highway. These red, yellow and translucent panels are also less expensive than current silicon-based panels. These could be a fun way to integrate more solar technology into our daily lives. Read more.
Are WiFi Routers More Powerful Than Needed?
We live in a “Big Brother” world in more ways than one. Our homes are quickly ceasing to be our private spaces, where we can create peace and serenity away from the busy outside world.

As I was scanning our home for high frequency fields a few months ago, my husband and I were surprised to discover that our new modem was emitting high frequency fields, even though it indicated there was no wireless. We turn our router off every night before sleeping but our modem stays on and is located in a room below our bedroom. An inquiry with the company (which required being persistent and going up several levels of management) revealed that yes, the modem had a “hotspot “and that these are now routine. The company turned it off for us remotely.

As you may know, hotspots enable us to seamlessly connect in many locations. A few years ago, these were installed in businesses. Now they seem to be everywhere. Although convenient, the downside is that our health problems continue to increase at rapid rates and we do not have proof that this technology is not harming our health. I think that there is a connection.

Fortunately, more and more people are tuning in to how they feel and connecting multiple symptoms to the way they live …either to food or their “built” environment.

Here is a very good blog post where you can learn more, including how to shut off the hotspots.

Here’s an interesting bit of progressive news: a French woman has been awarded a three-year disability grant as a result of a “gadget allergy” due to electromagnetic radiation. Perhaps we’ll begin to see some safety features built into our favorite products to minimize or significantly reduce this growing problem.
Back to School … Is WiFi in Schools Safe?
In the USA more and more schools are modernizing by adding WiFi while schools in Europe are removing it. There is a lot of controversy about WiFi and not enough objective research. The industry publishes the reports that are favorable to its position and suppresses the rest. This is not new. What is new is that more and more people are aware of what is happening. 
In Memory of Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer, a leading edge teacher and a prolific writer in the personal development  field for many years, passed away at 75 earlier this week. In his memory, Hay House publishing is offering the opportunity to watch Dyer's movie The Shift for FREE until September 8th. Click this link.​ If you haven't seen this, this is a good opportunity to do so. If you have seen it, the next few days are a wonderful time to see it again.
Upcoming Programs…
Thursday, September 17th: Girls Night Out
Stop in to Just Naturals in Bedford, NH for an evening of fun, pampering, and relaxation. Peg will be doing complimentary I Ching readings. (use a Just Naturals photo from my AWeber gallery)

Just Naturals, 
176 S. River Road, Bedford, NH
Time: 4:00 – 7:30pm
Phone: 603-606-1345

ImageThursday October 1st – Saturday, October 3rd Fashion Feng Shui … Andrea Dupont will be leading Fashion Feng Shui training program in Portsmouth, NH. Fashion Feng Shui is a very fun and transformative program. You can join the program for one day or for the full 3 day Facilitator Training.

Portsmouth is a great little Seacoast City with much to offer. To Register or for more information on this fabulous event go to www.andreadupont.com  
New Service:
Single Q&A on any topic I cover: $35.00!
(Mention the September Newsletter.)

Contact Peg to schedule or for more information.
(hot link to email peg@fengshuiconnections.com)

 Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings 
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 
I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.