August News: Fun in the Sun!

Published: Fri, 07/31/15

August 2015 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #212
“I am in harmony with the abundant universe today.”
365 Affirmations

Do you know of someone leaving soon to live in a college dorm or a small space? Dorm Room Feng Shui can help to create an environment that supports their success and aspirations.
Dorm Room Feng Shui  
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Recorded Programs
Emotional Freedom & Healing Releases for: Hotlink for EF&H Description

Favorite Astrology Perspectives

Other Links of Interest

Hello Everyone,

We begin and end August under the light of the full moon. What a wonderful way to enjoy the height of summer. Although it is getting dark earlier, we still have plenty of time to take a lighter approach and enjoy more time with family and friends, or to simply do some activities that you truly enjoy.

It’s a great month to support your local farmers too, as the markets are full of seasonal produce. Last week I picked my first local blueberries of the season. I was quickly reminded of how tasty they are fresh from the bush.

Liven up your Children, Creativity, and Joy areas (the right center of your space) for added support this month.

Enjoy August! 

Contact me if you would like help to develop your plan for 2015, create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.​

July 31st Full Moon & Family Relationships
If you adjusted the Family and Ancestors sector of your home or any room in your home or office, with intention, for the July 15th new moon, tune in and notice how things are unfolding beginning with the July 31st full moon.

As I indicate each month, new moons are about new beginnings. The intentions we set with each new moon take root and begin to take shape beginning with the full moon two weeks later. The Family and Ancestors sector is the left center of your home or business as you look in from the outside. It is the same for each room, looking in from the entrance, as well as your land. Keeping the Family and Ancestors sector energized and clear of debris can help to strengthen family relationships and bonds.

I’ll be attending a niece’s wedding on August 1st. What a wonderful way to bask in the energy of this full moon and experience family relationships at their best. What will you and your family be doing this weekend? Watch how things unfold and note the patterns. Firsthand experience is a great teacher. 

Note: Since the July 31 full moon is the second full moon of the month (July 1 was the first one), it is also known as a “blue moon,” as a result of a misinterpretation of a 1946 publication. Prior to 1946, a blue moon was the third of four full moons in a single season.  Read more about blue moons. 
August: Lighten Up and Have Some Fun!
Summer is an ideal time to lighten up and play. Thus, it is perfect synchronicity that the Friday, August 14th new moon is in the sign of Leo. The corresponding area to energize, or bring into alignment, in your home or workplace is the Children, Creativity, and Joy gua. This is the right center sector when you divide your space into a grid of nine areas, similar to a tic-tac-toe board. It lies opposite Family, the area you may have energized last month. As you may know, new moons are about new beginnings. It is an ideal area to energize this month if you would like to have some fun, tap into your creativity, or go after your desires.

To energize your intentions and wishes:
1.    Be clear about what you want. 
2.    Believe you can have it. 
3.    Take inspired action regularly. 
4.    Get out of your own way (release fear), to allow things to manifest.

Look around your home, and particularly your Children, Creativity and Joy gua, for any evidence that is associated with holding you back or things you’d like to change. This might include: clutter or debris; anything broken or in disrepair; things you no longer enjoy or find useful; clogged areas; electric or plumbing problems; broken, stuck, or foggy windows; areas of low energy. Check your yard for overgrown areas or places filled with weeds, debris, ants or wasps.

What can you do to shift things? Repair what needs to be fixed, remove clutter, and clear out all items that do not bring you joy. The process of keeping our spaces vitalized is a life-long activity. It gets easier with time but it never goes away.

The Children, Creativity and Joy area is related to the Metal element from a feng shui perspective. You can enhance this area using any metals (gold, silver, brass, aluminum, etc.), white, gray, and pastel colors, round and oval shapes, things made from petroleum (plastics) and substances dug from deep within the ground (gemstones, big rocks and boulders), whimsical things, and colorful flowers.

Metal element is an “organizing” element. It also pertains to the traits of clarity, precision, organization, order and focus. When Metal is balanced, you can easily sort information and experiences into patterns, solve puzzles, and bring order through rules and guidelines. You are more likely to have clear thoughts, be focused and communicate effectively. When Metal is deficient you may feel unprotected, find it hard to focus, have little or no routine, and lack a sense of purpose. Excess Metal manifests as criticism and judgments, perfectionism, obsessive compulsive behavior, as well as sarcasm, aloofness and indifference. 

Metal out of balance may leave you feeling anxious, anguished, and in tears. The organs associated with Metal are the Lung and Large Intestine. If you are experiencing anxiety or anguish, or you have any difficulty with breathing, intestinal issues, skin conditions or rashes, balancing your Children, Creativity and Joy gua may strengthen your emotional and physical health. 

The best time to work on this area this month is from August 3rd-13th. You can tune into the results beginning with the August 14th full moon. Remember: new moons are about new beginnings and full moons are about beginning to see the fruits of our labors. Working with one specific area of your home each month is a simple and effective way to attract beneficial chi that is in alignment with the cosmos.

For a sample bagua, scroll down the Q&A page on the Feng Shui Connections website. 

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you. See the end of this newsletter for a specia offer that might work for you too.
E. E. Cummings at Silver Lake
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of touring Joy Farm, a National Historic Landmark, at Silver Lake, NH.

Currently privately owned, this farm was the summer home of poet and painter E. E. Cummings (1894 – 1962). What nice synchronicity that the Creativity and Joy sector of your home is the area to refresh this month.

From the moment you enter the private road that leads to the farm, it is easy to see where he got some of his inspiration! Joy Farm is set deep off the main road with wide open views of Mount Chocorua and the Sandwich mountain range to the west. 

The original cape-style home is surrounded by beautiful gardens that draw your eye outside and toward the backdrop of the mountains. Some of the feng shui features include:

1.    Privacy … Cummings did not want uninvited guests and instructed the property’s caretakers not to tell people where he lived. The access road is hidden. It looks like a path in the woods.

2.     A beautiful ming tang or spacious green area in front of the house. The wide open, rolling fields in front of the house create a perfect gathering spot for beneficial chi, a key concept in feng shui. 

3.    Views of nature … the house opens to the mountains off in the distance. The second floor was a large, unfinished attic with a wall of screened windows with gorgeous views.

4.    Ying yang balance and flow. The original farm house had dark wood, small rooms, and low ceilings. This was contrasted by thick woods framing the wide open fields, and gorgeous views of the mountains off in the distance.

5.    Simplicity … similar to many homes of this period, the small, clean rooms had a nice flow of energy. The furniture was simple and fit the space. Nooks and crannies were well used for storage or built in, cozy seating areas.  
Although Cummings is best known for his poetry and his unconventional use of lower case and grammar, he was also a prolific painter. His name is often printed as “e e cummings;” he preferred that his name be spelled “E. E. Cummings.”

We are fortunate that some of the people who grew up with Cummings and cared for his property are still in the area. My daughter recorded some stories and produced a short audio postcard for NHPR’s Word of Mouth program. Scroll down the program page to listen to 3 minutes of reflection.  
Dust and Personal Light
Recently Madeline Gerwick and I chatted about how dust dulls one’s light. One day Madeline observed that her office, including her plants, were quite dusty. She hadn’t noticed it up until that point. Once she became aware of it, she knew that she needed to do something about it. She spent a weekend thoroughly cleaning her office and bringing it back to life. As she did, she also noticed that her own energy level improved and her prosperity increased.

Although you may not notice it at first, dust is very light and subtle. As it accumulates over time, things begin to dull and “lack luster.”  The chi of our spaces decline and our energy begins to mirror it as well. We may grow tired and weary sooner than usual. We may lose interest or stop caring about things that matter. We slow further and get off-track. Once this happens, it takes time to reset the process and begin again.

A solution? Keep your space as dust-free as possible to help your personal light to continuously shine! Dust regularly or hire someone to help you out. Dusting regularly removes the slow growing seeds of decline. It refreshes our spaces, which is then reflected in ourselves, spirits, attitudes and outlook.
Feng Shui Art
Alix Haisha recently launched the first contemporary Feng Shui art source to provide a certified body of work for wherever you may need to implement certain shapes, colors, elements, and symbols in certain areas in your home and office. She has over 100 images from 20-something countries, all sorted into each area of the bagua; more importantly, she's here to work with you to create and customize work to meet your needs! 

Be sure to check out her site.  If you wish to purchase anything, input "peg108" during checkout to receive a $9 discount. 
Releasing Emotional Blockages
If you have been practicing feng shui regularly and situations in your life are not where you’d like them to be, you might try a customized Emotional Freedom & Healing (EF&H) tapping session.

Deeply held fear, that you may not even recognize, often limits our growth and progress. EF&H is a gentle, yet effective, release process that works at the cellular level.  Done via phone, the process takes about an hour and involves tapping acupressure points while expressing statements of intent and breathing deeply, followed by a series of affirmations. EF&H bypasses the rational mind and works at the cellular level.

Here is a recent unsolicited testimonial that helped a client move past a long-standing block:

Dear Peg,

My husband and I used everything in the book, astrological timing, meditation, intentions, vision board, clearing, feng shui, you name it. I’m an expert in the field, I should know.

All seemed to move us closer to the right opportunity to sell his financially underwater home. We had a great realtor, a solid buyer, a good attorney but the bank wouldn’t budge. 

Within 48 hours of the EF & H session you did with him, on his issues around ownership of the house he built we received word that the bank was willing to do the deal.

When we got word, I got a clear message to ask my husband, what ONE thing did you do - that changed all this? And then I saw his worksheet he had created for working with you on his desk!

All the other parts were already in place - to move forward quickly! It’s not done yet - but I have a feeling everything is going to move so quickly - we won’t have time to write this later!

Thank you! We are so excited. I’m so grateful for your work in the Emotion Freedom and Healing technique.


Maureen J St Germain
Transformational Enterprises, Inc., New York, NY
Maureen, by the way, is a gifted transformational facilitator. If you would like to learn more, check out her work, services, and products on her website.    

This month I am offering $25 off EF&H sessions ($125 instead of $150). Each phone session is recorded and an MP3 file is provided to you via email, so that you can repeat the session at any time for further support and progress.

WiFi, Smart Meter Fires, Smart Cars

We are certainly living through a period where our lives are dominated by wireless technology. Over time, the “smart” part might be figuring out the functions that enhance our lives while protecting us from the aspects that cause harm, or eliminating the harmful elements altogether. Currently, the acceptance of the benefits on blind faith is driven by “whiz factors,” convenience, economics and corporate profits rather than health and overall well-being. 

A Building Biology colleague, Barb Bobbitt, recently discussed the topic of whether or not WIFI signals make us sick on a Chicago news station.

Smart meter fires continue to occur and are under-reported. Watch this July 15, 2015 story by Take Back Your Power to learn more.

One of the latest things to consider? Your car being hacked as you are driving it! It is quite possible. Watch the test.  
Can Your Prosperity Use a Boost?
Check out this free resource from T. Harv Eker. It’s a quick read and he provides some excellent ideas. Keep in mind that a fulfilling life is about balance. If Eker’s approach feels too one-sided, follow the parts that work for you and leave the rest behind.

Upcoming Programs
Fashion Feng Shui … Andrea Dupont is preparing for her second live Fashion Feng Shui training program in Portsmouth, NH. Prior to teaching on her own, Andrea taught with Evana Maggiore, the founder of Fashion Feng Shui, for many years. 

Fashion Feng Shui is a very fun and transformative program, There is still time to get in on the early bird price, deadline is August 15, 2015. You can join the program for one day or for the full 3 day Facilitator Training. 

Portsmouth is a great little Seacoast City with much to offer. To Register or for more information on this fabulous event go to  

If you would like to learn feng shui, the Essential Feng Shui program, offered through the Western School of Feng Shui  in San Diego, is just as vibrant today as when I graduated more than 15 years ago. I highly recommend this program. If you are considering studying feng shui, combine it with a San Diego vacation as an added bonus. 
Consultations and Related Services

August Newsletter Special: 
Remove Emotional Blockages to Success 
$125.00 … Save $25.00!
Includes an MP3 recording so you can repeat the session at any time.
(Mention the August Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a consultation or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.