July News, Summer Fun!

Published: Tue, 06/30/15

July 2015 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation  #180
“Today I lovingly embrace the abundance and joy that is mine."


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,

I have much to share with you this month. We begin and end the month with a full moon on the first and 31st. As a result, July 2015 is a “once in a blue-moon” month. 

Personally, I would like time to slow down so that we can enjoy the long, warm days that July brings. Below you will find articles about good timing (focus on the Family gua this month), KonMari method for clearing excess, summer activities that may interest you: touring Frank Lloyd Wright buildings, a farm-table tour and dinner opportunity, an update on the Chinese drywall saga, using plants as enhancements and cures, and a fun way to approach dressing to enhance your natural style and beauty. There is something for everyone.

Enjoy July! 

Contact me if you would like help to develop your plan for 2015, create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.​

July 1st: Full Moon and Deep Knowing
If you adjusted the Knowledge and Wisdom sector of your home or any room in your home or office, with intention, for the June 16th new moon, tune in and notice how things are unfolding beginning with the July 1st full moon. As I indicate each month, new moons are about new beginnings. The intentions we set with each new moon take root and begin to take shape beginning with the full moon two weeks later.

The Knowledge area is the front left of your home or business as you look in from the outside. It is the same for each room, looking in from the entrance, as well as your land. Keeping the Knowledge sector in good shape and clear of debris helps your intuition and deep inner knowing and awareness to flow to you more easily.

Pay attention to the signs and signals that come your way. I ask for signs and messages to be shown to me three times and to make them obvious! It works. When I realize that a message or symbol has appeared three times, I pay closer attention.
June 15th: New Moon and Family
New moons are about new beginnings. Each month we have an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with overarching energies that influence us each day. The Wednesday, July 15th new moon is in the sign of Cancer. The corresponding area to energize in your home is the Family gua. This is the left center area of your home and workplace when you divide your space into a grid of nine areas, similar to a tic-tac-toe board. It is an ideal area to energize this month if you would like strengthen family ties or relationships.

Look around your home, and study your Family gua or any evidence that is associated with the things you’d like to improve, change, or shift. This might include unwanted gifts or other unsolicited items from family members, unflattering photos, heirlooms that you never cared for or you no longer want, dead or overgrow plants and gardens, paper piles that have been sitting around for longer than realize, overstuffed closets and bookcases, tabletops with little or no clear space, broken or worn windows, plumbing or electrical problems, areas where ants, wasps or rodents gather, any other areas of low or stuck energy. If an abundance of these energies are in your space, begin by clearing one or two areas to minimize being overwhelmed. Check out what is happening in the left center area of your yard as well. Remove any dead trees and thin out or weed overgrown gardens.

From a feng shui perspective, the Family area is related to the Wood element. Visualize “tree” energy: tall trees, vertical stripes, and a spring green or vibrant green color. Picture a commanding tree in full bloom with deep roots.Enhancements for this area include: 
  • Flowers, plants,
  • Floral fabrics and designs
  • Spring green, blue
  • Wooden things
  • Water feature, Bird Bath
  • Happy family, ancestor photos
  • Things reminding you of good health
  • Tall rectangular shapes
  • Free flowing, wavy shapes
  • Stripes, columns
Give the left-center area of your home and yard a thorough cleaning or a refresher prior to July 15th. Repair, remove, recycle, or toss out anything that is broken, remove cobwebs, wash your windows and curtains, thin out excess paper and magazines. Observe the flow of energy. Lighter décor, fabrics and colors can contribute to a more cheerful environment. Re-arranging furniture can provide a new perspective and help revitalize an area. Outside, clear debris and reduce overcrowding by thinning out excess plants and trimming trees that may be in this sector.

As you enliven your Family gua prior to July 15, visualize the end results you would like to experience. Let go of how things may unfold and happen. Doing so sometimes keeps us entangled in fear and doubt. You job is to empower your dreams while withdrawing any and all energy from what you don’t want. You can tune into the results beginning with the July 31st full moon. Remember: new moons are about new beginnings and full moons are about beginning to see the fruits of our labors. Working with one specific area of your home each month is a very good way to attract beneficial energy that is in alignment with the cosmos.

The energy of this month’s moons is particularly timely for me. I often say that our families are microcosm of the world and our homes are our laboratories where we can develop our intuition, strengthen family relationships, shift patterns, and energize anything we can imagine or dream. I’ll be attending a niece’s wedding on August 1st which will also be a family reunion, of sorts. My extended family is large and some issues run very deep. I have an opportunity this month to sow seeds for strong family bonds and delight in how they sprout beginning the day of the wedding and in the weeks and months to come.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you. See the end of this newsletter for a special 20 minute session that might work for you too.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
This past month, the same resource came to me multiple times. I love it when this happens!

It’s Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

Marie Kondo, a clutter clearing consultant in Japan, has developed the KonMari Method for simplifying and organizing and your home. The basis of her method is living with what you love and giving everything a home, two of our four basic feng shui principles. The other two principles are making sure everything is safe and comfortable, and putting your heart and soul into your home. 

Marie’s approach is similar to the approach I use. This involves emptying a space, such as a closet, and only returning things that you use or love. Keep the items that bring joy to your life and release the rest. “Releasing” might include tossing trash, repairing items and then moving them along to a different owner, recycling, donating or selling.

When you add items to your space, only bring in items that contribute to joy. Avoid the trap of “I might use it someday.” If you have items that you use but do not love, perhaps you can exchange or upgrade them for a version that pleases you, over time.

As you simplify and clear your space, you also clear you mind, enabling you to more readily access your intuition. Isn’t this a nice side benefit?
Our spaces truly mirror our inner selves. This month you might select your Family gua and take steps to identify those things that bring you joy and eliminate the rest … or at least begin the process. 

Two of the many benefits of simplifying your space it that it creates more physical space along with clearing your mind of excess. If you try this or any other method of simplifying your space and your life, I would love to hear know how it goes. 
Frank Lloyd Wright Building​s
Frank Lloyd Wright was an American architect known for designing buildings that were in harmony with their environment, a key feng shui principle. Wright lived from 1867 – 1959 and designed more than 1,000 structures. Over 500 were completed and about 400 still stand today. In NH, the Zimmerman House is a Frank Lloyd Wright house that is now owned and managed by the Currier Museum of Art. The summer months are a great time to tour it in Bedford. It is the only Zimmerman house owned by a museum and the only Zimmerman house that the public can tour in New England. 

Here is a slide show of 15 Frank Lloyd Wright buildings outside the New England area that might interest you. Falling Water (photo above), the most famous, is in the Pittsburgh, Pa area. It is nestled deep in the woods with a water fall integrated into the structure. One of the downsides of this house is that mold has also settled into the structure and has been a challenge to eradicate. Although mold is a part of the natural world, many mold species are not healthy for us.

In 1991, Wright was named “the greatest American Architect of all time,” by the American Institute of Architects. We would do well to continue to integrate many of the principles he is known for, while also maintaining healthy indoor air. 
White Gates Farm to Table Tour and Dinner in Tamworth, NH
One of the joys of summer is easy access to fresh, locally grown food. If you are in the Mount Washington Valley area this summer, I encourage you to treat yourself to a “farm to table” tour and dinner at White Gates Farm, Tamworth, NH. Upcoming dates are Friday, July 3rd, Friday, August 14th and Sunday, September 6th. Each dinner is $75 per person and reservations can be made online or by calling 603-662-7538. 

You’ll find White Gates Farm at the Tamworth Farmer’s Market  from 9:00 am to 1:00pm each Saturday.

In MA, you will find White Gates Farm:
Mondays: Billerica Farmer's Market 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Thursdays: Burlington Farmers’ Market, 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm
BFM on Facebook

Saturdays (closed on July 4th): Andover Farmers’ Market, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm AFM on Facebook

Fresh, local food is readily available and abundant now. When you support your local organic farmer, you also support sustainable agriculture while improving your health and vitality. If buying local is new to you, treat yourself and try it out. A farm tour will show you some of what goes in behind the scenes, from the people who work long hours to provide awesome food. As you get to know your local farmer, you might adopt an attitude of paying the farmer rather than paying the doctor. White Gates Farm has some of the best meat available. Check it out as they bring it close to you. 
Chinese Drywall
"Chinese Drywall" is back in the news. The term refers to drywall that was imported from China primarily between 2001 and 2007 and has been determined to be the root cause of many problems in homes and buildings where it was installed in about 20 states. In particular, the drywall was used for rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina. In hot and humid conditions, this product emits toxic gases, resulting in many respiratory problems such as asthma, chronic coughing, breathing difficulties, headaches and sinus troubles. In addition, the gases corrode copper pipes, copper wiring, air conditioner coils, electrical appliances and electrical outlets. 

Fortunately, court cases are being settled in the plaintiffs favor. Replacement costs are high and the health problems are ongoing. Read more

Feng Shui Cures: Plants
Plants and flowers represent the Wood element in feng shui. They are fabulous to place around your home. They energize the Family and Wealth guas and strengthen the Fame (Fire) area.

If you have an area that is in need of a “chi lift,” adding a plant introduces life immediately. This is one of the first things we do when we open our summer house annually. We bring fresh plants into the house and hang baskets of flowers outside. The winter chi immediately disperses and the house comes alive again. 






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                          <—— Place your front door along this line ——>

In addition, many plants do double-duty helping to clean the air and to minimize the effect of EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) that are emitted from our electric appliances, computers and wireless devices. One of my favorite resources is How to Grow Fresh Air: 50 Plants that Purify Your Home or Office.

The most effective plants to place as cures are plants that you love and ones that also help to lift the energy, such as upward growing plants and plants that beautifully branch out. It is best to avoid weeping, drooping plants, or ones with sharp knife-like edges, as cures, unless you are doing so with specific intention. Years ago I had many spider plants that would weigh down heavily if they were neglected. When I trimmed them, they would bounce back and lighten up.

Although they do not add “life” to an area, silk plants can be an effective cure when fresh plants are not available or do not work for you. If you use silk plants, be sure to keep them fresh of dust. Years ago a silk spider plant came to me as a gift, shortly after I had given away all of my spider plants. I knew there must be a message for me in it. After reflecting a bit, I found the perfect spot for this plant … the Wealth sector of my garage. It sits on the corner of a railing and softens a sharp edge. Periodically I refresh it in the sun for a few hours and it always looks great. It appears so real that I have been asked how I maintain it in my garage … people think it is real.

Check out this slide show for 15 of the most effective indoor plants for cleaning the air.

Consider your space and what you would like to do or change. The plants on the list help to filter formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide, xylene, trichloroethylene, among other pollutants. See the chart below for common sources of these toxic gases.

Toxic Gas


 Effective Plants


Paint, inks, glue, plastics and detergent, carpeting, furniture

Aloe (Aloe vera), Spider plant (safe for pets), Gerber daisy, chrysanthemum, Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina), Warneck dracaena, Bamboo palm, Peace lily

Carbon monoxide

Gas from furnaces (natural gas, propane, oil, wood), fireplaces (gas, wood, coal), stoves (gas, wood), barbeques (gas, charcoal), garden tools (gasoline/fuel), generators (gasoline, diesel, propane)

Spider plant (safe for pets)


chemical-based cleaners, cleaning products, toilet paper, tissues and personal care product, car exhaust, gasoline, carpeting, furniture, plywood or foam insulation, particle board

Aloe (Aloe vera), Spider plant (safe for pets), Snake Plant (Mother-in-Law’s Tongue), Golden pothos, Red-edged dracaena, Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina), Azalea, English ivy, Bamboo Palm (for furniture off-gassing), heart-leaf philodendron (for particle board gasses), Peace lily


dry cleaning, varnishes, carpeting, furniture

Gerber daisy, Red-edged dracaena, Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina), Warneck dracaena, Bamboo palm, Peace lily


a solvent used in the leather, rubber and printing industries, lacquers

Spider plant (safe for pets), Red-edged dracaena, Warneck dracaena, Peace lily

Other Pollutants, Misc. VOCS

Cleaning products, miscellaneous sources

Chinese evergreen, heart-leaf philodendron

Something Fun for Summer:
Dressing Your Truth
If you can use something fun and something for yourself, take a look at Carol Tuttle’s program Dressing Your Truth. I am grateful to my sister, Tricia, who brought this to my attention. Carol has a unique program that is based on the qualities associated with the elements of air, water, fire and earth.  She generously provides many free videos and shares a lot of information. This is a fun way to learn more about the qualities of these elements while you also learn more about yourself and let your true beauty shine.

Warning: you will receive one email each day for many days. I am up to 17! Although this can be overwhelming, I discovered that the way to approach this is to set aside 10 - 20 minutes each day to watch the initial daily videos. Then scan each email and watch the additional videos as your time permits.  Although a little bit different, you may find that this program adds to your knowledge of Fashion Feng Shui, if you are familiar with that system. At minimum, you can learn a lot about the elements of air, water, fire and earth, enabling you to identify them in yourself and others.
Consultations and Related Services

July Newsletter Special:

Focus on Family or Plants
via Phone, Email or Web 

Tips and cures to strengthen family relationships 
or the most effective placement for your plants. 
$35.00/ 20 minutes.

(Mention the July Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a consultation or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.