It’s Time to Refresh & Energize Your Wealth Areas

Published: Sun, 05/03/15

May 2015 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation  #120
“Patience clears my path and opens me to the world of abundance.”


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,

It seems that May has arrived very quickly and with it we are expecting some warmer days in New England. I’m looking forward to enjoying a bit of spring before summer comes along.

We begin the month with a full moon on Sunday. This helps to energize the weekend. The next two weeks are an excellent time to clean out and refresh the Wealth and Prosperity areas of your home and land. This will help to align you with the energies of this month.

The issue of EMFs and health has been in the news lately, so I’ve written a bit about that this month. See below. I recommend that you watch Dr. Devra Davis’s presentation if you have not seen it recently.

If you are in the local area, I’ll be at The Village Bean in Windham on Tuesday evening facilitating a “Crystal “Playshop.” Join us if you would like to learn about the properties of particular stones and crystals that make very nice enhancements to your space.

Enjoy May! 

Contact me if you would like help to  create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
May 3rd Full Moon and Career Activity
If you adjusted the Career sector of your home or any room in your home, with intention, for the April 18th new moon, tune in and notice how things are unfolding beginning with the May 3rd full moon tonight. As I indicate each month, new moons are about new beginnings.

The intentions we set with each new moon take root and begin to take shape beginning with the full moon two weeks later. The Career sector is the center front of your home as you look in from the outside. It is the same for each room, looking on from the entrance.
May 18th New Moon and Wealth Gua
The May 18th new moon is in the sign of Taurus, relates to the Wealth gua. This is the back left corner of your land, your house and every room in your house when you divide your space into a grid of nine like a tic-tac-toe board. As the May 18th new moon approaches, give thanks and appreciation for your blessings, abundance and prosperity. Visualize your talents and abilities generating income for you, as you do work that you love. Channels of energy open up to enable even more abundance to flow your way when your personal chi and that of your space is free flowing.

Re-energizing your Wealth and Prosperity gua before May18th helps you to align with good timing. It could also be very powerful. Begin by giving the back left corner of each space a deep spring cleaning. Repair, remove or toss out anything that is broken, remove all cobwebs, vacuum, wash your windows and curtains, thin out excess paper and magazines, etc. Also pay attention to computer files if you have an office or computer in this area. This category of clutter is easy to overlook as electronic information is replacing paper storage. Get in the habit of thinning out your files regularly. Assess the flow of energy in your Wealth area and perhaps rearrange the furniture if doing so would bring a nice shift of chi. 

In my house a basement sump pump and bulk head, my office, and our master bath are located in the Wealth area. Each spring and fall I uplift the energy in these areas. Prior to May 18th I will vacuum our bulkhead and sump pump corner.
I also plan to spring clean my office, wash the windows, and re-pot my plants. I keep a beautiful potted plant in the Wealth comer of my desk along with amethyst and citrine crystals and a treasure box filled with gold, frankincense and myrrh. My Vision Board is also within view of my desk. A feng shui flute, positioned at the Wealth angle, hangs on a wall behind me, providing strength and support. A beautiful perennial garden outside my window completes a “missing area” in Wealth.

Enhancements for the Wealth and Prosperity area include: fresh flowers or green plants; the colors purple, red, green or gold; amethyst, malachite or citrine crystals; a wind chime or an object that introduces movement; anything that reminds you or prosperity or blessings; a treasure box; moving water or virtual water; a water image; a Vision Board.

Have fun energizing your Wealth area. Then tune into the results beginning with the May 18th new moon. The corresponding full moon, where the rising energy culminates, is June 2nd. 

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you.
Feng Shui Cures:  
​Wind Chimes​
Wind chimes are often recommended as a feng shui cure or adjustment. They serve several purposes. Primarily they direct or redirect chi, add movement, introduce sound, serve as an effective cure when you need more metal in an area, enhance many spaces and activate other cures and adjustments. 

The typical wind chime used in a feng shui cure is a six rod, hollow, metal wind chime. It should have a very pleasant sound. The size can vary depending on the space where it is being placed. Can you place other types of wind chimes? Absolutely. There are many gorgeous wind chimes on the market. Not all have hollow rods and if they do, they may not have six. Some uses of wind chimes are very particular though, so pay attention when six hollow metal rods are indicated.

A wind chime placed at the front door can be a great way to activate the chi, particularly if the area is quiet or hidden. A wind chime is also a wonderful tool to activate your wealth area.  Metal wind chimes can be super additions to any Helpful People & Travel gua, as well as your Career sector. The Metal element supports the Water element associated with the Career gua; it assists its growth and development.

Use wind chimes cautiously or with specific intention and guidance in the Fame, Partnership, Family, Knowledge and Center areas of your space.  In these areas, metal may not be an auspicious choice. A wooden wind chime could be very appropriate for the Family sector, while one made from earth, clay or pottery would be appropriate for Partnership, Knowledge and the Center of your home. If you were to place a wind chime in Fame, select one that has some Wood or Fire traits. For example, it could be made of wood, be blue, green or red, have animal or flower enhancements, be triangular shaped. There are many possibilities.

When you hang your wind chime, be sure to set your intentions using the Three Secrets Reinforcement. If you are not familiar with this procedure, I would be happy to explain it via a short email or phone consultation

Wind chimes are a very versatile tool. They can generate powerful shifts when used appropriately and with intention.

Contact  Peg for help with wind chime placement or the Three Secrets Reinforcement. See the “Wind Chime Special” at the end of the newsletter.
Wireless Technology
Health-Safety Concerns
​Are Gaining Momentum

I’ve been cautioning about practicing the “precautionary principle” with the use of wireless devices ever since I learned that there is a biological impact, more than ten years ago. At the time I was told that this issue would be worse than the smoking controversy, which took twenty years to resolve. In the wireless arena, we are truly human “guinea pigs” as there is no evidence that wireless devices do not harm our health and there is ample evidence that the health of our population is rapidly declining, even though people are living longer. The issue.

The good news is that people are waking up and some fundamental shifts are underway.  The many benefits of technology, medical, and scientific advances, need to be balanced with proven assurances that we are not harming our health. The latter is what is missing as economic development and corporate profits are given higher priority. 

The primary issue with wireless technology is the erratic pulsing of signals and its interference with DNA repair. Much doubt has been cast upon very legitimate people who have tried to bring the issues to the forefront, including Nick Bilton, a reporter for the New York Times  who was recently “reprimanded” as he tried to caution the public about wearable technology.

Although the debate continues to be hushed, the tide seems to be turning. The work of  Dr. Devra Davis, a prominent researcher and author of Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family is gaining attention. Consider how this problem has escalated since her book was published in 2010.

In the past five years more and more people, particularly babies and young children have been exposed to these fields in ways that prior generations were not. 

These stats from the CDC’s (Center for Disease Control) Database indicate that there is a steady rise in ADHD that also correlates to the increasing proliferation of wireless technology: 
  • As of 2011, approx. 11% of children aged 4-17 (6.4 million) have been diagnosed with ADHD.
  • The % of children diagnosed with ADHD increased from 7.8% in 2003 to 9.5% in 2007 and to 11.0% in 2011.
  • Rates of ADHD diagnosis increased an average of 3% per year from 1997 to 2006 and an average of approximately 5% per year from 2003 to 2011.
  • Boys (13.2%) were more likely than girls (5.6%) to have ever been diagnosed with ADHD.
  • The average age of ADHD diagnosis was 7 years of age.
I urge you to take an hour and listen to what Dr. Davis had to say about cell phone exposure at an April 2012 presentation at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences about the marketing of cell phones to children. The many apps for babies and children are enticing yet we are potentially exposing them to yet unknown, long term, damage. She presents a very important case about breast cancer emerging under the exact location where a healthy woman placed her cell phone (in her bra) for four hours a day over seven years.

There ARE some very important benefits to microwave and RF radiation. My point is that we need to minimize the negative effects because the health of our population is at serious risk.

Watch Dr. Davis’s presentation. It is well worth an hour of your time. Keep in mind that her presentation was three years ago and that while the capability of cell phones has continued to advance, steps have not been taken to protect users against the erratic pulsing of signals.

Easy ways to practice the “Precautionary Principle” as it relates to our exposure to these fields:
  • Do not let babies and children use cell phones or wireless apps.
  • Keep wireless baby monitors away from close proximity to babies. 
  • Use the text or speaker feature on cell phones vs. placing it against your head.
  • Place your cell phone on airplane mode if you carry it in a pocket.
  • Place your wireless router in a Router Guard.  I got one and it works well!
  • Shut your router off before sleeping.
  • Shut your cell phone off (completely!) when sleeping.
  • Sleep in an electronically quiet bedroom.

Last month I wrote about the automated electric meter that was installed on my house and is also begin installed by Eversource throughout NH. These meters do pulse every 20 seconds. This is another example of the erratic pulsing of signals mentioned above. So far, I am finding that this meter pulses out, not in. Thus, our outdoor neighborhoods are now inundated with more erratic pulsing of signals. If you and your neighbors live in close proximity to each other, a Smart Meter Guard will contain most of the erratic pulsing, while still allowing the meter to be read at a distance. Would it not be nice if the power company supplied these?
Upcoming Events
I will be doing an evening workshop in May at the Village Bean in Windham, NH, as well as Girls Night Out at Just Naturals in Bedford, NH. If you are in the area and you have time and interest, join in. 

Tuesday, May 5:
Crystal “Playshop” 
Natural crystals add beauty to any space. Join this “playshop” to learn about the traits and qualities of many crystals and ideas for integrating them into your life.

Rt 111, 33 Indian Rock Rd.
Windham, NH
6:30 – 8:00pm
Fee: $20.00/workshop
Phone: 603-434-2326


Thursday, June 4th: Girls Night Out​

Stop in to Just Naturals in Bedford, NH for an evening of fun, pampering, and relaxation. Peg will be doing complimentary I Ching readings.

176 S. River Road
Bedford, NH
Time: 4:00 – 7:30pm 
Phone: 603-606-1345
Consultations and Related Services

May Newsletter Special: 

Wind Chime Consultations
via Phone, Web or Email

$35.00/20 minutes

(Mention the May Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a consultation or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely
via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are
generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.
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as far as possible.