April 1 Is the Best Day of the Month. No fooling!

Published: Tue, 03/31/15

April 2015 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation  #90
“Today I connect to nature for guidance and inspiration.”

365 Affirmations

Do you know of someone in college or living in a small space? Dorm Room Feng Shui can help anyone living in a small space to create an environment that supports their aspirations.

Dorm Room Feng Shui
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.


Favorite Astrology Perspectives

Other Links of Interest

Hello Everyone,

We begin April sandwiched between two very powerful eclipses: the March 20th new moon solar eclipse and the April 4th full moon lunar eclipse. Lots of changes potential and positive are taking root, although we still have some sluggish energy around “new beginnings”. As I write this, nature is also slipping in, what I hope, is our last snow for the season.
April is a very good month to lighten up your indoor space prior to spending more time outdoors as we move deeper into spring. See below for some tips to boost your Career sector as well as dates for April and May workshops.

This month April 1st is the best day for taking important action, so make it a good one.

Enjoy April! 


Contact me if you would like help to  create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

April 4th Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse
If you adjusted the Center of your home with intention as you prepared for the March 20th new moon, tune in and notice what is shaping up or emerging for you as we approach the April 4th full moon and lunar eclipse. Energetically, the Center of your space relates to health. The March 20th new moon was about endings, completions, and letting go. As I began writing this I realized that for me, letting go of a cataract in my left eye is what is coming to a close. I previously set the intention for the return of 20/20 vision and things are shaping up in a way that may bring this about very soon. My husband and I have an excellent new health insurance plan and it makes sense to get it done. He is the one suggesting that I do so. Although it is more annoying than debilitating, it’s low risk for a potentially high return. Eliminating this obstacle is right in tune with our times…the emergence of spring and new beginnings. This is continuation on the path of “pushing the Easy button” that I wrote about last month.

A total lunar eclipse at 14 degrees Libra also coincides with the April 4th full moon.  According to Madeline Gerwick, this is a favorable eclipse. The primary meaning of this eclipse is about “sudden success in group projects or personal relationships.”  Power could also be misused during this time, so pay attention to this. 

Eclipses are periods of major change and eclipse “events” can occur 30 days before or after an eclipse, providing a 60 day window. Events associated with lunar eclipses might last 3-6 months while events associated with solar eclipses could range from a year or longer.

April 4th also coincides with Passover, followed by Easter Sunday on April 5th. Happy Passover and Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates. Maybe we’ll have a beautiful spring weekend!

April 18th New Moon and Career​
The April 18th new moon is at 280 Aries. This is our second consecutive new moon that occurs toward the end of a sign. The April new moon leaves a tiny bit of room for new beginnings (2 degrees out of 30).

New moons are typically about birthing new opportunities. On April 18th, this relates to your passion, profession, or career and new opportunities that come your way. The corresponding area of your house is the Career gua or the front center of your home, every room in your home, your land and your office or place or business. 

Aries, the first house in the zodiac, represents a time of new beginnings. Pairing nicely with spring, it is a time of new growth and expanding light after our cold, snowy, cold, and wet winter. Our instinct is to emerge from “surviving” the winter and make some changes to bring more life and vitality to ourselves and our spaces. We may feel more spontaneity, enthusiasm, impulse and a willingness to explore or try something different.

The Career sector of your The Career sector of your home is about your Life Path and the opportunities  that come your way. To attract more opportunities and/or the right opportunities, refresh the center front of your home and every room in your home prior to April 18th. Set an intention for your life path or Career when the new moon arrives, meditate on it, and then observe what happens and participate in its unfolding beginning with the May 3rd full moon.

In many homes the front door is located in the Career gua. This is quite synchronous since from a feng shui perspective the front door is the most important area in our homes. It is known as the mouth of chi. The condition of your front door heavily influences the quality of energy that enters your home. Refreshing and energizing a centrally located front door also energizes your career and the opportunities that come your way. This is one of the reasons why I emphasize keeping front doors clear of snow all winter long. This past winter, many people were overwhelmed and were not able to keep up. Now that spring is here, revitalize your front door and entire entrance. Welcome in new energy and new opportunities.

The Career gua is energized by the Water element and strengthened by the Metal element. From a feng shui perspective Water is represented by glass, mirrors, reflective surfaces, black and dark blue, wavy, swirling shapes. A ship or pictures of lakes, harbors, or ocean views make nice enhancements in this area.

Refresh your front door and the path leading to your front door this month, in whatever way you can. Since many of us are likely to still have snow, picking up branches, removing winter debris, and sweeping the path are good ways to begin. Then tune in to what happens in the coming weeks. There are no coincidences. You can tap into the magic of synchronicity by aligning with the energy of the season.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you.

Feng Shui Cures:  Crystals
Feng Shui crystals are multi-faceted glass crystalline spheres.  They are round prisms which come in a variety of sizes that typically range from 10mm to 60 mm. For most cures, a sphere 2 inches round or 50mm is recommended.  A 40 mm sphere (1 ½ inches) may also be used.  Although clear crystals are used most often, a colored crystal can be very appropriate given specific intentions. 

From a feng shui perspective, crystal spheres help to regulate energy. They refract light and disperse energy evenly in all directions. They are used to activate sluggish areas and slow down spaces where the chi may be too fast. When the sun passes through a crystal hung in a window, gorgeous rainbows are scattered all over the room. This is a fun way to activate energy. In many traditions and folklore, the rainbow is seen as a bridge between heaven and earth. 

According to Barbara Madding, “in ancient China, the rainbow was considered the bridge between Yin and Yang, the feminine and the masculine. Rainbows are created in the heavens when fire (sun) and water (rain) meet, thus being symbolic of merging, connecting energies that create a third energy – the rainbow.” Take a look at these photos of rainbow mountains in China. In the American Southwest, the Painted Desert provides similar, but less dramatic, natural rainbow land formation as well. 

Some common feng shui crystal cures and adjustments include hanging a crystal to:
  1. Activate a wealth area.
  2. Disperse chi from a sharp point of poison arrow.
  3. Break up stagnant energy in a cluttered space, helping you to clear clutter.
  4. Slow down speeding chi, such as in a long hallway or between front and back doors.
  5. Create beauty: hang a crystal in a window and enjoy the rainbows.
  6. Balance the chi of any space.
To hang a crystal for a cure, use a red string such as embroidery floss. Cut the string in any increment of nine (such as 9, 18, 27, 36 inches) and thread it through the loop at the top of the crystal. Tie the string any way you like and hang the crystal using a cup hook or push pin. The crystal can be hung any distance from the ceiling, wrapping any extra red string around. You might also like to tie the extra red string (from your increment of 9) in a bow. As you hang the crystal, take care to ensure that no one will bump their head on it (such as at the bottom of a staircase). After hanging the crystal, set your intention using the Three Secrets Reinforcement.

Hanging a crystal in your Career gua is a very good way to energize your career or perhaps find a new or better job. Be sure to remove clutter and refresh your space (center front of your home and/or business) prior to doing so.

Crystals need to be cleaned periodically. You can clean your crystal in place by wiping it with a damp, clean cloth or wash it as you would glass. Refrain from using any harsh cleansing agent. I prefer to use salt water. I also like to reenergize my crystals periodically under a full moon (on a clear night) or by placing in full sun for at least four hours. If you remove your crystal to clean it, be sure to reinstate your intentions using the Three Secrets Reinforcement.

Crystals can be purchased from many feng shui sites. Two favorite sites are Feng Shui Shopper  and the Feng Shui Emporium.

If you would like specific help for placing a crystal as a cure or you are not familiar with the Three Secrets Reinforcement, the monthly special at the end of this newsletter may interest you.

Create a Fairy Garden​
If you are itching to get out in the garden, but it is still covered in snow, you might satisfy your craving by planning a fairy garden or preparing one indoors. They can be so magical. Take a look at some creative ideas using broken pots and small plants. You might jazz it up using natural crystals and other items you may have sitting around or items found in nature. Gather your items and set them aside for a warmer day. A fairy garden is also ideal for a small space and it would make a wonderful gift for a special friend or family member too. It is also a fun activity to do with a child. Years ago my daughter and I created a delightful fairy garden one day using twigs, ferns, moss and whatever else was available at the time. It was so much fun seeing the fairy garden emerge through her eyes. Thank you to Donna D’Amore for posting a link to this Fairy Garden site on Facebook (March 12th) a few weeks ago.
Automated Meter Installations in NH​
The switch-over to the automated electric meter in NH is accelerating. One was installed on my house a few days ago. We received a letter about two weeks prior indicating it would be happening, so watch your mail if you get your power from Eversource (previously PSNH).

The installation technician indicated that it was an easy switchover and we would only be without power for about 10 seconds. I had just popped something into the oven, so I asked him to do the rest of our neighborhood and then return. I am glad I did. As fate would have it, the installation at my house was no so easy. My husband and I stood at the kitchen door, watching from about five feet away. As the old meter was being removed, a “block” broke and there was a huge power arc, evidenced by several huge sparks and flashes of fire. Totally unexpected, this happens periodically. Fortunately it did not result in a fire. It was a good thing the installer was wearing his safety mask and helmet. Otherwise his face would have been severely burned. He was a fairly new technician and this is the first time it happened to him. Understandably, he was quite shaken. He called his supervisor, who showed up promptly, confirming that yes, this happens. They then had to call in a power crew to restore our power and install the new meter. Our ten seconds of inconvenience turned out to be a few hours. 

Although these automated meters are not “smart meters” they do emit spikes of higher radio frequency, on a continual basis, every 30 seconds or so. Eversource’s brochure indicates that the maximum RF is 8 microwatts per centimeter squared at three feet away and .525 microwatts per centimeter squared at 25 feet away. I’ll be studying the meter in my house for a bit to further evaluate what is actually happening.​

From a bau-biologie perspective, the spikes of pulsed frequencies are disruptive to our biology and DNA. It is the type of energy that may wear down your immune system over time, among other things. People who are sensitive to high frequency power may experience headaches, tingling in the ears, increased levels of anxiety, and more.

Although it has not been proven safe for our health (we are just told that it is not harmful), too little attention has been given to correlation of the rise in health problems and the widespread use of wireless technology without personal safeguards. A smart meter guard might interest you. Here are two sites to learn more: ​ 
Upcoming Events
See below for upcoming evening workshops at the Village Bean in Windham, NH, as well as Girls Night Out at Just Naturals in Bedford, NH. If you are in the area and you have time and interest, join in.

Tuesday, April 14: Using Color to Energize Your Home
A little color can go a long way towards re-energizing your home or any room in your home. Join us to learn how to select colors that support your space and nourish your soul.

Tuesday, May 5: Crystal “Playshop” 
Natural crystals add beauty to any space. Join this “playshop” to learn about the traits and qualities of many crystals and ideas for integrating them into your life.

Both of the above will be held at:
The Village Bean
Rt 111, 33 Indian Rock Rd.
Windham, NH

6:30 – 8:00pm
Fee: $20.00/workshop
Phone: (603) 434-2326
Thursday, April 30th:
Girls Night Out 

Stop in to Just Naturals in Bedford, NH for an evening of fun, pampering, and relaxation. Peg will be doing complimentary I Ching readings.

Just Naturals
176 S. River Road
Bedford, NH

Time: 4:00 – 7:30pm
Phone: 603-606-1345

The Good Timing Guide Annual Sale​
As many of you know, I follow good timing and have been doing so for many years. Madeline Gerwick publishes a very useful and informative annual Good Timing Guide. Madeline offers the guide and newsletters at a reduced rate each spring, as the advance orders enable her to publish the package. 

Check out her annual sale. This is an excellent time to order your 2016 Good Timing Guide so that you can plan ahead. The sale ends April 23rd. 
Consultations and Related Services

April Newsletter Special: 
Assistance with Crystal Cures and the Three Secrets Reinforcement

via Phone, Web or Email

$45.00 plus 9 Red Envelopes


(Mention the April Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a consultation or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.