Joy to the World ...

Published: Mon, 12/01/14

December 2014 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation  #334
“Blessings come to me more easily when I go with the flow.”


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,
Hello Everyone,

December seems to have arrived quickly this year. Take time to enjoy the holidays in whatever ways are the most meaningful to you.

Over the years we have simplified our holidays. We spend less time “doing” and more time “being.” Some of my favorite seasonal activities are listening to Christmas carols and holiday music, preparing some of our favorite foods, writing Christmas cards, and spending more time with family and friends. 

Enjoy December!

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

Checking in About Wisdom
Did you refresh the Knowledge gua of your home or business prior to the November 22 new moon? If so, tune into the December 6th full moon and notice what begins to unfold for you. New moons provide an opportunity to “seed” new intentions each month. The full moon, two weeks later, is when they begin to come to light.

According to Madeline Gerwick, dual pathways may emerge with the December 6th full moon. If things have not been working to your liking, take the path that enables you to solve any entrenched issues rather than sticking with the way things have always been done. Changing the status quo may bring new solutions to old problems.

Cultivating Joy …
I particularly enjoy the vast array of lights that emerge from the darkness at this time of year. In my town we go out of our way to drive by a particular house that puts on a spectacular display each year. As the white lights sparkle on the trees, the stately house glows with warmth and charm. This property brings a smile to my face and a sense of joy, wonder, and ease every time I see it. It is magical!

According to David Hawkins, author of Power vs. Force, joy is a high frequency emotion. Positioned between love and peace on his Map of Consciousness, it encompasses the qualities of unconditional love, patience, maintaining a positive attitude in light of challenging circumstances, along with a flow of ease, effortless and synchronicity. Joy equates to deep feelings of happiness, enthusiasm, eagerness and serenity. 

Joy develops from within and is cultivated over time. As you prepare for the holidays, notice what brings you joy and what does not. If you can withdraw from (or minimize) any activities, situations, or circumstances that create stress, tension, frustration or more along these lines, you will create space for joy. Perhaps just notice your array of moods and emotions this month and then begin the New Year with a resolution to consciously develop joy throughout 2015.

Decorating Tips for
​Stress-Less Holidays
Many people get caught up in the frenzy of the holidays and lose sight of what they are really all about. Planning and taking a few steps to ease or eliminate stress can make a big difference. Here are some tips to consider:

Tip #1: Enhance your space with beautiful red poinsettias, Christmas trees, stars, things that shine and dazzle, fresh greens and plants, lights, the color red and triangular shapes. Enhancements always come after the basic of cleaning and clutter clearing. If you augment a chaotic, stuck or cluttered area you are strengthening that quality of energy. As you shift your space and lighten it up, you shift obstacles and remove blockages. Doing this before adding any holiday decorations will bring more ease and flow to your life. I guarantee it.

Tip #2: Tuck away your usual décor and decorations in your holiday boxes and return them when you put the holidays away for another year. Rather than simply add decorations to your space, replacing some of your everyday furnishings with your favorite holiday collections will create a calmer and more festive atmosphere. 

Tip #3: Reassess every item as you decorate for the holidays. Thin out what no longer works for you. Recycles or toss out what is broken, consider passing along some favorite heirlooms to family members and give away anything and everything that no longer brings you joy. Many of us have more than we need or can use. Make this a year-long project by reassessing each holiday as it comes along. By the end of the year your holiday décor will be thinned out and re-energized.

December 21st Winter Solstice and Illumination
December’s new moon coincides with the Winter Solstice. What a wonderful way to celebrate the shortest and darkest day of the year. The stars seem to shine the brightest on moon-less nights. This is a perfect time to set your intentions and invite more light into your life. By Christmas we should be seeing a gorgeous first-quarter crescent in the sky.

December’s new moon falls in the serious sign of Capricorn. Taking time to bring yourself into alignment with what you really want, during the Winter Solstice, will help you to ease your way through the holidays and into the new year. We’ll talk more about intentions for 2015 next month.

From a feng shui perspective, the Capricorn new moon correlates with the Fame gua. This is really about illumination: allowing your true inner light to shine. The corresponding area in your space is the back center area of your land, home, workplace, and each individual room. The opposite area, the Career gua (center front) is equally important and directly related. The Career gua corresponds to your life purpose, opportunities, and doing meaningful work. Thus, the December 21 new moon is about being noticed. It is about letting others see you and helping you to connect with your calling and your inner dreams. If you prefer quiet holidays, this year might be a good time to get out and be seen. It is a time to make yourself more visible.

To align your energy with the December new moon and the Winter Solstice, clean, refresh and revitalize the back center of your house, your master bedroom, kitchen, office, garage, yard, etc.) between December 7th and 21st. As you prepare your home for the holidays, thin out any holiday décor that no longer brings you joy. You can pass items in good shape along to others. Or you might repurpose them, infusing them with new life.

A Christmas tree or colorful lights are perfect enhancements for the Fame area this month. You can also “fire up” the area using various shades of red; diamond, pyramid and triangular shapes; images that dazzle you or your senses; pictures of people or animals; lights and candles. 

Enhancements for the Career area relate to Water energy: the color black or deep blue, glass or mirrors, images that introduce flow and movement, and anything to do with your career or life’s work. If you have a center entrance front door, dress it up and let it shine as well!

Bring some focused attention to your intentions and desires during this month’s Winter Solstice and then let your light shine all the way through the New Year.

Take a look at this
704 Sq Ft Home
An Oregon couple designed and built a unique tiny home  to support their simple lifestyle. The result is that they have time and money to do many things that interest them. It has a retro look from the 60’s and is easy to care for and manage. They incorporated a lot of very good ideas. If this is too small for you, could you live in a house twice this size? Would you want to? 

Although small homes and spaces certainly have their benefits, in colder climates we spend more time indoors during the winter months. Having enough space to stretch out and enjoy some of your favorite activities is a good thing! It is important that every family member have a space that they can truly call their own. It does not have to be a separate room, it can be as simple as a favorite chair. 

If you could set up your ideal space, what would you include and what would you eliminate? I’ll begin a thread about this on my Feng Shui Connections Facebook page. Add your thoughts when you get a chance or send me an email. I’ll compile your suggestions and include them in a future newsletter.

Give A Gift of Well-Being
Hay House has a wonderful array of products for anyone interested in feng shui, prosperity, well-being, and spirituality. Some of my favorites include: The Western Guide to Feng Shui by Terah Kathryn Collins, The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, Angels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue, and Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks. I particularly like the Ask and It is Given Perpetual Calendar. It is a daily reminder of the importance of bringing yourself into alignment every day with what you truly want.

Children and Toxins:
Help Reduce the Body Burden
This short video by Bruce Lamphear is worth watching. 

Research is showing that there is no safe level of toxins that are found in many common products as well as our food supply. In addition, there is a correlation between higher body burdens of toxins and lower IQ scores in children. Just think of how this trend could impact future generations.  As you make choices for yourself and others, particularly children, give the gift of health and well-being by choosing products that are toxin free. Although these may cost more initially, they can save a lot of money over the long run. As Lamphear says: “little things matter.”
Creating Healthier Indoor Environments

I am happy to report that a movement towards healthy buildings is taking root in the mainstream. This bodes well as we head in to 2015. As healthy trends become more widespread, prices could drop as more suppliers step up to fill demand. Wouldn’t it be nice for every home and work environment to support optimal health and wellbeing? The good news is that we are moving in that direction.

As I was researching a report about the world’s healthiest mattresses, I was led to the NY MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas  (who has apparently purchased 300 of these) and then to the International WELL Building Institute

The best mattresses for a deep sleep are those without metal or any chemical residue, particularly formaldehyde. According to Andre Fauteaux, editor of La Maison du 21e siècle magazine (Canada), in 2013 Exova labs tested VOC (volatile organic chemicals) from 50 different latex mattresses and the Essentia brand came out on top.  As a result, they were also chosen 300 beds in New York’s MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, which has been certified by the International WELL Building Institute.

If you will be selecting a new mattress in the future, choose the best one you can afford. Try to get one that has no metal (springs, snaps, etc.) and one that also passes healthy air-quality tests. A typical mattress has lots of chemicals and takes at least 90 days to off-gas. This is not conducive to health or a deep sleep. Green Deals has many on sale today. 

If you are traveling, consider staying at hotel or location that emphasizes wellbeing. This could be a good way to compare environments and to check out various mattresses. Although the MGM Grand has many nice features, sleeping free from “wireless” does not seem to be one of them yet. I am sure that this will come along in the future.

If you are building or renovating, check out the WELL Building Standard. It is the result of seven years of research and collaboration with physicians, scientists and building professionals. It was developed by DELOS, and is managed by the International Well Building Institute (IWBI), which also happens to be a B-Corporation, a new type of corporation that is focused on using business as a force for good. 

Consultations and Related Services

December Newsletter Special:

1 Hour Consultations via Phone, Web or Email

$75.00. Save $50! Gift Certificates are available.

(Mention the December Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a consultation or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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