Year of the Sheep Begins February 4th

Published: Sun, 02/01/15

February 2015 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation  #18
“As my joy increases, so does my good fortune and prosperity.”


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,

We are certainly in a cold and snowy weather pattern, the depth of winter. On Monday we are expecting our fourth significant snowstorm in ten days. This is an excellent time for deep reflection. Notice what shows up for you and how it relates to your intentions.

If you are in a snowy area, be sure to maintain a clear and open path to your front door. This is your home’s architectural front door, in addition to any other door you may use on a regular basis. Although you may prefer to skip the extra shoveling, particularly if you do not regularly use your main front door, the snow is a blockage on your path. Allowing your path to remain obstructed is likely to manifest as one or more obstacles in your life.
You can bring more ease and flow by clearing the snow or having someone do it for you.

You may find it hard to get new things started this month. This is partly due to the February new moon being at the 29th degree of Aquarius. It is a favorable time to take care of what you already have underway, which is probably more than enough.

Locally, I will be doing workshops at the Village Bean in Windham, NH on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings this week. I’ll be at Just Naturals in Bedford, NH on Thursday evening for Girls Night Out. I’ll also be doing a workshop at Just Naturals on Wednesday, February 18th. Details are below.

Enjoy February! 

Contact me if you would like help to  create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

February 3rd Full Moon
Tuesday’s full moon energetically links to intentions that you set two weeks ago at the January 20th new moon, as well as the Helpful People and Travel gua. Full moons are periods when things come to light for us. The Helpful People and Travel gua is also related to the right people showing up at the right time, as well as places you would like to visit. Notice what begins to show up for you. My driveway begins in the Helpful People and Travel gua of my yard. My plow driver has certainly been a helpful person and he’s been doing a terrific job clearing snow from our driveway. During the last storm he did even better than expected!  

If we have a clear night Tuesday or Wednesday, it is an ideal time to cleanse crystals and annual feng shui cures. Gather them together and place them under the full moon for the night to recharge them. If the moon is obstructed, you can recharge them under full sun for at least four hours on another day or wait until the March 5th full moon.

February 18th New Moon: Helpful People and Travel
The February 18th new moon is at 29 degrees Aquarius. This contrasts to the January 20th new moon that was at 0 degrees Aquarius. Thus, our January and February new moons are like bookends at the beginning and end of this sign. What does this mean? We have a double opportunity to invite and recognize helpful people into our lives by giving focused attention to the front right areas of our spaces. Helpful people can be family and friends as well as business associates and professionals. Helpful people can also be unseen spirits, helpers and guides, you name it. This is a month to set your intentions, take inspired action, get out of your own way, and allow things to unfold in magical and unexpected ways. Focus on solutions, rather than resolutions.

New moons are usually about getting new things started. This is not the case this month. Instead, we are encouraged to look to what might need attention and bring some of the things we have underway to an end. We have to take things off our plates before adding new things to it. This also aligns well with Mercury Retrograde, where we need to allow extra time to get things done.  Mercury is Retrograde through February 11th. It usually takes a few days to begin moving forward again. February is a good month to practice being focused and patient.

Aquarian moons are periods when group project, ideas and goals come to the forefront. They are ideal cycles to:

1. Focus on goals and plan ahead
2. Identify new ways of doing things
3. Attend to community and humanitarian needs

If you did not get to this in January, the next two weeks are an ideal time to clean, clear and re-energize your “Helpful People and Travel” gua. This is the front right area of your space when you are facing in from the main entrance or door to your house, any room in your house, business or property. This area is about the right people coming to assist you at the right time. If you have any travel plans or dreams, this is a great place to energize them as well.

The Helpful People area of your space is energized by the Metal element. Metal is represented by metal itself (gold, silver, brass, aluminum, etc.,) as well as the colors white and gray, circular and oval shapes, petroleum and things made from petroleum (plastics) and substances dug from deep within the ground (gemstones, big rocks and boulders). As an “organizing” element, Metal traits include clarity, precision, organization, order and focus. When Metal is balanced, you can easily sort information and experiences into patterns, solve puzzles, and bring order through rules and guidelines. You are more likely to have clear thoughts, be focused and communicate effectively. When Metal is deficient you may feel unprotected, find it hard to focus, have little or no routine, and lack a sense of purpose. Excess Metal manifests as criticism and judgments, perfectionism, obsessive compulsive behavior, as well as sarcasm, aloofness and indifference.

The organs associated with Metal are the lung, large intestine, and your skin. Metal out of balance may leave you feeling anxious, anguished, and in tears. If you are experiencing anxiety or anguish, or you have any difficulty with breathing, intestinal issues, skin conditions or rashes, balancing your Helpful People gua may strengthen your emotional and physical health. 

Set your intentions this month and give special attention to the Helpful People gua of your home and business, as well as all right front corners of your space. Then tune into the March 5th full moon to see how your intentions are beginning to take shape and unfold.

2015: Yin Wood Sheep
The year of the Yin Wood Sheep begins on Tuesday, February 4th, which begins the new solar year. It is a fixed date and it is the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, thus it is considered the beginning of spring. This is the date to make annual changes in your home and workplace. Chinese New Year is February 19th. This is the lunar New Year that we associate with the celebrations. It is the second new moon after the Winter Solstice and changes annually.

2015 is a Yin Wood Sheep year. The Sheep (also called Goat), a yin Earth animal, is compatible with the Rabbit, Pig, Snake, and Horse. It clashes with the Ox. People born in Ox years may have more challenges in 2015.

We last experienced the energies represented this year 60 years ago, in 1955. 2003 was our most recent Sheep year. Unlike 2003, which was a Yin Water Sheep year, according to Chinese metaphysics, Sheep qualities include hidden yin Fire, Wood and Earth energy. Wood energy supports and strengthens Fire, and Fire energy supports and strengthens Earth. 2015 is bound to be a year of breakthroughs on many levels. Sheep energy is gentle, nurturing, and earthy. During sheep years, more focus is likely to be put into finding peaceful resolutions to long standing problems. Common sense thinking and strategy may play a stronger role. 

Sheep energy is sincere, gentle, loyal, disciplined, and also very sensitive, giving and generous. People born in sheep years can be excellent listeners, although they probably will not take aggressive action to help you solve your problems. When out of balance, moodiness and /or depression may set in. On the downside, sheep can also be pessimistic, withdrawn and lazy. Given the Sheep’s yin nature, they may need a boost from a fiery yang friend from time to time. The Yin Wood Energy of 2015’s heavenly stem fuels the earth branch fundamental Earth nature of the Sheep.

The Flying Stars influences the energy in your house. The Annual Lo Shu number is the annual star that “flies in” every February. The number for 2015 is 3. Thus “3” is in the middle of the Lo Shu or Magic Square for the year. This number and positioning is used for both Flying Star systems as well as Nine Star Ki astrology. The number three star is also known as the “star of arguments.” If being tactful is not one of your strengths, this is a year to improve.

Pay particular attention to the West, SW, SE, and NE sectors.  

1)    The Annual 5 Star is in the West sector
2)    The Grand Duke is in the SW (202.50 – 217.50)
3)    The Three Killings is primarily in the West sector
4)    The # 2 Star associated with illness is in the SE

Prior to placing my cures and doing annual adjustments, I gather all cures from the previous year. I toss out the salt water cures and any bagua mirrors that I used. Then I salt my remaining cures and place them under the full moon overnight or in direct sunlight for at least four hours. Items that I typically cleanse and reenergize are my crystals, 6 coins, any indoor wind chimes, 6 coins, gourds and/or wu lou, statues ( Buddha, Kuan Yin), etc. 

Each year I place a “Salt Water cure” in the sectors with the # 2 and 5 stars, in addition to the center of my house. For 2015, sectors 2 and 5 are in the SE and West, respectively. 

For 2015, you can energize the center of your home with a beautiful red candle. Otherwise, keep the center of your house relatively quiet. You may download my annual update from my website.

Here are two additional links for annual changes related to the Flying Star system of Feng Shui: 

Elliot Tanzer's annual update

The Feng Shui Store's annual update.

If you are looking to replace some cures and/or add in some new ones, I recommend checking out the products at:

Overall, I recommend keeping your cures and adjustments simple. A few go a long way, particularly when they are placed with intention.  Each year, I cleanse my cures in the first few days or February and place my annual adjustments on February 4th. Then reenergize them once or twice during the year. Contact me if you would like a customized update for your space.

Reminder: Mercury is Retrograde Through February. 11th
Are you feeling squeezed for time or have you noticed a pattern of starts and stops in recent weeks? The planet Mercury went retrograde on January 21 and will remain so through February 11th. Mercury is the planet that rules communications. As a result, communications easily get confused and mixed up during this three week period. Mercury Retrograde periods are a time to lighten your schedule, avoid signing contracts, and avoid buying electronics. Take extra care and allow more room in your schedule. This is an excellent cycle to re-do, re-consider, repair, review and re-work many things. It is not a favorable period to purchase electronics, make deals, or sign contracts. If you do, don’t be surprised if you make changes or adjustments beginning February 12th, when any misunderstanding or confusion will begin to clear up. You can make things easy on yourself and experience fewer obstacles by allowing more leeway in your schedule and delaying big purchases. Be proactive. Take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle.

The remaining Mercury Retrograde cycles for 2015 are: May 18th- June 11th and September 17th- October 9th. Mark your calendar and plan ahead.

Upcoming Events
I have four events scheduled during February. If you are in the area and you have time and interest, join in.

Feb 3rd: 2015 Year of the Yin Wood Sheep

Join us to learn about annual feng shui changes to make in your home of business for 2015.

Feb 4: Integrating Easy, Effective Feng Shui “Cures” Into Your Home or Business

Learn some of the inner secrets related to cures and adjustments using mirrors, wind chimes, crystals and many every day, mundane objects.

February 3rd and 4th workshop are at:

The Village Bean
Rt 111, 33 Indian Rock Rd.
Windham, NH
6:30 – 8:00pm

Phone: (603) 434-2326


Feb 5th: Girls Night Out

Stop in to Just Naturals in Bedford, NH for an evening of fun, pampering, and relaxation. Peg will be doing complimentary I Ching readings.

Feb 18th: The Intention Connection: Understanding and Implementing Intention for Health, Love and Happiness

Have you ever heard the phrase: “thoughts create things?” They do!  Join Peg Donahue and Karen Girardo to learn effective ways to release blockages and come into alignment with what you really want during 2015.

February 5th and 18th workshops are at:

Just Naturals, 
176 S. River Road, Bedford, NH
Time: 6:30 – 8:00pm 

Phone: 603-606-1345
EMF-Free Bed Canopy
As our living and work spaces continue to fill with wireless electronics, more and more people are experiencing a lack of a deep sleep. There continues to be controversy about whether or not the two are related. People who sleep in WiFi -free or low-EMF zones, that are also free of non-beneficial geopathic stress, tend to sleep better though.  A friend of mine in Manhattan created an EMF-free bed which is helping her to get a deep sleep each night in the heart of one of the most densely populated areas on earth. She placed a canopy around her bed using EMF protective fabric. It looks quite lovely and she noticed an improvement in her sleep and general health since doing so.

You can learn more about EMF bed canopies and other EMG shielding techniques at Safe Living Technologies and also at the EMF Safety Store

Contact me if you would like an EMF evaluation of your bedroom or other areas in your home or office. Before adding a canopy I suggest trying to get a deeper sleep by turning off your WiFi router, unplugging the base unit of DECT cordless phones, turning off your smart phone while sleeping or placing it in airplane mode at least 6 feet away from your head, and removing as many electronics as you are willing to do so from your bedroom.

Feng Shui Cures:  Using and Caring for Crystals
Periodically through 2015 I will review how to use and place typical feng shui cures. This month the focus is on crystals.

Feng Shui crystals are multi-faceted glass crystalline spheres.  They are round prisms which come in a variety of sizes.  For most cures, a sphere 2 inches round or 50mm is usually recommended.  40 mm (1 ½ inches) may also be used for some applications.   They work by refracting energy and light, taking a linear flow of chi and dispersing it in all directions evenly.  

Crystalline spheres are used in a multitude of feng shui cures as they can adjust and shift the chi or energy of a home or business in the following ways:
  • Refract and disperse non-beneficial energies.

  • Harmonize energy or chi flows that are confusing, chaotic or too fast.

  • Transmute stagnant energies by drawing in and activating new energies.

  • Attract positive, beneficial chi to enhance an area or position of the bagua.

  • Protection from poison arrows of energy or diagonal lines by refracting and diffusing energy flow.

  •  Create beauty in a designated area; draw your eye to it.

  • Bring balance by bringing in all the colors of the rainbow spectrum to an area.
Hanging a Crystal for a Cure:
Use red string or red ribbon cut in a length of 9” increments – 9, 18, 27, etc.  Red embroidery thread works well. When hanging, the crystal does not have to be 9” from the ceiling but the string should be cut to an increment of 9” in length.  If you have to have the crystal 3” from the ceiling due to low ceiling height, then make a bow or knot the extra length of the 9” of string.  (Nine is a very powerful yang number, representing 3x3.) Use a cup hook, a T-pin or plastic thumb tack to attach the string to the ceiling.  After hanging the crystal, use the Three Secret Reinforcement to set the intent and purpose of your cure.

Cleaning your Crystal:
It is important that your crystal remain clean in order to catch the sunlight and refract it.  You can clean your crystal by washing it in soapy water, rinsing it and drying it as you would any glass. You can also soak it overnight in sea salt and water, place it in the sun or under the full moon, smudge it with sage smoke or simply place it under running water.  If you take the crystal down to do this, it would be wise to re-instate the cure. However, you can simply wipe it clean while in place with a soft clean cloth and some rubbing alcohol or a soft cloth that is dampened with water. 

CAUTION:  Any glass or crystal hung in the South window or in any area that gets a lot of sun should be monitored as glass can spark a fire if it is shining on combustible objects for an extended period of time. If you plan to be gone for a long time, remove the crystals from these windows. 

Natural crystals also make wonderful feng shui cures. They have a wide variety of properties and can help to shift and strengthen many situations. One of my favorite resources to learn about natural crystals is The Book of Stones.

Consultations and Related Services

February Newsletter Special:

Relationship Gua Consultations

45 mins via Phone, Web or Email


(Mention the February Newsletter
to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a consultation or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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