New Year, New Beginnings ...

Published: Sun, 01/04/15

January 2015 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation  #4
“If this is for me, expand it. If not, take it away.”


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,

New Year’s provides an opportunity to reset and refocus. I highly encourage you to take some time to do so this month. Consider what you would really like to happen this year and how you would like 2015 to unfold. Visualize the outcome that you truly desire and hold onto the feeling of really experiencing what you truly desire. 

Here is a link to Susannah Conway’s planning guide for the year. I am in the process of completing this myself. Prior to beginning it, I re-read my plan for 2014. I was amazed at how much that I wrote about in January 2014 actually happened, just the way I wrote it. 

Although there is still much mystery to this process, focused attention, belief, and trust go a long way towards experiencing what you really want. If you have a desire for things to be different in 2015, begin with a new, refreshed and energized plan. Believe it in and believe in your ability to influence the outcome. Then set aside any form of self-sabotage, such as fear, anxiety or disbelief, and allow what you want to find its way to you. The more clutter (physical, mental, spiritual) you eliminate, the faster things will happen. Also, be open for results to show up in unexpected and unanticipated ways. 

Enjoy January! 

Contact me if you would like help to develop your plan for 2015, create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

January 4th Full Moon
Tonight’s full moon energetically links to intentions that you set two weeks ago at the Winter Solstice on December 21, as well as the Fame gua. Full moons are periods when things come to light for us. The Fame gua is also related to illumination and visibility. What would you like to come to light for yourself? Consider what is emerging for you as we begin 2015 and perhaps tie this into a plan for the year. Focused attention followed by inspired action can go a long ways towards setting things in motion for you to experience that which you truly desire.

January 20th New Moon and Helpful People
The January 20th new moon falls in the sign of Aquarius. The February 18th new moon does too! Thus we have a double opportunity to invite helpful people into our lives by giving focused attention to the front right areas of our spaces. Helpful people can be family and friends as well as business associates and professionals. Helpful people can also be unseen spirits, helpers and guides, you name it. This is the month to set your intentions, take inspired action, get out of your own way, and allow things to unfold in magical and unexpected ways.

Aquarian moons are periods when group project, ideas and goals come to the forefront. They are ideal cycles to:

1.    focus on goals and plan ahead
2.    identify new ways of doing things
3.    attend to community and humanitarian needs

The January new moon is at the beginning of the cycle (0 degrees Aquarius) and the February new moon is at the end (29 degrees Aquarius). February is a short month and the moon energy will be a repeat, with this one significant difference.

The next two weeks are an ideal time to clean, clear and re-energize your “Helpful People and Travel” gua. This is the front right area of your space when you are facing in from the main entrance or door to your house, any room in your house, business or property. This area is about the right people coming to assist you at the right time. If you have any travel plans or dreams, this is a great place to energize them as well.
The Helpful People area of your space is energized by the Metal element. 

Metal is represented by metal itself (gold, silver, brass, aluminum, etc.,) as well as the colors white and gray, circular and oval shapes, petroleum and things made from petroleum (plastics) and substances dug from deep within the ground (gemstones, big rocks and boulders). As an “organizing” element, Metal traits include clarity, precision, organization, order and focus. When Metal is balanced, you can easily sort information and experiences into patterns, solve puzzles, and bring order through rules and guidelines. You are more likely to have clear thoughts, be focused and communicate effectively. When Metal is deficient you may feel unprotected, find it hard to focus, have little or no routine, and lack a sense of purpose. Excess Metal manifests as criticism and judgments, perfectionism, obsessive compulsive behavior, as well as sarcasm, aloofness and indifference.

The organs associated with Metal are the lung, large intestine, and your skin. Metal out of balance may leave you feeling anxious, anguished, and in tears. If you are experiencing anxiety or anguish, or you have any difficulty with breathing, intestinal issues, skin conditions or rashes, balancing your Helpful People gua may strengthen your emotional and physical health. 

Set your intentions this month and give special attention to the Helpful People gua of your home and business, as well as all right front corners of your space. Then tune into the February 3rd full moon to see how your intentions are beginning to take shape and unfold.

2015: Year of the Yin Wood Sheep/Goat
The year of the Yin Wood Sheep begins on February 4th, which begins the new solar year. It is a fixed date. This is the date to make annual changes in your home and workplace. Chinese New Year is February 19th. This is the lunar New Year and it is a movable date. It is the second new moon after the Winter Solstice. I will write more about the annual changes in February. I will try to send this during the last week of January. If you are interested in my annual update for placement of cures, send me a note. I am in the process of preparing it. Also let me know if you would like a customized update for your space ($108.00). 

January 21st: Mercury Retrograde … Time to Lighten Your Schedule
Mercury is the planet that rules communications. As Mercury appears to back up in the sky, communications easily get confused and mixed up.

Mercury Retrograde periods are a time to lighten your schedule, avoid signing contracts, and avoid buying electronics. This month, Mercury goes retrograde January 21st through February 11th. Take extra care and allow more room in your schedule. This is an excellent cycle to re-do, re-consider, repair, review and re-work many things. It is not a favorable period to purchase electronics, make deals, or sign contracts. If you do, don’t be surprised if you make changes or adjustments beginning February 12th, when any misunderstanding or confusion is likely to clear up.

You can make things easy on yourself and experience fewer obstacles by allowing more leeway in your schedule and delaying big purchases. Be proactive. Take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle.

The remaining Mercury Retrograde cycles for 2015 are: May 18th- June 11th and September 17th- October 9th. Mark your calendar and plan ahead.

Guidance for Personal Transformation
Since 2000 I have been drawn deeper and deeper into what really drives our lives and influences outcomes. Feng shui is a very important outer aspect of this: the energy of our spaces does influence our lives in very significant ways. We are drawn to our spaces. We choose our homes and places of work. The patterns build over long cycles and often repeat themselves. What we need at the time shows up, whether we realize it or not. Thus transforming our spaces is a wonderful way to enrich and deepen our life journey. 

When we consciously work on our outer spaces, we are inevitably led deeper inside ourselves. There is a continual dance, of sorts, between our inner and outer selves. Inside, our feelings (vs. our thoughts) are the keys that drive what happens in our lives. There is a growing body of scientific evidence to back this up. Our heart energy directs our brain. We can create new brain patterns (neural networks) regularly by shifting beliefs, which are driven by feelings. One of my favorite resources related to this is Bruce Lipton’s book The Biology of Belief. In this book Lipton explains how our beliefs are encoded in our cells and how they are passed down from generation to generation. The good news is that we can change our belief patterns. As we do so, we change our lives.

The Emotional Freedom and Healing release work that I do is one way to help you to release stuck energy and to shift your patterns. This is a gentle acupressure tapping process that I guide you through via phone. Several recordings are available through Polaris Business Guides.  I also do custom releases. If you have any stubborn emotions patterns that you are ready to release, you might order one of the recordings or schedule a customized EF&H release with me.

If you would like help identifying some of your specific patterns, consider an Akashic Records reading with Maureen St. Germain or an astrology chart reading with Madeline Gerwick or Carol Ciocco. Each of these is a highly skilled professional who can help to guide you deeper on your path of personal transformation.

Contact me if you’d like some help deciding what step to take. In the meantime, work on your space. Eliminate clutter, fix anything that is broken, regularly refresh refresh and revitalize any areas that need it. As you change, your space will change and as your space changes, you will too. 

Twenty Things to Toss Out Now
MSN has a slide show of “20 things to get rid of now” that popped up as I was writing this newsletter. Many of us may find one of more items on this list that we can easily eliminate and never miss. Take a look and give this some attention this month. Clearing out “categories” of items can be very freeing. It is also a wonderful way to create space.

Consultations and Related Services

January Newsletter Special:

30 Minute Consultations via
Phone, Web or Email


(Mention the January Newsletter
to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a consultation or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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