Our September 8th Super Moon and More

Published: Mon, 09/08/14

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September 2014 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation  #270
"I am a wonderful steward of the prosperity and abundance that comes to me so easily."


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,
Today, Monday, September 8th, we have our third consecutive Super Moon. A Super Moon is a full moon that occurs when the moon is closest to Earth. The moon appears larger and can also appear about 30% brighter. This is a nice way to unofficially begin fall and the harvest season.

Also, Girls' Night Out is beginning again at Just Naturals in Bedford, NH, from 4:00pm - 7:30pm on Thursday, September 25th. Join us, if you in the area and you are interested, and you are not celebrating Rosh Hashanah.

September is a good month to tie up any loose ends related to communications, contracts, electronics and technology. Mercury will be Retrograde October 4th through October 25th and it'll be a month to allow more time in your schedule and to delay technology purchases. I'll write more about this next month.

Enjoy September!


Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

September 8th Full Moon: Health and Well-Being
If the sky is clear Monday evening (September 8th), take a few moments to soak up some of the energy of the Super Moon. It will be exact at 9:39pm EDT. This particular full moon relates to intentions you may have set about your health and well-being two weeks ago. Also, since this moon is in the sign of Pisces (the Sun is in Virgo), there is also a watery, emotional aspect to it. Be ready for some of your emotions to come to the surface, particularly any old issues or emotional wounds that you are ready to clear away. If you are at the ocean or another body of water, you can use the water energy to "wash away" old issues ... just consciously release them from your energy field and see then float away. If you are not near water, release your issues anyway. You can set an intention, do a meditation, journal, or step outside and view the moon for a short period with the intention of releasing your old issues. This is a simple yet powerful and profound process.

If you energized or refreshed your Center of your space last month, tune into the results of your efforts beginning with the September 8th full moon and notice how things are shifting. Be sure to pay attention to the small details. Did you learn anything new related to your health or well-being over the past few weeks? If a problem emerged, did a solution come with it as well? Perhaps new resources are revealing themselves to you. When we ask for help, it is always given. Sometimes it arrives differently than we expect though, so be open to this. Be curious about the way the answers to your wishes, desires, dreams and requests show up. Let go of the timetable. Sometimes we overlook the small details as we wait for a complete answer. Remember that life is a process that is continually unfolding. It is about the journey ... the process of expansion, learning, and growth.

Design Your Ideal Space
Zillow has a fun section of their website that you can peruse as you dream about your ideal home or you can use it to capture and save spaces that have a look and feel you really enjoy. You can filter your search by type of space, style, cost, and color. Check it out and have some fun as you play around a bit.

September 24th New Moon: Focus on Partnership
New moons are about new beginnings. Since the moon also influences your emotional energy and patterns, we have an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with the energies of the moon each month. The Wednesday, September 24th new moon is in the sign of Libra. The corresponding area to energize is the Partnership gua of your home or work space. This is the back right area of your land, your house, and every room in your house, when you divide your space into a grid of nine (like a tic-tac-toe board). These areas also correlate to your business or work space as well.

The October 2014 new moon provides an opportunity to re-balance and/or strengthen personal, romantic (including marriage), or business partnerships.  It is also an excellent time to end relationships that are not working or to set intentions to attract the right partner if you would like to do so. Be clear about the qualities, traits and attributes that you desire in a partner. What you focus on matters and manifests. If you focus on what you do not want, you will get more of it. The full moon that is associated with this arrives on October 8th as a powerful full moon and Lunar Eclipse.
Your interactions with others reflect or mirror your inner self. If you struggle internally, external relationships will be strained, difficult, or challenging. If you are at peace and comfortable within, your relationships with others are more likely to be satisfying as well. The intentions you initiate now will have long lasting results. What is it you truly desire? Part of the shifts this fall may include ending some relationships in order to move forward with others that are more gratifying.

In the feng shui bagua, the Relationship area is the most yin or feminine area. It is associated with the energy of receptivity, caring and nurturing, mothering, and forgiveness. If the relationships in your life need attention and you would like a shift, work with this sector. This is also an excellent area to work with if you have unfinished business with your mother or you would like to strengthen your relationship with her. If you are harboring judgment, resentment, grudges, cleaning, clearing and adjusting the Relationship area of your space may help get the energy moving forward.

Refresh and activate the energy in this part of your home or business prior to Wednesday, September 24th. This can be as simple as dusting and vacuuming or as thorough as a deep fall cleaning. Then set a related intention, such as having your deepest desires mirrored in positive and affirming ways through your relationships with others. For instance, if you desire more clarity, you will begin to encounter lots of clarity from others. If you yearn to develop self-love or self-respect, others will shower you with love and respect. If you yearn for inner strength and willpower, those most important to you will embrace and support your needs, even when it is not comfortable. When you look at the mirror provided by others, what is reflected back to you?

You can also strengthen your inner vision by working with the diagonally opposite area, the Knowledge and Wisdom gua. This is the front left corner of every space. Doing so may provide you perspective and empower you to take action.

In the Chinese Five Element system, the Relationship and Knowledge guas relates to Earth energy. The Earth element is associated with your stomach, spleen and internal organs. Earth is symbolized by yellow, brown and the fall color palette, square shapes, pottery, brick, earthen ware and anything made from earthy materials. Earth is strengthened by Fire, controlled by Wood, depleted by Metal, and muddied by Water.

What are some of the changes you can make to the Partnership area of your home this month? One thing I will do is clean and refresh my garage. I like to do it before winter anyway, so this will be the perfect opportunity. I'll sweep it out, let go of anything we are not using, vacuum the cobwebs and replace any light bulbs that are burnt out. I gave the garage a good cleaning in the spring, so this "spruce-up" should be relatively easy. I'll also clean and refresh the back right corners of each room in my house ... clearing out any clutter, dusting, vacuuming, washing the windows. Fall is a very good time to give your space a thorough clearing before moving inside for winter; September is an excellent month to begin the process.
Adjust and activate the Partnerships areas of your home of office as we move through the month. Be honest with yourself and set clear intentions. Notice what unfolds for you beginning with the October 8th full moon and Lunar Eclipse.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you.

Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall ....
Mirrors are often called the aspirin of feng shui as they serve many purposes. Mirrors are reflective and from a feng shui perspective, they represent the Water element. Water energy is supportive in the Career, Family and Prosperity guas or areas. Water energy (such as a mirror) can also be used to balance an excess of Fire, Earth and Metal.

Mirrors have many uses. They can be used to enlarge an area, double an image, reflect a beautiful image, raise the chi or deflect negative energy, create a small window or "chi hole," make a hidden front door visible, among many other uses.

Mirrors come in all sizes and shapes. Each shape relates to the Five Elements as well. Each shape correlates with the Five Elements as follows:

Rectangle: Wood
Triangle: Fire
Square: Earth
Circle or Oval: Metal
Wavy: Water

Thus, you can play with multiple elements when you work with mirrors.

Energetically, mirrors are empty until you place your intentions in them. You do this using the Three Secrets Reinforcement process. When you do this, a mirror can be a very powerful feng shui enhancement, tool, or cure. Without intention, a mirror is just a mirror.

Too many mirrors can be overpowering. Many years ago I visited a home where an entire wall in the living room was a display of mirrors of a variety of shapes and sizes. There were probably 20 or 30 of them. My immediate reaction was overwhelm, along with a feeling of being disjointed. The marriage of the couple living in this home broke up not too long after this.

Mirrors that are used for feng shui cures should be clean and clear. This helps to reinforce a clear focus and vision. Foggy mirrors can contribute to a muddled outlook.

Look around your home and notice how you are using mirrors. If you have any questions, send them along (with a picture as well) and I will answer them next month.

Are You Willing to Do Your Part to Develop World Peace?
Last month Pope Francis's Top 10 Guidelines for Happiness made a splash in the media. Interestingly enough, these tips focus on living a balance life, that includes respecting and caring for nature, having fun and leisure, and working for peace. Peace begins with each one of us individually. Feng shui can help us to develop inner peace through meditation and the creation of beautiful and supportive living and working spaces. As each of us proactively develops inner peace, the shift gains momentum as it spreads to family and friends and all those close to us. Imagine how quickly this could contribute to world peace.
Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton have written that it only takes the square root of one half of one percent of any given population to reach a tipping point. This means that in a world of 7.24 billion people it would only take slightly over 6,000 people holding a true vibration of peace to reach the tipping point where world peace takes hold. Using the Six Degrees of Separation Theory, this could happen sooner than we realize.
Regardless of your belief system, these guidelines have merit. They are:
  1. Live and let live.
  2. Be giving of yourself to others.
  3. Proceed calmly in life.
  4. A healthy sense of leisure.
  5. Sundays should be holidays.
  6. Young people should be able to work.
  7. Respect and care for nature.
  8. Stop being negative.
  9. Don't proselytize; respect others' beliefs.
  10. Work for peace.
One of the key points is that peace is not quiet, it is proactive. As you take steps to proactively develop inner peace, know that you are contributing to the greater goal of world peace as well.

New Service Inquiry ... Open Q&A or Customized Sessions
Would you be interested in a new "drop-in" service that I am considering offering? This would be a one-hour Q&A session or focused hour on a particular aspect of feng shui that would be offered once a week or a few times each month. A limited number of "seats" would be available for a set nominal fee, perhaps $18.00 per session. A session could be open Q&A where participants come with questions that I answer or a session could be focused on a particular topic such as a particular area of the bagua, a specific set of adjustments or cures, a certain technique, etc. This is a good way to learn about a variety of topics related to feng shui at a minimal cost. If this is something that interests you, please let me know and I will get some sessions underway this fall.

If you have a question, send it along and I will answer it in an upcoming newsletter.

Consultations and Related Services

September Newsletter Special:

Partnership Consultations 

45 minutes via Telephone or Web: $45.00  

(Mention the September Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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