The Power of Gratitude

Published: Sat, 11/01/14

November 2014 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation  #301
“My generosity of heart, mind and spirit returns to me multi-fold today.”


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,
What a beautiful fall we have had. Next week, we’ll begin the deeper cycle of shorter daylight hours after we turn the clocks back tonight (Nov. 1). Even though we gain an hour, it usually takes me a few days to adjust to the time change.

If you are in my local area, I have two upcoming events that may interest you on November 4 and November 12th. The details are towards the end of this newsletter. 

Overall, we have some very nice energy this month. Mercury is direct again and the eclipse energy is winding down. It’s an excellent month to get things done. Be careful if you are travelling for Thanksgiving. 

I recently launched a refreshed website that should work well on mobile devices. Check it out and let me know what you think when you have a chance. Send along any suggestions you have. It is a work in process. My apologies for two "errant" emails that went out the past two Fridays with links that did not work. I will get back to blogging soon. If there is a particular topic you would like me to write about, let me know. I post an I Ching reading for the week every Sunday. If there is interest, I will send this as a weekly blog post. 

Enjoy November! I am so grateful for my many blessings.

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

The Power of Gratitude
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Rather than one day, many of us have four days to linger over a delicious meal, enjoy some of our favorite foods, and spend time with family and friends (unless you work in retail). In particular, I love the intention of this holiday: giving thanks for all of our blessings.
As we genuinely express gratitude and appreciation for our many blessings in our feelings, thoughts, words and actions and interactions, its core essence returns to us multifold and in ways we may not even anticipate. As the Ebola crisis has shown us, our interactions with others quickly travels far and wide. Each individual clearly has the power to impact many lives, without even trying. We “touch” one or more people and they do the same. In a short period of time, a much larger population has been linked together by the energy of one initial individual. Whereas Ebola can spread like wildfire at the physical level, our intentions and thoughts travel faster and wider at mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

Visualize for a moment, how many people you interact with in a day (including the web) and how many live they might touch in similar ways. As you expand the circles for each person, it’s a big number. Now, take a minute and send genuine gratitude and blessings to all the people whose lives you touch. Imagine them doing the same. Before long, everyone on Earth would be impacted. Rather than letting Ebola spread quickly, we can take practical precautions at the physical level and then use our power to spread love, gratitude, appreciation, and blessings throughout the world.
In his book, The Divine Matrix, Gregg Braden discusses the "Maharishi Effect" in relation to achieving world peace. Basically this states that the square root of one percent of the population is the minimum number required for a change to take root. In a world of 6 billion people this nets out to about 8,000 people. In a country of 300 million (USA), this is about 550 people. This is the minimum number of people required to be totally focused on the topic. It is a very small number.

​Each of us has more impact in others than we really think. Our feelings, thoughts, words, and actions do matter. This month focus on the power of gratitude and watch how it spreads throughout your circles of family, friends, and spheres of influence. Be the change that you would like to see in the world as you help it take root.

One technique that I find particularly powerful is giving thanks in advance. This is when you give thanks prior to your desire actually manifesting. Give thanks using present tense, positive words, just as if your desire is happening now. Try it and see what happens! Let go of the “time” aspect. This is out of our hands.
A Bit About Our Times …
October was an active month for many people with a variety for ups and downs. We had two eclipses and Mercury was also retrograde. Mercury (which influences communications, contracts, and technology) is direct again and we will move past the primary eclipse energy by Thanksgiving. The eclipses were about endings (Lunar, Oct. 8th) and new beginnings (Solar, Oct 23rd). Take note if anything of significance is coming to a close in your life. If so, pay attention to the transformation that is underway and what is coming in new. In order to make space for something new, something old has to end or leave. It is also helpful to set clear intentions for what you really want and how you would love your life to continue to unfold. Each new moon every month is an ideal time and opportunity to do this.

I had a very productive Mercury retrograde month. I cleared and prepped my gardens for winter during our late Indian summer days. I was so glad to get this done before the rain and cool, wet weather arrived. I also began clearing my home and spaces of extras things that we are no longer using. I set an intention to gather and release “one extra bag” each week and so far it is working well. When I pulled out Halloween decorations, I set aside some that we no longer use. I’ll do the same for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The following week I shredded a box of old business files, some that went back nearly 15 years. I am now in the process of thinning out photos and only retaining those that are beautiful, fun or flattering. When clutter clearing, begin with what is on the surface. As you continue, things that were once deep come to the top and take less time to handle.

Checking in About Prosperity
Last month I wrote about The October 24th new moon and its relationship to ushering more prosperity into your life. If you re-energized your prosperity areas (back left sections of your house, rooms and spaces), pay attention to what new opportunities come your way, particularly beginning with the November 6th full moon.
Each month, the third quarter moon is a very effective period to eliminate clutter. During October’s third quarter moon, I cleared overgrowth and weeds from my “prosperity” garden. I was thrilled that the process took less time than anticipated. Next I recycled a large pile of magazines and catalogs that were also located in a prosperity corner of our family room. The catalogs will replenish themselves before the holidays and I know I can find any of the magazine topics on the web. Magazines typically repeat themes, so newer and more current information will be arriving anyway. I also made room in the file drawers of my office, which is located in the Prosperity gua of our home, by removing “dormant” files. When your file drawers are full, you limit your growth because you have no room to add more clients or business. Making space creates more room for new opportunities to come your way.

I know that these shifts have already made a difference, as I have had a large influx of new business over the past few weeks and I was also asked to teach a second university course for the upcoming term. I’m looking forward to what November brings. What shifts did you make last month and what have you noticed as a result? I’d love to hear from you

November 22nd New Moon: Knowledge and Wisdom
The Knowledge and Wisdom gua is the spot to re-energize in your home and workspace prior to November the 22nd new moon in Sagittarius. This is the front left area of your land, home, each room home and your workspace as well, when you divide your space into a grid of nine (like a tic-tac-toe board). As I indicate each month, new moons are about new beginnings. Since the moon also influences your emotional energy and patterns, each new moon presents an opportunity to bring yourself and your space into alignment with the energies of the moon each month. 

The Knowledge and Wisdom area relates to the knowing yourself at a deep level. Energizing this area can assist you with self-introspection, intuition, broadening your mind and developing higher wisdom.  Whereas the Knowledge gua is about how we relate to ourselves, the opposite area (back right corner), the Relationship gua, is equally important. It is about how we relate to others. Together, the Knowledge and Relationship sectors represent the yin and yang or inner and outer aspects of relationships. Knowing yourself on a very deep level supports being in successful and loving relationships with others. The Sagittarius moon is associated with learning, teaching, publishing and international travel. It is a nice combination. 

Prior to November 22nd, refresh the front left area of your home and workspace. Begin by removing all clutter: things that you no longer need or use. These items represent low level energy that depletes you. Also, fix or remove everything that is broken or in disrepair. Give the area a thorough vacuuming and dusting, and assess the chi flow. If rearranging the furniture or making a different shift would uplift the energy of the room, go for it.

Health-wise, the Knowledge area is associated with your shoulders, back and hands. If you have chronic back pain, shoulder problems or any issues with your hands, adjust your Knowledge gua. This area of your home is associated with the Earth element. In the Chinese Five Element system, Earth is strengthened by Fire, weakened by Metal, chopped by Wood and muddied by Water energy. Each area needs to have some of the Five Elements. Balance always depends on the space and is seldom equal amounts of each element.

Earth is a grounding, stabilizing and nurturing energy. When floods occur, sandbags and earth are placed to hold back the water. Rain and water help plants and trees to grow and flourish. A wildfire can deplete a wooded area in an instant. Fire turns everything in sight to ash, creating earth and space for new and continued cycles of growth. The soft earth holds the seeds of new growth. It also provides nutrients. The earth hardens the deeper you go. This compression results in layers of hard rock and precious metal, which eventually liquefies and emerges as lava. Nature provides a deeper understanding of all that is occurring throughout life. The process is cyclical. The goal is balance and harmony.

Enhancements for the Knowledge area include: the colors blue, green or black; square shapes, mountain images, pottery and earthenware, natural crystals, shells, and books. You might “fire up” this area by adding a little red or pink, some lights or candles, pictures or people or animals, and triangular shapes. Seasonal decorations are perfect this month as many of them bring in Earth and Fire energy. 

Slow down, pause, and tune into the ideas and inspirations that are coming your way. Allow the process of refreshing your space to stimulate you. Notice what is showing up for you and give some thought to where you are headed. Visualize how you’d like to close the year. As you focus on the end result, circumstances and situations will begin to mysteriously shift and align themselves.  Adjust your space, set your intentions, and the tune in to see how they begin to unfold beginning with the December 6th full moon.

EMF Awareness and Assessments
It has come to my attention that PSNH is in the process of switching to automated meters that can be read from a distance. Notices were sent in May as a bill insert. We did not notice it, and I am sure many other customers tossed it out as well. Fortunately, some of my clients brought it to my attention, which I really appreciate.

PSNH says that these are not SMART meters. Apparently they are high frequency meters though and that is where the concern lies. I am in the process of gathering before and after data related to our PSNH meters. If you are in the Salem/Nashua/Manchester area, or in the Mt. Washington Valley, I am offering 10 complimentary data gathering assessments to learn more about this shift and its impact on our health and well-being. If you are interested in participating, contact me. I would come and measure the EMFs (electromagnetic frequency) before your meter is changed and then after the new one is installed.

Although not enough is known and there is no proof that these do no harm, some people are highly sensitive to these frequencies. I also think that our pets are highly sensitive to these frequencies as well. Many pets are having complex health problems much earlier in their lives compared to years ago.  Too little attention has been given to correlation of the rise in health problems and the widespread use of wireless technology without personal safeguards. We are human guinea pigs.

If you would like to learn more about EMFs, Peter Sierck, a southern CA bau-biologist, recently launched a new website that is very educational: This article by Catherine Kleiber is very informative as well. You might also be interested in learning about some mitigation processes and products. A reputable site is: Safe Living Technologies. You can also learn more about EMFs and smart meters by listening to some of the podcasts on One Radio Network or checking out the information on IBE's website.

Upcoming Events

Feng Shui Workshop:

“Tune Your Home & Office this Fall & Winter for Overall Prosperity & Well-Being”

Tuesday, November 4th 
6:30pm – 8:00 pm

Just Naturals, Bedford, NH 
Workshop Fee: $20.00

Do you know that the shape of your land, the design of your home, the energy of your workspace, and the history of your possessions contain energetic patterns that can help or hurt you? Feng shui is the practice of recognizing and interpreting the patterns that have built up over time, and adjusting your space to support your intentions and enhance your life. 

Join Peg Donahue on Tuesday, November 4th to learn how to work with your space for positive outcomes. You’ll learn how to set clear intentions, identify the prosperity and well-being locations in your space, recognize and shift negative patterns, and energize your home and/or office or workspace to attract prosperity and well-being.

Each time you attend a feng shui workshop you will be able to work with deeper layers in your own spaces. Bring a floor plan of your house/workspace and photos of any challenging or problem areas to personalize this workshop! 

Women, Wellness and Wine: “Feng Shui Tips for Stepping Deeper Into Fall and Embracing Winter”

Wednesday, November 12

Lucia’s Bodega, Windham, NH  
Tickets: $20 at the door and $17 online
Come and join a group of like-minded women at Lucia’s Bodega, Rt. 111, Windham, NH. As you enjoy a wine tasting, Peg Donahue will discuss feng shui tips for stepping into the deeper parts of the fall season and preparing for winter. We’ll begin at 7:00pm. Come and be inspired to make some seasonal shifts as we move into the deeper days of fall. 
New Service Offering
Shelving Over Firelplace

Do you have a lingering question or problem area for which you’d like to get a feng shui solution? This month you can get an answer via email at the introductory price of $35.00. Send me your question and/or a description of the problem, along with any relevant photos or floor plan. I’ll reply via email with an explanation and a recommended solution. If the best solution is also a “red envelope cure,” I will also ask for nine red envelopes. This is a great way to move ahead in lieu of a longer consultation. 

Contact me if you would like some help. An explanation and solution via email may get things moving along for you.

If you have a general question, send it along and I will answer it in an upcoming newsletter.

Consultations and Related Services

November Newsletter Special:

Q&A Email Consultations 

Feng Shui Solution/Q&A via Email:
$35.00. Save $10!

(Mention the November Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a consultation or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.