Full Moon: Knowledge and Wisdom

Published: Sat, 06/07/14

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June 2014 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #158
"I am delighted to share my blessings with others."


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,
I've been thoroughly enjoying trees in full bloom and the filtered light that accompanies them over the past few weeks. It is a pleasure looking out and seeing lots of green leaves and spring flowers. It's a welcome sight after a series of false starts this spring! Soon enough we should really have some warm weather and move directly into summer. Our odd weather patterns have mimicked the unusual year we are experiencing.

We have one more month to go before moving into more gentle cycles for the rest of the year. If you haven't done your "work" though, the times may continue to trip you up. So pay attention to what is happening in your life and listen to any wake-up calls that have been coming your way. If you tune in and make some adjustments, the rest of the year may go more smoothly for you. This month, the area to focus on is Family. See below for more information.

Enjoy June!


Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
June 13th Full Moon: Knowledge and Wisdom
If you energized or refreshed your Knowledge gua, the front left corner of your space, last month, tune into the results of your efforts beginning with the June 13th full moon. When we seed intentions for change prior to each new moon, the energies take root and begin to manifest two weeks later beginning with the full moon. If you do this for a few consecutive months, you may begin to notice some very nice patterns taking shape in your life. This month notice what manifests for you related to knowing the right thing to do or the right steps to take to move forward on any long standing issue. You may realize a sense of deep inner wisdom, introspection about any aspect of your life, or you may suddenly see a path unfold in front of you. If you would like more clarity, meditate on the issue and allow time and space for the right answers to come to you.

June 27th New Moon: Family Gua
New moons are about new beginnings. The Friday, June 27th new moon is in the sign of Cancer. The
corresponding area to energize, or bring into alignment, in your home or workplace is the Family gua. This is the left center sector when you divide your space into a grid of nine areas, similar to a tic-tac-toe board. It is an ideal area to energize this month if you would like strengthen family ties or relationships.
Look around your home, and particularly your Family gua, for any evidence that is associated with the things you'd like to change. This might include unwanted gifts or other unsolicited items from family members, unflattering photos, heirlooms that you never cared for or you no longer want, dead or overgrow plants and gardens, paper piles that have been sitting around for longer than realize, overstuffed closets and bookcases, tabletops with little clear space, broken or worn windows, plumbing or electrical problems, areas where ants, wasps or rodents gather, any other areas of low or stuck energy. If many of these energies are in your space, begin by clearing one or two spaces to minimize your overwhelm. Check out what is happening in the left center area of your yard as well. Remove any dead trees and thin out or weed overgrown gardens.

The Family area is related to the Wood element from a feng shui perspective. Think "tree" energy: tall trees, vertical stripes, and a spring green or vibrant green color. Picture a stunning tree in full bloom with deep roots. Enhancements for this area include:

Flowers, plants,
Floral fabrics and designs
Spring green, blue
Wooden things
Water feature, Bird Bath
Happy family, ancestor photos
Things reminding you of good health
Tall rectangular shapes
Free flowing, wavy shapes
Stripes, columns

Give the center-left of your home and yard a thorough cleaning or refresher prior to June 27th. Repair, remove or toss out anything that is broken, remove all cobwebs, wash your windows and curtains, thin out excess paper and magazines, etc.  Observe the flow of energy. Perhaps re-arrange some furniture for a new perspective or to uplift the chi of the area. Outside, thin out plants and trees that may be overcrowding the area and clear debris.

Have fun energizing your Family gua prior to June 27. You can tune into the results beginning with the July 12th full moon. Remember: new moons are about new beginnings and full moons are about beginning to see the fruits of our labors. Working with one specific area of your home each month is a very good way to attract beneficial energy that is in alignment with the cosmos.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you.

A Bit About Our Times: Mercury Retrograde Begins June 7
The planet Mercury will be retrograde from Saturday, June 7 through Monday, June 30th. This period occurs three to four times annually. It is an ideal cycle to rework, reconsider, redo, repair, revamp, renovate, rewrite, recycle. Think of words beginning with "re." Do avoid buying electronics, purchasing cars, and signing contracts, if you can. Plan around it. If mistakes and confusion set in, chances are they will clear up after Mercury moves forward again, during July.
You can make things easy on yourself and experience fewer obstacles by allowing more leeway in your schedule and delaying big purchases. Be proactive. Take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle.

The next Mercury Retrograde cycle is October 4th through October 25th. Mark your calendar and plan ahead.
A Reminder About Wireless Technology in Our Homes
With wireless technology so entwined and entrenched within our daily lives, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that this technology is still fairly new and the impact on our health and well-being is unproven. We are like guinea pigs and our homes are our laboratories. Although the wireless industry tells us is it safe, no one has proven without a doubt that our wireless gadgets are safe to live with on a 24 x 7 basis. Yet that is what many people are doing every day.

Meanwhile, health problems are on the rise. Why are so many people, sedentary and active, health-conscious and those who eat whatever they want, getting sick or having odd things happen?

On a simple level, wireless technology uses high frequency fields, which are a combination of electric and magnetic fields. At the high frequency level, the fields cannot be separated, as they are at lower levels. Electric fields are present whenever anything is plugged in, even if it is turned off. Magnetic fields only occur when an appliance is turned on and current is flowing.

Elevated electric fields may contribute to nervous system disorders, insomnia, anxiety, depression and aggressive behavior.

Elevated magnetic fields are known to affect cellular function. They have been statistically linked with increases in cancer cell growth rate, Alzheimer's, miscarriage, and birth defects.

Some people report physical reactions when in elevated fields. Unbiased, objective studies, clear of industry influence, are needed to really figure out if our technologies are safe or if further product or use safeguards are needed. Until we have this, follow the Precautionary Principle.

Turn off your wireless router and cell phone before sleeping. If you must use your cell phone as an alarm clock, place it at least 10 feet away from you and never under your pillow when you sleep.  

Seven Innovative Design-Build Ideas
An exciting collaboration between Architecture for Humanity and the Alcoa Foundation is supporting the education of the next generation of architects, building engineers, and material designers. Seven universities in five countries are involved, as students create real-world design-build projects that have a positive impact on the environment and local community. The Pillars of Sustainable Education program  emphasizes four focal points for grants: Education, Sustainable and Integrated Design; Actionable Solutions; and Community Impact. The universities are integrating the uses of sustainable materials into their curriculum as they also partner with a local nonprofit organization to apply the ideas and concepts to real projects. Read more about the initiative and what each university team is doing.
Virtual Tour of a Waterfront Estate
If you know of anyone looking for a waterfront estate, take a look at this beautiful one that is for sale in Chamcook (St. Andrews), New Brunswick, Canada. It's just over the border from Calais, ME. It was designed and built by one of my feng shui students, who is ready to downsize as she focuses on her interior design business. It's a fun virtual tour with many very nice feng shui features. Could you imagine spending the summer here?
A Call for Compassion
We have been in an unusual cycle since the beginning of 2014 where many people are experiencing profound life shifts in one way of another. Some have been proactively invited and nurtured. Many have not. The people experiencing the latter are sometimes coming along kicking and screaming. Do you know anyone who's had a wake-up call of one sort or another? It may have come as a health scare or challenge, a shift in a significant relationship, a job change, a profound and sudden loss(es), or more.
Regardless of how or why these things are happening, this is a time to extend unconditional compassion to family, friends, and colleagues who are experiencing such problems or shifts. Time is moving very fast these days. The situations could easily be reversed and we could be in the dire circumstances of our friends and family. So help those you can, while also sending love and compassion to all sentient beings. We can use it!

Consultations and Related Services

June Newsletter Special:

Family Gua Consultations

45 minutes via Telephone or Web: $45.00  

(Mention the June Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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