Create a Supportive Environment

Published: Sun, 08/03/14

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August 2014 Newsletter

New Prosperity Affirmation 
"As I effort-less, I prosper more!"


365 Affirmations



Do you know of someone in college or living in a small space? Dorm Room Feng Shui can help anyone living in a small space to create an environment that supports their aspirations.
Dorm Room Feng Shui  
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Recorded Programs
Emotional Freedom & Healing Releases for: Hotlink for EF&H Description

Favorite Astrology Perspectives

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Hello Everyone,
Are you as amazed as I am that August is here? The good news is that we have some very nice energy this month. I recommend that you take advantage of it. If you are on vacation, enjoy it. If you need to be productive and get things done, there is a good chance you can do that. If you'd like to bring a better balance to your life, there is support for that too. Friday, August 8th, in particular, is an excellent day for clarity. Set your intention, tune in, and observe what happens. You can be an active participant and an observer of your life simultaneously. The beauty of this is you can make conscious adjustments as you go along.
The feng shui aspect to all of this is to align your space so that it supports your life. To keep things simple, clear, clean, and reenergize the Center of your home this month. Remove things you don't use and that you are ready to release. Clean thoroughly and then refresh your environment with something as modest as a vase of fresh flowers. This is feng shui at its best: unpretentious and effective.

Enjoy August!


Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

August 10th Full Moon: Creativity and Joy
If you energized or refreshed your Children, Creativity and Joy gua, the right center area of your space, last month, tune into the results of your efforts beginning with the August 10th full moon. Pay attention to anything related to the children in your life, your creativity as well as creative solutions to problems, situations and events that bring you joy, and clarity about your future. When we seed intentions for change prior to each new moon, the energies take root and begin to manifest two weeks later beginning with the full moon. If you do this for a few consecutive months, you may begin to notice some very nice patterns taking shape in your life.

One of the spots I addressed this month was our garden shed. It is located in the Children, Creativity, and Joy area of our yard. We overlooked this task last year, so I thought it might take a while. I was pleasantly surprised when this project moved right along and took less than a few hours. My approach to clearing clutter and letting go of what I don't need is to empty the area completely, clean it out (I swept the shed and washed the windows), and then return what I want in an orderly fashion. Everything else is to be discarded or moved along to someone else. This approach worked beautifully. My husband and I let go of some items that were in disrepair and other items we were no longer using.

On a synchronous note, as I prepared to write this newsletter I discovered that my husband has been clearing empty boxes from our attic. The boxes have been coming out of the coming out of Children and Joy section of our house! This was a fun discovery, confirming that we are in tune with the energies.

Upcoming Event: Translating the Shaker Aesthetic for Contemporary Life
Saturday, August 16th
Shaker Village, Canterbury, NH
1:00 - 2:30pm

Shaker Village in Canterbury, NH is one of my favorite places to spend time. Thus, I was delighted when I was invited to participate in their upcoming Village Rising day. The Shakers lived simple and fulfilling lives and they incorporated many principles of feng shui in to their lifestyle. Their values and beliefs are deeply embedded in their environments, communities, products, and traditions.

If you are in the area, join me for a walking tour of Shaker Village on Saturday, August 16th, from 1:00 -2:30 pm, as I translate key aspects of the Shaker aesthetic for contemporary life.

This walking tour will introduce you to the timeless concepts of feng shui, link them to the Shaker community, and discuss how you can apply them to modern life. You will learn why some environments feel better than others and discover practical steps you can implement yourself. When our living and working spaces are simple, inviting, and beautiful, they bring more joy and a higher quality of life to you and everyone around you. 

August 25th New Moon: Focus on Health and Well-Being
New moons are about new beginnings. Since the moon also influences your emotional energy and patterns, we have an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with the energies of the moon each month. The Monday, August 25th new moon is in the sign of Virgo. As Simone Butler says, this is a "time to make a difference in your own life and the lives of others." The corresponding area to energize is the Center of your home or work space. This is a perfect opportunity to "center" and ground your energy as we head into post-summer activities. The intentions you set will begin to take shape around the September 8th full moon.

The Center of your space is associated with balance, overall health, and well-being. Prior to August 25th, clear and refresh this area of your home and workspace.  You can do this for your land and gardens as well. Then, early on Monday, August 25th (or within 24 hours, before or after), set clear intentions for whatever you wish to happen. Tune in beginning with the September 8th full moon and notice how things are shifting. Be sure to pay attention to the small details. Overlooking these in lieu of the final outcome sometimes sets you back because it takes a period of focused energy to make monumental shifts. Celebrating a series of small, incremental wins helps to set the stage for even bigger gains. Before you know it, your primary intentions will gain enough momentum and show up in ways that you recognize.

When the moon is in Virgo, it is a good time to:
  • Eat healthy food
  • Get enough sleep
  • Organize your work space
  • Clean the center of your home
  • Weed, trim your gardens
  • Focus on health and well-being
  • Cleanse your body; clear your space
  • Be more efficient: exercise, reorganize
  • Apply for jobs; go on interviews; begin work training
  • Improve, refine, and adjust what is important to you
One action you can take each month is to add an image, picture, or symbol that represents the outcome of your intention, to the specific gua or area. Since the Center Gua relates to the Earth element, this month it could be a symbol that represents a balanced life, a picture of vibrant health, a beautiful scene, a bowl of seasonal fruit or vegetables, well-manicured gardens. My gardens overflow with Black-Eyed Susans at this time of year, so I'll place a beautiful vase of them in the Center of my home to celebrate the season.

What are some of the changes you can make in the Center of your home to support changes or shifts that you would like to experience in your life?

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you.

The Annual Return to College: Dorm Room Feng Shui
If you know of anyone heading off to college soon, a copy of Dorm Room Feng Shui may be a perfect gift to help them to set up a comfortable and supportive space. This is a short, fun, easy to read book that I co-authored a few years ago. Check it out on to learn some practical tips to help students have a happy, supportive, and successful time while away at college.

Inheriting Other Peoples "Stuff"
I have been hearing from an increasing number of people who are inheriting full homes after the passing of a parent, clearing relatives' home, or thinning others' possessions. If you are in this or a similar situation, remember that everything contains energy. All of our possessions are always absorbing the chi (energy) of the people and events around them. When you bring things into your home, you are also bringing a story with it ... the story of how it was made and its entire history, unless the energy has been previously cleared. If you like the item and feel good about it, bring it in if you wish. If you don't care for something or you really don't want it, make other plans. If you feel guilty about not wanting it (as many people do) thank the previous owner and find someone else who would value or appreciate It more than you do. Sometimes the value comes from the gift of giving or turning it into cash which may better serve your needs.

Smart Meters in the News Again
A smart meter controversy is heating up in Saskatchewan, Canada. After a dozen smart meters caught fire after they were installed, SaskPower has been ordered to remove all 105,000 that were installed. This is a smart move. Smart meters have not been proved safe for our health. Until this happens, precaution should be taken. Read the story here.

Reader's Q&A
Question:  Hi Peg. Thanks for all your posts.  I have a question for you. How come the full moon goes from gua 3 Family and Health on July 12 to # 7 Children & Creativity gua on July 26?  Could you please explain the way the cycle works?  I really love following your posts. Thank you, Annette

Answer:  Annette, thank you for your question. Chances are that other readers have the same question.  When I discuss the energy related to the moon cycles each month and correlate them the feng shui, I am using Simone Butler's system of Astro Feng Shui. New moon energy is about new beginnings and full moon energy is about bringing the new beginnings to fruition. The cycle begins prior to each new moon (prep period) and completes with each full moon. July 12, 2014 was a full moon and July 26 was a new moon. Thus, these dates drew from two separate cycles. July's full moon took root with the June 27 new moon in Cancer (Family) and culminated with the full moon on July 12th. The July 26 new moon began a new cycle in Leo (Children, Creativity, & Joy) which peaks with the full moon on August 10th. Leo is a fun-living sign, just as the Children, Creativity and joy gua is about lightening up and allowing more fun into your life. Each cycle begins with the approaching new moon and comes to fruition with the next full moon.

An easy way to tell what phase the moon is in each month is to try to form the small letter "b" or "d" from the curve of the moon. To do this, take the sliver of the moon and add a line to the "open" side to form the small letter "b" or "d". If adding a line forms the small letter "b," the moon is getting bigger or "waxing." Thus, we are moving from a new moon phase to the full moon phase. If adding a line forms the letter "d," the moon is declining, growing smaller or waning. Thus we would be moving from a full moon to a new moon. Play with this for a few months and you'll begin to see the pattern. The waning or declining stage of each monthly moon is a very supportive period to let go of things and clear clutter.

If you have a question, send it along and I will answer it in an upcoming newsletter.

Consultations and Related Services

August Newsletter Special:

Consultations for Overall Life Balance

45 minutes via Telephone or Web: $45.00  

(Mention the August Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.