Enjoy Our Long-Awaited Summer!

Published: Fri, 07/11/14

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July 2014 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #193
"Each day is a new opportunity to practice graceful living in this abundant world."


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,
Our long-awaited summer is finally here, storms and all. Spending more time outdoors and kayaking are my favorite things to do at this time of year.  As a result, this newsletter is a bit late.  I hope you are taking time to enjoy some of your favorite activities this summer as well.

If you are still experiencing confusion and undergoing shifts, more of this may clear up by mid-July. We are in the after-shadow of Mercury Retrograde until then. One thing that may help is to clear your clutter. I included some comments below. This is a never-ending activity. Like many things, the more you do, the easier it gets. I also included some tips to eliminate self-sabotage from a recent talk I gave. You might find them useful. The bottom line is to lighten-up ... both physically and figuratively. As you may know, your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. It is up to each of us to watch the signs, figure it out, and take right action.

Enjoy July!


Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
July 12th Full Moon: Family Relationships
If you energized or refreshed your Family gua, the left center area of your space, last month, tune into the results of your efforts beginning with the July 12th full moon. When we seed intentions for change prior to each new moon, the energies take root and begin to manifest two weeks later beginning with the full moon. If you do this for a few consecutive months, you may begin to notice some very nice patterns taking shape in your life.
Two weeks ago my husband spontaneously cleaned a closet that happens to be located in the Family section of our house. He removed four bags of clothes that he no longer wears and donated them to charity the same day. He also discovered some new clothes that he is now delighted to wear. His closet also has a lot of open space. I was thrilled! I had wanted him to clear this closet for a long time (years!). What a coincidence that it happens to be located in the Family gua of the house and the Relationship area of our bedroom. This month notice what manifests for you related to developing stronger or deeper family relationships or bonds, particularly if you set related intentions a few weeks ago.
July 26th New Moon: Children, Creativity, and Joy
Summer is an ideal time to lighten up and play. Thus, it is perfect synchronicity that the Saturday, July 26th new moon is in the sign of Leo. The corresponding area to energize, or bring into alignment, in your home or workplace is the Children, Creativity, and Joy gua. This is the right center sector when you divide your space into a grid of nine areas, similar to a tic-tac-toe board. It lies opposite Family, the area you may have energized last month. As you may know, new moons are about new beginnings. It is an ideal area to energize this month if you would like to have some fun, tap into your creativity, or go after your desires. To energize your desires:
  1. Be clear about what you want,
  2. Believe you can have it,
  3. Take inspired action regularly,
  4. Get out of your own way, to allow things to manifest.
Look around your home, and particularly your Children, Creativity and Joy gua, for any evidence that is associated with holding you back or things you'd like to change. This might include: clutter or debris; anything broken or in disrepair; things you no longer enjoy or find useful; clogged areas; electric or plumbing problems; broken, stuck, or foggy windows; areas of low energy. Check your yard too for overgrown areas or places filled with weeds, debris, ants or wasps. What can you do to shift things? Repair what needs to be fixed, remove clutter, and clear out all items that you no longer use or love. This is a life-long effort. It gets easier with time but it never goes away.

The Children, Creativity and Joy area is related to the Metal element from a feng shui perspective. You can enhance this area using any metals (gold, silver, brass, aluminum, etc.), white, gray, and pastel colors, round and oval shapes, things made from petroleum (plastics) and substances dug from deep within the ground (gemstones, big rocks and boulders), whimsical things, and colorful flowers.

Metal element is an "organizing" element. It is also about clarity, precision, organization, order and focus. When Metal is balanced, you can easily sort information and experiences into patterns, solve puzzles, and bring order through rules and guidelines. You are more likely to have clear thoughts, be focused and communicate effectively. When Metal is deficient you may feel unprotected, find it hard to focus, have little or no routine, and lack a sense of purpose. Excess Metal manifests as criticism and judgments, perfectionism, obsessive compulsive behavior, as well as sarcasm, aloofness and indifference.

Metal out of balance may leave you feeling anxious, anguished, and in tears. The organs associated with Metal are the Lung and Large Intestine. If you are experiencing anxiety or anguish, or you have any difficulty with breathing, intestinal issues, skin conditions or rashes, balancing your Children, Creativity and Joy gua may strengthen your emotional and physical health.

The best time to work on this area this month is from July 13-26. You can tune into the results beginning with the August 10th full moon. Remember: new moons are about new beginnings and full moons are about beginning to see the fruits of our labors. Working with one specific area of your home each month is a very good way to attract beneficial energy that is in alignment with the cosmos.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you.

A Bit About Our Times ...
Carol Ciocco provided a very nice calendar illustrating the key planetary cycles for 2014 in a recent newsletter. I am including a link for you with her permission:  . We are in the shadow of Mercury Retrograde until July 15th. So, although things are improving, you may still be experiencing a lot of confusion. Stay focused on what you want and put some good energy into manifesting it every day. Trust the process and observe how things unfold for you.
Clear Your Clutter
I am hearing from more and more people about the amount of clutter and disorganization that they are living with. If I could wave a magic wand and make it disappear for you, I would! The bottom line is "too much stuff" contributes to anxiety, tension, confusion, unrest, and more. My recommendation is to set an intention to clear out the things that you no longer use or love. Then set a reasonable goal and make regular progress. Small steps add up quickly.
My husband is clearing out a used set of replacement windows that he thought he might install about five years ago. He never did and the windows have been taking up space and gathering dust in the basement ever since. For the past few weeks he has been taking a few to our local recycle center each week and now he is almost done. The process was much easier than he thought. In addition to this, he is on a mission to clear out some of his other areas of clutter. As I previously mentioned, he recently did his closet and now, the windows. He also recently relocated a large entertainment center. In the process he had to empty it and he is now clearing over 20 years of accumulated videos. We don't even have a working video player any more.
Each of us has to clear our own clutter. No one can do it for you, unless you give the other person permission. The reason is that our "stuff" is a part of us energetically and our emotions are deeply embedded in our possessions. If someone clears your stuff without permission, it is like a part of you is torn away and you don't know why. As I have said for many years, "the work" is always on ourselves! As you do your work on a regular basis, I guarantee you that you will begin to see positive change.

Tips to Eliminate Self-Sabotage
  • Our thoughts, feelings, words and actions drive what is happening in our lives.
  • Science is demonstrating that our "heart" energy (emotions and feelings), drives our brain patterns. The good news is that we can change our brain patterns and create new neural networks.
  • We sabotage our efforts when we engage in any negative or low level thoughts, feelings, beliefs, actions, words, etc. Everything is connected.
  • The tipping point is 3:1. Have three times as many positive thoughts, feelings, and interactions each day, compared to negative ones.
  • Emotions/feelings to release: shame, humiliation, guilt, blame, apathy, despair. fear, anxiety, grief, depression, powerlessness, insecurity, unworthiness, jealousy, hatred, rage, revenge, anger, hate, worry, doubt, discouragement, worry, doubt, disappointment, overwhelm, frustration, irritation, impatience, pessimism, boredom.
  • Emotions/feelings to embrace: trust, optimism, willingness, contentment, acceptance, forgiveness, hope, reason, understanding, love, reverence, positive expectations and beliefs, joy, serenity, enthusiasm, eagerness, happiness, peace, bliss passion, freedom, appreciation, empowerment
  • The people in our lives are like a mirror: they reflect our patterns. We can consciously tune in and identify what is working and what needs to change.
  • A process for empowerment:
  1. Be clear about what you want: use positive, present tense language. (I AM)
  2. Believe you can have it. (Release all doubt, negative language, gossip, etc.)
  3. Take inspired action.
  4. Get out of your own way and allow the results to come to you.
  5. Be open to new possibilities. What we "ask for" may show up differently.
  6. Find something to be happy about every day! This will help you to shift.

Using Crystal Grids to Transmute Negative Energy
 Many thanks to Madeline Gerwick for sharing this video about an amazing eight -year old who builds crystal grids to transmute negative energy. You can use your intuition to build one too.
A New Trend? Escaping From Connectivity
Have you ever heard of a Faraday cageTake a look at this short video. It is an enclosure that blocks electric fields and current. Some people who are highly sensitive to EMFs (the frequencies coming from all of our cell phones, iPads, electronic tablets, smart meters, and other devices) create a Faraday cage environment for sleeping. You can "Google" Faraday cages for sleeping to learn more. There is quite a bit of content on the web about this.

A few entrepreneurs in Vancouver are taking things a bit further. They set up a temporary Faraday Café coffee shop, for a two-week trial period, until July 16th. Their intent is to provide a place where anyone can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, on a donation basis, free of electronic devices. Learn more about this experiment.

Consultations and Related Services

July Newsletter Special:

Children, Creativity, and Joy Gua Consultations

45 minutes via Telephone or Web: $45.00  

(Mention the July Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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