Spring is Coming!

Published: Sat, 03/01/14

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Mar 2014 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #59
"I know that the right resources will always come my way."


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,
True to form, is seems like March is going to roll in like a lion and hopefully, go out like a lamb. After a long, cold, and snowy winter throughout many parts of the country, most people are ready for a change of pace. It's coming! The days are growing longer and as soon as the snow melts, the spring bulbs will emerge and we'll see buds on the trees.

This is a good month to shake winter out of your home and give it a thorough spring cleaning. It is time to lighten up and brighten up. A Spring Flower Show, a visit to a garden center, or a vase of fresh flowers in your home will help to shift your chi. My daughter is studying in Paris this term. One day she walked in the Luxembourg Gardens  to discover that spring had sprung overnight. Paris has mild winters and spring arrives earlier than here. It's a nice sign of things to come.

Enjoy March!


Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
March 1: Contemplation and Clarity
We end February and begin March with a new moon in Pisces on the 1st (today). A few hours prior to the new moon, the planet Mercury turns direct. It will remain stationary (or sluggish) for a few days before moving forward again, bringing you more clarity and focus. You may see a new way around anything that went awry during the last three weeks while Mercury was Retrograde.

Pisces is a water sign that calls us to explore the deeper side of life, our dreams, and our authentic selves. The Center of your home is the area that aligns with the Pisces new moon. It is a good time to ground and center yourself and your space.

March 1st is a good day to: 
  • Envision your goals
  • Create a Vision Board
  • Focus on your authentic self
  • Dream big and imagine what is possible
  • Explore whatever is deep within your heart
As I mentioned last month, allow yourself time for self-introspection as you sense life's meaning from deep within. Explore more of your creative interests, such as writing, art, music, photography, cooking, fine crafts, or even technological development. You may also find yourself on a path to discover more meaning in your life and your relationships, find ways to heal long standing issues, become inspired to do something completely new or open your heart to that which you truly desire. Allow the possibility that things can shift in magical ways. Beginning March 16th, tune into the full moon and pay attention to how the thoughts you have rooted are beginning to take shape ... just in time for Spring Equinox on March 20th.

March - May: Patience Is Required
Do you remember that I told you to hang tight for January through June this year?  No sooner does Mercury go direct than Mars Retrograde begins, March 1 and continues through May 19th. Mars represents warrior energy. The purpose of this period is to reassess what is going on and to plan your goals, direction and strategy for the next two years.

Business activity generally declines during Mars retrograde periods and it can be difficult to get things initiated. This is because we are not meant to move forward! This is the ideal time to prepare personal and business strategic plans. One person may want to change paths, while another wants to keep things as they are. According to Madeline Gerwick, "Continuing on the same path generally involves overcoming a major roadblock or ignoring warning signs for a course correction." Failure to change can lead to challenging results. Be aware that more anger than usual is likely to erupt during Mars Retrograde. When you know this, you can observe it without being drawn into the dispute. Refrain from fueling the fire. Your patience is likely to be rewarded after late May, when this cycle clears. 

March 30 New Moon in Aries...Career Gua
We have a new moon in the sign of Aries on Sunday, March 30th. New moons are about new opportunities. On March 30th, this relates to your passion, profession, or career and what comes your way. The corresponding area of your house is the Career gua or the front center of your home, every room in your home, your land and your office or place or business.
Aries, the first house in the zodiac, represents a time of new beginnings. Correlating nicely with spring, it is a time of new growth after the slower, darker months of winter. And what a winter we've had! Our instinct is to emerge from our cocoons and really "live" once again. We may feel more spontaneity, enthusiasm, impulse and a willingness to explore or try something different.

The Career sector of your home is about your Life Path and the opportunities that come your way. To attract more opportunities and/or the right opportunities, refresh the center front of your home and every room in your home prior to March 30th. Set an intention for your life path or Career when the new moon arrives, meditate on it, and then observe what happens and participate in its unfolding beginning with the April 15th full moon, lunar eclipse and Passover, followed shortly by Easter on April 20th.

In many homes the front door is located in the Career gua. This is quite synchronous since from a feng shui perspective the front door is the most important area in our homes. It is known as the mouth of chi. The condition of your front door heavily influences the quality of energy that enters your home. Refreshing and energizing a centrally located front door also energizes your career and the opportunities that come your way.

During the depths of winter one of my clients shoveled snow and created a path leading to her front door on the outside and removed clutter that was blocking her front door on the inside. Within weeks she wrote to tell me that the patterns that had been stuck, were now moving forward again. Energetically "opening" her front door, correlated with more action with important areas of her life.

The Career gua is energized by the Water element and strengthened by the Metal element. From a feng shui perspective Water is represented by glass, mirrors, reflective surfaces, black and dark blue, wavy, swirling shapes. A ship or pictures of lakes, harbors, or ocean views make a nice enhancement in this area.

Refresh your front door and the path leading to your front door this month and tune in to what happens as a result. There are no coincidences. You can tap into the magic of synchronicity by aligning with the energy of the season.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you.

Inspirational Public Art from Richard Haas
Many thanks to Haya Leah Molnar for sending me a link to an awesome video clip from a recent CBS Sunday Morning program featuring the public art of Richard Haas. Talk about good feng shui! Richard is a master at transforming run-down city sites and turning them into some of the most amazing and realistic images. If you haven't seen it, this video is worth your time. Enjoy! You are in for a treat.

Watch the video.

Learn about Richard Haas.

The Greenest Cities in America
Can you name the greenest cities in America? Some of the answers may surprise you! Although the criteria differs among polls, and the top contenders typically include Portland (OR), Seattle, and San Francisco, other notable cities include NYC, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Albuquerque, Charlotte (NC), Oakland, Eugene (OR). Honolulu also made the top of one list due to the number of homes using solar power. Ranking criteria includes the number of people using public transportation, aggressive green programs such as no plastic shopping bags, reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, pollution prevention, land-use planning, sustainable food sources, and more. The good news is that many cities are leading efforts to reduce waste, increase recycling, consume less energy, improve the quality of air and water, all of which lead to improved quality of life and overall well-being. Read more in Spirit of Change magazine.

A Boston-Makeover: Lighter and Brighter
Here's a link to a fun video of a makeover of a Boston Back Bay "Brownstone Transformation." As we head into spring, a season of lightening up, it may spark your creativity and inspire you to "lighten up" your own environment.  This came to me courtesy of New England Home Magazine.
Consultations and Related Services

March Newsletter Special:

Career Gua Consultations

45 minutes via Telephone or Web: $45.00  

(Mention the March Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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