Tips to Complete Your Personal Strategic Plan By May 19th

Published: Sat, 05/03/14

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May 2014 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #122
"My choices today lead to greater prosperity and abundance in my life."


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,
It's May and spring is certainly taking its time arriving in New England. Meanwhile the middle of the country has been overpowered by many tornadoes and torrential rain. So much contrast! As I look around I am beginning to see buds on the trees. After a gorgeous blooming last year, deer and critters munched my daffodils and tulips before they bloomed this season. I'll plant more in the fall and take some steps to keep the culprits away next spring. I am sensing we may go directly to summer soon.

The April 29th Solar Eclipse hit many people hard. How did you fare? Any surprises? The important thing to remember is that things always happen for a reason. When one door closes, another one opens. We'll be through this challenging period before too long. The second part of 2014 will flow more smoothly. In the meantime, adjust any unstable areas in your environment. Call me if you would like some help identifying the patterns and potential solutions. We may continue to see unexpected and bizarre events unfold on the global stage for the near future as well.

Continue to hang in for the next few months. As I have previously indicated, things will improve beginning by July. In the meantime, do your "foundation" work. Prepare yourself so that you can take advantage of more pleasant cycles in the latter half of 2014. Continue to thin out and let go of whatever you no longer need or use. Clear your space so that you have room for something new ... new, opportunities, experiences, décor, furniture etc.

Enjoy May!


Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
April 29th New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus ... Wealth Gua
The April 29th new moon and Solar Eclipse correlates with the Wealth gua. This is the back left corner of your land, your house and every room in your house when you divide your space into a grid of nine like a tic-tac-toe board. If you did not get a chance to work with this area prior to April 29th, I recommend doing so over the next few days. You can still catch part of the energy wave before the May 14th full moon. The full moon is when the fruits of your labor begin to shine. Prior to the new moon, I cleaned and vacuumed the back left corner of my cellar and bulkhead, I washed the windows and curtains in my office and master bath (the Wealth gua of my home), we replaced our master bath rugs, I began weeding a garden that completes the Wealth gua of my home, I repotted our house plants, and I shredded some piles of old taxes. I will return to the garden soon and finish weeding it before May 14th. My husband repaired a leak in the valve of our sump pump, which also sits in our Wealth area. Each of these actions will strengthen the flow of abundance in our life. What are some things you can do to re-energize the back left sectors of your home and property to re-energize Wealth and Fortunate Blessings in your life? Some of the most mundane actions also turn out to be the most important.

May 28th New Moon: Knowledge Gua
New moons are about new beginnings. Each month we have an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with overarching energies that influence us each day. The Wednesday, May 28th new moon is in the sign of Gemini. This corresponding area to energize in your home is the Knowledge gua. This is the front left area of your home and workplace.

The two-week period prior to the new moon is an excellent time to focus on self-introspection by tuning into your Self on a deep level. Reflect on where you are and where you are headed. Notice what calls to you and what you really desire. Perhaps you are looking for a creative solution to a long-standing problem or clarification about where you are headed. Maybe you have blocked deep inner wishes or tucked them away because you don't think they are possible. You might also know exactly what you want but you gave up trying for a variety of reasons. If so, take a fresh approach. Play with the possibility that a shift is possible. The energies during the latter part of May support cultivating wisdom and generating creative solutions. If you would like to gain more clarity, clean and energize the front left area of your property and the spaces where you spend time. Do this for your land, the front left area of your home, the front left corner of your bedroom, and the front left area of every room in your house. Do it for your business as well.

Begin by giving these areas a thorough spring cleaning. Repair, remove or toss out anything that is broken, remove all cobwebs, wash your windows and curtains, thin out excess paper and magazines, etc. Assess the flow of energy. Perhaps re-arrange some furniture for a new perspective or to uplift the chi of the area. Outside, thin plants and trees that may be overcrowding the area and clear debris.

Enhancements for the Knowledge area include: the colors blue, green or black; square shapes, mountain images, pottery and earthenware, natural crystals, shells, and books. You can also "fire up" this area by adding a little red or pink, some lights or candles, pictures or people or animals, and triangular shapes. Inside this is a great area for a library or study. Outside, the knowledge gua is a great location for a meditation space or herb garden.

Have fun energizing your Knowledge area prior to May 28. You can tune into the results beginning with the June 13 full moon. Remember: new moons are about new beginnings and full moons are about beginning to see the fruits of our labors. Working with one specific area of your home each month is a very good way to attract beneficial energy that is in alignment with the cosmos.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you.

A Bit About Our Times
If you have not done your strategic planning for the next two years (both personal and business or professional), you still have until May 19th. We have been in a Mars retrograde period since March 1; it is the ideal time for strategic planning. One thing you could do is create a Vision Board that represents your intentions and desires. To do this, take a poster board or bulletin board and place pictures, images, words, affirmations, etc. on it ... anything that represents your dreams and experiences you would like to have. You can arrange them any way you want. I like to arrange them according to the bagua:
Career in the front center,
Self Cultivation on lower left corner
Family on left center
Prosperity and Blessings in upper left corner
Fame, Visibility, and Integrity  in top center
Partnership in upper right corner
Children, Future, Joy on right center
Helpful People and Travel in lower right corner
Health and Well Being in the Center.

Be as imaginative as you wish. Your board can have a lot or a little on it. It doesn't matter. It's your vision for yourself. What do you want? Go for it! No need to hold back. You may be surprised at how rapidly things come together and manifest for you once you are clear about what you really want.

Mercury Retrograde Begins June 7
Mercury will be retrograde June 7th through June 30th.  You can't outrun it, but you can prepare for it. During May, fix whatever needs to get fixed and back up your computers. Also make sure your car is in good working order. Pay attention to all details beginning May 23rd. Read the fine print carefully. There's a lot you can do during Mercury retrograde. Just think of all words beginning with "re" such as rework, redo, repair, revamp, renovate, etc. Do avoid buying electronics and signing contracts, if you can. Plan around it. I'll write more about this next month.

Your House is a Fine Tuned System...Or It Should Be!
Canada Mortgage and Housing publishes excellent educational information about houses and how they should work. The more you know about your home and its various systems, the more effectively you can create a home that supports your health and well-being through product choices and selection. More and more sustainably produced products are readily available at reasonable prices. Educate yourself ahead of time and be ready to make a well informed decision when something needs to be repaired or replaced. Clean air, clean water, and moisture management are most important. A recent publication is the Canadian Wood Frame House Construction Guide. Also check out the Renovators Green Guide. You may also like The House as a System as a way of learning more about the science behind your house and the benefits of a healthy house.
The Renovators Green Guide includes the following sections:
  • The House as a System
  • Planning a Green Renovation
  • Communicating with Clients About Green Renovation
  • Kitchen renovations
  • Bathroom renovations
  • Basement renovations
  • Bedroom, living room and dining room renovations
  • Attic renovations
  • Additions
  • Mechanical system upgrades
  • Decks and patios
  • Appendix: Healthy HousingTM Themes and Indicators
Check it out if you are building new, doing renovations, or you just want to be better informed.

Living Spice Racks
Recently I saw a photo of an awesome living spice rack and I thought what a fabulous idea! Bringing living herbs and spices into our homes is great feng shui. If you enjoy cooking, the fresh plants will uplift the chi, they will add wonderful flavor to food, and they will cost less to grow than purchasing fresh herbs on a regular basis. As I  prepare my seasonal herb garden, I'm going to give some thought to how I can also grow more of them indoors during the winter months.
Fashion Feng Shui
Andrea Dupont is teaching a Fashion Feng Shui program for three days in Portsmouth, NH, from June 5 - 7, 2014. You can participate in one day or take all three for facilitator training. This is a wonderful program to learn how to step into your authentic self. Check it out if you have any interest.

Consultations and Related Services

May Newsletter Special:

Wealth Gua Consultations

45 minutes via Telephone or Web: $45.00  

(Mention the April Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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