Spring is Here!

Published: Fri, 04/04/14

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April 2014 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #92
"As within, so without. As I truly feel abundance, I experience abundance."


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,
It's time to welcome spring. The longer days are sure to be followed by more sun and warmer weather soon. Watch for the buds on the trees and the emergence of spring flowers. They will appear quickly. I had a nice preview of early spring in Paris a few weeks ago. The gardens and warmer weather felt quite nice!

If you are in my local area, I'll be at Just Naturals in Bedford, NH on Wednesday, April 9th for a feng shui workshop and on Thursday, April 24th for Girls Night Out. You are welcome to join both events.

Global events continue to mirror what many people are experiencing on a personal level, particularly the recent surge in earthquakes and stormy patterns. If you are experiencing personal earthquakes or turbulence, look at how you can balance patterns in your environment as well as in your astrological chart. I can help you to evaluate your space and any of the astrologers listed on my sidebar can help you understand your personal astrological challenges.

Continue to hang in for the next few months. As I have previously indicated, things will improve beginning by July. In the meantime, do your "foundation" work. Prepare yourself so that you can take advantage of some very nice cycles in the latter half of 2014. April is a good month to let go of whatever you no longer need or use. Clear your space so that you have room for something new ... new, opportunities, experiences, décor, furniture etc.

Enjoy April!


Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.
April 29th New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus ... Wealth Gua
We have a new moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus on Tuesday, April 29th, exact at 2:15am EDT. The Taurus new moon correlates with the Wealth gua. This is the back left corner of your land, your house and every room in your house when you divide your space into a grid of nine like a tic-tac-toe board. As the new moon approaches, give thanks and appreciation for your blessings, abundance and prosperity. Visualize your talents and abilities generating income for you, as you do work that you love. Channels of energy open up to enable even more abundance to flow your way when your personal chi and that of your space is free flowing.

Re-energizing your Wealth and Prosperity gua before April 29th could be very powerful. Begin by giving this area a thorough spring cleaning. Repair, remove or toss out anything that is broken, remove all cobwebs, vacuum, wash your windows and curtains, thin out excess paper and magazines, etc. Also pay attention to computer files if you have an office or computer in this area. This category of clutter is easy to overlook as electronic information is replacing paper storage. Get in the habit of thinning out your files regularly. Assess the flow of energy in your Wealth area and perhaps re-arrange the furniture if doing so would uplift the chi of the area.
In my house a basement sump pump and bulk head, my office, and our master bath are located in the Wealth area. Rather than fret about the plumbing pulling energy down, I uplift the energy in these areas regularly. Prior to the end of April I will vacuum our bulkhead and sump pump corner. I also plan to spring clean my office, including the windows, and re-pot my plants. I keep a beautiful potted plant in the Wealth comer of my desk along with amethyst and citrine crystals and a treasure box filled with gold, frankincense and myrrh. My Vision Board is also within view of my desk. A feng shui flute, positioned at the Wealth angle, hangs on a wall behind me, providing strength and support. A beautiful perennial garden outside my window completes a "missing area" in Wealth.

Enhancements for the Wealth and Prosperity area include: fresh flowers or green plants; the colors purple, red, green or gold; amethyst, malachite or citrine crystals; a wind chime or an object that introduces movement; anything that reminds you or prosperity or blessings; a treasure box; moving water or virtual water; a water image; a Vision Board.

Have fun energizing your Wealth area. Then tune into the results beginning with the April 29th new moon.

Contact me if you would like some help. A short half hour or 45 minute phone session may get things moving along for you.

A Study of Contrasts
I had the good fortune to visit Paris, France and Reykjavik, Iceland for about ten days during March. Both areas were an important study in contrast related to chi flow, feng shui, and the value of connecting with nature. Paris is a vibrant city and contrary to hearsay, I find Parisians to be warm and welcoming. The city is divided into 20 arrondissements or small neighborhoods.  The first arrondissement is the geographical center of Paris (located at Notre Dame) and each one spirals out clock-wise from the center.

We stayed in the 6th arrondissement or the area with Luxembourg Garden. One of the things I like about Paris is the "human scale" of many of the buildings. The typical height of about six to eight stories contributes to a feeling that you are walking around small neighborhoods, with many trees and public parks. Parisians live in smaller spaces than we are used to and spend a lot of time outside in the cafes and open spaces. Since spring arrives earlier in Paris than New England, the forsythia and early spring flowers were a welcome sight. Walking and cycling replaces the need for gym memberships. The high ceilings in many of the older buildings help the small rooms to feel more spacious.

Whereas the air in Paris was polluted during our visit (and the Metro was free as a result), Reykjavik felt refreshingly, pristine. The temperatures were similar to NH at this time of year with a lot less snow than we left behind. Iceland is a sparsely populated country (about 320,000 people) with much natural beauty. Many of the buildings have a Scandinavian look and feel. They are simple, colorful, small, and compact. Most of the homes and buildings use geothermal heat, with the average homeowner paying about $500 annually for heat and hot water. Tapping the natural heat of the earth makes so much sense.

While in Iceland, we enjoyed the natural healing waters of the geothermal springs at the Blue Lagoon, we saw a gorgeous waterfall and geyser, and ate some delicious GMO-free food. It was too cloudy to view the Northern Lights, so we'll make a return trip sometime.

Icelanders live with 20 hours of darkness at the peak of the winter months. They are rewarded by 24 hours of sunlight during summer. This is quite a contrast of dark and light. During the winter, their greenhouses are well-lit and kept warm using geothermal heat.

During our travels, I found myself wondering if clutter is a worldwide problem or primarily a North American one. When you live in smaller spaces, you have less "stuff" by necessity. I did not see any public storage centers, a business that continues to grow and thrive in the USA. Less is truly more. When you have less stuff to maintain, you can spend more time on experiences.

Paris and Reykjavik were certainly a study of contrasts, compared to each other as well as how we live in the USA. As you travel, tune in to your surroundings and identify what feels good. You can adapt the key principles to lift the chi of your own space when you return home.

A Bit About Our Times
We have a full moon lunar eclipse on April 15th and a solar eclipse on the April 29th new moon.  According to Madeline Gerwick, this set of eclipses relates to wasting personal energy or having unclear or confused motivations. A secondary meaning of the April 15th eclipse is about integrating your "heart, mind, will and spirit" to help you ground your energy achieve a specific outcome. The secondary meaning of the April 29th eclipse is to celebrate family and cultural ties. Eclipse energy is strong 30 days before and after each cycle. If you are getting together with family for Easter or Passover, you may find spending time with others more joyful than usual.

Some of the earth changes are due to the continued sun spots, solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun. The good news is that these are also associated with a better economy. So perhaps we will see some continued growth for a while.

We continue to be in the best strategic planning cycle for the next two years, on both a business and personal level. This is due to Mars retrograde, which continues through May 19th.  

The planet Saturn, which relates to structures and processes, is also retrograde until July 20. Retrograde periods are the time to stop and rethink things. One of the lessons of Saturn is to pay attention to the things that you really need to fix in your life. The things that trip you up will continue to do so until you pay attention and make some changes.

If things are going well for you this year, continue on your path. If you've been experiencing personal upsets and problems, pay attention and identify what changes you need to make. A good place to begin is to look within at whatever you are or have been resisting in your life. Take a look at your health, your relationships, your livelihood, and/or your prosperity. If you are not sure, an astrology consultation can pinpoint the patterns for you. Making the right changes will enable you to move forward in your life with more ease, flow, and joy.

Creating Healthy Living and Work Spaces
I recently did an interview with Mary Roberts for her "College Launch" program on Carlisle, MA cable TV. Even though the focus is college dorm rooms, the key principles apply to all living and work spaces. Listen  to our discussion to learn more.

Fashion Feng Shui
Andrea Dupont is teaching a Fashion Feng Shui program for three days in Portsmouth, NH, from June 5 - 7, 2014. You can participate in one day or take all three for facilitator training. This is a wonderful program to learn how to step into your authentic self. Check it out if you have any interest.

Lottery Luck!
 Check out this story from the Good News Network about a Virginia couple that struck gold in the lottery three times during March, winning big money! They won two $1 million prizes and a $50,000.00 prize. Wow! Maybe they have the luck of the Irish.
Consultations and Related Services

April Newsletter Special:

Wealth Gua Consultations

45 minutes via Telephone or Web: $45.00  

(Mention the April Newsletter to receive this rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely via email, web, phone, or Skype.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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