Finding JOY in the Holidays

Published: Mon, 12/02/13

Dec 2013 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #346
"Today I joyfully contribute to the abundant circle of giving and receiving."


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Hello Everyone,
It feels like December snuck up very quickly! If it is like any other recent month, it is going to fly by. Before that happens, I recommend that you set an intention to slow down and enjoy the month and holidays in whatever way you desire.

Do you have special traditions that you truly enjoy? If not, it might be time to create new ones. You don't have to change all at once. You can be gradually replace one activity or habit that you do not enjoy, with something that you'd rather do. After a few years, your shifts can be substantial.

Remember: thoughts create things! So make sure your thoughts are good ones ... or at least lead you in the direction you want. Overall, we have a very pleasant month energetically, with stronger and more "good results" energy during the first half of the month compared to the latter half.

Enjoy December!


Contact meif you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

Finding JOY in the Holidays
I love the holidays! Over twenty years ago I realized that I could do them any way I wanted. So I simplified my holidays and put more focus on connecting with family and friends. From Thanksgiving through New Year's, a different energy sets in. I pull back from my usual activities at Thanksgiving and take a "time-out" for the weekend, easing my way into the Christmas season. I enjoy the process of writing Christmas cards and spending more time relaxing with family and friends. Since we have twelve days of Christmas (Dec. 25 - Jan 6), I like to spend a quiet Christmas at home and stretch activities out. Doing so brings much more ease and joy. Beginning a few years ago, my sisters and I began giving each other the gifts of presence and time by getting together for an annual lunch. In our fast-paced world, finding authentic ways to connect with people is more meaningful than purchasing material goods.

Do you enjoy your holidays? If not, why not? If you could design your holidays any way you wanted, what would do you? What steps can you take to begin making this happen for yourself? This season I recommend that you take at least one step towards creating your ideal holidays. The power to shift comes from within.

When we want to change and don't, or we blame others for situations or choices, it is usually from a position of fear ... fear of what others may think, fear of change, fear of judgment, fear of not being worthy,  fear of not being good enough, etc. Have you ever heard that fear is really "false evidence appearing real?" It is. If you have been yearning to do your holidays differently, yet you have not had the courage to change, there is time to do so this year. You can change gradually. Your small shifts will accumulate over time and result in big, monumental shifts after a few years. Give it a try if you have been yearning for something different or a more meaningful way to spend your time.

December and Introspection
The December 2nd new moon in the sign of Sagittarius is associated with the Knowledge gua. This is the front left area of your land, home, workplace, and each individual room. This is an ideal time for self-introspection and higher wisdom. Tune into your intuition. Sagittarius is also associated with learning, teaching, publishing and international travel. Slow down, pause, and listen to the ideas and inspirations that come your way. Notice what is showing up for you and give some thought to where you are headed.  This is a good time to visualize where you'd like your life to be at the end of 2014. As you focus on the end result, circumstances and situations will begin to mysteriously shift and align themselves. Adjust your space, set your intentions, and the tune in to see how they begin to unfold beginning with the December 17th full moon. Read the full article in my November newsletter.

Holiday Decorating Tips
Mid-December is an excellent month to clean, clear and re-energize your "Fame" gua. This is the center back of your space when you are facing in from the main entrance or door to your house, any room in your house, business or property. This area is about illumination, clarity, vision, visibility, and integrity. It is also about stress and things that "burn us out."  The Fame gua is also associated with Fire in the Chinese Five Element system. This is an ideal area to refresh as we celebrate the holidays this month. They are all about bringing more light into our lives and they occur at the darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere. Light strengthens vision and clarity. This month, let your light shine forth.

Holiday Decorating Tip #1: Excellent enhancements to the Fame gua this month include beautiful red poinsettias, Christmas trees, stars, things that shine and dazzle, fresh greens and plants, lights, the color red and triangular shapes. Enhancements always come after the basic of cleaning and clutter clearing. If you enhance a chaotic, stuck or cluttered area you are strengthening that quality of energy. As you shift your space and lighten it up, you shift obstacles and remove blockages. Doing this before adding any holiday decorations will bring more ease and flow to your life. I guarantee it.

Holiday Decorating Tip #2
: As you decorate for the holidays, tuck away your usual décor and decorations in your holiday boxes and return them when you put the holidays away for another year. Rather than simply add decorations to your space, replacing your everyday décor with your favorite holiday collections will create a calmer and more festive atmosphere.

Holiday Decorating Tip #3: Reassess all of your décor as you decorate for the holidays. Thin out what no longer works for you. Toss away what is broken, consider passing along some favorite heirlooms to family members and give away anything and everything that no longer brings you joy. Many of us have more than we need or can use. Make this a year-long project by reassessing each holiday as it comes along. By the end of the year your holiday décor will be thinned out and re-energized.

Looking Ahead: Allow Your Vision to Shine
We begin 2014 with a new moon in Capricorn on January 1. What a great way to begin the year! Capricorn is a serious sign about getting down to business. This energy is ideal for not only setting your vision and goals, but including structure and responsibilities. Doing the planning now will lay the path for achievements later this year.

According to Madeline Gerwick, Capricorn new moon periods are a time to:
  • Ask serious questions and do long-term planning
  • Schedule programs or handle event logistics
  • Reorganize and manage structural or process issues
  • Focus on long term achievements
  • Prepare budgets, do financial planning
Capricorn Moons are about building structures that last, which include setting resources aside for leaner times. This is an optimal period to review your options, consider the pros and cons, establish a plan, and then move forward. Being prepared brings ease and flow to your life.

From a feng shui perspective, the Capricorn new moon correlates with the Fame gua. This is the back center area of your land, home, workplace, and each individual room. The opposite area, the Career gua (center front) is equally important and directly related. The Career gua corresponds to your life purpose, opportunities, and doing meaningful work. Thus, the January 1 new moon is about you, your calling, and your reputation. What an ideal time to set New Year's Resolutions.

To align your energy with the January new moon, clean, refresh and revitalize the back center of your house, your master bedroom, kitchen, office, garage, yard, etc.) between December 18th and January 1st. As you prepare your home for Christmas or New Years, review your holiday decorations, retire what you no longer enjoy and release all clutter ... items that you no longer need or use. Give each area a thorough vacuuming and dusting. If anything is broken or in disrepair, fix it or make a plan to do so. As you go along, assess how the space feels. Rearrange things if doing so uplift the energy (chi) of the room. As you do, you may find yourself reassessing your life. Just go with the flow and be honest with yourself. Where is your true passion? What is working well, what is not working, and what would you like to change? Allow your thoughts to come to the surface and jot down notes about flashes of intuition that emerge as you go along. Enliven your space and then establish a plan of action for 2013.
Enhancements for the Fame area include "firing up" the area using: the color red (and various shades of red) or some green, diamond or triangular shapes, images that dazzle you such as a sunrise, a volcano erupting, the pyramids, or pictures of people or animals, lights or candles. Enhancements for the Career area relate to Water energy: the color black or deep blue, glass or mirrors, images that introduce flow and movement (ships are excellent), and anything to do with your career or life's work.

I'll write more about changes for 2014 in January.

Finding Lost Objects ... The Power of Trust and Intuition
Recently I had a delightful reminder that when we fully trust, everything turns out fine. A few weeks ago I lost one of my favorite earrings from a set that I have had for nearly forty years. I placed the pair in a side pocket of a travel bag and when I returned home, I only found one earring. As disappointed as I was, I set an intention that the earring would return to me.

I looked all around. No earring. I thought that maybe I dropped it on the floor when I packed my bag. I waited patiently for a few weeks until I returned to my original location. I checked all around. No earring. Then I thought that maybe it was vacuumed up by mistake when my husband was vacuuming. So I mentioned it to him. He didn't recall seeing it anywhere. I cut the vacuum bag open and diligently went through the debris. No earring. I checked the car, inside and out. I retraced all of my steps. No earring. I silently gave thanks that this earring would return.

I know that lost items sometimes have a habit of reappearing without explanation, so I checked my bedroom and my jewelry box again. No earring. At the same time I felt that this earring would somehow find its way back to me ... and it did! The day before Thanksgiving, my husband found the earring on a table in our foyer. It turned out that our housekeeper found it previously and set it on the table. It must have fallen out of my bag in transport from the car to my bedroom. If I had not mentioned the earring to anyone, it would have sat on the table for a longer period of time before I found it. As I tell this story, I also realized that this earring was found one day after I had a powerful personal healing session with the Peruvian Twin Shamans , while they were on a New England Journey hosted by Sound Light Healer, Pierre Garreaud. This is another reminder of how everything is connected.

My favorite set of Lapis Lazuli earrings is together again. According to Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian in The Book of Stones . Lapis Lazuli is a stone that activates self knowledge and reflection.  This is in perfect harmony with the energy of our December 17th full moon.  It helps you awaken your third eye, discover patterns that may be blocking you, identify karmic roots of disease, enhance your ability to visualize and receive guidance, and to develop enhanced intuition. It also helps you to open your Third Eye (6th) and Throat (5th) chakras. According to Buddhist beliefs, Lapis Lazuli is also used to develop inner peace and freedom from negative thoughts.

I was drawn to this stone long before I knew its powerful associations. Now I know why. Pay attention to your intuition. It will always lead you in the right direction.

Dutch Innovation to Combat Climate Change
Climate change is here to stay. Read about developments in the city of Rotterdam, Netherlands, a city below sea level and surrounded by water on all sides. Maybe some of these innovations will extend to other flood-prone areas around the globe.

Contact me if you would like a short consultation about your Knowledge area or any part of your home or workplace. In addition to working with you onsite, I can help you easily via email, web, phone or Skype.
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I Ching Readings

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An I Ching reading is a great way to gain clarity on any issue.
The answer is always right. It usually just needs some interpretation.

(Mention the December Newsletter to receive the reduced rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

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