Blessings, Prosperity and the Wealth Gua

Published: Thu, 11/07/13

Nov 2013 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #339
"Today I am grateful for being in the flow of prosperity and abundance."


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,
I love November. It's a time when our shift indoors is accelerated in the northern hemisphere. The days continue to grow shorter and you may find yourself tiring more easily. It is a time for internal growth and development. More sleep is helpful.

After Mercury turns direct next Monday (November 11th), November may shape up more smoothly compared to October, which was tumultuous for many people. This phase of inner expansion aligns with "Jupiter retrograde" this year, and continues until early March 2014. It also ties quite nicely to our next new moon in early December.

Enjoy the upcoming Thanksgiving holidays. They are among my favorites.

Enjoy November!


Contact meif you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

November 17th Full Moon
Our November 17th full moon is associated with blessings, prosperity, and the Wealth gua. Did you adjust your Wealth gua prior to the November 3rd new moon and solar eclipse? One of the changes I made in my home was to replace a large bathroom. Our previous mirror had some deterioration due to moisture, so my husband and I took it out last month and replaced it with a shiny new one. I then "empowered" it for prosperity using the Three Secrets Reinforcements. It was an easy adjustment that has big significance.

If you didn't make any changes, I recommend refreshing your Wealth gua (back left corner) over the next ten days, set your intentions, and ride the upward shift of energy that culminates with the November 17th full moon.

If you did make changes and/or set your intentions, notice what unfolds for you this month.  Remember to give thanks for all the blessings that come your way.

To read the full article in the October newsletter, click here.

Give Thanks in Advance! Express Gratitude for Bounitful Blessings
November is the month when our focus shifts to Thanksgiving and the upcoming holidays. Amidst the speed of daily life we might take time enjoy a big meal with family and friends before jumping into the frenzy of Christmas shopping. Or if you are like me, you might fully enjoy the holiday and delay the onset of Christmas until after the weekend.

However you spend Thanksgiving, the season is an important reminder to give thanks for all of your blessings regularly. Each of us has people, things, situations, and circumstances for which we can be grateful. Many of these might come in the form of unannounced or unanticipated blessings ... someone or something that showed up unexpectedly and may have brought ease or joy to your life at any given moment.
Recognizing your blessings and bounty and truly giving thanks is not only a wonderful practice, it is a way of shifting your life circumstances and bringing more ease and flow. Notice the small things, in particular. They have a way of creating momentum and bringing more blessings your way.
Years ago I was delighted to discover the practice of giving thanks in advance of something actually happening or manifesting in your life. I practice it regularly. Here's how it works:
  1. Identify an end result that you want.
  2. Visualize it happening.
  3. Express your thanks in writing using the present tense and positive words, just as if it is happening now. For example: "I am so grateful that more than enough money flows to me easily." Or "I am so grateful that my entire family gets along well and appreciates gathering together for the holidays."
  4. Maintain a gratitude journal. Write at least five statements of gratitude daily.
  5. Believe that what you want is possible and continue to give thanks, in advance, that it is already happening.
  6. Omit self sabotage. Get out of your own way and let go of any disbelief. Listen to your own words and pay attention to your actions. If they are not in alignment with what you want, change them. Give thanks that you are shifting. For example: "I am so grateful that I am coming into full alignment with a prosperous life every day." Or "I am so grateful for my abundance of good fortune and perfect health." Basically you fill in the end result of whatever you truly desire. Be sure it is what you want though because things are happening fast these days. We always get what we ask for but sometimes it is not what we really want.

Giving thanks is a forgotten art. I am so grateful that I was raised to acknowledge a good deed or selfless act, to thank people for gifts, and to appreciate all of the blessings in my life. I express thanks daily for my many blessings and I continue to send handwritten thank you notes. I enjoy the process of slowing down and taking a few moments to reflect on some of the amazing things that happen and express sincere gratitude. In return, an abundance of blessings flow to me each day.

December: Pay Attention to Your Intuition
New moons are about new beginnings. Since the moon also influences your emotional energy and patterns, we have an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with the energies of the moon each month.

The December 2rd new moon in the sign of Sagittarius is associated with higher wisdom and broadening your mind. This is an ideal time for self-introspection and paying attention to your intuition. Sagittarius is also associated with learning, teaching, publishing and international travel. Slow down, pause, and tune into the ideas and inspirations that are coming your way. Notice what is showing up for you and give some thought to where you are headed. Although it may seem early, visualize where you'd like your life to be at the end of 2014. As you focus on the end result, circumstances and situations will begin to mysteriously shift and align themselves.  All you need to do right now is believe in possibility and trust that your dreams can unfold for you. You can take inspired action later.

The Sagittarius new moon correlates with the Knowledge gua . This is the front left area of your land, home, workplace, and each individual room. The opposite area, the Relationship and Partnership gua is equally important. The Knowledge gua is about how we relate to ourselves and the Relationship gua is about how we relate to others ... the yin and yang or inner and outer aspects of relationships. You have to know yourself on a very deep level in order to be in successful and loving relationships with others.

Prior to the new moon on December 2nd, refresh the front left area of your home and workspace. Begin by removing all clutter: things that you no longer need or use. These items represent low level energy that drags you down. Also, fix or remove everything that is broken or in disrepair. Such things deplete your energy. Give the area a thorough vacuuming and dusting, and assess the chi flow. Would rearranging the furniture or making a shift uplift the energy of the room? If so, go for it.

Health-wise, the Knowledge area is associated with your shoulders, back and hands. If you have chronic back pain, shoulder problems or any issues with your hands, adjust your Knowledge gua. This area of your home is associated with the Earth element. In the Chinese Five Element system, Earth is strengthened by Fire, depleted by Metal, chopped by Wood and muddied by Water energy. Each area needs to have some of the Five Elements. Balance always depends on the space and is seldom equal amounts of each element.

Earth is a grounding, stabilizing and nurturing energy. When floods occur, sandbags and earth are mounted to hold back the water. Rain and water help plants and trees to grow and flourish. A wildfire can deplete a wooded area in an instant. Fire turns everything in sight to ash, creating earth and space for new and continued cycles of growth. The soft earth holds the seeds of new growth. It also provides nutrients. The earth hardens the deeper you go. This compression results in layers of hard rock and precious metal, which eventually liquefies and emerges as lava. Nature provides a deeper understanding of all that is occurring throughout life. The process is cyclical. The goal is balance and harmony.

En hancements for the Knowledge area include: the colors blue, green or black; square shapes, mountain images, pottery and earthenware, natural crystals, shells, and books. You might "fire up" this area by adding a little red or pink, some lights or candles, pictures or people or animals, and triangular shapes. Seasonal decorations are perfect this month as many of them bring in Fire energy.

After you refresh the area, tune in again during the December 17th full moon.

Contact me if you would like a short consultation about your Knowledge area or any part of your home or workplace. In addition to working with you onsite, I can help you easily via email, web, phone or Skype.

Turning A Slum Into A Living Canvas
There is talent within each one of us to transform our environments and therefore our lives. Two Dutch artists are proving how changing one's environment can shift lives through their amazing work in the slums of Rio de Janeiro. Their vision and their initiatives are paying off. They are providing employment to disadvantaged youth and bringing life back to poverty stricken areas. Take a look at the full article and video provided by the Good News Network. An amazing transformation is underway. As the artists indicate: "Visual beautification, job creation and boosted pride and self esteem can help to change perception and remove negative stigma." Many thanks to the Good News Network for sharing this story.

Upcoming events that may interest you:

Just Naturals Girl's Night Out
Thursday, November 14th, 4:00pm - 7:30 pm
This is always a fun night to pamper yourself and mingle with friends at Just Naturals, Bedford, NH

Although I won't be participating this month, GNO is always a fun night to pamper yourself and mingle with friends at Just Naturals, Bedford, NH.

Consultations and Related Services

November Newsletter Special:
A 45 Minute Consultation

via Telephone or Web: $45.00  

(Mention the November Newsletter to receive the reduced rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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