New moons are about new beginnings. Since the moon also influences your emotional energy and patterns, we have an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with the energies of the moon each month.
The December 2rd new moon in the sign of Sagittarius is associated with higher wisdom and broadening your mind. This is an ideal time for self-introspection and paying attention to your intuition. Sagittarius is also associated with learning, teaching, publishing and international travel. Slow down, pause, and tune into the ideas and inspirations that are coming your way. Notice what is showing up for you and give some thought to where you are headed. Although it may seem early, visualize where you'd like your life to be at the end of 2014. As you focus on the end result, circumstances and situations will begin to mysteriously shift and align themselves. All you need to do right now is believe in possibility and trust that your dreams can unfold for you. You can take inspired action later.
The Sagittarius new moon correlates with the
Knowledge gua
. This is the front left area of your land, home, workplace, and each individual room. The opposite area, the Relationship and Partnership gua is equally important. The Knowledge gua is about how we relate to ourselves and the Relationship gua is about how we relate to others ... the yin and yang or inner and outer aspects of relationships. You have to know yourself on a very deep level in order to be in successful and loving relationships with others.
Prior to the new moon on December 2nd, refresh the front left area of your home and workspace. Begin by removing all clutter: things that you no longer need or use. These items represent low level energy that drags you down. Also, fix or remove everything that is broken or in disrepair. Such things deplete your energy. Give the area a thorough vacuuming and dusting, and assess the chi flow. Would rearranging the furniture or making a shift uplift the energy of the room? If so, go for it.
Health-wise, the Knowledge area is associated with your shoulders, back and hands. If you have chronic back pain, shoulder problems or any issues with your hands, adjust your Knowledge gua. This area of your home is associated with the Earth element. In the Chinese Five Element system, Earth is strengthened by Fire, depleted by Metal, chopped by Wood and muddied by Water energy. Each area needs to have some of the Five Elements. Balance always depends on the space and is seldom equal amounts of each element.
Earth is a grounding, stabilizing and nurturing energy. When floods occur, sandbags and earth are mounted to hold back the water. Rain and water help plants and trees to grow and flourish. A wildfire can deplete a wooded area in an instant. Fire turns everything in sight to ash, creating earth and space for new and continued cycles of growth. The soft earth holds the seeds of new growth. It also provides nutrients. The earth hardens the deeper you go. This compression results in layers of hard rock and precious metal, which eventually liquefies and emerges as lava. Nature provides a deeper understanding of all that is occurring throughout life. The process is cyclical. The goal is balance and harmony.
hancements for the Knowledge area include: the colors blue, green or black; square shapes, mountain images, pottery and earthenware, natural crystals, shells, and books. You might "fire up" this area by adding a little red or pink, some lights or candles, pictures or pe
ople or animals, and triangular shapes. Seasonal decorations are perfect this month as many of them bring in Fire energy.
After you refresh the area, tune in again during the December 17th full moon.
Contact me
if you would like a short consultation about your Knowledge area or any part of your home or workplace. In addition to working with you onsite, I can help you easily via email, web, phone or Skype.