Winter Reflections and Contemplation

Published: Sat, 02/01/14

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Feb 2014 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #48
"As I clarify my goals I am able to focus my energy toward my desired end result."


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,
Happy New Year, or Gong Hee Fat Choy! It's Chinese New Year. The exact time and date was 5:39 am on Friday, January 31st in China and 4:39pm EST on Thursday, January 30th in the USA.

2014 is the year of the Yang Wood Horse. Although predictions for this year vary, a lot of information coming my way indicates that we could be in for a very active first six months, so hang on tight and ride it through.

This is a good time to focus on your vision and keep your sights on where you are headed. If you are in the Windham, NH area, you might be interested in meeting at The Village Bean coffee shop on Thursday evening, Feb 19th from 6:30 - 8pm, or a free Vision Board workshop. It'll be fun evening to meet with friends and set a clear vision for yourself. Vision Boards are a very powerful and effective manifestation tool.

As I mentioned last month, we have some very active astrological patterns from January through June. For February, it's Mercury Retrograde (Feb 6 - Feb 28). More about this below.

Although it's been a cold winter, in NH I think we have fared much better than many parts of the country when it comes to the snow and ice. The days are getting longer and spring will be here soon.

Enjoy February!


Contact me if you would like help to set your intentions or adjust your space for 2014, create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

A Bit About: The Yang Wood Horse
The Chinese New Year that we are typically familiar with is the date of the Lunar New Year. This ties to the annual migration "home" throughout China, as families gather to celebrate. It is a moveable date because it falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice.

2014 is a Yang Wood Horse year. The Horse, a yang Fire animal, is compatible with the Goat or Sheep, Tiger and Dog. It clashes with the Rat. People born in Rat years may have more challenges in 2014.

We last experienced the energies represented this year 60 years ago, in 1954. 2002 was our most recent Horse year. Unlike 2002, which was a Yang Water Horse year, Wood energy supports and strengthens Fire. 2014 will be a year to move ahead cautiously, yet deliberately.

Horse energy is lively, independent, and enduring. Having served humanity in numerous ways through the centuries, for travel, agriculture, war, and pleasure, horses are associated with freedom and movement. 2014 could be a year to break away from old, nonproductive patterns and move forward in meaningful ways.
Horses do not like to be constrained or contained. They can be emotional, persuasive, and adventuresome. They can also be impatient and temperamental. Horse energy is expansive. This is particularly relevant in a Yang Wood Horse year since, vibrant Wood energy fuels the Fire energy of the Horse. People born in horse years are fun-loving, popular, care-free, independent, and need room for self-expression. They do not like to be constrained or corralled.

Expect 2014 to be a year of action and adventure. If you are not sure of something, wait. Just ride it out and wait for a more opportune time.  If you would like to learn more about what may lie ahead for you in 2014, here is an informative link about the Year of the Wood Horse, that came my way via Madeline Gerwick.

January 30th New Moon: Activate Helpful People and Travel
The January 30th new moon fell in the sign of Aquarius and is associated with the "Helpful People and Travel" gua. This is the front right of your space when you are facing in from the main entrance or door to your house, any room in your house, business or property. This area is about the right people coming to assist you at the right time. It could be family, friends, professionals, teachers, mentors and even unseen or spiritual help. It all fits into this gua. If you have any travel plans or dreams, this is a great place to energize them as well. If you did not refresh this area recently, I recommend doing so this weekend and then setting an intention. Refer to my January newsletter for specific tips. Then tune into the February 14th full moon to see how your intentions are beginning to take shape and unfold.

If you are feeling lost or confused about any of this and you would like some help, contact me.

February 4th: Time for Annual Adjustments
Tuesday, February 4th is the day to make annual adjustments to your home if you follow Flying Star feng shui.  This is the date of the Solar New Year. It is a fixed date.
From a Flying Stars perspective, the areas that need particular attention in 2014 are the NW (5 Star), East (2 Star) and South (Grand Duke). Replace your Salt Water cures and cleanse and reposition your annual cures to balance your space. If you would like help with this, contact me.

February 6th: Mercury Retrograde ... Time to Lighten Your Schedule
Mercury is the planet that rules communications. As Mercury appears to back up in the sky, communications easily get confused and mixed up. It is a time to lighten your schedule, avoid signing contracts, and avoid buying electronics. This month, Mercury is retrograde February 6th through February 28th Take extra care and allow more room in your schedule. This is an excellent cycle to re-do, re-consider, repair, review and re-work many things. It is not a favorable period to purchase electronics, make deals, or sign contracts. If you do, don't be surprised if you make changes or adjustments beginning March 1, when any misunderstanding or confusion is likely to clear up. You can make things easy on yourself and experience fewer obstacles by allowing more leeway in your schedule and delaying big purchases. Be proactive. Take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle.

The next Mercury Retrograde cycle is June 7th through June 30th. Mark your calendar and plan ahead.

9 Tips to Re-energize Relationships
If you'd like to recharge, revitalize, renew, or refresh any relationships in your life, as Valentine's Day approaches, your Partnership Gua is the area to work with. This is the back right corner of your house and every room in your house. Remember: your space holds patterns of subtle energy and reflects what is happening in your life. If you don't have time to refresh the primary partnership area of your home or apartment, give some attention to this area of your bedroom. Here are nine quick and easy tips:
  1. Remove things you are weary of or that you don't use or love.
  2. Remove or replace anything that is broken or worn down.
  3. If a major repair is needed, set an intention to get it done.
  4. Clean the area. Dust and vacuum high, low and deep into the corners.
  5. Wash the windows (the inside if it's too cold outside).
  6. Add color. Include a touch of red, pink, or yellow.
  7. Include something to reflect partnership and hold your intention, such as: two candles, a photo of a couple, a set of mandarin ducks, two favorite pictures, or a table set for two. Triangles and squares are supportive shapes, representing Fire and Earth.
  8. Create a vision board that reflects the way you'd like things to be in your space or relationship ... this can help set the pace and shift your energy.
  9. My favorite item? A beautiful vase of fresh flowers!

How does this space look and feel to you? Do you love the colors, décor, furniture, art, pictures and whatever else is located here? If this area feels tired or it's been neglected, you can refresh it on any budget. If the area is completely stuck or is in disrepair, and has been for a long time, a little bit of movement can go a long way. Whatever you do, withdraw any attention on what is not working and focus on the outcome you do desire. This one subtle, yet powerful shift, can make a big difference in the way things unfold for you. Thoughts do create things and our spaces hold the energetic patterns of what's happening in our lives. Re-energize your vision.

Winter Reflections
My weekly I Ching readings for the past few weeks have had a common theme about being focused and conscientious, while also being cautious and conservative. This is a message that is worth paying attention to. We live in uncertain times and as we well know, not everyone has honorable intentions. There is a high level of volatility at the global level, as evidenced by our chaotic weather patterns, continued terrorist threats, and shifts in business and politics. Without being cynical or jaded, this is a time to be realistic, observant, conservative, and fully present. This message coincides with what I am hearing independently from friends and colleagues who travel diverse paths. It also coincides with the season.
Deep winter is a time for contemplation, conservation, and reflection. Knowing that we also have a six month period of delays along with potentially explosive and volatile energies, February is a good month to pull your energy in, retreat, and reflect on where you are, where you are headed, and the most effective way to proceed. It is a time to be more internally focused, while also being aware of everything around you. You can observe the outer world without being drawn into the chaos and disorder. This is a favorable time to pull back a bit and build your reserves for future months. Since we are in the midst of a 40 year make-over of the economy, I recommend being more prudent with your finances; set aside some resources in the event of economic fluctuation. Although we have seen quite a few shifts, more are expected before things settle down in the latter half of this decade.

To stay current, my weekly I Ching reading may also interest you.  It is generally posted to my website and Facebook  page each Sunday.
March 1 New Moon: Contemplation
We end February and begin March with a new moon in Pisces, depending on where you are located. The new moon is exact on the East Coast of the USA at 3:01 am on Saturday, March 1 and 11:59pm, on Friday, February 28th, on the West Coast.

Pisces is a water sign that calls us to explore the deeper side of life, our dreams, and our authentic selves. This can be an inspirational time to help you better understand your deep inner thoughts and feelings. According the Simone Butler's system of Astro Feng Shui, a new moon in Pisces correlates with the Center of your home. Interestingly enough, the Center of our spaces this year is also associated with self development and education, intelligence, wisdom, and artistic and creative pursuits (particularly writing) via the #4 Star in the Flying Star system of feng shui.  You can also enhance this area for romance and travel.

The latter half of February is an excellent time to renew and refresh the Center of your home and every room in your home. Excellent enhancements this year include lucky bamboo, fresh flowers, leafy plants, some dark watery colors such as blue and black, mandarin ducks, amethyst and a single quartz crystal point.
  • Envision your goals
  • Focus on your authentic self
  • Dream big and imagine what is possible
  • Explore whatever is deep within your heart

Allow yourself time for self-introspection as you sense life's meaning from deep within. This may lead you to explore more of your creative interests, such as writing, art, music, photography, cooking, fine crafts, or even technological development. You may find yourself on a path to discover more meaning in your life and your relationships, find ways to heal long standing issues, become inspired to do something completely new or open your heart to that which you truly desire. Allow the possibility that things can shift in magical ways. Then tune in to the March 16th full moon and pay attention to how the thoughts you have rooted are beginning to take shape ... just in time for the emergence of spring.

Tree Growth Increases With Age
NPR aired an interesting segment about tree growth recently. There is growing evidence that old trees are doing more for the health of our planet, compared to young trees. This could be an interesting correlation to our aging Baby Boomer population as well. Perhaps "seniors" can be even healthier and more productive in their later years in life, compared to their early years. It may soon be time to retire the concept of "over the hill" as more people seek improved health and more meaningful activity from their 50's well into their 90's and beyond. This is an interesting pattern to consider.
Consultations and Related Services

February Newsletter Special:

Relationship and Partnership Gua Consultations

via Telephone or Web: $60.00  

(Mention the February Newsletter to receive the reduced rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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