2014: Year of the Yang Wood Horse

Published: Mon, 01/06/14

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Jan 2014 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #13
"I am part of an ever-expanding universe."


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,
Happy New Year! It's time to clarify your intentions and focus on 2014. If you are in the Windham, NH area, join me at The Village Bean coffee shop about this topic, this Thursday evening, Jan 9th from 6:30 - 8pm, if you have time and interest.

The end of 2013 had a few rough spots for many people, including me. As my husband sat at a local stop light the day after Christmas, our 10 year old Toyota Highlander was sideswiped by a pickup truck making a turn a bit too fast for the conditions. Although a bit shaken up, Jack is fine. The car was totaled. Fortunately, we found a very good replacement at a very fair price. The process has been a lesson in forgiveness and letting go, as we were intending to keep that car for at least another 100k miles. It had 200k miles and was in excellent condition.

Three days later we received a call from our gas company letting us know that our propane tanks at Silver Lake were empty! They were making a delivery and finding empty tanks was unusual and potentially dangerous. It turns out that there was a small gas leak. Since we were two hours away, we were fortunate that a friend was close by and was able to go right over, check the house, and let the service technician in to identify the problem and do the repair. This was another lesson in letting go and trusting that everything will work out fine.

Between these events, a colleague sent me a link to Susannah Conway's  2014 planning guide. It's a very thorough review of 2013 and a guide to 2014. I completed it in about 3 hours and highly recommend it. I am providing the link with Susannah's permission.

Read on for more information about 2014.

Enjoy January! Stay warm!


Contact me if you would like help to set your intentions or adjust your space for 2014, create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

January - June 2014: Active Astrological Patterns
We began 2014 with a new moon in Capricorn on January 1. We also have a second new moon (in Aquarius) on January 30th. Capricorn is a serious sign about getting down to business. This energy is ideal for not only setting your vision and goals, but including structure and responsibilities. Doing the planning now will lay the path for achievements later this year.
According to Madeline Gerwick, the first six months of 2014 will be a challenge due to an array of astrological cycles.  We are in the midst of a sixteen year economic transformation (Pluto in Capricorn), that began in 2008 and ends in 2024. We are also in a major revolutionary cycle (Uranus square Pluto) that continues through March 2019. This is similar to cycles we experienced in the mid-1960s.
Venus is retrograde for the month of January (the cycle began December 21); it is a good time to review costs, pricing and credit. It's also a good time to refinance. Mercury retrograde begins February 6th and then again at the end of May and into June. Mercury is about communications. It is a time to lighten your schedule, avoid signing contracts, and avoid buying electronics.

We have one challenging pattern after another through June that affects many things, including the weather. Buckle your seat belt and ride things out. July will be here before we know it.

January 30th New Moon: Activate Helpful People and Travel
The January 30rd new moon falls in the sign of Aquarius. January 18th through January 29th is an ideal time to clean, clear and re-energize your "Helpful People and Travel" gua. This is the front right of your space when you are facing in from the main entrance or door to your house, any room in your house, business or property. This area is about the right people coming to assist you at the right time. It could be family, friends, professionals, teachers, mentors and even unseen or spiritual help. It all fits into this gua. If you have any travel plans or dreams, this is a great place to energize them as well.

The Helpful People area of your space is energized by the Metal element. Metal is just that ... gold, silver, brass, aluminum, etc., as well as the colors white and gray, circular and oval shapes, petroleum and things made from petroleum (plastics) and substances dug from deep within the ground (gemstones, big rocks and boulders). Metal element is an "organizing" element. It is also about clarity, precision, organization, order and focus. When Metal is balanced, you can easily sort information and experiences into patterns, solve puzzles, and bring order through rules and guidelines. You are more likely to have clear thoughts, be focused and communicate effectively. When Metal is deficient you may feel unprotected, find it hard to focus, have little or no routine, and lack a sense of purpose. Excess Metal manifests as criticism and judgments, perfectionism, obsessive compulsive behavior, as well as sarcasm, aloofness and indifference.

Metal out of balance may leave you feeling anxious, anguished, and in tears. The organs associated with Metal are the Lung and Large Intestine. If you are experiencing anxiety or anguish, or you have any difficulty with breathing, intestinal issues, skin conditions or rashes, balancing your Helpful People gua may strengthen your emotional and physical health.
If you are feeling lost or confused about any of this and you would like some help, contact me.

2014: Year of the Yang Wood Horse
The Jan 30th new moon also ushers in the year of the Yang Wood Horse. Chinese New Year  is January 31st. In the Flying Star system, Star 4, the Star of Intelligence and Romance is located in the middle of the Lo Shu Square. The day to make Flying Star system adjustments in your home of office is Tuesday, February 4th.  Prior to this, cleanse your 2013 cures under the January 15th full moon. You can do so on any clear night January 14 - 16. Remember to toss out all 2013 Salt Water cures.

The year begins with strong and lively energy, in a tiger month. Expect 2014 to be a year of action and adventure. If you are not sure of something, wait. People born in horse years are fun-loving, popular, care-free, independent, and need room for self-expression. They do not like to be constrained or corralled.
From a Flying Stars perspective, the areas that need particular attention are the NW (5 Star), East (2 Star) and South (Grand Duke). I am in the process of compiling my annual summary. Contact me if you would like a copy when it is ready and/ or if you would like an annual update for your home or office. In the meantime, Marina Lighthouse has an excellent summary along with related cures and adjustments. A second site with excellent information and related cures is the Feng Shui Store in Britain. Flying Star Feng Shui can feel a bit overwhelming. I would be happy to help you unravel the information and apply it to your space.

To stay current, my weekly I Ching reading may also interest you.  It is generally posted to my website and Facebook page each Sunday. 

The Incandescent Light Bulb Controversy
As of January 1, 2014, 40 and 60 watt incandescent light bulbs are no longer being produced or imported into the USA. Stores can continue to sell inventory they have on hand. This change is a result of the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act, signed by President G. W. Bush and is aimed at energy efficiency.  One hundred watt and 75 watt incandescent bulbs have already been phased out. Rather than hoard incandescent bulbs (which is rooted in fear-driven scarcity), I recommend that you purchase some to have on hand for the short term, as you shift to new lighting choices for the long term. LED lighting is the way to go. Although LED bulbs are a bigger investment up front, they will cost you less over the long run. They are also a better choice health-wise. Here is a conversion chart:

Source: Phillips Lighting

Here's a story that might interest you in The Verge about this shift.

Grassroots Change: Cheerios Going GMO-Free
Grassroots change is possible. On Jan 2, 2014, General Mills announced that its original Cheerios cereal will be produced using GMO-free ingredients, after a year-long social media campaign, initiated by Green America, calling on General Mills to make a change. This is a very significant shift, since General Mills previously invested a lot of money fighting GMO labeling in CA. Although we have a long way to go, this is a step forward in helping to return our food supply to a naturally sustainable and healthy state. When you purchase sugar, try to purchase organic sugar or "pure cane sugar." If your package is labeled "sugar," chances are is it beet sugar. Much of our beet sugar crop is GMO (genetically modified) and is best avoided.

Consultations and Related Services

January Newsletter Special:

2014 Flying Star Floor Plan Update

via Telephone or Web: $108.00  

If I don't have your floor plan or compass directions on file, send them to me and I'll provide you an update for 2014 along with suggestions for specific adjustments.

(Mention the January Newsletter to receive the reduced rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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