What's Stored In Your Drawers and Closets?

Published: Tue, 08/20/13

Aug 2013 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #228
"Today I joyfully notice how prosperity shows up for me in new and exciting ways."


365 Affirmations



Do you know of someone going off to college? Send them off with a copy of Dorm Room Feng Shui! A great gift to help anyone living in a small space to create an environment that supports their aspirations.
Dorm Room Feng Shui  
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

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Hello Everyone,
I've been settling into a new job at Southern NH University this summer, teaching Organizational Leadership classes online. As a result, my August newsletter is delayed a bit. My sincere apologies. I love my new job and yes, I am continuing to do feng shui consultations and clearings. My lead time may just be a little longer.

The August full moon is exact tonight at 9:46pm EDT. It's an action packed moon with a big opportunity for the unexpected to come to light. There is the potential for unexpected growth, power issues, weather events, and more. If you set intentions at the new moon two weeks ago, you may begin to see the result of them now.

Fall events are beginning to round out my schedule. If you are in the Salem, NH area, the three classes I'm teaching through Salem Adult Education may interest you. I'll also be at Just Naturals' Girls' Night Out, Bedford, NH, in September and October. Also, Kim Grace and Kate Lemay of Elements of Enlightenment are busy organizing their 5th annual retreat that will take place the last weekend in September. Details are below and on my website.

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

Enjoy the remaining days of August!


What's Stored in Your Drawers and Closets?
One of my clients recently reminded me of the importance of sorting through the contents of your drawers and closets and removing everything that no longer represents who you are. She realized how this process brings a sense of freedom from "stuff." All of our possessions hold the energy of their entire life cycle. If you are sorting things out and you are not sure about an item, consider these questions:

What is this?  What is its purpose?

Who owned this previously? Is the association positive?

Where has it been located? What is its history?

How is it used? Is it relevant to my life?

Do I love it or use it?

If the item has a negative association or no longer has a place in your life, pass it along to someone else. If it cannot be reused, re-purposed, repaired, reclaimed, or recycled, toss it out.

Clutter clearing can be draining. As a result, we often avoid it and allow other activities to take priority. Meanwhile, we continue to tuck things away that we think we can't live without, think we need, or intend to use or pass along to someone else. Our cupboards, closets, rooms, garages, attics and basements fill up. When they become too full we sometimes add on another room or rent a storage unit. Sometimes we rent multiple units. We allow our "stuff" to consume our lives. We work for it, we fill our spaces with it, we spend endless hours maintaining it, and when we are ready, we release it and begin to realize how less is really more. When you have less "stuff" that requires attention, you have more time to spend doing things that you love.

Just a few days ago a friend shared her philosophy of life with me, that fits this scenario perfectly. She said:

We spend the first third of our lives dreaming about what we want.

We spent the second third or our lives acquiring what we want.

We spent the last third of our lives discarding what we've accumulated and no longer want.

Rather than being tied to our spaces and possessions, begin to thin out and release everything that you no longer need to use or love. If you let something go that you may need in the future, it'll come back to you in one way or another.

As you sort through your items, you may recall memories about a variety of people, places, events, and circumstances, all of which are energetically packed into each item. It is important to acknowledge and honor your emotions that come to the surface. Give yourself time to process what is happening and then move forward.

The most supportive time to clutter clear is the two-weeks between the full moon and new moon. This month, it's August 21 through September 4th. It's a period when you are more likely to have the energy to let go of things, since the moon's energy is waning. If you focus on clearing clutter from the Center of your house over the next two-weeks, you'll be in very good alignment for setting intentions for September. Read more about this below.

September New Moon: Focus On Health and Well-Being 
New moons are about new beginnings. Since the moon also influences your emotional energy and patterns, we have an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with the energies of the moon each month. The September 5th new moon falls in the sign of Virgo. This correlates with the Center of your home and workplace, which is associated with overall health and well-being. This is a perfect opportunity to "center" and ground your energy and that of your home as we head into late summer. The intentions you initiate now will have long lasting results.

The energy of the Center is associated with balance, overall health, and well-being. Between now and September 5th, clear and refresh this area of your home and workspace.  You can do this for your land and gardens as well. Then on Thursday, September 5th (or within 24 hours, before or after), set clear intentions for whatever you wish to happen. Tune in beginning with the September 19th full moon and notice how things are shifting. Be sure to pay attention to the small details. Overlooking these in lieu of the final outcome sometimes sets you back because it takes a period of focused energy to make monumental shifts. Celebrating a series of small, incremental wins helps to set the stage for even bigger gains. Before you know it, your primary intentions will gain enough momentum to manifest for you.

When the moon is in Virgo, it is a good time to:
  • Organize your work space
  • Weed, trim your gardens
  • Focus on health and well-being
  • Cleanse your body; clear your space
  • Be more efficient: exercise, reorganize
  • Apply for jobs; go on interviews; begin work training
  • Improve, refine, and adjust what is important to you
One action you can take each month is to add an image, picture, or symbol that represents the outcome of your intention, to the specific gua or area. Since the Center Gua relates to the Earth element, this month it could be a symbol that represents a balanced life, a picture of vibrant health, a beautiful scene, a bowl of seasonal fruit or vegetables, well-manicured gardens. An abundance of Black-Eyed Susan's overflow in my garden at this time of year. I'll place a beautiful vase of them in the Center of my home to celebrate the season.

If you would like help aligning the Center of your space or any room with your intentions, send me  a photo and we can set up a phone or email consultation.

Reader's Q & A ...
House Color
Q: Does the color of your house figure into Feng shui energy? Sally Harris, via Facebook

A: Dear Sally,

Yes, the color of your house does figure into feng shui energy. Feng shui is about the flow and quality of energy and all colors have energy. When assessing the energy of color, use the Five Elements as a guide:
Our houses are our private sanctuaries that nurture, support, and protect us from the outer world. Houses look best when they fit well with the environment and complement the neighborhood. If you are considering changing house colors, think about the colors that reflect your intentions. Also consider the houses in your immediate area. A color that supports or strengthens your neighborhood can contribute to overall harmony.  Drive around and study house colors. See which ones call out to you and reflect on why this might be.  Thank you for your question.

Readers, if you would like help choosing the right color for your house, call Peg for a short consultation.

Do you have a feng shui question? Send it along and I'll answer it in next month's newsletter.  peg@fengshuiconnections.com or Facebook.

 Contact me

Sustainable Consumption ... A New Trend?
As retailers note lower sales projections for the rest of the year, could a new trend be underway? Rather than perpetuate the old story about high unemployment driving lower sales, a new theory is that we are moving to an age of sustainable consumption. This means that we purchase what we need, when we need it, vs. buying things on credit, that we really don't need or can't afford, just for the sake of it. In other words, we're moving back to basics. This pattern is actually healthier for people and the economy because profits will be more sustainable over the long run. Perhaps it was born out of necessity and it has been a bit uncomfortable for many, but it's a trend that will serve us well.

Twin Star of David ... A Rare Occurrence on August 25
Click on the picture to see a beautiful image of a
Star of David
Madeline Gerwick and Carol Ciocco, among others, have been telling us about the Star of David planetary formations this summer. A rare occurrence, we had an initial Star of David on Monday, July 29th. This is followed by a second Star of David, or a twin, on Sunday, August 25th. Each Star of David is formed by two interlocking grand trines (triangles) that form a 6-pointed star that encompass the earth in outer space.

The August 26th twin star can bring dynamic and breakthrough energy. Set your intention and make a note to use this date well.

Read more from Carol Ciocco.

Have You Seen the Rainbow Mountains in China?
Thank you to the Huffington Post for these amazing photos and story!

Upcoming events that may interest you:
Adult Ed Classes , Salem High School, Salem, NH
Register with Karen Crandell at Salem High School
Continuing Education: 603 893-7074.

How Thoughts Create Things
Wednesday evening: September 25, 2013 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Key Principles of Feng Shui
Wednesday evening: October 2, 2013  6:00pm - 8:30pm

Health and Safety Tips for the Wireless Age
Wednesday evening: October 9, 2013  6:00pm - 8:30pm

Just Naturals Girl's Night Out
Wednesday, September 19th, 4:00pm - 7:30 pm
This is always a fun night to pamper yourself and mingle with friends at Just Naturals, Bedford, NH

Sandy Island Retreat Coming Up: September 27-29th!

If you are looking for a relaxing get-away where you can join like-minded friends and replenish your spirit, join me at the 5th annual Elements of Enlightenment Retreat on Sandy Island, Lake Winnipesaukee, NH for the last weekend in September. This year's theme is Mystery School: Planting the Seeds of Expansion.

I'll be teaching dowsing on Saturday. Dowsing is an ancient art of using a pendulum, a pair of L-Rods, a Y shaped tree branch or other tools to find water, make the best choices, locate lost objects, gather helpful information and more. In this workshop you'll learn the basics of this ancient practice to get answers to some of your most important questions.

Join me and the Elements of Enlightenment group for this fulfilling and relaxing weekend.

Consultations and Related Services

August Newsletter Special:
A One Hour Consultation

via Telephone or Web: $60.00  

(Mention the August Newsletter to receive the reduced rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

Please share this newsletter
as far as possible.