October 4 Weekend Adjustments

Published: Sat, 10/05/13

Oct 2013 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #260
"The cool, crisp air of autumn energizes my body, mind and spirit."


365 Affirmations



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Hello Everyone,
October is shaping up to be a month of changes. Energetically there is a lot of support for coming up with practical solutions to problems and healing divisions. This is a "new moon weekend" (8:39pm Friday, Oct. 4), a time for new beginnings. Review my September newsletter for tips about being aligned with this energy by refreshing the Relationship area of your home. I included a short recap below. Later in the month focus on your Wealth area in preparation for the Nov 3 new moon. A full article about this is also below.

Also, Mercury goes retrograde October 22 through November 10 and we have a Lunar Eclipse on October 18th. You have some time to prepare and plan around it. Slow down and pay attention to all the details.

In New England, the fall foliage has been stunning, so far, and is nearing its peak. If you are in the area, I hope you take time to enjoy it.

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity or direction to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.


October 4 Weekend Adjustments
Did you adjust the Relationship area of your space (back right corner) to come into alignment with the October 4th new moon? You can still catch the wave of energy by refreshing your space and visualizing your desired outcome through Saturday, within 24 hours of the new moon, If so, tune in beginning with the October 18th full moon and Lunar Eclipse. Notice how things are shifting. Pay attention to the small details. Celebrating a series of small, incremental wins helps to set the stage for even bigger gains. Before you know it, your primary intentions will gain enough momentum so that you clearly experience results.

To read the full article in the September newsletter, click here.

A Bit About Our Times: Mercury Retrograde Oct 21-Nov 10
Mercury is the planet that rules communications. As Mercury appears to back up in the sky, communications easily get confused and mixed up. This month, Mercury goes retrograde October 21 through November 10. Take extra care and allow more room in your schedule. This is an excellent cycle to re-do, re-consider, repair, review and re-work many things. It is not a favorable period to purchase electronics, make deals, or sign contracts. If you do, don't be surprised if you make changes or adjustments after November 10th, when any misunderstanding or confusion is likely to clear up. You can make things easy on yourself and experience fewer obstacles by allowing more leeway in your schedule and delaying big purchases. Be proactive. Take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle.

Eclipse Season is Here Again
Eclipses are times of major changes or events. According to Madeline Gerwick  the issues that come up can last from 3-6 months for a lunar eclipse and up to a year or longer for a solar eclipse.  Also, eclipse events can occur up to 30 days before and after each eclipse. With both a lunar and solar eclipse coming up, it is a time to tune in and pay attention to what is going on with your life. Fortunately, this is a gentle series of eclipses that are associated with inspiring and illuminating ideas. You might suddenly get some insight into a new idea or a solution to a longstanding problem.

The first eclipse is the October 18th Lunar Eclipse. It occurs at 25 degrees Aries 45 minutes. If Aries is in your chart, plus or minus 5 degrees (thus 21-29 degrees), this eclipse will influence you. Look for more insight and inspiration about important activities, issues, people, or events in your life. Use the ideas that come to you, to your advantage. A secondary meaning of this eclipse is about realizing all the abundance that you have but may not recognize, such as your skills and talents.

The second eclipse is the November 3 Solar Eclipse. According to Madeline, this eclipse relates to "political game-playing." This eclipse occurs at 11 degrees Scorpio 16 minutes. You are likely to be impacted by Scorpio in your chart between 7 - 15 degrees. It is important to be true to yourself while also paying attention to protocol and rules of behavior, particularly if you find yourself in a party-like atmosphere. Watch out for role-playing that deters you from stepping into your full self.
Feng Shui Tips for Selling Real Estate
As the real estate market picks up, more and more people are preparing to sell their property because they are ready to move onto a new phase of life. Some properties are moving along very quickly and others linger on the market for months or even a year or more.  Why such a wide variation? It has to do with energy: the condition and quality of the property itself, as well as the energy of the sellers and everyone with ties to the property. Everything needs to come together in perfect unison in order for a property to sell. The seller has to be ready and the right buyer has to show up. If you are selling a property or you are preparing to put a property on the market, here are nine tips that may help:
  1. Remove all clutter.  
  2. Create curb appeal.  
  3. Make sure your street number or address is visible and readable from a distance.  
  4. Have a clear and welcoming main entrance.  
  5. Make the front door prominent if you have more than one entrance.  
  6. Adjust for poison arrows or sharp angles coming to the front door.
  7. Create a focal point upon entering.
  8. Have clean, sparkling, windows.
  9. Arrange beds to have a wide view of the room, if possible.
Sometimes your house is ready for a new occupant, but you are not. In order for your house to sell you also have to be ready. If/when there is doubt or uncertainty, properties do not sell or deals fall through.  When you bring yourself into alignment with your space and both are ready for change, properties sell.
If you are buying or selling property and you would like some feng shui help, a short phone consultation may help. See my monthly special at the bottom of the newsletter.

November: Time for Enrichment and Blessings
New moons are about new beginnings. Since the moon also influences your emotional energy and patterns, we have an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with the energies of the moon each month.

The November 3rd new moon and Solar eclipse falls in the sign of Scorpio. The associated area to energize in your home is Wealth and Abundance. This is also the area of fortunate blessings. How appropriate for November! Wealth and Abundance is located in the back left corner of your space (your home, land, every room in your home, your business, etc.) when you divide it into a grid of 9 sectors like a tic-tac-toe board. The Prosperity area relates to the flow of blessings, abundance, and prosperity in your life, including the flow of money.

In the Chinese Five Element system, the Prosperity gua relates to Wood energy as represented by plants and trees. It is about vitality and growth. Wood is strengthened by Water and depleted by Fire. Wood helps to balance excess Earth and is controlled by Metal. Look to nature for a deeper understanding. Rain and water help plants and trees to grow and flourish. A wildfire can deplete a wooded area in an instant. In a barren setting, trees and plants are most welcome whereas when there are too many, metal axes and blades cut them down and thin them out. When this doesn't happen, nature runs its course and Fire becomes the natural equalizer or balancer. Nature is all about balance. The process is cyclical.

From a feng shui perspective, blues, greens, some purple and a little bit of red are supportive colors for Prosperity sectors. The rooms do not have to be painted in these colors. Often a little goes a long way. Green plants, fresh flowers and flowing water are also welcome additions. You can also place pictures or symbols that represent supportive energies, such as a photo or a gorgeous tree or a beautiful waterfall.

I recommend that you place something that conjures up feelings or images of treasure, wealth or abundance in your Wealth gua. It should be something that you love, you feel great about or is very meaningful to you. All of your possessions hold energy and that energy spreads throughout your space, connecting you to events and people ... past, present and even future.

Before enhancing your Wealth gua, give it a good cleaning and remove all clutter, anything you don't identify with or things that no longer represent who you are and where you are headed. This is a great time of year to wash your windows and curtains and vacuum deep into the corners, removing stagnant energy. Clean windows will help usher in a clearer vision with all you do.
Hips and thighs are the body parts we associate with the Prosperity gua. I see a connection with this in my practice. Many people having hip replacements also struggle with abundance issues or lack of cash flow. As result they strengthen and reinforce the lack of what they truly want to experience. If you identify with any aspect of this, one way to begin to turn this around is to recognize and acknowledge the significant prosperity and many blessings that already flow throughout your life. Begin with what you have. View it through a different lens and a new perspective. What you currently have is the means to get you where you're going.

Play with the back left corner of your home, office or business during the latter part of October. Set clear intentions for amazing blessings to come your way. Tune in to everything that happens and pay attention to how you open to increased prosperity and abundance. Notice what unfolds for you beginning with the November 17th full moon.  Giving thanks, in advance, is a great technique as well. I'll write more about this during November.
Upcoming events that may interest you:

Just Naturals Girl's Night Out
Thursday, October 17th, 4:00pm - 7:30 pm
This is always a fun night to pamper yourself and mingle with friends at Just Naturals, Bedford, NH

Conference on Animals in the Afterlife
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Boxborough, MA

Have you ever grieved deeply for an animal that you cherished or do you wonder what happens to animals after they leave us? If so, this conference is a must! It is being hosted by my friend and gifted animal communicator, Maureen Harmonay. Check it out. Link.

Consultations and Related Services

October Newsletter Special:
A 45 Minute Consultation

via Telephone or Web: $45.00  

(Mention the October Newsletter to receive the reduced rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.