Looking for Answers?

Published: Mon, 06/03/13

June 2013 Newsletter

Prosperity Affirmation #156
"Each new blessing I recognize expands my life in unexpected ways."


365 Affirmations


Upcoming Events

Wed, June 12 , 2013
Girl's Night Out

Just Naturals
Bedford, NH
4:00 - 7:30pm



A great gift for high school grads or the college student in your life!

Dorm Room Feng Shui  
Provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.


Favorite Astrology Perspectives

Other Links of Interest

Connect On-line


Hello Everyone,
Enjoy the next few weeks as we approach the midpoint of the year and also the Summer Solstice. It has come quickly. I'd love for "time" to slow down a bit so that we can fully enjoy the summer months.

June is an excellent month this year for creative projects. In your home this might include clearing out all signs of winter, refreshing rooms with a new coat of paint, lightening up fabrics, bringing in summer colors, planting a garden or window boxes, or more. Pay attention to your insights and hunches. Allow your creativity to burst forth and enliven your home or workplace.

A burst water pipe over the winter prompted us to renovate our summer home's guest room. Since we were emptying the room to repair the ceiling, we decided to paint the walls and refurbish the floor. When I looked at the overarching patterns this month, I realized we were aligned with the times as well. Things move along more smoothly when this happens.

Although I don't have any feng shui events planned for the summer, the next Girl's Night Out at Just Naturals in Bedford, NH is on Wednesday, June 12th. In the fall, I'll offer a few classes through Salem, NH Adult Ed as well as periodic workshops at Just Naturals.

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity to your life, help you focus your energy to attract the perfect job or partner, or grow your business, or release emotional blockages.

Enjoy June!


Looking for Answers? Attend to Your Knowledge Gua Before June 8
We have a new moon in Gemini on Saturday, June 8. New moons are about new beginnings. Each month we have an opportunity to bring ourselves and our spaces into alignment with overarching energies that influence us each day. This month the area in your home or business to work with is the Knowledge gua. This is the front left area of your home and workplace.

This is an excellent month to focus on self-introspection by tuning into your Self on a deep level. Reflect on where you are and where you are headed. Notice what calls to you and what you really desire. Maybe you are looking for a creative solution to a long-standing problem or clarification about where you are headed. Perhaps you have blocked deep inner wishes or hid them away because you don't think they are possible. You might also know exactly what you want but you have given up trying for a variety of reasons. If so, take a fresh approach this month. Play with the possibility that a welcoming shift is possible. The energies this month support cultivating wisdom and generating creative solutions. If you would like to gain more clarity, clean and energize the front left area of your property and the spaces where you spend time. Do this for your land, the front left area of your home, the front left corner of your bedroom, and the front left areas of every room in your house. Do it for your business as well.

Begin by giving this area a thorough spring cleaning. Repair, remove or toss out anything that is broken, remove all cobwebs, wash your windows and curtains, thin out excess paper and magazines, etc. Assess the flow of energy in this area. Perhaps re-arrange some furniture for a new perspective or to uplift the chi of the area. Outside, thin plants and trees that may be overcrowding the area and clear debris.

Enhancements for the Knowledge area include: the colors blue, green or black; square shapes, mountain images, pottery and earthenware, natural crystals, shells, and books. You can also "fire up" this area by adding a little red or pink, some lights or candles, pictures or people or animals, and triangular shapes. Inside this is a great area for a library or study. Outside, the knowledge gua is a great location for a meditation space or herb garden.
Dads Are Helpful People

Father's Day is Sunday, June 16th. The area of your space that relates to "Dad" is the Helpful People and Travel gua. This is the front right of your land, your space, and every room in your space. If you'd like to provide support to a dad or man in your life or strengthen a relationship with one, give some attention to this area. The Helpful People and Travel gua is the Heaven trigram in the I Ching. Symbolized by three stacked solid lines ☰. It is the most yang or most "male" area. It relates to heaven energy or creative power. After cleaning and refreshing this area, you could place a beautiful photo of "Dad," or a special male in your life, in this area. This area is energized by the Metal element and the feng shui color Is grey. Metal's shape is round or oblong. Placing metal objects, adding the color gray, and other "masculine" items will enhance this area. Feng shui is all about balance. Avoid energizing areas that have a lot of clutter ... doing so enhances the clutter. This time of year some white or yellow flowers would work well in your helpful People and Travel gua.

Selling Your Home?
A friend recently sold her home the day after it was listed! Lucky? Absolutely! In the flow? Definitely! Can this happen for you? Yes, under the right circumstances.
Here's the message I received: We listed the house Thursday evening. We had 3 showings Friday and the first people to see it had placed an offer late that afternoon. It was a nice, clean offer from an enthusiastic couple. We have sold and have agreed to closing by (date).

On the surface it may appear that some people are luckier than others. Everything goes their way while the rest of the world struggles along day after day. When you study success though, you begin to realize how intention and inspired action work in unison to deliver results.
The owners of this property placed their house on the market several years ago. It didn't sell, so they took it off the market and decided to stay. Not too long after, they discovered feng shui and began making adjustments to their home. They used a large round convex mirror to bring energy to their hidden front door. They also re-energized the interior with some pleasing, bold colors. Meanwhile, they continued to remove clutter and items that they no longer used or loved.

In addition to feng shui, they also used good timing and signed their listing contract on a good results day. What is good timing? It's the process of taking action in unison with our planetary energies. Madeline Gerwick writes an annual Good Timing Guide that I have used for about 10 years. Using the Good Timing Guide helps me to go with the flow of energy every day and easily resolve the obstacles that I encounter. You can check the daily timing codes, on any given day, for free, on the Polaris Business Guides website. Scroll down the left side for the codes of the day. 

If you would like to sell your property, utilizing the principles of feng shui and good timing may provide you some welcome assistance and delightful synchronicity.

A Bit About Our Times
We had three eclipses between April 25 and May 25 that related to lifting long entrenched patterns that have been holding us in place. Since eclipse energy comes in to range 30 days before (March 25th) and impacts us up to 30 days after (June 24th),  you may continue to feel the impact of these eclipses this month, if they correlated with your astrological chart. You can read more about this in my May, 2013 newsletter.
The planet Mercury will be retrograde June 26th through July 20th. Our two week "prep" period begins Sunday, June 9th. Mercury is the planet that rules communications. As Mercury appears to back up in the sky, communications easily get confused and mixed up. We typically experience more mechanical breakdowns as well. Take extra care and allow more room in your schedule. This is an excellent cycle to re-do, re-consider, repair, review, and re-work many things. It is not an ideal period to purchase electronics or sign contracts. You can make things easy on yourself and experience fewer obstacles by allowing more leeway in your schedule. Be proactive. Take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle.

Madeline Gerwick tells us that this June is a lovely month to pursue writing or artistic projects. The cycles support establishing a foundation for your vision, writing a book, creating visual art, planting a garden, doing dance, film, photography or any creative pursuit that makes your heart sing.

Would You Like Things to Flow More Easily for You?
Nine Simple Laws to Create Joy and Grace: A Comprehensive Guide To Manifestation may provide you some answers! This lovely, short, easy to read book relays how the nine universal laws work in unison. Some of the laws are the architects of our lives, others are the builders, and the remainder provide the infrastructure to help us pursue our path to happiness.  The nine universal laws are:
  1. The Law of Divine Oneness
  2. The Law of Unconditional Love
  3. The Law of Cause and Effect
  4. The Law of Ideals
  5. The Law of Attraction
  6. The Law of Polarity
  7. The Law of Abundance
  8. The Law of Gratitude
  9. The Law of Grace
Written by medical intuitive and healer, Sue Singleton, along with her husband and healer, Aaron Singleton, this book may provide you some insight regarding personal shifts you can make to support your goals and intentions.

Consultations and Related Services

June Newsletter Special:
45 Minute Knowledge Gua Consultations via Telephone or Web: $45.00  

(Mention the June Newsletter to receive the reduced rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a personal clearing or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings
Feng Shui Consultations
Short consultations via phone or email
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, workshop, or Class

I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

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as far as possible.