Time to Explore Your Authentic Self

Published: Wed, 01/30/13

February Newsletter

Hello Everyone,

Winter's mid-way point will soon be here. Are you enjoying more daylight? I am. I love this time of year when the days grow longer until June 22. Take advantage of it.

The year of the Yin Water Snake begins February 4th. See the articles below to learn more about what this means. Our last Yin Water Snake year was 1953; 2001 was our last (Metal) Snake year.

February is an excellent month for deep, personal introspection. If you are feeling inclined to do this, you are aligned with the times. If you are feel stretched thin or worn down, including a brief period for reflection or meditation each day may begin to help you build inner resilience and strength, and begin to feel more at ease every day. Opposites attract.

Upcoming events that may interest you:

  • Thursday, Jan 31 ... I'll be speaking about Personal Empowerment at the Winning Opportunities for Women, Seeds for Success Seminar at the Haverhill, MA Country Club. The event runs from 5:30 - 8:00pm. Join us if you are in the area.
  • Just Naturals Girl's Night Out, Wednesday, February 6th, 4:00pm - 7:30 pm. This is always a fun night to pamper yourself and mingle with friends at Just Naturals.
Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity to your life, or release emotional blockages. I'm offering 2012 refresher consultations this month by phone, web, or email. You'll learn the appropriate adjustments to help bring your space into balance with your intentions for 2013. 

Enjoy February!


Feb 4th Annual Feng Shui Adjustments

2013 is the year of the Yin Water Snake. February 4th marks the annual Chinese Solar New Year. This is a fixed, annual calendar date. Using traditional feng shui, this is the date to make annual changes in your home, since it also marks the beginning of spring.  February 10th, 2013 is Chinese Lunar New Year, the day of the annual celebrations. This date moves each year since it is dependent on moon cycles.

If you follow traditional or Flying Star feng shui, the annual lo shui number for 2103 is 5. Thus, 5 is in the middle of the Lo Shu square. You then apply the "visiting" flying stars based on the compass directions of your home. If you would like to learn more about this, contact me. There are always three particular areas of your home to adjust to help mitigate negative influences. This year the areas are the Center, East, and SE sectors. The SW needs some adjustments as well in 2013. I have a recorded webinar and five page document that explains the changes and provides recommendations for adjustments in detail. If you are interested, the fee for this is $35.00.

If you follow Western feng shui, or the bagua method, February 4th is still a very good day to re-energize your home or business for the year. Begin with a thorough cleaning of your space, preferably prior to this date. Remove all clutter, anything broken, as well as things that you no longer use of love. Then refresh or add some favorite enhancements in each area. During 2013, I recommend that you keep the energy at the Center of your home relatively quiet and that you add some good quality metal, such as a 6 rod wind chime or a metal bowl. This pattern rolls around every nine years. 2004 was the last #5 Lo Shu year.  

There are 12 animals in the Chinese Zodiac. Each animal year is paired with the yin and yang energy of the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water), providing ten additional, unique energies. The combinations of the five elements, combined with the 12 zodiac animals, creates a 60 year calendar (5 x 12 = 60). So, even though 2001 was our last Snake year, 1953 (60 years ago) was our last Yin Water Snake year. Thus, every year we can look back 60 years to get an idea of what may lie ahead.

2001 was our last Snake year. Since it was a Yin Metal Snake year, the energies of 2013 will be somewhat different since they will be influenced by "heavenly" water energy vs. metal energy.

Contact me if you would like to put together a personal or business strategic plan or have a short consultation about tapping into the energy of 2013. This could be about adjusting your space or bringing your perspective or world view into alignment. I'm happy to work with you onsite or via email, web, phone, or Skype.


February 10th New Moon in Pisces: Time to Explore Your Authentic Self

We have a new moon in the sign of Pisces on Sunday, February 10th (Chinese New Year), which correlates with the Center of your home. I love the synchronicity of applying the wisdom of multiple systems. So working with the energy of Chinese New Year, combined with my advice above to keep the center of your home quiet this year, I recommend that you clean the Center of your space this week (or as soon as you can), add some good quality metal to balance the adverse energies of the year and then let things be.

My kitchen is in the Center of my home. This past weekend I cleaned the outside of all my kitchen cabinets as well as my kitchen counters. The beautiful cherry wood gleams brightly now and the counters sparkle. I also hung a beautiful 6 rod wind chime. I'll thoroughly clean the rest of the kitchen this coming weekend. Then the Center of my home will be all set for the year ahead. I won't be timid about using this important space. I will be conscious about not stirring up trouble. If things begin to go array, I'll make some adjustments. When I place flowers on my kitchen table, I'll choose a white or cream colored vase, which adds Metal energy. A glass vase would also work to absorb some of the excess Earth energy this year.

Pisces is a water sign about deep, personal reflection. It is an inspirational time that represents a sensitive, psychic energy. It is a time to explore and better understand your deep inner thoughts and feelings. The February 10th new moon is a time to: 

  • Dream big and imagine what is possible
  • Envision your goals
  • Focus on your authentic self
  • Explore whatever is deep within your heart

The new moon in Pisces may stir a deeper sense of life's meaning from within, leading you to profound self-introspection while you explore more of your creative interests (art, music) and dreams. You may find yourself on a path to discover more meaning in your life and your relationships, find ways to heal long standing issues, become inspired to do something completely new or open your heart to that which you truly desire.


Reader's Q & A ... 

Q:  I have a question about the entrance door. I think this is a very important part in Feng shui because the energy flows in. Many people don't use the main door as their entrance. My question: Our entrance door is not in use because our house was moved and the house faces in the wrong direction now. It also faces the driveway which leads to another house. No one will use the door and no visitor (except UPS) will find the door. We only use the garage as an entrance and some visitors use the backdoor to the yard. In addition, the entrance door can't be opened right now because of the plastic foil to keep the cold outside (original very old door). I am wondering if this entrance is still in use for the bagua map or not? I have a feeling that the whole bagua map I did isn't right with this door. I enhanced the business area with the gold fish bowl etc. and the same evening I got the info (after 6 years not knowing) how to make a business work. I enhanced fame and one day later, I received money, but it doesn't make sense in the fame area AND I didn't use fire to enhance, I used earth (didn't realize this until now). Thank you so much for support !!  NL, Andover, MA

A: Dear Nicole, this is an excellent question and brings up many aspects of feng shui. When laying the bagua over your floor plan, yes, you do lay it according to the placement of your home's architectural front door. That said, there are exceptions to every rule. When your house faces a sizeable body of water, this often becomes the facing direction and sometimes the bagua is laid accordingly. For your home, I recommend laying the bagua based on the location of the front door, even though your house was repositioned on the lot. Even though the garage door and back door have become daily entrances, they are not the front door. It would also be beneficial to study the Flying Star patterns for your house and see where "career" and "fame" fall according to the compass directions.

Secondly, you described the Career and Fame guas. When working with the bagua, the opposite guas actually work together in a synergistic fashion. The Career and Fame guas are opposite guas. When you enhance one, you are also assisting the other. The Career gua is about how you are on the inside and Fame represents the outer manifestation. Yin and yang forces are at work here, or the saying "both sides of the same coin."

The third factor influenced by your question is about the Five Elements. Yes, typically we enhance the Career gua with Water energy and the Fame gua with Fire energy, but not always. Your Fame gua may have too much Fire energy. If that is the case, adding Earth energy would be beneficial, as Earth energy "uses up" the excess Fire energy. In the Career area you placed a gold fish bowl as an enhancement. Gold fish can be very auspicious. This is a very nice enhancement to activate an area of the house that is not used, such as your front door. A gold fish bowl is Fire and Water energy. Sometimes, Fire energy is needed to get your Career moving. This was a very good placement.

It is important to remember that feng shui is flexible, rather than fixed, and that many factors contribute to every situation. Use the principles of feng shui as a guideline, but also follow your intuition. Further study and analysis often reveals deeper patterns that are influencing a particular space.

Thank you for your question.

Do you have a feng shui question? Send it along to me and I'll answer it in next month's newsletter.  peg@fengshuiconnections.com or Facebook

Why Home Histories Matter!

Have you seen this news story that has been circulating this week?  It's a good reminder about why the histories of properties are important. Our spaces hold patterns of everything that has happened in a space, until they are energetically cleared or significantly renovated. This is why some homes are known as happy, healthy and prosperous homes, in some homes divorce after divorce happens, and as in the home referenced in this story, sometimes tragic events can influence a home's energy. Prior to buying a property it is a good idea to research its history. Learn as much as you can about it. Neighbors can be great resources!


Chakras and Feng Shui: Inner and Outer Balance

In honor of Chinese New Year, Living Energy Works is offering the download version of Chakras and Feng Shui: Inner and Outer Balance for only $29.97 (a 40% discount!) through February 15th. I co-wrote and co-recorded this program with Karen Kallie and Tony Pace. This six session CD set and the accompanying 62 page digital workbook guides you through your personal energy system correlating the chakras with the Feng Shui bagua map.

In addition to helping you expand your awareness about the workings of energy both within yourself and in your personal and professional space, this comprehensive package provides you with practical, simple and fun to use methods to clear, strengthen and balance inner and outer energies.

Balancing these energies can help improve your health, enhance your relationships and create a different flow and relationship with abundance and prosperity in your life.

The bottom line is that by working with both, your inner and outer energies, you will more effectively and efficiently achieve your goals, attract your desires and enjoy more ease and balance in your life.

The download version is 40% off until Feb. 15th, 2013. If you prefer, the 6-CD set, is also available at the already reduced price of $69.95 plus shipping and handling.

Check it out.


Consultations and Related Services

February Newsletter Special:
2013 Mini-Update ... $89.00 (rather than $108.00)

If I don't have your floor plan on file, you can email it to me along with the compass direction for your front door.

(Mention the February Newsletter to receive the reduced rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a mini-update or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings,
Feng Shui Consultations,
Short consultations via phone or email,
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings, 
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.