December ... A Time for Self Introspection

Published: Sat, 12/01/12

December Newsletter
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Hello Everyone,

As we move into December, you might reflect on the true meaning of the holiday season and focus on what truly brings you joy. Identify how you want to spend your time and budget. Put together a plan or strategy that works for you. Omit the activities that cause you angst or stress. If you can't omit them, do them differently.

I continue to simplify the process each year. I enjoy writing personal notes, connecting with friends and family, and driving around viewing Christmas lights. I also enjoy preparing special foods that have been a long held tradition. In our fast-paced world spending time with others is a gift itself, so I schedule events and accept invitations that are meaningful vs. out of obligation.

Remember to take very good care of yourself. If you find yourself stressed or frustrated, choose differently. Do whatever brings you joy.

Here are Upcoming events that may interest you:

More information is on the sidebar and on my website.

Contact me if you would like support with any aspect of your space or coaching on any issue about shifting your energy. I'm offering I Ching readings over the phone this month.

It's a fun way to get an accurate answer to any issue you are pondering. Newsletter readers have a lower price, so be sure to mention the special newsletter offer when you schedule.

Happy Holidays!



A Bit About Our Times: Winter Solstice December 21, 2012

So much has been written about December 21, 2012 over the years and now it is rapidly approaching. The "fuss" relates to the end of the 3,000 year Mayan calendar. Typically when one calendar ends, you flip the page and a new one begins. December 21 is the shortest day of the year and marks the transition from fall to winter. One of the nice aspects is that the days begin growing longer December 22. On a higher level, Carl Calleman  has written about the Mayan Calendar and the shift in consciousness extensively. We are moving towards becoming a kinder, more caring, and collaborative world. Although the shift is coming at a high cost (increase in storms, problems with safe food supplies, polarization in politics, ongoing wars, ethical problems in healthcare and business, etc.), the cost of not shifting is much higher. It is now up to each of us to shift on an individual level. There will be many Winter Solstice activities this year. Participate if you are so moved, or do a simple reflection at home.


 Mt. Washington

Dec 5 Teleclass: Saftey and Security Release

Many people are feeling ill at ease about the more frequent storms and continual shifts in the earth. To help out with this, I am offering a group Emotional Freedom & Healing Release on Wednesday, December 5th to help you let go of fears about personal safety and security.

This session will be recorded. You can follow along as often as you like.

Learn more or register if you would like to participate.


Natural Beauty
December: A Time for Self Introspection

We have a new moon in the sign of Sagittarius, which is associated with higher wisdom, on Thursday, December 13th. Since new moon phases are about new beginnings, this is an ideal time for self-introspection. Pause and reflect on where you are, what you are doing, and where you are headed. This also ties in nicely with the recent eclipses   Big shifts are underway for many people right now. If you are wondering what's going on, you have a lot of company.

According to Simone Butler, the Sagittarius new moon correlates with the Knowledge gua. This is the front left area of your land, home, workplace, and each individual room. The opposite area, the Relationship and Partnership gua is equally important. The Knowledge gua is about how we relate to ourselves and the Relationship gua is about how we relate to others ... the yin and yang or inner and outer aspects of relationships. You have to know yourself on a very deep level in order to be in successful and loving relationships with others.

Prior to the new moon on December 13th, refresh the front left area of your home and workspace. Begin by removing all clutter ... things that you no longer need or use. These items represent low level energy that drags you down. Also, fix or remove things that are broken or in disrepair. These items also deplete your energy. Give the area a thorough vacuuming and dusting. Also assess the flow of energy in this area. You might rearrange the furniture if doing so would feel better or uplift the energy (chi) of the room.

Enhancements for the Knowledge area include: the colors blue, green or black; square shapes, mountain images, pottery and earthenware, natural crystals, shells, and books. You can also "fire up" this area by adding a little red or pink, some lights or candles, pictures or people or animals, and triangular shapes. Holiday decorations are perfect this month as many of them bring in Fire energy.

The Knowledge area is associated with your shoulders, back and hands. If you have chronic back pain, shoulder problems or any issues with your hands, adjust your Knowledge gua. This area of your home is associated with the Earth element. Earth is strengthened by Fire, depleted by Metal, chopped up by Wood and muddied by Water energy. Each area needs to have some of the Five Elements. Balance always depends on the space and is seldom equal amounts of each element.

After you refresh the area, enjoy the holidays and tune back in during the December 28th full moon.

Contact me if you would like a short consultation about your Knowledge area or any part of your home or workplace. In addition to working with you onsite, I can help you easily via email, web, phone or Skype.

I Ching Readings

The I Ching (pronounced "E-Ching") is the foundation of all feng shui. It is a long-held philosophy of an observation of human behavior and the constantly changing nature of the universe. It is about the way things are at the moment and how they change and transform.

I am now offering I Ching readings over the telephone. I will help you formulate a direct question on any issue, guide you through the process of getting a hexagram,  and interpret the answer. The answers are uncannily accurate, providing you wisdom about your object of inquiry. Each session takes about 20 minutes.

This is a great way to gain clarity on any issue you face.

Learn More.


Toxic Couch Report

It's been recently reported that hazardous flame retardants were found in 84% of California couches via a sample study. Although we may be exposed harmful chemicals every day, the products we have in our homes influence our health and well-being more closely. The flame retardant chemicals are ones associated with hormone disruption and cancer. The dust created by the couches is what's important at the dust carries components of the chemicals and can be breathed in by infants, children and other family members. Regular vacuuming of furniture and floors will help reduce exposure.


EMF Awareness

More and more information about the health hazards of EMFs (Electromagnetic Frequencies) are being reported in the mainstream press. One of the latest initiatives is an effort to demand stricter safety standards led by Microsoft Canada's former president. About 6-7 years ago I heard that EMFs would be the next "tobacco" issue and it is beginning to happen. The tobacco battle took 20 years. Hopefully we'll see stricter EMF safety standards in less time. The world's entire population is at risk since wireless technology is so widespread. In the meantime, use a precautionary approach:

  • do not allow children to use cell phones
  • text more often
  • use a headset when speaking on a cell phone
  • sit far away from your wireless router
  • do not place your wireless router in close proximity to your pets
  • shut your wireless router off before sleeping
  • minimize electronics in your bedroom
  • do not use your cell phone as an alarm clock next to your head.


What If Money Did Not Matter?

Here's a link to a thought-provoking 3 minute video that you might enjoy.

Would you be doing what you are doing if money did not matter? Would you have the same occupation or past time? If not, what would you do? How can you do more of that right now?


Consultations and Related Services

December Newsletter Special:
I Ching Readings ... $18.00

An I Ching reading is a great way to gain clarity on any issue. The answer is always right. It usually just needs some interpretation.

(Mention the December Newsletter to receive the reduced rate!)

Contact Peg for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings,
Feng Shui Consultations,
Short consultations via phone or email,
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings, 
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.