January ... Ideal Time

Published: Fri, 01/04/13

January Newsletter
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Hello Everyone,

Happy New Year! January presents an opportunity for a fresh start. As 2013 unfolds before us, give some thought to what you'd like to experience, accomplish, or do differently this year. It is particularly important this month to make plans for what you'd like to do vs. simply setting intentions. Establishing a plan for what you'd like to happen will help to assemble the needed support. Our current astrological cycles reinforce this as well. See my January 2 Blog, A Perspective on the Energies of 2013, for more details. We are 14 years into a 40 year economic revolution that began in 2000. If things have been a challenge for you, it is time to release what is not working and go with the flow.

January is an excellent month to bring more clarity to your life. The long mid-winter days provide ideal time for reflection. If you are on Facebook, I'll be posting a series of Affirmations for Clarity on my Feng Shui Connections page. "Like" the page to view these regularly.

The year of the Yin Water Snake will be ushered in with the February 4 Solar New Year and the February 9 Lunar New Year. February 4th is the day to make annual feng shui adjustments to your home and office. The Lunar New Year on February 9th is associated with the annual celebrations. For 2013, the annual Lo Shu number is 5. My annual webinar to learn more about all of this will be Tuesday, January 22 at 8:00pm. Click the link below to register. I'm also happy to do private sessions.

Upcoming events that may interest you:

Contact me if you would like help to create a more supportive space, receive coaching to bring more clarity to your life, or release emotional blockages. I'm also offering 2013 refresher consultations this month by phone, web, or email. You'll learn the appropriate adjustments to help bring your space into balance with your intentions for 2013. 

I Ching readings via phone are also a fun way to get an accurate answer to any issue you are facing.

May 2013 unfold in wondrous ways for you.



Keep the Path to Your Front Door Clear This Winter

Our recent snowstorms are a reminder to maintain a clear and open path to your front door this winter. If you are not able to shovel or do not have the time or interest, hire someone to clear it for you after each storm. It will be well worth the investment. From a feng shui perspective, your front door is the most important part of your house and business . It represents how energy comes to you. A path to the front door that is filled with snow and ice, blocks energy and limits opportunity. Each year I seem many front doors that blocked from the first snowfall until the spring thaw. It's no wonder why some people get "cabin fever" by March. Energetically they have shut themselves in all winter. I highly recommend that you avoid this pattern. The "front door" in feng shui is always the architectural front door. In New England this door is seldom used in many homes. Friends and family use the side door, back door, or kitchen door. Ignoring the front door is problematic. It represents a slow, downward spiral that can be a challenge to reverse. Energize your home this winter by maintaining a clear and open path to your front door, even if you do not use it to enter your home.


 Mt. Washington

January ... Ideal Time for Long-Term Planning

We have a new moon in the sign of Capricorn on Friday, January 11th. Capricorn is a serious sign associated with adding structure and responsibilities to your visions and goals. Doing the planning now will facilitate achievements later this year.

According to Madeline Gerwick, Capricorn new moon periods are a time to:

  • Ask serious questions and do long-term planning
  • Schedule programs or handle event logistics
  • Reorganize and manage structural or process issues
  • Focus on long term achievements
  • Prepare budgets, do financial planning

Capricorn Moons are about building structures that last, which include setting resources aside for leaner times. This is an optimal period to review your options, consider the pros and cons, establish a plan, and then move forward. Being prepared brings ease and flow to your life.

In Simone Butler's Astro Feng Shui system , the Capricorn new moon correlates with the Fame gua. This is the back center area of your land, home, workplace, and each individual room. The opposite area, the Career gua (center front) is equally important and directly related. The Career gua corresponds to your life purpose, opportunities, and doing meaningful work. Thus, the January 11 new moon is about you, your calling, and your reputation.

If you would like to align your energy with that of the January new moon, clean, refresh and revitalize the back center of your house, your master bedroom, kitchen, office, garage, yard, etc.) between now and Friday, January 11th. Retire your holiday decorations for another year and remove all clutter ... items that you no longer need or use. These things represent low level energy that drags you down. Also, fix or remove items that are broken or in disrepair, which also deplete your energy. Give the area a thorough vacuuming and dusting. As you go along, assess how the space feels. You might rearrange the furniture if doing so would feel better or uplift the energy (chi) of the room. As you do, you may find yourself reassessing your life. Just go with the flow and be honest with yourself. Where is your true passion? What is working well, what is not working, and what would you like to change? Allow your thoughts to come to the surface. You might jot down notes and flashes of intuition that emerge as you go along. Enliven your space and then establish a plan of action for 2013.  

Enhancements for the Fame area include "firing up" the area using: the color red (and various shades of red) or some green, diamond or triangular shapes, images that dazzle you such as a sunrise, a volcano erupting, the pyramids, or pictures of people or animals, lights or candles. Enhancements for the Career area relate to Water energy: the color black or deep blue, glass or mirrors, images that introduce flow and movement (ships are excellent), and anything to do with your career or life's work.

Contact me if you would like to put together a personal or business strategic plan or have a short consultation about tapping into the energy of the Fame or Career areas of your home or workplace. This could be about adjusting your space or bringing your perspective or world view into alignment.

I'm happy to work with you onsite or via email, web, phone, or Skype. 


Discovery House
Growth of Sustainable Communities

It's so nice to see more and more sustainable communities taking root. One of these is Squam River Landing in Ashland, NH. I viewed the site this past summer and toured their model "Discovery" house. I loved it. They recently received permit approvals for the construction of town sewer and water infrastructure to their Phase One home sites. If you are interested in the area, they'd be happy to give you a tour. Many of the ideas can be leveraged in other communities ... smaller lots, smaller (reasonably-sized) homes, sustainable building practices, nice layouts, good flow/feng shui.

How Kindness Taps Our Human Spirit

If you love reading stories to lift your spirit, here's a link to the top 10 Kindness Stories of 2012 compiled by HelpOthers.org. When we help each other, we help ourselves, since we are really all one. These stories may provide inspiration for equally amazing initiatives in 2013. Enjoy!


I Ching Readings

The I Ching (pronounced "E-Ching") is the foundation of all feng shui. It is a long-held philosophy of an observation of human behavior and the constantly changing nature of the universe. It is about the way things are at the moment and how they change and transform.

I am now offering I Ching readings over the telephone. I will help you formulate a direct question on any issue, guide you through the process of getting your answer, and help you interpret the answer. The answers are uncannily accurate, providing you wisdom about your object of inquiry. Each session takes about 20 minutes.

This is a great way to gain clarity on any issue you face.

Learn more.


Do you have a feng shui question?

Send it along to me and I'll answer it in next month's newsletter


Consultations and Related Services

January Newsletter Special:
2013 Min-Update ... $89.00 (rather than $108.00)

If I don't have your floor plan on file, you can email it to me along with the compass direction for your front door.

(Mention the January Newsletter to receive the reduced rate!)

Contact Peg to schedule a mini-update or for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

I Ching Readings,
Feng Shui Consultations,
Short consultations via phone or email,
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings, 
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.