Are You in Balance?

Published: Fri, 10/05/12

October Newsletter
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Hello Everyone,

I spent last weekend at the 4th Annual Elements of Enlightenment Retreat on Sandy Island, Lake Winnipesaukee, put together by Kim Grace and Kate Lemay. The theme was Conscious Connections: The Practice of Mindfulness. Purposely "unplugging" for two and a half days, allowed time to just "be" and consciously connect with myself, each moment, the island, and fellow participants. The days and evenings felt spacious and the speakers and events were inspiring. Consider joining us in 2013 for the 5th Annual Retreat. If you are on Facebook, "like" the page to stay informed.

You can also create your own personal retreat by unplugging from your busy world for a day or two. Re-connect with yourself, reflect on what you truly desire, enjoy some delicious and healthy food, spend time in nature. Just BE. 

We have some big shifts underway beginning today. Read the following article about "Saturn in Scorpio. Once again, it is time to clean out in order to move forward. The good news is that this pattern will continue and be supported for the next two and a half years.

Here are Upcoming events that may interest you
  • October 12: Girls Night Out at Just Naturals, Bedford, NH
  • October 25: EF&H Paper Piles and CLutter Release by phone or mobile device
  • November 1: Feng Shui 101 Workshop at Just Naturals, Bedford, NH
  • November 17: Introduction to Feng Shui workshop at Banyan Tree Yoga, Nashua, NH
More information is on the sidebar, and on my website.

Enjoy October!



experience more ease and flow
A Bit About Our Times: Saturn in Scorpio

The planet Saturn moves into the sign of Scorpio today, October 5th, 2012. It will remain here for the next two and a half years. This is the time to release whatever no longer serves you. On a physical level this includes possessions that are taking up space in your home that you no longer use or love. This could include things in plain sight as well as items long forgotten and tucked away in basements, attics, garages, sheds, barns ... you name it. If you were to move today and only take along belongings that you truly use or cherish, what would accompany you? What would you leave behind?

Take a fresh approach to your space. Identify what you really love and honestly assess what you truly use. Everything remaining is "fair game" to move along. You can sell items (and earn some cash), give things away, donate to charity, etc. Similar to people and relationships, our possessions and spaces lose vitality when they are no longer nurtured. Maintaining our "stuff" requires a lot of energy and can be daunting. Ignoring it slowly shuts each of us down.

Saturn is associated with responsibility. It brings the most satisfying, long-term, and long-lasting rewards. The planet Pluto is about transformation, cleaning out, and getting to the bottom of things. Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008 and will remain there until 2024. Currently, Saturn is sitting in Pluto's home sign of Scorpio and Pluto is located in Saturn's home sign of Capricorn. As a result, it is a very supportive and cooperative relationship. Clearing things out can help initiate a deep transformation. Or perhaps you are already on the path of deep transformation and now feel a need to clear your space.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the idea of this? If so, sit quietly and take a few deep breaths.  Allow your breath to fill all areas of your body. Each breath raises your life force. Visualize clearing and sorting your home room by room. Set a goal to begin with one area and make a little progress every week or every month. Before long, a new pattern will have taken root and the process will become easier. As you remove things that have been long ignored or are no longer used, the chi of your space automatically shifts. A higher quality of energy flows in more easily and more fully. This new vitality brings new ideas, solutions to problems, and opportunities to align yourself with your true desires.

Catch the beginning of this wave to experience more ease and flow in the coming months.

Are You in Balance?

October: Are You in Balance?

The October 15th new moon is in the sign of Libra, a sign of balance. The balance I speak of is about you. It is about balancing your inner needs and desires with the outer world, which are ultimately reflected back to you through your relationships with others.

From a feng shui perspective, this correlates with the back right areas of your spaces (your house, each room in your house, yard, office, etc.), or the Relationship gua. Activate the energy in this part of your home or business over the next week. This can be as simple as dusting and vacuuming or as thorough as a deep fall cleaning. Then set an intention for this aspect of your life, such as having your deepest desires mirrored in positive and affirming ways through your Relationships with others. For instance, if you desire more clarity, you will encounter lots of clarity from others. If you yearn to develop self-love, others will shower you with love. If you yearn for inner strength and willpower, those most important to you will embrace and support your needs ...even if it is not always comfortable. When you look at the mirror provided by others, what is reflected back to you?

The Relationship gua relates to our relationships or partnership with others as well as marriage and significant others. In the feng shui bagua, the Relationship area is the most yin or feminine area. It is associated with the energy of receptivity, caring and nurturing, mothering, and forgiveness. If the relationships in your life need attention and you are ready to take action, work with this sector. This is also an excellent area to work with if you have unfinished business with your mother or you would like to strengthen your relationship with her. If you are harboring judgment, resentment, grudges, cleaning, clearing and adjusting the Relationship area of your space may help get the energy moving forward.

You can also develop inner vision by working with the diagonally opposite area, the Knowledge and Wisdom gua. Doing so may provide you perspective and empower you to take action.

In the Chinese Five Element system, the Relationship and Knowledge guas relates to Earth energy. The Earth element is associated with your stomach, spleen and internal organs. Earth is symbolized by yellow, brown and the fall color palette, square shapes, pottery, brick, earthen ware and anything made from earthy materials. Earth is strengthened by Fire, controlled by Wood, and depleted by Metal.

Play with these areas of your home of office over the next week. Be honest with yourself and set clear intentions. Notice what unfolds for you beginning with the October 29th full moon.
If you would like help gaining clarity or strengthening relationships this month, send me  a photo and we can set up a half hour phone or email consultation .


Natural Beauty
Capturing Natural Beauty

During the weekend retreat I noticed a piece of art being assembled on a wall using an assortment of vegetation and natural items easily found on the island: pine cones and pine branches, birch bark, leaves, ferns, sticks, and more. A series of thin strings were secured vertically between two long birch branches and hung against a blank, white wall. Throughout the weekend, people would walk by and place items between the strings. By Saturday evening, a beautiful piece of art emerged. Up close it looked like artifacts from nature. When I stepped back, however, a very different picture emerged. The piece of art turned into a gorgeous scene, similar to a Chinese or Japanese painting. I found it captivating.

This also serves as a metaphor for our lives. Things are not always as they seem and may not make a lot of sense as we go from moment to moment. We gain perspective and appreciation by stepping back and reflecting on what has happened as well as what is emerging. Our lives are like a work of art in process.

Many thanks to Laura Mills Smith and Karen Kallie for the photos.

Metaphorically Speaking ... Rules for Life 
During the weekend retreat, Laura Mills-Smith shared some "Rules for Life," that she took away from a presentation by Janet Barrett of Metaphorically Speaking. Since they are great guidelines to help each of us consciously embrace life, I am including them here with Laura's permission. They are:
  1. I enjoy myself wherever I am.
  2. It is easy to tap into my heart.
  3. Everything enriches my life.
  4. I have a rule set for allowing.
  5. I can still love myself, no matter what.
What are your "rules for life" as you move through each day?


Consultations and Related Services

October Newsletter Special:
Email/phone Consultations on any  topic!

$35/half hour; $60/hour

Contact Peg for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

Feng Shui Consultations,
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings, 
Short consultations via phone or email,
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.