The Power of Purpose

Published: Sat, 11/03/12

November Newsletter
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Hello Everyone,

Hurricane Sandy packed a punch this week. If you were not impacted or escaped with relative ease, you have so much to be thankful for. The destruction in the NY/NJ area is devastating and the work of first responders is amazing. In my area we lost power for two and a half days. This was a mere inconvenience compared to what others are going through. Our power was restored in less than half the time than was required during last year's Halloween storm. I'm grateful for all who are working tirelessly on our behalf. If you are in a position to provide financial support, the American Red Cross is a worthy charity and is on the front-lines providing immediate relief.  

The more frequent storms are part of major global shifts. They are a reminder that when everything is stripped away, we are all one. Caring for one another is what really matters.

Mercury, the planet of communications, goes retrograde on Election Day. Anything can happen. Make sure you vote.

If you are in the local area, here are Upcoming events that may interest you:

  • Nov 15: Girls Night Out at Just Naturals, Bedford, NH
  • November 17th: Introduction to Feng Shui workshop at Banyan Tree Yoga, Nashua, NH.

Also, I recorded an Emotional Freedom and Healing release to help let go of paper piles and clutter recently through Polaris Business Guides. This is a guided meditation that shifts deeply rooted issues that are holding the patterns in place. Copies of the recording are $25.00.

More information is on the sidebar, and on my website.

Contact me if you would like support with an aspect of your space. I'm offering long distance room makeovers this month for any room or office. This is an excellent way to bring you and your space into alignment with your goals.

Enjoy November. Happy Thanksgiving!




Global Feng Shui Tele-Summit

Feng Shui expert Brenni Larson has organized a FREE Global Feng Shui Tele-Summit with eleven well-renowned teachers that may interest you. The sessions will run on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from November 14th through December 7th, from 8:00 - 9:00pm EST. I have studied with most of these teachers and I highly recommend them. Look over the sessions and add the ones that interest you to your calendar. It's a wonderful learning opportunity.


Are You in Balance?

A Bit About Our Times: Mercury Retrograde Nov 6 - Nov 26

If the upcoming Presidential election isn't interesting enough already, the planet Mercury will throw a wrinkle into the day as it goes retrograde on November 6th. Mercury was also retrograde on election night 2000 with the Bush/Gore contest. Anything can happen ... including the results not being settled until Mercury turns direct again on November 27th.

Mercury is the planet that rules communications. As Mercury appears to back up in the sky, communications easily get confused and mixed up. Take extra care and allow more room in your schedule. This is an excellent cycle to re-do, re-consider, repair, review and re-work many things. It is not an ideal period to purchase electronics or sign contracts. You can make things easy on yourself and experience fewer obstacles by allowing more leeway in your schedule. Be proactive. Take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle.


Natural Beauty
November: New Moon and Solar Eclipse on November 13th

We have a new moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio on Tuesday, November 13th and a Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday, November 28th.

According to Economist and Business Astrologer, Madeline Gerwick , these eclipses are typically associated with joyful news or responsibilities that generally require a commitment. Examples include a new job, career advancements, starting a new company, expanding your family via a pregnancy, new birth, or parenthood. You are impacted by these eclipses if you have important planets or personal points between 17 degrees, 57 minutes and 25 degrees, 57 minutes or Scorpio or Taurus in your chart. All eclipses have a 60 day window, so the good news could arrive anytime between October 13 through December 13th.

The area of your house or office to energize prior to the November 13th new moon is Prosperity. This is the back left corner of your space when you divide it into a grid of 9 sectors like a tic-tac-toe board. The Prosperity area relates to the flow of blessings, abundance, and prosperity in your life, including the flow of money.

In the Chinese Five Element system, the Prosperity gua relates to Wood energy as represented by plants and trees. It is about growth. Wood is strengthened by Water and depleted by Fire. Wood helps to balance excess Earth and is controlled by Metal. Look to nature for a deeper understanding. Rain and water help plants and trees to grow and flourish. A wildfire can deplete a wooded area in an instant. In a barren setting, trees and plants are most welcome whereas when there are too many, metal axes and blades cut them down and thin them out. When this doesn't happen, nature runs its course and Fire becomes the natural equalizer or balancer. Nature is all about balance. The process is cyclical.

From a feng shui perspective, blues, greens, some purple and a little bit of red are supportive colors for Prosperity sectors. The rooms do not have to be cloaked in these colors. Often a little goes a long way. Green plants, fresh flowers and flowing water are also welcome additions. You can also place pictures or symbols that represent supportive energies, such as a photo or a gorgeous tree or a beautiful waterfall.

I recommend that you place something that conjures up feelings or images of treasure, wealth or abundance in your Wealth gua. It should be something that you love, you feel great about or is very meaningful to you. All of your possessions hold energy and that energy spreads throughout your space, connecting you to events and people ... past, present and even future.

Before enhancing your Wealth gua, give it a good cleaning and remove all clutter, anything you don't identify with or things that no longer represent who you are and where you are headed. This is a great time of year to wash your windows and curtains and vacuum deep into the corners, removing stagnant energy. Clean windows will help usher in a clearer vision with all you do.

Hips and thighs are the body parts we associate with the Prosperity gua. I see a connection with this in my practice. Many people having hip replacements also struggle with abundance issues or lack of cash flow. As result they strengthen and reinforce the lack of what they truly want to experience. If you identify with any aspect of this, one way to begin to turn this around is to recognize and acknowledge the significant prosperity and many blessings that already flow throughout your life. Begin with what you have. View it through a different lens and a new perspective. What you currently have is the means to get you where you're going.

Play with the back left corner of your home, office or business this month. Set clear intentions for Prosperity and Abundance to easily flow throughout your life. Tune in to everything that happens and pay attention to how you open to increased prosperity and abundance, particularly as we approach the November 28 full moon and Lunar Eclipse.

The Power of Purpose

After we lost power on Monday, I set my work aside and read The Power of Purpose by Richard Leider on my Kindle.  Completely absorbed in this book, I finished it within a few hours. The Power of Purpose is about aligning your energies with your true priorities. You tap into your purpose when you jump out of bed excited to begin another day, when you use your gifts and talents to focus on something you believe in, when you integrate who you are with what you do, and when you claim your power, through an authentic life. Living your life on purpose is enriching and rewarding. AARP is also tapping into this concept through a new service called Life Reimagined.  Check it out. Discover your gifts by playing with the Calling Cards, even if you are younger than 50. The earlier you embrace your life's purpose and explore your possibilities, the richer and more meaningful life you'll live.


Consultations and Related Services

November Newsletter Special:
Single Room Makeovers/Consultations!

One Room: $75/session

Contact Peg for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

Feng Shui Consultations,
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings, 
Short consultations via phone or email,
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.