November: New Moon and Solar Eclipse on November 13th
We have a new moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio on Tuesday, November 13th and a Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday, November 28th.
According to Economist and Business Astrologer, Madeline Gerwick
, these eclipses are typically associated with joyful news or responsibilities that generally require a commitment. Examples include a new job, career advancements, starting a new company, expanding your family via a pregnancy, new birth, or parenthood. You are impacted by these eclipses if you have important planets or personal points between 17 degrees, 57 minutes and 25 degrees, 57 minutes or Scorpio or Taurus in your chart. All eclipses have a 60 day window, so the good news could arrive anytime between October 13 through December 13th.
The area of your house or office to energize prior to the November 13th new moon is Prosperity. This is the back left corner of your space when you divide it into a grid of 9 sectors like a tic-tac-toe board. The Prosperity area relates to the flow of blessings, abundance, and prosperity in your life, including the flow of money.
In the Chinese Five Element system, the Prosperity gua relates to Wood energy as represented by plants and trees. It is about growth. Wood is strengthened by Water and depleted by Fire. Wood helps to balance excess Earth and is controlled by Metal. Look to nature for a deeper understanding. Rain and water help plants and trees to grow and flourish. A wildfire can deplete a wooded area in an instant. In a barren setting, trees and plants are most welcome whereas when there are too many, metal axes and blades cut them down and thin them out. When this doesn't happen, nature runs its course and Fire becomes the natural equalizer or balancer. Nature is all about balance. The process is cyclical.
From a feng shui perspective, blues, greens, some purple and a little bit of red are supportive colors for Prosperity sectors. The rooms do not have to be cloaked in these colors. Often a little goes a long way. Green plants, fresh flowers and flowing water are also welcome additions. You can also place pictures or symbols that represent supportive energies, such as a photo or a gorgeous tree or a beautiful waterfall.
I recommend that you place something that conjures up feelings or images of treasure, wealth or abundance in your Wealth gua. It should be something that you love, you feel great about or is very meaningful to you. All of your possessions hold energy and that energy spreads throughout your space, connecting you to events and people ... past, present and even future.
Before enhancing your Wealth gua, give it a good cleaning and remove all clutter, anything you don't identify with or things that no longer represent who you are and where you are headed. This is a great time of year to wash your windows and curtains and vacuum deep into the corners, removing stagnant energy. Clean windows will help usher in a clearer vision with all you do.
Hips and thighs are the body parts we associate with the Prosperity gua. I see a connection with this in my practice. Many people having hip replacements also struggle with abundance issues or lack of cash flow. As result they strengthen and reinforce the lack of what they truly want to experience. If you identify with any aspect of this, one way to begin to turn this around is to recognize and acknowledge the significant prosperity and many blessings that already flow throughout your life. Begin with what you have. View it through a different lens and a new perspective. What you currently have is the means to get you where you're going.
Play with the back left corner of your home, office or business this month. Set clear intentions for Prosperity and Abundance to easily flow throughout your life. Tune in to everything that happens and pay attention to how you open to increased prosperity and abundance, particularly as we approach the November 28 full moon and Lunar Eclipse.