Create Time for Play

Published: Sun, 07/15/12

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Hello Everyone,
I hope you took some time and enjoyed the 4th of July last week. In NH we have had some phenomenal summer weather while much of the rest of the country has seen extremes with heat, fires, and storms. The contrast across the country has been amazing.
July is an excellent month to lighten up and play ... indoors or outdoors, with friends and family, doing whatever makes you happy. Next week's new moon corresponds to the Children & Joy sector of your space. See below for more information.
Mercury goes retrograde July 15 - August 7. This is a favorable period for vacations. Not so favorable for serious work, contracts or important decision-making.
Wait: The Art and Science of Delay, a new book by Frank Partnoy, reinforces the value of taking a breath and slowing down before responding and reacting to people and events in our instantaneous and fast-paced world. Give it a try and see what happens.
Also, check out upcoming events for September on the Sidebar. I'll be co-teaching a new teleclass program with Madeline Gerwick beginning Wednesday, September 12: Taking an Energy Inventory for Prosperity and I'll be giving a keynote with Karen Kallie and teaching a workshop Feng Shui and Health at the 4th Annual Elements of Enlightenment Retreat on Sandy Island, Lake Winnipesaukee, NH from September 28-30.
This newsletter is short on purpose. Enjoy the remainder of July!



July: Create Time for Play
The Thursday, July 19th new moon in Leo correlates with the Children & Joy gua. This is the center right of your space. The energy of this area is associated with children, having fun, creativity, creative problem solving, creative self-expression and overall joy. It is also relates to the future. Creating time for play is essential for overall well-being. When you relax, situations open up and solutions take shape. Allowing time to play this month is even more important since Mercury will also be retrograde for the next three weeks. Let more serious things to take a back seat for a few weeks.
The next week is an excellent time to refresh the Children & Joy sectors of your land, house, every room in your house, and your office or workspace. Lighten these spaces up. You know how by now ... remove clutter and move along other items that are ready for repair or recycling. Dust and vacuum thoroughly - particularly the corners, low and high. Energy tends to gather and get stuck here. If your windows are not sparkling, wash them to help create a bright outlook on life. Keep your doors free and clear and pathways open.
From a feng shui perspective the Children & Joy gua is energized by Metal. In addition to materials or colors such as gold, silver, brass, aluminum, the metal element is also represented by circular or oval shapes and the colors white and gray. The feng shui color for the Children's gua is white. If you have an all white room or area, bring some additional color in for balance. Metal wind chimes, a bell, yellow or earthy items, books about creativity, stuffed animals, whimsical items or toys are also excellent enhancements.
After you re-energize this area, sit quietly and set an intention for yourself. Any time July 18-20 is ideal. Visualize what you would like to change or create. Write down the end result using present tense, positive words, just as if it is happening now. Also remember to express gratitude that you already have it. Although this may feel counter-intuitive, it works.
Have fun re-energizing your Children & Joy gua. Tune into the shifts and results beginning with the August 1 full moon.

A Bit About Our Times ...
Mercury is Retrograde July 15th - August 7th 
Mercury retrograde periods are excellent for vacation. Good for you if you have one planned! Go with the flow for a most enjoyable time. Go with the flow Mercury retrograde periods are excellent times to re-do, re-consider, repair, review and re-work many things. They are not ideal periods to purchase electronics or sign contracts. Communications easily get confused and mixed up during these cycles, so take extra care and also allow more room in your schedule. As you do so, you can easily take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle.
A very active and important astrological period continues through the summer. A significant part of it is about personal transformation. If you are moving through personal change, you may feel a need to adjust your outer surroundings. Likewise, as you make changes to your space, you may feel drawn to make fundamental personal shifts. Your space mirrors your inner self and the two are intimately connected.
Many people are experiencing significant challenges and obstacles at this time. Although we can't change or fix other people, we can have compassion and express empathy.
As I often say, the "work" is always on ourselves.

Zen Habits

I'm teaching an online class, "Human Relations in Administration" at SNHU this summer and one of my students brought the website Zen Habits  to my attention. It's a "Top 25" blog and wonderful site to peruse. Read Leo's story . His message is about living simply to live well. The September teleclass program I am co-teaching with Madeline Gerwick would be an excellent way to identify the patterns you'd like to change to put yourself on a Zen Habits path.

Consultations and Related Services 

Please contact me if you are interested in:

Feng Shui Consultations,
Space Clearing or Personal Clearings, 
Short consultations via phone or email,
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class
I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.
Consultations are tailored to your needs.
Contact Peg for more information. 

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.

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In this Issue:
Note from Peg
July: Time for Play
A Bit About Our Times
Zen Habits
Consultations and Related Services
Prosperity Affirmation
Upcoming Events
Favorite Astrology Perspectives
Other Links of Interest
Social Media
Contact Us
 Prosperity Affirmation
Prosperity Affirmation:
"I recognize more and more abundance in my life each day."
Pink Lilies


Upcoming Events

Teleclass Program:

Take an Energy Inventory for Prosperity
Begins Wed Sept. 12, 2012

Begin autumn on a positive note. Audit your energy patterns, clear your blockages, and open your path to prosperity. Co-taught by Peg Donahue and Madeline Gerwick.

   Take An Energy Inventory

Sign up soon to receive Early Bird Discount!


Mark Your Calendar!  4th Annual Elements of Enlightenment Retreat
Conscious Connections:
The practice of mindfulness


Balance, Healing and Wellness Retreat
September 28-30, 2012
Sandy Island Camp
Lake Winnipesaukee, NH

Register by July 15th and save $100.00!

Benefit from a weekend away, releasing stress, and connecting with yourself and like-minded others in a relaxing atmosphere and rustic setting. It's the perfect antidote to today's fast-paced life. Join us! Peg Donahue will be doing a Feng Shui and Health workshop at the retreat.


Do You Know Someone Going Off to College?
Bring along a copy of Dorm Room Feng Shui to arrange things on a positive note.

provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Chakras & Feng Shui:
Balancing Inner and Outer Space
Chakras & Feng Shui
This 6 CD set recorded by Karen Kallie and Peg Donahue combines two ageless wisdom traditions.
Learn how to read and adjust the patterns of your inner and outer energy. Program includes guides meditations and a manual you can print. Recording and music by Tony Pace.
Available here

Website Resources

I have many resources listed on my website. Simply go to the Resource tab and select the topic of interest.
Also, remember you can do a search within by website for any topic in the search button on the right hand side of each page. It's about half way down the page.

Peg (603) 537-9954
Copyright 2008. All Rights Reserved.