The 5th Season

Published: Thu, 09/13/12

September Newsletter
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Hello Everyone,

September is a special month. It's like a 5th season. Often referred to as Late Summer or Indian Summer , it is an Earth season of transitions. Summer "unofficially" ended with Labor Day and the return to school and more regular routines. Recently the lush scent of vine-ripened grapes has greeted me on my daily walk. The Fall Harvest is on its way. In New England, we experience transitions in nature as the brilliant colors of fall emerge and the light continues to fade a bit each day. We may also experience a string of hot, sunny days and cooler nights ...teasing us with brief returns of summer while laying the path for cooler, wet seasons ahead.

September is an excellent month to transition into fall and more focused activities. It's a good month to gain clarity about where you are headed and want you'd like to accomplish before year's end. If you are feeling scattered, periods of quiet reflection and meditation can help you ground yourself and build clear, coherent, and abundant energy. Enjoy the last days of summer as we transition into fall.

September events that may interest you:

  • Sept 12: Take An Energy Inventory for Prosperity tele-program ... still time to participate.
  • Sept 15:  An Open House at NE Community Acupuncture, North Andover, MA
  • Sept 20: Girls Night Out at Just Naturals, Bedford, NH
  • Sept 28-30: A weekend retreat on Sandy Island, Lake Winnipesaukee

More information is on the sidebar, and on my website.

Enjoy September!




Overwhelmed? Clear Out Your Digital Space

As August drew to a close, I was feeling overwhelmed with amount of mail filling my in-box daily. For months it has been coming in faster than I cared to keep up with it. I opened the important mail and left the rest for another day. I can't say all my unopened mail was junk mail. At one time or another, I had inquired about something and was added to a list, and then another, and another. Has this ever happened to you? Although our mail boxes may be lighter these days, our email boxes are more than full.

So, I did what I typically do when I get overwhelmed. I cleared the decks. I deleted most of my unopened mail and started to remove myself from list after list. Next I'm going to find a service to capture my incoming junk mail so it doesn't even reach my box. If you know of a good service, send the information along. I promise I won't delete it!

I'm still receiving more than enough information daily, so I have some more culling to do soon. I don't miss what I am not receiving. In this age of information everything we want is at our fingertips. Our new challenge is to learn how to tap into it, at the right time, and in the right way.

Clutter is much more than physical clutter in your surroundings. It's now on all of our electronic and digital devices as well. Keeping our digital space clutter-free is the next frontier.


The I Ching ... The Basis for Feng Shui

Since May, I have been posting an I Ching reading on my website each week. I ask: "What do I need to know this week?" Then I toss three pennies, six times, to derive the hexagram for the week.

The I Ching, one of the oldest books from China, is an observation of human behavior and the constantly changing structure of the universe. It is about the way things are at the moment and the way they tend to change and transform themselves.

Also known as The Book of Changes, the I Ching took its final form during the Chou Dynasty (1150-249 B.C.), a few centuries before Christ. It has remained virtually unchanged to the present day. The I Ching is a philosophical system that incorporates mathematics and quantum physics. It consists of 64 hexagrams (6 line structures) that are a combination of a solid line (-) and a broken line ( - - ). The 64 hexagrams display every possible combination of the solid and broken lines when they are combined in sets of 6 (since 26 = 64). Each of the 64 hexagrams is accompanied by ancient texts and commentaries that relate to 64 typical human situations. There can be thousands of variations due to changing lines.

What amazes me is how accurate and helpful the readings are. As each week unfolds, the reflection for the week helps me to understand the patterns that are emerging in my inner and outer worlds. Some of the "darker" readings came up when we had some national tragedies, such as the Batman moving shooting spree. The cycles of good and bad, highs and low, light and dark are a part of the natural flow of events. Everything is always changing as time moves along the spectrum of yin and yang energy.

Here's a link to the reading for this week. 

Hexagram 37 Family changes to hexagram 27 Nourishing. The changing lines are three and five. If you would like to learn more, follow the patterns each week and see how they reflect your life.


September: Initiate Change for Long Lasting Results

The Saturday, September 15th new moon in Virgo correlates with the Center of your space. If you took action last month and worked on the Center of your home or office, you are in good shape. If not, give attention to this space over the next few days to help create momentum toward new beginnings.

The moon influences your emotional energy and patterns. Your emotional energy (your feelings) drive much of what happens in your life. Since we had two full moons last month, the August 17 and September 15 new moons occur under the same sign: Virgo. Virgo is an earth sign. It is about health, well-being and service. Whatever you initiate now will have long lasting results.

The energy of the Center is associated with balance, overall health, and well-being. Between now and Saturday, clear and refresh this area of your home and workspace.  You can do this for your land and gardens as well. Then on Saturday (or within 24 hours, before or after), set clear intentions for what you wish to happen. Tune in beginning with the September 29 full moon and notice how things are shifting. Be sure to pay attention to the small details. Overlooking these in lieu of the final outcome sometimes sets you back because it takes a period of focused energy to make monumental shifts. Instead, celebrate a series of small, incremental wins. Before you know it, your larger intention will gain enough momentum to manifest for you.

When the moon is in Virgo, it is a good time to:

  • Organize your work space
  • Weed, trim your gardens
  • Focus on health and well-being
  • Cleanse your body; clear your space
  • Be more efficient: exercise, reorganize
  • Apply for jobs; go on interviews; begin work training
  • Improve, refine, and adjust what is important to you

One action you can take each month is to add an image, picture, or symbol that represents the outcome of your intention, to the specific gua or area. Since the Center Gua relates to the Earth element, this month it could be a symbol that represents a balanced life, a picture of vibrant health, a beautiful scene, a bowl of seasonal fruit or vegetables, well-manicured gardens. I have an abundance of Black-Eyed Susan's in my garden. I'm planning to place a beautiful vase of them in the Center of my home this weekend.

If you would like help aligning the Center of your space or any room with your intentions, send me  a photo and we can set up a half hour phone or email consultation.
Sandy Island Retreat Coming Up: September 28-30th 

If you are looking for a relaxing get-away where you can join like-minded friends and replenish your spirit, join me at the 4th annual Elements of Enlightenment Retreat on Sandy Island, Lake Winnipesaukee, NH for the last weekend in September. This year's theme is Conscious Connections: The Practice of Mindfulness.

I'll be presenting a workshop about Consciously Connecting with Your Space to Improve Your Health. In this workshop you'll learn how the patterns in your life are also mirrored in your home and workplace, including how your body parts, organ networks and common health patterns map to your space. You'll leave with some easy and practical adjustments you can make to improve your health and bring balance to your life.

Join me and the Elements of Enlightenment group for this fulfilling and relaxing full moon weekend!


Consultations and Related Services

September Special:
One hour Email/phone Consultation: $60.00 on any topic!

Contact Peg for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

Feng Shui Consultations,
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings, 
Short consultations via phone or email,
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.