New Moon ... New Beginnings

Published: Thu, 08/09/12

August Newsletter
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Hello Everyone,

August is moving right along. Take some time to enjoy family, friends, and favorite activities this month, prior to Labor Day.

I have three upcoming September events that may interest you:

  • Sept 12: A new 6 week teleclass: Take An Energy Inventory for Prosperity
  • Sept 15:  An Open House at NE Community Acupuncture, North Andover, MA
  • Sept 28-30: A weekend retreat on Sandy Island, Lake Winnipesaukee

More information is below, on the sidebar, and on my website.

This is a summer of transformation in many ways. Positive shifts are happening in the mainstream related to our health and well-being. Check out the EWG's new "Hall of Shame " for cleaning products and the Washington Post article that highlights the GAO's request to review cellphone usage standards.

Enjoy the month of August!



August: Time to Re-Focus Your Energy

I've been writing about coordinating feng shui with the moon cycles for some time now. The moon influences your emotional energy and patterns. Your emotional energy (your feelings) drive much of what happens in your life.

Each month you have an opportunity to bring yourself and one area of your space into better alignment beginning with the new moon. New moons are about new beginnings. Clear, clean, and refresh the area of your space that correlates with the month's new moon energy beginning about a week prior to each new moon. Then within a 24-hour window of the new moon, set intentions that correlate with the moon's energy. Think of planting seeds. You prepare by prepping your space. Next you plant the seeds of your intention by writing them down using positive, present tense words, just as if your intention is happening now. Stating "I AM..." is a good way to begin. Example: "I AM so grateful that a job of my dreams comes to me easily." Nurture your intentions for the next two weeks by visualizing the outcome daily. As the full moon emerges two weeks later, tune in and notice what happens.

The Friday, August 17th new moon in Virgo correlates with the Center of your space. The energy of this area is associated with balance, overall health, and well-being. Between now and August 17th, clear and refresh this area of your home and workspace.  You can do this for your land and gardens as well. Then on August 17th (or within 24 hours, before or after), set clear intentions for what you wish to happen. Tune in beginning with the August 31st full moon and notice how things are shifting. Be sure to pay attention to the small details. Overlooking these in lieu of the final outcome sometimes sets you back because it takes a period of focused energy to make monumental shifts. Instead, celebrate a series of small, incremental wins. Before you know it, your larger intention will gain enough momentum to manifest for you.


When the moon is in Virgo, it is a good time to:

  • Focus on health and well-being
  • Clear clutter, eliminate junk food
  • Cleanse your body; clear your space
  • Be more efficient: exercise, reorganize
  • Weed, trim your gardens
  • Do planning and detail work
  • Improve, refine, and adjust what is important to you

One action you can take each month is to add an image, picture, or symbol that represents the outcome of your intention, to the specific gua or area. This month it could be a picture of vibrant health, a fit body, a balanced scale, a beautiful scene, a bowl of seasonal fruit or vegetables, well-manicured gardens.

The Center Gua relates to the Earth element. Earth is strengthened by Fire, depleted by Metal, muddied by Water, and controlled by Wood energy. Adjustments to every space always depend on the energy of the space itself. For instance, you would avoid bringing in more Earth energy if you already have a lot there. A better choice would be to add some Metal and/or Wood energy. In this case, a white potted plant could be added for clarity and growth.

If the Center of your space is well balanced, Earth related enhancements could include:

  • A yellow candle
  • A salt lamp that remains lit
  • Plants in ceramic or clay pots
  • A square-framed picture that represents overall health and well-being
  • Square, triangular or tall, striped, horizontal items.

If you would like help aligning the Center of your space or any room with your intentions, send me a photo and we can set up a half hour phone or email consultation.


A Bit About Our Times ... Mercury is Direct as of August 8

Did you experience more communication, mechanical, or technical mix-ups or breakdowns since July 15th? I did. In a college class that I am teaching this summer the students' weekly papers shifted the week Mercury went retrograde. More students submitted them late and a higher number of them had spelling and grammatical errors compared to earlier weeks. Typical Mercury Retrograde events. The good news is that Mercury is now direct again. Give it a few days to get moving again though. Mercury goes retrograde again November 6 - 26. Mark your calendar and allow extra time for Thanksgiving travel. Our Presidential election falls during Mercury retrograde, so we'll also see what that brings.

A Take An Energy Inventory for Prosperity

I am co-teaching a new tele-program with Madeline Gerwick beginning, Wednesday, September 14th: Take an Energy Inventory for Prosperity.  During this six-week program you'll learn how your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies impact your prosperity to attract more as well as habits and patterns that push it away.

You can attend from any location! Classes are taught by phone or you can also attend online or via Skype. Class notes and inventory checklists are downloadable from a class web page. Replays of classes are online and downloadable. These classes have excellent sound quality!

Join us if you would like to transform your energy this fall.


Sneak Preview: "Green" Cleaning Products Database

As more and more companies and products hop on the "green" bandwagon, it can be hard to determine what is really true. That's where The Environmental Working Group (EWG) comes in. This credible group is in the midst of publishing a green cleaning database to help you learn more about your preferred products. In the meantime, check out their green cleaning Hall of Shame. Use the EWG's handy shopping guide as you make future purchases. Eliminating toxic chemicals from your home and work environment will improve your health as well as contribute to a more sustainable planet.

GAO Recommends Review of Cellphone Exposure Limits

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently recommended that cellphone exposure limits, which are quite outdated, be reviewed. This comes after a year-long review and may prompt updated standards that reflect how people use their phones. Although the outcome could go either way, this is excellent news. People such as Dr. Devra Davis, author of Disconnect, have been advocating for this for several years. The impact of cellphone radiation on human health warrants careful and accurate study. Last year a WHO report found that cellphone radiation may be carcinogenic. For more than six years I have been hearing that health issues related to cellphones (and wireless communications) will be worse than smoking. Right now they are "masked" as other things such as stress, advanced age, ADD and ADHD, etc. It's time to learn what is really happening so that we can determine what to do. Everyone is exposed these days, which eliminates real "control groups" from a scientific perspective. If changes need to be made, people and companies will step up and do what is necessary. It always happens. Once a need is identified, someone will fill it. It just may take awhile.

In the meantime, take a precautionary approach:

  • keep cell phones away from children,
  • keep the phone away from your head,
  • text or use a headset,
  • limit your daily use,
  • do not carry an active cell phone on your body if you are pregnant.

Read the story in the Washington Post.

Consultations and Related Services

August Special:
Email/phone Consultation for One Room: $45.00

Contact Peg for more information.

Please contact me if you are interested in:

Feng Shui Consultations,
Space Clearings or Personal Clearings, 
Short consultations via phone or email,
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class 

I work onsite as well as remotely.

EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.

Consultations are tailored to your needs.

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.