Revitalize the Family Gua

Published: Tue, 06/05/12

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Hello Everyone,

It is time to focus on Family: all you have inherited and all you are carry within yourself. The energies this month correlate with the Family gua. See the corresponding articles for suggestions.

We also have some huge astrological events. Scroll below to read more. Allow the unrest stirring deep within yourself to come to the surface. Face your challenges fully and move through them with grace and ease.

If you have a grad or you know of a grad going on to college or moving into a small space, Dorm Room Feng Shui makes a great gift!

Also, check out upcoming events below and on the Sidebar:
Enjoy the month!

June: Enhance Your Family Gua
 June is an excellent month to refresh and recharge yourself and your home for summer. According to Simone Butler and her Astro Feng Shui system, the June 19 new moon correlates with the Family gua, the left center area of your space. Given what you have, how can you create the most nurturing and comfortable environment?

The Cancer cycle is a favorable time to strengthen your physical, emotional and financial foundations. As you reflect on family, are you holding onto any lingering or unresolved childhood issues? Are there any relationships that you would like to shift or improve? Can you find any evidence in your home that supports the very things you'd like to change? Stuck energy in the Family area might manifest as heirlooms you don't like or never loved, dead or waning plants and flowers, paper piles that have long been ignored, collections of clutter, overstuffed closets or bookcases, pictures people that hold tense or adverse energy, broken or worn out windows, leaky plumbing, electrical problems, or any low or adverse energy.

Tree in bloomDuring June, revitalize the Family area of your house, every room in your house, as well as your yard. What is happening in the left center area of your yard or land? Is any maintenance in order? From a feng shui perspective, Family is a "Wood" area and the color is spring green. Think tree energy. Picture a gorgeous tree in full bloom with deep roots. Enhancements for this area include:

Flowers, plants,
Floral fabrics and designs
Spring green, blue
Wooden things
Water feature
Happy family, ancestors
Things reminding you of good health
Tall rectangular shapes
Free flowing, wavy shapes
Stripes, columns
Have fun re-energizing your Family gua this month. Tune into the results beginning with the July 3 full moon.

  • Are you aware of any patterns in your family have passed from one generation to another?
  • Do they all serve you well?
  • Are there any that you would like to release and be freed from forever?
We all have them! Beliefs, habits and patterns that you recognize from your parents, grandparents, and predecessors that don't serve you well. They may trace back to the Great Depression, the Irish Potato Famine, WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, the Civil War or even the Revolutionary War, and more.

Such beliefs might include:
  • you have to work hard to earn a living,
  • life is a struggle,
  • you must scrimp and save for everything,
  • you must save everything because you never know when you'll need it
  • you need to do everything yourself because you can't trust anyone else
  • jobs are hard to hold onto and you could be let go at any time
  • you'll never be smart enough, worthy enough or good enough
... and more!

If you are ready to release deeply help ancestral patterns, join Peg Donahue for a group Emotional Freedom & Healing Release on

Date: Thursday, June 28
Time: 8:00-9:00 pm EDT;  5:00 - 6:00 pm PDT
Place: From Your telephone. Computer or Mobile Device

Not available? No problem. The session will be recorded for your listening convenience.

At the time this was scheduled I didn't realize its significance to the June 19th new moon. This is such nice synchronicity with the focus on the Family gua. Clear your space and clear your ancestral cobwebs this month, to more fully enjoy the summer months.

Register  with Polaris Business Guides.

See the June Special Offer at the bottom of this newsletter if you would like a private session.

Q:   I have been working with the moon cycles according to Astro Feng Shui. I am very clear about my intentions, and I follow the rituals that Simone Butler recommends. What does it mean when there is no movement around the intentions? It is frustrating as a (feng shui) practitioner because I want to be able to "test run" these principles and stand behind them. Submitted by SK.
A:  Excellent question. One factor we are not in charge of is the timetable for things to happen. The spirit world works within a very different timetable. A long time to us is a much smaller segment in the larger universe ... at least that is what I understand.
A few thoughts related to your question:
  1. Sometimes something actually did happen but we missed it because we were looking for something else. Manifestation is a compilation of many small things. Watch for the signs, For instance, in a job situation, maybe someone bypasses a recruiter who can actually help them get a job or networking opportunities that would also lead to a job. The job takes a long time to manifest because you are overlooking help that is actually being sent your way.
  2. No movement ...maybe there is movement but it is actually under the surface or behind the scenes ... such as when you plant a seed and the roots develop under the surface before the plant breaks through the soil. Just because we do not see something does not mean that nothing is happening. Trusting the process is a significant factor.
  3. Frustrated energy pushes things away ... it actually proves that the principles work. When you are frustrated you generate more frustration. Bring your energy to a neutral position, move it up to the level of "trust," and begin again ... allow roots to develop beneath the surface.
I find that many of us swing back and forth. Including me. Once momentum is in place, however, you will know it and feel it ... when that happens, grab onto it and move forward. For example ... I did a lot of behind the scenes work all winter. I am now seeing the fruits of my labor with many people telling me they look forward to the blog posts, they like the variety, they are finding them helpful, etc. This is accompanied with more social media activity on Twitter, Facebook, and Linked In, as well as a higher "marketing grade" for my website. It's taken a lot of focused attention to get it to this point. I planted the seeds, stayed focused, and am now seeing some physical manifestation of my intentions.

Also aim for reaching the tipping point where you have 3x more higher energy experiences than lower energy ones. You swing away from your intentions when you doubt yourself. As you realize this, consciously pivot your attention toward your goals, moving it forward again.
Would you like your question answered in the July newsletter? If so, send it along to me via email or Facebook. Contact me if you would like to discuss a particular situation.

A Bit About Our Times...Continue to Clear Clutter!  
We are in a very active and important astrological period. We had a full moon and partial Lunar Eclipse on June 4th, an historic Venus transit on June 5-6 ... when Venus walks across the face of the Sun (happens next in 2117!), the beginning of a new 2 year Venus cycle on June 21 and the Summer Solstice on June 21. Venus represents the divine feminine. If that's not enough, June 24 brings the first of 7 significant peaks associated with Uranus square Pluto. This energy is about resistance and revolution ... which we have been seeing and experiencing.
The June 4 eclipse is the companion to the May 20 Solar Eclipse. It is about rewards coming to fruition after long periods of effort.

The Venus Transit and the events with Uranus and Pluto provide the opportunity to surface, process, and integrate whatever is hovering in your subconscious that needs to be cleared. It is about bringing your deepest fears to the surface, naming them, and moving through them. Fear gains strength in the dark. Bringing it to the surface helps it to dissolve so that you can move through it and shift into a higher consciousness.

Carol CioccoMadeline Gerwick, and many astrologers are writing about the patterns. Check the links on the sidebar if you would like to learn more.

Also, continue to clear your clutter. We are in a supportive period for this until July 3rd, which stems from Mars in Virgo. As you clear stagnant energy from your physical space, you create space for stagnant aspects of Self to transform as well.
Mark your calendar. According to Madeline Gerwick July 5th is the next "best date" until August. Take important action here ... which may just be giving yourself permission to fully enjoy some holiday time around July 4th!

I am more convinced than ever that our 24/7 exposure to an increasing array of EMFs is over-stressing our bodies, depleting our immune systems, and contributing to our numerous health afflictions.

EMFs Natural Bias posted an informative article about this in 2009 and gave me permission to share it and post in on my website Resource page. Read it or bookmark it to read later.

Also, I will continue to post more articles and links in my Blog as I come across information of interest. If this topic interests you, find my EMF related blog posts by selecting EMFs under Category on the right side of the blog.

Consultations and Related Services 

Please contact me if you are interested in:

Feng Shui Consultations,
Space Clearing or Personal Clearings, 
Short consultations via phone or email,
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class
I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.
Consultations are tailored to your needs.

June Special:

Emotional Freedom & Healing Release Sessions: $85.00
(Save $40!)

Similar to the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), EF&H involves a combination of tapping acupressure points, repeating affirmations and breathing deeply to release fears and limiting beliefs. Once the limiting belief or emotion surfaces and you release it, it is gone forever. If the patterns have been building for years or even lifetimes, you may have layer upon layer that needs to be released. You can do these sessions for any issue and as many times as is comfortable for you.

Contact Peg for more information.

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.

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In this Issue:
Prosperity Affirmation:
"I AM allowing prosperity to come to me easily and fully."

Upcoming Events

Just Naturals Girls Night Out
Thursday, June 7 ... last one until September!
4:00pm  - 7:30pm
June Workshops in
Amherst, NH
Location: Nia Yoga Center
110 State Route 101A
Amherst, NH 03031
Introduction to Feng Shui
Date: Saturday, June 16, 2012
Time: 11:00am to 2:00pm
Cost: $35.00
Register with Lisa Jones,
Join this introductory class to learn how your home and business reflects what is happening in your life. More importantly, learn some simple tips to bring you more balance, harmony and prosperity.
Floor Plan Class
Date: Saturday, June 23, 2012
Time: 11:00am to 5:00pm
Cost: $75.00 or Both Workshops for $100.00
Register with Lisa Jones,
 Learn how to apply the Feng Shui Bagua to your floor plan and learn some specific ways to bring your home into alignment with your goals. A home that is healthy and expresses creative joy, peacefulness and beauty, is a place of rejuvenation -- fully supporting our return each day from the busy world of work and community beyond the doorstep. Bring a copy of your floor plan!

Mark Your Calendar!  4th Annual Elements of Enlightenment Retreat
Conscious Connections:
The practice of mindfulness

Balance, Healing and Wellness Retreat
September 28-30, 2012
Sandy Island Camp
Lake Winnipesaukee, NH

Register by July 15th and save $100.00!

Benefit from a weekend away, releasing stress, and connecting with yourself and like-minded others in a relaxing atmosphere and rustic setting. It's the perfect antidote to today's fast-paced life. Join us! Peg Donahue will be doing a Feng Shui and Health workshop at the retreat.


Dorm Room Feng Shui

Do you know someone living in a dorm or a small space?

Chakras & Feng Shui:
Balancing Inner and Outer Space
Chakras & Feng Shui
This 6 CD set recorded by Karen Kallie and Peg Donahue combines two ageless wisdom traditions.
Learn how to read and adjust the patterns of your inner and outer energy. Program includes guides meditations and a manual you can print. Recording and music by Tony Pace.
Available here

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Peg (603) 537-9954
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