May - Time to Lighten Up

Published: Thu, 05/03/12

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Hello Everyone,
Things are picking up speed and gaining momentum this month. If you energized your Wealth gua last month, note how things are progressing around the full moon on Saturday, May 5th. Reflect on the adjustments you made, the intentions you set, and how your situation is shifting. Small shifts that accumulate over a period of time often lead to the bigger changes we are seeking.
Spring is the time to lighten up. Spend more time outside. Trim your shrubs and bushes and clean your gardens. Inside, release clutter from your house, put away heavy fabrics and decor, and eat more greens and seasonal foods. Bring more light into your space and into your life.
This month work with your Knowledge and Self Cultivation gua to develop more introspection, tap into your deeper inner wisdom, or to facilitate problem solving. Read the article below to learn more.
Check out upcoming events on the sidebar. I am doing two workshops in Amherst, NH in June and teaching at the 4th annual Elements of Enlightenment Retreat in September. For the September retreat, early bird prices are in effect until July 1st.
If you would like to start a business or you are running your own business, you are invited to participate in my new Jumpstart Your Business Mentoring program beginning May 29th. Details are on my website.
In case you missed it as a blog post, here is a gorgeous video about the life of flowers. It is sure to boost your chi!

Enjoy the month of May.


May: Enhance Your Knowledge and Self-Cultivation Gua
The May 20 new moon (and Solar Eclipse) in Gemini provides an opportunity to tune into yourself on a deep level, cultivate wisdom, and generate change. According to Simone Butler and her Astro Feng Shui system, this correlates with the Knowledge gua, the front left area of your home and workplace. If you haven't seen it, read my April 25 blog post about this area.

This is an excellent month for self-introspection and generating creative solutions. Reflect on where you are and where you are headed. If you would like some shifts in this area of your life or you would like to gain more clarity, clean and energize the front left area of your property and the spaces where you spend time.

Begin by giving this area a thorough spring cleaning. Repair, remove, or toss out anything that is broken, remove all cobwebs, wash your windows and curtains, thin out excess paper and magazines, etc. Assess the flow of energy in this area. Re-arrange the furniture if doing so would feel better or uplift the chi of the area. Outside, thin plants and trees that may be overcrowding the area and clear debris.

Enhancements for the Knowledge area include: the colors blue, green or black; square shapes, mountain images, pottery and earthenware, natural crystals, shells, and books. You can also "fire up" this area by adding a little red or pink, some lights or candles, pictures or people or animals, and triangular shapes. Inside this is a great area for a library or study. Outside, the knowledge gua is a great location for a meditation space or herb garden.

Have fun energizing your Knowledge area. You can tune into the results beginning with the June 4 full moon (and Lunar Eclipse).

Q:  I have a question about laying the bagua in a room. When you have multiple entrances to a room, how do you lay the bagua? For example, my kitchen has 4 entrances- a door from the cellar, the back door, an entrance off a hall to the front door and an entrance from a back deck thru the dining room. Submitted by LW.
A:  Thank you for your question, LW. Many people have the same question. Multiple entrances to a room can present some confusion. When laying the bagua, consider how energy flows through your house based on the front door. This is the architectural front door, not necessarily the entrance you use every day. Walk from the front door to the room in question. Lay the bagua from this entrance. In your situation, the entrance from your front hall is the one to use. Take a look at the room and draw a box around it as best you can. Standing at this entrance, the Knowledge gua occupies the front left area, Career falls in the middle and Helpful People and Travel falls to the right. The back left corner relates to Prosperity and the back right corner is associated with Partnership, Marriage or Relationships.
The additional entrances in a room may fall within other guas or sectors. This is OK. Pay attention to exit doors in Wealth and Partnership. They can weaken the energy and may need to be adjusted. If these are areas represent patterns that you would like to shift, you may need to strengthen or energetically balance the space. Contact me if you would an adjustment suitable for your space.
Would you like your question answered in the June newsletter? If so, send it along to me via email or Facebook. Contact me if you would like to discuss a particular situation.

The I Ching: The Foundation of Feng Shui Principles
The principles of feng shui emerged out of the I Ching, which is also known as The Book of Changes, one of the oldest books from China. Expressed as yin and yang energy, the I Ching describes the continuously evolving nature of the universe. Eight basic expressions of yin and yang energy, expressed as trigrams (3 lines of yin and yang combinations), correlate to the 8 sectors of the bagua. They are named: Water, Mountain, Thunder, Wind, Fire, Earth, Lake, and Heaven. The Knowledge gua correlates to the Mountain trigram.

You can learn more about the energetic foundations of the bagua by studying the trigrams. You can also use the I Ching as a source for guidance or answers in your life. When you ask an open ended question, you receive a philosophical answer to reflect on and apply to your situation.  Each day during April I asked: "What do I need to know today?" Then I tossed 3 pennies six times and noted the patterns of heads or tails. There are 64 possible combinations when you do this. Each of the 64 combinations describes an expression of energy and has a name which relates to a chapter in the I Ching.

I posted the daily results on my website and Facebook page. Reflecting on Trigramsthe meaning of the various hexagrams is an excellent way of connecting with current energies, noticing patterns, and learning how to "go with the flow." Thirty eight unique hexagrams emerged during the month of April.Adapting (hexagram 17), Benefit (hexagram 42) and Conscientiousness (hexagram 62) came up three times. Five additional hexagrams came up twice and 30 hexagrams came up once.

When you do an I Ching reading, changing lines often come up. When this happens you change the yin or yang line to its opposite expression and form a new hexagram. This occurred most days, providing one answer for "now" and another answer for the future. You can learn more by studying an interpretation of each of the changing lines individually. 

Many I Ching books are available and each interpretation varies slightly. If you are interested in working with this resource, select a book that you find easy to interpret.

During the month of May, I will post an I Ching reading each week on my website and Facebook page. Take a look at the patterns that came up during April and tune in each week during May.

A Bit About Our Times...Continue to Clear Clutter!  
We are in an excellent period to clear clutter until July 3rd. Astrologically this stems from Mars in Virgo. Use it to your advantage. As you clear out everything that has stagnant energy or that you no longer use or love, new energy and opportunities come your way. It's all part of the process of creating space and making room for your intentions to manifest. During the warmer months, focus on the outside as well. 
Look at the before and after photos of the space below. The homeowner transformed this space from a junk room to a meditation room over a period of six weeks. She also landed a job shortly thereafter, which was her intention. When you clear clutter you create room for new opportunities to come your way.
We also have some very nice energy in May for moving forward with new projects. Take advantage of May 8. It is one of the best upcoming days  for beginning new projects.

If you know of someone graduating high school this year, going off to college, or living in a small space, Dorm Room Feng Shui makes a great gift. It's short and easy to read!

Consultations and Related Services 

Please contact me if you are interested in:

Feng Shui Consultations,
Space Clearing or Personal Clearings, 
Short consultations via phone or email,
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class
I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.
Consultations are tailored to your needs.

May Special:

Personal Energy Clearings: $75.00
(save $50 on first time clearings; save $25 on repeat spaces)

All personal clearings are done remotely.
You are provided with a written summary via email.
Take advantage of this month's special to help you:
Clear entrenched patterns from your physical, emotional, mental
and etheric subtle energy fields. 

Contact Peg for more information.

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.

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In this Issue:
Prosperity Affirmation:
"Prosperity shows up in unexpected ways this month."

Upcoming Events

June Workshops in
Amherst, NH
Location: Nia Yoga Center
110 State Route 101A
Amherst, NH 03031
Introduction to Feng Shui
Date: Saturday, June 16, 2012
Time: 11:00am to 2:00pm
Cost: $35.00
Register with Lisa Jones,
Join this introductory class to learn how your home and business reflects what is happening in your life. More importantly, learn some simple tips to bring you more balance, harmony and prosperity.
Floor Plan Class
Date: Saturday, June 23, 2012
Time: 11:00am to 5:00pm
Cost: $75.00 or Both Workshops for $100.00
Register with Lisa Jones,
 Learn how to apply the Feng Shui Bagua to your floor plan and learn some specific ways to bring your home into alignment with your goals. A home that is healthy and expresses creative joy, peacefulness and beauty, is a place of rejuvenation -- fully supporting our return each day from the busy world of work and community beyond the doorstep. Bring a copy of your floor plan!

Mark Your Calendar!  4th Annual Elements of Enlightenment Retreat
Conscious Connections:
The practice of mindfulness

Balance, Healing and Wellness Retreat
September 28-30, 2012
Sandy Island Camp
Lake Winnipesaukee, NH

Register by July 1st to receive the Early Bird Discount!

Benefit from a weekend away, releasing stress, and connecting with yourself and like-minded others in a relaxing atmosphere and rustic setting. It's the perfect antidote to today's fast-paced life. Join us! Peg Donahue will be doing a Feng Shui and Health workshop at the retreat.



Chakras & Feng Shui:
Balancing Inner and Outer Space
Chakras & Feng Shui
This 6 CD set recorded by Karen Kallie and Peg Donahue combines two ageless wisdom traditions.
Learn how to read and adjust the patterns of your inner and outer energy. Program includes guides meditations and a manual you can print. Recording and music by Tony Pace.
Available here

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Peg (603) 537-9954
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