Prepare for the New You

Published: Sun, 02/26/12

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Hello Everyone,

I love this time of year. Yang energy is on the upswing as the yin of winter recedes. You can feel it in the air, see it in nature and experience it in people's moods. Light arrives earlier each morning and lingers longer at the end of each day. More birds at the backyard bird feeders signal that spring is just around the corner. Soon we'll be seeing buds on the trees as a new season emerges. The cycle of life continues.

This year March is a very good month to prepare your strategic plan (personal and/or business) for the next two years, if you haven't already done so. Mid-April is the time to put it into motion.

Note that Mercury is retrograde March 12 through April 3. Mercury retrograde periods are excellent times to re-do, re-consider, repair, review and re-work many things. They are not ideal periods to purchase electronics or sign contracts. Communications easily get confused and mixed up during these cycles, so take extra care and also allow more room in your schedule. As you do so, you can easily take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle.

Thank you to Jeannie Boetticher for submitting this month's question about intentions. I have commented below. If you would like to submit a
question for April or any month, just send it along.
Peg Donahue

Enjoy the month of March!


Embrace your true self
in a healthy, supportive and
nurturing environment.

The March 22 new moon in Aries ushers in a period where the focus is on you, your physical appearance, your opportunities, personal freedom, and things you are passionate about. The corresponding area of your house is the Career gua. This is the front center of your home, every room in your home, your land and your office or place or business.
Aries, the first house in the zodiac, represents a time of new beginnings. Correlating nicely with spring, it is a time of emergence after the slower and darker months of winter. Our instinct is to start something new. We may feel more spontaneity, enthusiasm, impulse and courage. Be tactful in your communications this month, since Mercury will be retrograde and communications can easily get mixed up.
The Career sector of your home is about your Life Path and the opportunities that come your way. To attract more opportunities and/or the right opportunities, refresh the center front of your home and every room in your home prior to March 22. Set an intention for your life path or Career when the new moon arrives, meditate on it, and then observe what happens and participate in its unfolding beginning with the April 6th full moon.
In many homes the front door is located in the Career gua. This is quite nice since from a feng shui perspective the front door is the most important area in our homes. It is known as the mouth of chi. The condition of your front door Front Doorheavily influences the quality of energy that enters your home. Refreshing and energizing a centrally located front door  also energizes your career and the opportunities that come your way.
In an amazing play of synchronicity, my front door will replaced in late March or early April. We initiated this project in December and due to winter and schedules it will happen within the next six weeks. It's no coincidence. Things always happen for a reason.
This month I will also clear out and rearrange two closets in our foyer. These happen to be business closets ... one for me and one for my husband. Revitalizing the contents of these closets will also bring new life to our businesses as we head into spring.
What is in your Career gua and what can you do to bring new energy and new opportunities your way?

 Readers' Q & A ...

Q: Since my success with setting intentions, I really want to understand how much our intentions affect our environment vs. how our environment affects us. Submitted by Jeannie Boetticher

A: Thank you for your question, Jeannie. Many people wonder about the same thing. EveryThe Bondthing in the universe is made up of energy and everything carries an energetic signature or a particular vibration or frequency. In recent years much has been written about this at scientific and metaphysical levels. Lynne McTaggart offers very credible scientific evidence of how everything in the universe is connected in her book The Intention Experiment: Using Your thoughts to Change Your life and The World as well as her follow-up book The Bond: Connecting Through the Space Between Us.

Our energy entangles itself with everything in our fields at the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental levels. This happens at the quantum wave level. It is how we affect our environment and our environment affects us. In addition, everyone and everything that comes into our space affects us and the energy of our space as well. This also explains why if you've lived with someone for a long time, you can often finish each others sentences or "know" what they are thinking and how they are feeling. Our energy continually interacts with everything around it.

Another amazing aspect of entanglement is that energy travels over long distances. People can affect you and your environment even if they are not physically present. This is one reason why you want to clear yourself and your space of negative energy and negative thought-forms periodically by energetically cutting the cords. Whether intentional or not, we and our spaces are impacted by others' thoughts, words, stories and intentions. Signals from the power of thought can be picked up by others miles away.

Your home and everything in it is a living entity, passing information back and forth all the time. We experience the information as an energetic vibration and we contribute to it through our physical presence and energetic patterns. In other words, our energy is part of the whole house while we also sense the energy of the whole house. We are both the observer and part of the observed.

Love is one of the strongest and most powerful vibrations. Sending love and gratitude throughout your house and to everyone you are in contact helps to entangle you and your space with some very nice energy!

Would you like your question answered in the April newsletter? If so, send it along to me via email or Facebook. Contact me if you would like to discuss a particular situation.

Mars retrograde continues through April 13. This is the best time for strategic planning for the next two years. Refer to my February newsletter for details.

Also, as previously mentioned, Mercury is retrograde March 12 through April 3. Mercury retrograde periods are excellent times to re-do, re-consider, repair, review and re-work many things. They are not ideal periods to purchase electronics or sign contracts. Communications easily get confused and mixed up during these cycles, so take extra care and also allow more room in your schedule. As you do so, you can easily take advantage of the positive aspects of this cycle.

In addition to these cycles, Neptune moved into her home territory of Pisces on February 3rd and will stay here until 2025. This is a big deal as it represents a significant societal shift. Neptune represents spirituality, transcendence, the oceans, images, oil, movies and TV, music, artistic pursuits, shoes, alcohol, coffee, and other beverages, and drugs of all types. Neptune was last in Pisces in 1848, 164 years ago.
Simone Butler tells us that past "transits of Neptune through Pisces coincided with the Knights Templar and the Crusades, the Black Death in Europe, Henry VIII's break with the Catholic Church and Magellan's voyage around the world, the birth of the Theosophy movement, the events leading up to the Civil War, and the discovery of gold in California." The next 14 years will bring significant change. Wouldn't it be nice for it to be around an expansion of consciousness, taking care of one another and our planet and doing socially responsible and sustainable work?

Thoughts create things. Now is the time to put forth the vision of whatever you would like to do. Simone also tells us that "We will all need to learn how to be more compassionate toward self and others, and pay attention to our intuition. If you feel like you're floating in the void, unclear of your direction, ask for dreams and hunches to guide you. Don't allow your fears to spin out of control." Neptune in Pisces offers opportunities to heal core wounds. This is a nice time to shift.

Upcoming Events
I have a variety of programs coming up that my interest you:
Webinar: Monday, February 27th, 2012
Understanding the Nine Annual Stars
8:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
If youPeg Donahue'd like to know how Flying Star Feng Shui came about and how you can apply it, this webinar is for you. You will learn about the energy of each of the Nine Stars, favorable and unfavorable combinations and how to begin to work with them in your house. Not available at class time? You can still participate! This webinar will be recorded. A link will be sent via email to all participants.

Webinar fee: $27.00

Registration link

Fill in the form and be sure to include your email address so you can be sent a link for class.

Webinar: Monday, March 26th, 2012
Minimizing EMFs in Your Home to Reduce Stress and Improve Health
8:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Contemporary life has introduced high levels of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) into our living and sleeping environments. More and more credible evidence is indicating how our wireless phones, routers, and various devices (including wireless doorbells and alarm systems) are contributing to an increase in physical stress and depleting our immune systems and health. Join this webinar if you would like to learn some simple and practical steps you can take to minimize EMFs in your immediate environment.

Webinar fee: $27.00

Registration link

Fill in the form and be sure to include your email address so you can be sent a link for class.

Girls Night Out!
Just Naturals
, Bedford, NH

March 8 an
Just Naturalsd April 19, 2012
4:00pm - 7:00pm
Mark your calendar! This is a fun evening to take a time-out and pamper yourself or to just stop by and say "Hi!" Several services are complimentary, including 15 minute feng shui consultations, makeovers, reiki and massage. I'll be away on March 8. I will be present on April 19th. Several other wellness practitioners are also there each month! Check it out

Introduction to Feng Shui
Mark Your Calendar . . .
6 week program begins Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Runs through May 16 no . . . no class April 25.
6:30 - 8:30pm

Participate in this six week program if you'd like to learn the basics of feng shui and apply them to your home or office this spring.  If you've tried to learn feng shui on your own and ended upRed Envelopes unsure or confused, this class will help you to sort things out. It's fun, informative and straightforward..

This is an excellent class to re-take to refresh your knowledge and the energy of your home or business. You will learn feng shui at a deeper level.
School for Continuing Education
Salem High School, Salem, NH
Register with Karen Crandell: 603 893-7074
Fee: $45.00 (This is a bargain!!)

Eight Keys to the Ultimately Prosperous Business
8 week Tele-program
Co-taught with Madeline Gerwick, author of The Good Timing Guide
Begins Monday, April 23rd, 2:00pm - 3:15pm Eastern.
From your telephone or computer link.

If you are in business and you'd like to attract more prosperity or create more money or more opportunity, this is the program for you! You will learn some easy ways to shift your energy and open to the prosperous universe.
Early Registration through March 6. Save $40.00!

Movie Recommendation: The Living Matrix
The movie, The Living Matrix - the Science of Healing, provides compelling stories and scientific evidence that your thoughts, beliefs and perceptions influence your well-being and health. I highly recommend you take the time to view it on YouTube. It runs one hour and 23 minutes.
Interviews with Lynne McTaggart, Bruce Lipton and other notable contributors to the growing body of science about the field of consciousness, or intelligence that lies outside your body, are featured in this 123 minute film. The movie also features first hand stories about healing a brain tumor, overcoming kidney problems, healing chronic fatigue and shifting cerebral palsy using alternative energy therapy methods often after mainstream medicine failed to resolve the problem.
Epigenetics, a new field that addresses environmental influences on genetic expressions, is also discussed. Epigenetics studies how changes to cells come from outside the cells. The environment could be your physical environment such as your home or workplace or your influential environment such as family and workplace dynamics. You can use the Feng Shui Bagua, a symbolic map of life issues as a guide to your environment.
In my January newsletter I discuss how to map your body and organ networks to your home. Look for the patterns of physical imbalance in your home and make adjustments or contact me if you would like some help. As more chronic disease is successfully treated through energy and information fields, we may see "Thought Field Therapy" emerge as an accepted mainstream treatment option.

My Blog

Since I'm blogging more frequently now, I decided to mail everyone on this newsletter list a summary of the blog posts once a week. Currently this is sent every Thursday afternoon.

To read them as they are posted, subscribe to the RSS feed or "Like" my Feng Shui Connections Facebook page. They are also posted on Linked In and Twitter so you may also see them there.

Consultations and Related Services 

Please contact me if you are interested in:

Feng Shui Consultations,
Space Clearing or Personal Clearings, 
Short consultations via phone or email,
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
one or more Coaching Sessions on any topic I cover
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class
I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.
Consultations are tailored to your needs.

 March Special:

Focus on CAREER Consultation
$75.00 for one hour (Save $15.00!)

Done via phone.

A great way to bring you and your Career gua into energetic alignment.

Take advantage of this month's special to help you:
 get a job, change jobs or refocus your career.

Contact Peg for more information.

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.

top of page
In this Issue:
Prosperity Affirmation:
"I am grateful for the abundance of resources that flow to me so easily."


Do you know someone living in a dorm or a small space?
Dorm Room Feng Shui  provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Chakras & Feng Shui:
Balancing Inner and Outer Space
Chakras & Feng Shui
This 6 CD set recorded by Karen Kallie and Peg Donahue combines two ageless wisdom traditions. Learn how to read and adjust the patterns of your inner and outer energy. Program includes guides meditations and a manual you can print. Recording and music by Tony Pace.
Available here

Spektral Evidence
The Feng Shui Way
Click the link for an informational interview with Hudson, NH cable TV

Favorite Astrology Perspectives


Other Links of Interest



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Budding trees

Contact Us

Peg (603) 537-9954


Set an intention for your life path or Career

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