A Month to Move Forward!

Published: Wed, 04/04/12

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Hello Everyone,

The shifts we've been experiencing at all levels have been re-vitalizing for some people and unsettling for others. How are you feeling? Enhancing the energy of your home or workplace and creating a supportive, nurturing environment can assist you in every area of your life.
Last week my husband and I had a new front door installed, replaced a sliding door that had foggy glass and corrected a contrary door. A lot of change all at once. We're ready for it though. We initiated  the project in December and everything came together to easily get it done last week. See the before and after photos in the story about doors below.

Much of feng shui is rooted in the wisdom of the I Ching and periodically I like to do a 30 day study of the I Ching. I'm doing it this month and posting it on the Feng Shui Connections Facebook page. I encourage you "Like" the page and check in daily for the Hexagram theme for reflection. It's a great way to study energetic patterns and deepen your understanding of how everything is connected.

Also, on March 7th I published
365 Affirmations for Prosperity as an e-Book. If you are a Kindle Prime member, you can borrow it for free throug
h June 7th. It is also available for purchase to everyone at the introductory price of $1.99. If you read it and like it, I would be delighted if you post a review on Amazon.com.

Enjoy the month of April and this season of rebirth and renewal!


Doors, Doors and More Doors

We had a buzz of activity around my house last week as we installed a new front door, replaced a 27-year old sliding door that had long given us its value, and corrected a contrary door at our mudroom entrance.

From a feng shui perspective, the purpose of a door is to admit positive energy and keep out harmful or negative things. Doors relate to your mouth and also to the respective area where they are located. Your front door is the main "mouth of chi" to your home. It represents the quality of energy comes to you and everyone living in the space. Doors also represent the voice of adults vs. windows, which represent the voice of children. With doors, tune into how chi comes to the door and how the chi flows into the room or the space from the entrance. You want each door to attract good energy and then usher positive energy into the space.

My front door faces northeast, so it bears the burden of our New England winters. We had some wood damage from a buildup of water and ice in this area before installing a gutter a few years ago. My front door also falls in the Career gua and since my husband and I both work from home offices,

it is important to keep the energy high. Take a look at the before and after photos. We chose a composite door and frame that will last for many years to come. The change is timely and feels very good. Our main entrance has returned to a traditional look with narrower sidelights. This matches well with my focus on taking feng shui to the mainstream, with a particular focus on applying feng shui principles to business.

Our kitchen/mudroom door has been a "reverse" or "contrary" door since we renovated the area about 18 years ago. A reverse door is one that opens to a wall or narrow side of the room vs. opening to the larger space. At the time we re-used our original kitchen door and didn't think a bout the direction of the swing. Later as I studied feng shui, I realized the implications of this decision. A door that opens to the narrow side of the room limits energy and opportunities. Although I had hung a mirror as a feng shui adjustment, it is always better to correct a problem at the source. So as long as we were having some work done on other doors, we included this in the project as well. This time we exchanged our kitchen door with a back door, changing the swing of each door so that they now open to the wide part of the house.

The door into our mudroom opens so easily and fully now. It feels great and is ready to welcome family and friends this coming Easter weekend!

The third part of our door project was to replace a worn out sliding door in our family room, which falls into our Relationship gua. A few months ago I told you how this door also reflected a cataract in my left eye. The old door was foggy on the left and clear on the right. The new door is clear, solid and tight. It feels great. I'll have my eye checked again at the end of April. I'm visualizing a positive and encouraging outcome.

We initiated the door project during winter, a season of depth and reflection. It got completed during early spring, a season of new beginnings. Very nice synchronicity all the way around.


We have several welcome shifts this month. The planet Mercury moves direct on April 4 and Mars begins to move forward again on April 14. You need to allow a few days to move through a stationery and settling in period when planets move forward after being retrograde, and the same is true this month. Daily energy improves on April 4th and 14th but it really takes off as of April 21.

The April 21 new moon in Taurus provides an opportunity to further develop your talent and abilities as they relate to making money. According to Simone Butler and her Astro Feng Shui system, this correlates with the Wealth and Prosperity gua, the back left area of your home and workplace. This is a nice extension of March's focus on Career.

During April, visualize your talents and abilities generating income for you, as you do work that you love. Re-energize your Wealth and Prosperity gua by giving it a thorough spring cleaning. Repair, remove or toss out anything that is broken, remove all cobwebs, wash your windows and curtains, thin out excess paper and magazines, etc. Assess the flow of energy in this area and perhaps re-arrange the furniture if doing so would feel better or uplift the chi of the area. In my house my basement bulkhead is located in this area. It needs to be painted. So it the weather cooperates, I'll get it done before the April 21 new moon. If not, I'll do it as soon as the weather warms up.

Enhancements for the Wealth and Prosperity area include: fresh flowers or green plants; the colors purple, red, green or gold; amethyst, malachite or citrine crystals; a wind chime or an object that introduces movement; something that reminds you or prosperity or blessings;  a treasure box; moving water or virtual water; a water image; a Vision Board.

Have fun energizing your Wealth area. You can tune into the results beginning with the May 5 new moon.

 Readers' Q & A ...
Q: How do you apply feng shui principles when you are living in someone else's home?  My husband and I have lived in two different furnished homes since we relocated to the southwest.  They've both been very nice houses and it's been a wonderful experience in many ways, but it also means living with someone else's taste in furniture, colors, decor, art, etc. Do their energy and intentions carry over to us? I have tried to be conscious of where I place our belongings, but I am always aware that we're living in someelse's home. Submitted by GW.

A: Thank you for your question, GW. As more and more people relocate or house sit for others, they may find themselves in similar situations. Everything is made up of energy, so each of us is impacted by the energy of the spaces we occupy as well as our own energy that we carry with us. So yes, the energy of the space and the energy of residual beliefs and intentions do influence you when you occupy someone else's home for extended periods of time.

Feng shui is about the quality of chi and chi flow.  Ideally, you want the chi of a space to match well with your intentions as you occupy each space ... which can vary widely. You may want a healing space to be quiet and reflective while a work space might be active and energizing. A vacation spot would also carry a very different feel than a home you plan to occupy for a longer period of time.

I recommend that you set a few intentions for your time in this space and overlay them on the bagua. Next survey each area and assess the energy. If the energy is low or stagnant take a few steps to shift the chi while respecting the owner's property. This might involve vacuuming, dusting, washing some windows, sweeping the front entrance, etc. I recently spent two weeks at a home in San Diego. The homeowner is often away and as a result, stagnant chi had set in. While I was there I re-energized the space by sweeping and weeding the front and back patios, washing the windows, thoroughly cleaning the kitchen counters, refrigerator and stove, and doing some extra vacuuming. These activities took a short amount of time and made a big difference. My husband and I enjoyed our time in the home and the homeowner was delighted when he returned, just before we left.

I love to re-energize spaces with a vase of fresh flowers or a live green or flowing plant. I find that this is one of the fastest ways to shift the chi. Re-arranging the furniture is another option to create better chi flow, if it's do-able. When you shift the chi of a space, your energy shifts as well shift.
If you will be occupying someone else space for an extended period of time, a space clearing may be in order. Space clearing is a technique that clears stagnant energy and harmonizes the environment at very deep levels. Space clearing helps to shifts the residual energy and entrenched patterns that are result of people living or working in the space, events that have taken place there, thoughts, beliefs, memory patterns, naturally occurring earth events, and more. Simple approaches to space clearing involve opening all the windows and letting a breeze blow through, playing classical or spiritual music that carries a high vibration, ringing a bell, drumming or clapping your hands throughout the house to dislodge stagnant chi from corners, vacuuming thoroughly (particularly all corners high and low).

If you are new to space clearing, I recommend Christan Hummel's Do It Your Self Space Clearing Kit. It includes a CD with a one-hour meditation. This would be excellent for the circumstance you describe. This method helps you to connect to the energy of the earth, which is what you really want to do in each space. As we harmonize and balance our spaces with nature and the earth, we begin to bring ourselves into balance as well. As we do, our lives flow more easily. You may notice more coincidences, an increase in synchronicity and more things going your way.

Space clearing is one of the services I provide, both onsite and remotely. If you are new to space clearing or have not been trained in it, consider having your space cleared professionally.

During the month of April I am offering Remote Space Clearings for $85 for both new and repeat spaces. This is a significant savings, if you'd like to experience the benefits.

Would you like your question answered in the April newsletter? If so, send it along to me via email or Facebook. Contact me if you would like to discuss a particular situation.

Employing feng shui tools and techniques is an excellent way to create a supportive and nurturing environment. Tuning into astrological cycles also helps to bring your energy into alignment with the cosmos.

The first two weeks of April are an ideal time to complete, polish, and wrap your strategic plan for the next two years. Mars Retrograde ends on April 13th. If this cycle is new to you refer to my
February newsletter for details.

Mercury Retrograde ends on April 3. It stalls at this time and takes a few days before moving forward again. If you need any convincing about the best activities to engage in while Mercury is retrograde, reflect on the last three weeks (since March 12th). Delays, communication mix-ups, and problems with electronics and contracts are typical during this period. Mercury retrograde periods (three times each year) are excellent times to re-do, re-consider, repair, review and re-work many things. Vacations are also fine. Mercury Retrograde periods generally occur three times annually. The next cycle is July 15- August 7. Mark your calendar.
We are also experiencing the influence of Neptune in her home territory of Pisces through from February 2012 through 2025. This is a big deal as it represents a significant societal shift. Neptune represents spirituality, transcendence, the oceans, images, oil, movies and TV, music, artistic pursuits, shoes, alcohol, coffee, and other beverages, and drugs of all types. Neptune was last in Pisces in 1848, 164 years ago. Neptune in Pisces offers opportunities to heal core wounds. This is a nice time to move forward with grace and ease, releasing all that no longer serves your highest good.

Pre-Order Your 2012 Good Timing Guide
If you like to use Madeline Gerwick's annual Good Timing Guide, you get the best prices when you pre-order the 2013 guide prior to April 27th. This is the only sale of the year and you can save a bit of money, particularly if you order multiple copies for others in your family or business. Madeline uses the pre-orders to fund the printing of the Guide, so your order helps her to help us! My order always includes a printed guide, an online version (for when I travel or am away from my office) and the Newsletters. The Newsletters always include additional information and updates as the year unfolds.

Consultations and Related Services 

Please contact me if you are interested in:

Feng Shui Consultations,
Space Clearing or Personal Clearings, 
Short consultations via phone or email,
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class
I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.
Consultations are tailored to your needs.

 April Special:

Remote Space Clearings: $85.00
(save $65 on first time clearings; save $15 on repeat spaces)

Clear and shift the energy of your home or office
Take advantage of this month's special to help you:
Clear entrenched patterns and align your intentions with your space.

Contact Peg for more information.

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.

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In this Issue:
Prosperity Affirmation:
"My prosperity increases as I share with others."

 April Events

Feng Shui Workshop ... 2012: The Year of Change
Balancing and Aligning You and Your Space
Date: Wednesday, April 4
Time: 6:45 - 8:30 pm
Location: Just Naturals, 176 South River Road, Bedford, NH
Fee: $20
To sign up call 603-606-1345 today!

Emotional Freedom & Healing Anger Release Teleclass
Date: Wednesday, April11
Time: 9:00pm EDT
Location: Your Telephone
Fee: $25

Business Teleclass Program
Eight Keys to the Ultimately Prosperous Business
Dates: Mondays, April 23-June 18
Time: 2:00 - 3:15pm
Location: Your Telephone
Bring a Friend Special Through April 15th: Bring a friend and both save $40 off!
A Study Guide is provided for each class and all sessions are recorded for your convenience.

 Complimentary Evening: Girls Night Out
Date: Thursday, April 19
Time: 4:00 - 7:00pm
Location: Just Naturals
Call to Register: 603-606-1345
This is a fun evening filled with many complimentary services, including 15 minute feng shui consultations.

Chinese Dinner and Lecture:
Feng Shui Rudiments
Date: Thursday, April 26
Time: 6:30 - 7:30pm
Location: China Blossom, 946 Osgood St (Rt 125), North Andover, MA
Enjoy a complimentary lecture with dinner from China Blossom's menu.
Come and join guest speaker, Peg Donahue, for this fun and informative evening. She will discuss the fundamentals of feng shui and its meaning in Chinese culture. You'll learn about what contributes to environments that have positive "chi," the most important areas of your home, and simply ways to enhance your space. Bring a friend and any questions you have.
RSVP: Reservations are necessary. Please call 978-682-2242 for more information or to make your reservation.



Do you know someone living in a dorm or a small space?
Dorm Room Feng Shui  provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Chakras & Feng Shui:
Balancing Inner and Outer Space
Chakras & Feng Shui
This 6 CD set recorded by Karen Kallie and Peg Donahue combines two ageless wisdom traditions.
Learn how to read and adjust the patterns of your inner and outer energy. Program includes guides meditations and a manual you can print. Recording and music by Tony Pace.
Available here

Favorite Astrology Perspectives


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Contact Us

Peg (603) 537-9954

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